jake781. Right mouse click on topbar -> menu with
blurry items,
2. "Plugins manager" -> fonts looks strange but it's hard to describe what is wrong with them
3. Maximum size of TextBox in PM is limited to columns width. Wouldn't it be better to give max. width at the beginning? I had thought something went wrong with GUI until I realized it resizes automatically on typing.
4. Launcher plugin -> loading folder sometimes kills explorer.exe process here just after closing its opened window,
5. Launcher plugin -> it would be nice to have folders with "browse" feature (you can add single folder, select proper checkbox and… have all subfolders as submenus),
6. clicking on "Information" icon in top left corner gives nothing,
7. it would be nice to have right "Close" icon as plugin (just to switch it off),
8. "down arrows" (next to Information and Close) do nothing,
9. alignment option would be nice - that way I could have some information shown on right,
10. no plugins SDK