hello everybody
sorry for digging out
maybe exhumation or excavation would be more appropriate
this post is probably a bit long, sorry for that
I'd like to know if you have any new system or software about tagging files
'cause it's becoming a real (and "real" is a tiny euphemism) mess in my hard drives/computers and so on
thank you very much armando for all your ideas
so far I'm still in the folder style organisation, but it is not possible anymore
I've started to tag web pages I save localy with the firefox extension zotero
I know it is not intended for that but it allows tags, highlights, notes, keep the url, would probably be transferable easily on mac or linux (I'm on xp)
but it is a bit slow, it is a database (how robust ?) and I don't know if it is searchable from outside 'cause I'm not yet using any local search engine
and I'm starting to tag bookmarks with firefox 3.5, but I'm still a noob
are they searchable from any search engine ? don't know
plus evernote : tagging possibilities, but same question about search
I tried a while ago tag2find, tagg or ultrafolder but abandonned them : too slow, too complicated, too many clicks, too database, too proprietary, too simple, too...
so the ****ing mess style is now my way to organise things (very useful, efficient, not time consuming at all...
I read this topic and probably need to reread it I think (almost everything in it is new to me)
but so far, armando, you convinced me that tags within the file name is the only robust solution (actually I thought that before but was too lazy or ignorant to do sth)
I think I understand (but not completely sure
) what you mean by
the abcz system and your tag/metatag system
the expandable text capability of autohotkey
I have to try to really use farr (it is installed but not used)
about local search engine, are you still using archivarius or x1 ?
I think the renaming capabilities of xyplorer are good enough for me
and I like the ability to color files (kind of temporary tags for me)
I thought that creating a .txt file for each file could have been a solution to avoid the length limitation on the name, to create note, to paste a url, to be searchable
but it is probably a bad solution 'cause nobody is doing so, I guess it is too long but maybe could be automated, and also 'cause I've never been able to use the hardlink possibility with ntfs, besides this hardlinking possibility is probably not portable
and lastly what about bookmarks, zoteros, and evernotes ?
well, many questions but I'm lost and your help will be highly appreciated
this topic is, on the web, what I've found the deepest about tagging files
I'm really surprised that there is not a damn software that would do the trick
I don't know, something like a multiplatorm soft embedding files or adding a couple of bytes to each file to allow hard tagging
I have to say that I know nothing in programming or computer stuff, I'm just a user, so if you feel I'm saying stupid things, you can tell me, I won't be offended
that's all for now
huhh, that's long... thank you if read till the end, and double thanx if you do answer