Why does Suzie B. get a special designation? What about the non-"silver-dollar" modern dollar coins, i.e., Sacagawea and the new Presidential ones?
What about a "custom" type for, e.g, foreign currency?
Additional designations might be nice. This could be a simple "more info" text box, or...
The app could have tags to catalog rare coins. I'm no expert, but after looking through a few Wikipedia entries, these would be good designations:
- year
- mint marks [mostly just P or D nowadays, but for completeness: (P)hiladelphia, (D)enver [or (D)ahlonega for some gold coins minted between 1838-1861], (S)an Francisco, (W)est Point, (C)harlotte, (CC) Carson City, (O) New Orleans, and (M)anila]
- quality: e.g., FDC, BU, UNC, EF, VF, F, fair, poor (though maybe it ought to be a simple text box as people apparently use prefixes, like A for "about" or VN for "very nearly," or G for "good")
- variation (for other designations, etc.) [simple text box]
- state represented (for 1999-2008 quarters)
- territory represented (for 2009 quarters)
- national site represented (for 2010-2021 quarters)
- Westward Journey design (for 2004-2005 nickels)
- president represented (for 2007-present Presidential dollars)
- Native American theme represented (for 2009-present Sacagawea dollars)
These can be searchable criteria, but you could also add a set of algorithms to determine the
variety of the coin if the year tag exists, e.g, the bicentennial quarters and half-dollars (if the year is 1975-1976), or the different types of pennies: wheat pennies (1909-1958), Lincoln memorial (1959-2008), Lincoln bicentennial (2009), Union shield (2010-present), etc.
...Just "don't take any wooden nickels."