We got this screen-control program in our scholl for teacher to lock-up our screens and stuff.
When this happends, we can`t do anything :/.
So, i was thinking if there is anyway to shut this program down to my computer in school when it starts?
I mean, that there`s got to be some kind of client in my pc which teacher connects with that program, so I though if I could shut that down or something?
We have very strict restrictions for deleting/modifying stuff in school`s pc`s, but we can use command-line and run programs.
So I think that it could be possible to shut this program down, by making some kind of program, which I could plant to my memory stick and when I put that to pc, the screen-control will shut down on my pc??
Thanks for help
P.S I wan`t this kind of thing, because of fun
Not for shutting it down every-time and not to follow education, but for fun