Software > Post New Requests Here
bigger screen area than monitor size - with quick scroll features
Sorry i haven't updated, i haven't been home recently.
The name i chose is just a working name, so that it wouldn't be unnamed. You are free to find something better. Actually, please do ;)
no rush. just very glad you can work on it whenever you can.
here's another feature suggestion - maybe a good idea - maybe not.
as the program involves moving your windows around into a satisfactory layout before you start using the 'giant screen', it would be helpful to make moving an individual window quicker/easier to position.
what i mean is that although you can quite easily move a single window in the usual manner by dragging the title bar - it would be easier if you could drag a window by dragging it from anywhere within its own window - NOT just the title bar.
i've seen this done with utils before, i.e. you hold a key down and then just click and drag within the window and then the window moves just like you had dragged it using the title bar.
i think being able to do this would make the positioning of the windows on the 'grid' a lot easier. you could easily adjust the position of windows that were only slightly visible on screen without having to drag everything over to see the window titlebar.
(a key combo like win + alt + mouse click could be used to invoke the function.)
Is there any way this .ahk can be compiled to an .exe for those of us crazy enough not to have AHK installed?
I'm sorry for still not having updated this, i hope to do it soon.
Deozaan: the reason why i didn't add a compiled version is because this is highly experimental material :)
I added it now ;)
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