Please excuse my interruption…
Sir Agentsteal I tried the program at our office and I encountered a problem but it’s my fault sir, I forgot to mention that
the line must be cleared of whitespaces at the beginning of every line before truncating it…
Example I opted for a length of 7 characters it will turn like in the example below, from…
6541843212 werljlkj kljwler lkjwerl werlejrlwekr kljwlekrewr
46544521 sdflkfdjl lksdjklfjdslk fkjkdk kjk jjjdksfwer
234655 jldskfjd ksjfkfj kkdjdkfkd
123456789 jkdshkf khsdkjfhjkdsf
And Sir may I add one more thing can you
delete any characters separated from the truncated line? Please see example below…
Example I opted for a length of 7 characters it will turn like in the example below, from…
12345 extra words blah blah blah blah
1234567 blah blah blah blah blah
1234 extra extra read all about it
12345678 long numbers blah blah blah
Line 1: The letter 'e' that was included in the block but separated was deleted as well
Line 2: Normal truncation
Line 3: The characters 'ex' that was included in the block but separated was deleted as well
Line 4: Normal truncation and removes any extra line breaks and white spaces at the end
One more thing Sir… can you make it
automatically process and copies the result text to the Clipboard when you press Ctrl + Enter?
Thanks a lot Sir Agensteal for helping me out… Take your time Sir… I can assure you a lot of people in the office will benefit from this software Sir… Any feedbacks for the coming version will be reported to you ASAP Sir, Thanks again!