Nothing makes visitors want to kill you faster than forcing their browser into Kiosk mode.
-Stoic Joker
I found something worse and used it on my first site. It was a desktop wallpaper site that had a unique way of demoing the wallpapers before you made the decision to apply it to your desktop. Using javascript that only worked correctly in IE 5 & 6, it would stretch the full sized wallpaper, full screen (with a button to close it and return to the original page).
The problem was with AOL users. The AOL browser, while IE based, didn't support opening pages full screen. Now if all it did was cause AOL to crash, it would have been bad enough, causing one to lose all their open pages, unsaved email drafts, open IM conversations, and losing your internet connection.
But no, it was worse than cause a BSOD when viewed in the AOL browser, forcing one to have to reboot.