I have a few feature requests... Apologies if they've already been asked for.
1. Do not remember "full screen" as the last used resolution. It's a bit annoying when the program starts up un-maximized but still takes up the entire screen.
2. Faster skips for files with saved checksums. It takes over 10 mins to go through 10k or so files that already have saved checksums when using "verify new files only" (Win 7 x64, Core i5, 8GB RAM, 7200RPM Seagate drive). I'm not sure why that is---if this is all in memory, it should very fast. If GUI is the issue, update it less frequently?
If this is not possible, then it'd be nice to enable saving an SFV without reverifying or skipping files that already have saved checksums. That is, the SFV is generated using "checksum" where possible and "saved checksum" otherwise, throwing a warning only when neither "checksum" nor "saved checksum" exist. So for example, if I load an SFV, I can immediately save it with no warnings. (Right now, it warns when "checksum" fields are empty, even when "saved checksum" is present.)
My use case is CRC'ing an entire drive and occasionally appending/adding CRCs of new files by first loading an existing SFV and drag-n-dropping the drive (or its folders). Ideally, files already with checksums can be skipped very quickly. If not, I'd (want to) sort by saved checksum, calculate it for the new files, sort by filepath, and save a new SFV without reverifying/skipping the existing ones.
3. Allow the comment to display "This file has been modified" when a file's modified timestamp is later than the SFV's creation timestamp. If the timestamp metadata is pulled together with file size when scanning files, there should be no performance penalty. Though, I'd understand if you think this bloats the program in a negative way.
Thanks for all your hard work.