I found, maybe, other bug. I translate in better Italian but some things are not translated as lists in dock shape.
When I translate i find<section name="MainContextMenu">... <entry name="Explore">Explore Item's Folder</entry>, it's a future feature?
The feature is there, and I believe it was you who requested it! However it would appear that for some reason that text did not get translated originally. I've just checked the latest translation files - there are two for Italian - and one gives "Esplorare cartella dell'oggetto" and the other "Esplora cartella dell'elemento".
I don't find about translation (I use english to understand each other) but I had not found the option in menu but now I find it. When you click "item setting" it opens a new menu with other option, can you add an option to chose if "item setting" opens a new menu or the new menu is merged directly in main one?
1- Loading Setting splashscreen backgrund is wait and not trasparent (I think is an error)-Rigel
The splash screen is not intended to be transparent.
Excuse me, I see grey shading on white background so I think white should be transparent, my apologies.
2- If setting window is open and you click setting again the spash screen appear again instead of moving on top the setting window
I'm not seeing that here although that was a bug in a pre-release which I found and removed.
I try again and if I click "setting" the Setting Dialog came to front but on bottom the splash screen reappear.
3- Dock item initial positions:- Using thier Deafult Position, from top and from bottom: draw item correctly but when you scroll the item jump to opposite side of a ring
- From right and from left works.
Sorry, I am unable to reproduce that behaviour.
I had tried so: With Setting dialog opened I change option and try to move mouse wheel and the items jump. I try all the option.
I appreciate your effort which arose, I think, because the original Italian translations still contained some words/phrases in English. This has been rectified in Version which is available for download.
For Google, Bing and all other automatic translator is impossible to translate in Italian becouse my language is to complex and some accent or word not have a traslation or have too much possibility and some too distant from the real meaning. For example the word "Toogle" create me many difficulty and I don't find already a translation that soddisfy me.
Where can i download the version I download again CD and the dll but there'are the same errors.