Thanks jgpaiva! Well I just tried it out on my dual monitor setup. It really messed things up!
When I first started it up, all my windows moved off my 2nd monitor onto my primary monitor. Then when I would drag a window back onto the second monitor using the standard windows drag method (not DragScreen), it would jump around from where I let go of it.
So then I decided just to try out the DragScreen by holding the Windows key. It worked, but my windows were still in screwy positions from when I first started it. Also, I'm using UltraMon and I have a task bar on my second monitor. The task bar got moved to the primary monitor (upon first starting it up) and it was included in all the windows being dragged around.
Okay I just played around with it a little more. It seems to move all my windows to the left (I'm guessing) about 768 pixels. My current resolution on both monitors is 1280x1024 and it's not quite a full screen move to the left. So then I tried to drag Firefox back into its correct position on my second monitor and when I let go of the mouse button it jumped a couple hundred pixels to the left of where I dropped it. After that all windows seemed to drag normally. Please note that as of this point in the process I have not tried using DragScreen's features. I've just dragging windows normally, one at a time.
Once I get past that weird part, including the fact that my "taskbar" on my second monitor gets dragged around, and I start dragging everything around the screen and off the screen, this ahk seems to work really well.
I remember in the post you mentioned to nudone how to check for window class to be added/removed from the exceptions. I'll read over that again and report back on the UltraMon taskbar so it can be added to exceptions so it won't move around.
So, to do the window spy thingy I had to install AHK. So now the compiled version isn't necessary for me. Ha!