You might be on to something there - I usually install to D:\Program Files when an installer gives the option and I am not plagued by UAC prompts either.-Carol Haynes
When Vista was released a lot of older games wouldn't work unless you installed them somewhere other than C:\Program Files.
(The following is not addressed to Carol, but just general discussion to carry on the thread)
I'm sure the state of development that UAC is in now is not the end of the road. There'll be enhancements and tweaks going forward. I'm sure MS is just easing everyone into this kind of OS security, developers and users alike. I wouldn't be surprised if one day MS released an OS where UAC could not be adjusted or turned off.
People pining for the days of how things worked in XP and before just need to get over it. Running as super-admin/root all the time is never a good idea under any circumstances. Before someone pipes up and tries to point one out...the answer is no. You're wrong. What you think might be a valid circumstance is just software that needs to be re-written to do things the right way.
Fifteen years from now we'll all be looking back at how quaint XP was for running users as root all the time much like we look back at Windows 3.1 and think how quaint it was.