Carol, any progress with the networking? I might try playing around over the weekend if I get some time.
Anyway, I got around to doing a pretty full VMWare setup for the stuff I need on my laptop (which is somewhat less than my workstation, but still quite a lot - visual studio, sql server express, you name it - ~24GB disk image). Tested it superficially on my testing box, then deployed on my laptop. Didn't inject any drivers when doing the "P2P Adjust", had to install intel chipset drivers + intel graphics drivers +
ACPIHIDMAPPER driver, and that resolved all that was missing. So far, everything seems good, but I'll test it properly for a couple of days before jumping to conclusions.
Certainly hope it works out well, so I can construct an image for my workstation... 5 days until the Win7 RC runs out, heh. Took me a couple of days speccing the requirements for the laptop image, can reuse most of that for the workstation - but it'll probably take two days of work sorting out the rest + creating image. Woop.