The second screenshot.
From the desktop
The program don't find listas.bat, that obviously is in the same disk and directory as in all my PC. I have three pc.......

and perhaps in 04.2014 i will have a clever mobile samsung S5 or similar with sensors....

exe behaviour
I don't have the source code. I known made me the exe file.
and the bat file is source known but listas.exe another known give me instructions not to give explanations (things of programmers of course). But I have to take into considerations and rispect)
The bat code
rem primer intento fallido
rem echo off
rem exit
echo off
I am waiting for the code to interpret a chain.
I can't give the code is not mine and not allowed to give.
It's a programmer in C from a dissapeared forum, but I have a forum where he goes often. I can tell but if goes well in other pc..... the problem is in the desktop pc.
Just I can't