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Living Room / Re: How many countries represented here on DC ?
« Last post by kovi2 on May 18, 2009, 04:34 PM »
General Software Discussion / Re: Thinking about buying Visual Studio 2008
« Last post by kovi2 on February 26, 2009, 12:11 PM »
May worth to have a look at
You can get all Microsoft product for almost free.
General Software Discussion / Re: Calendar Math, which language to use?
« Last post by kovi2 on December 27, 2008, 07:41 AM »
Yes, that often happens when one to make a GUI for a multi-purpose function. Unfortunately for the Player it's necessary since the free Player does not allow explicit inputs. So my last offer in this theme is something like
and of course the already seen calendar view can be inserted as well. If it's still not flexible enough then you really should try iZeit, I agree... ;)
General Software Discussion / Re: Calendar Math, which language to use?
« Last post by kovi2 on December 26, 2008, 04:13 PM »
So I can imagine something similar.
General Software Discussion / Re: Calendar Math, which language to use?
« Last post by kovi2 on December 26, 2008, 02:07 AM »
You know this is very close to the question I'd proposed in the first post. So it does seem good. I also recently saw some article about mathematica's awesome image processing capabilities so maybe this is a worthwhile tool to have around... i'll have to check it out. Thanks for the info, and let me know if you come across the calendar output.
OK, I will.
I checked it out, mathematica retails for $1,750, so it's not a good idea unless you already have access to it . However it does have a  Free Mathematica player, maybe if you create a "notebook" we can play with it in the player? I don't know how it really works. But apparently you can publish apps in it.
Yes, unfortunately it's not among the cheapest software. If you saw it somewhere for $1,750, that's still not bad since in their own online store it would be $2,495... (Fortunately I manged to get it few years before for the fraction of the original price, and since I just keep it upgraded as I use it for work.)

My first idea was to put a solution to a webMathematica-driven website where either some GUI would be implemented or a webservice (SOAP) could provide the requested information. But yes, you are right, I could create a small application which you can use with the free Player as well.
Yes, Mathematica 7 is out and I've been using it already. :)
Placing graphics to equations were already possible in version 6. One application can be when you put graphics to commands which operates on them. (Apply filters, partitioning, etc.)

Then, I suppose you are rather into statistical applications, aren't you?
General Software Discussion / Re: Calendar Math, which language to use?
« Last post by kovi2 on December 25, 2008, 06:49 AM »
Hmmm... that sounds great... how did you propose the question to mathematica? Will i have to learn a specialized syntax? Can you show the example above...
also can it output a calendar with the dates highlighted?
The syntax would be easy: you want to have the first Sats from each month, you can use SelectDays[2009, {Saturday}, 1] or the one before the last one then SelectDays[2009, {Saturday}, -2] (as such -1 means the last one). The calendar output can also be solvable as my time permits. But I see iZeist could better be your choice.
General Software Discussion / Re: Calendar Math, which language to use?
« Last post by kovi2 on December 24, 2008, 05:08 PM »
Would a webservice or a webpage be useful for you? In the next weeks I'm planning to start my page with some interesting features. This could be one of them.

Btw. your questions can easily be answered with Mathematica (maybe not a usual choice for this, but I do almost everything in Mathematica :))
Eg. the first one: {{2009,1,3},{2009,2,7},{2009,3,7},{2009,4,4},{2009,5,2},{2009,6,6},{2009,7,4},{2009,8,1},{2009,9,5},{2009,10,3},{2009,11,7},{2009,12,5}}
Living Room / Re: Christmas Gift Ideas Under $25... Make a List!
« Last post by kovi2 on December 23, 2008, 03:51 PM »
Cannot help mentioning the strange website (posted already in another forum) where they say time can be a gift, lol:
Would any of you think they will sell one? :D
Living Room / Re: Weird websites
« Last post by kovi2 on December 20, 2008, 02:57 AM »
That depends on how many minutes they have sold.

True, indeed; I think only few would have thought that the another guy could sell pixels...
Living Room / Re: Weird websites
« Last post by kovi2 on December 19, 2008, 01:23 PM »
I came across the following funny website. According to its description you can buy time??? OMG!  :D

These guys must be insane :)
A year has passed and no-one posted anything. Does anybody use this tool? I'd be very curious of experiences.
Best Text Editor / Re: Boxer Text Editor
« Last post by kovi2 on March 20, 2008, 01:59 AM »
Yes, I certainly do have UTF-8 support on the to-do list.
-Boxer Software (January 07, 2008, 12:10 PM)
Hahaa, it's there, really. Will give another try.
Best Text Editor / Re: Boxer Text Editor
« Last post by kovi2 on January 08, 2008, 12:56 AM »
Programming languages should only accept US-ASCII for variable names etc., and imho shouldn't support any of UTF/UCS even for literal strings. It's plain evil. If you want internationalization, do the proper thing and use external files.
Consider that the so-called 'internationalization' is interesting if your native/target language does not need any extra characters and to support other languages is an extra. But for those who develop software primarily not for English area (and for them to support e.g. English is an extra if they add it at all) then they do need UTF/Unicode. Of course, not for variables (even for me it seems useless) but for strings for sure. If you write some special stuff for a local company where everybody prefers one language only (and if it's not English) then you maybe don't want to be bothered by external resources.
Best Text Editor / Re: Boxer Text Editor
« Last post by kovi2 on January 07, 2008, 04:08 PM »
Obviously, I hope you didn't get me wrong.
Furthermore it's better not to have some functionality than to have one suffering from several errors. And especially Unicode support is quite sensitive... There are a big bunch of soft on the field who claim support for that but in real they do not.

2. I saw there's project handling in Boxer. Is it possible (even through macro script) to jump to the definition of a function from the place of its call?
Best Text Editor / Re: Boxer Text Editor
« Last post by kovi2 on January 07, 2008, 12:37 PM »
Never...ask...a...programmer...that...question ;)
I know I know... ;)
But I'm asked that, too all the times. Even worse I have to issue a timeplan sometimes. :mad:
I also have to admit that sometimes it is useful... :-\

So we will see! :) Considering everything it's enough to know that it's gonna be there soon.
Best Text Editor / Re: Boxer Text Editor
« Last post by kovi2 on January 07, 2008, 12:22 PM »
So it's coming, but it's not "imminent."
-Boxer Software (January 07, 2008, 12:10 PM)

Cannot you tell us an estimate, can you? Weeks, months?....  :-[
Best Text Editor / Re: Boxer Text Editor
« Last post by kovi2 on January 07, 2008, 12:20 PM »
Python does as well though, doesn't it?
Yes, it does support (but does not require, of course).

And yes, UTF/Unicode support is necessary for many text-based work, not only for programming. To be honest for that alone I wouldn't require that (since I code in English exclusively. Indeed, even for some computer-related work one needs that too, as you just mentioned XML for instance). But if I wish to write text in my native language than it's unavoidable nowadays. (e.g. ő,ű,Ő,Ű, etc.)
Best Text Editor / Re: Boxer Text Editor
« Last post by kovi2 on January 07, 2008, 07:45 AM »
Right... there's no UTF/Unicode support in Boxer at this time.  Sorry.
-Boxer Software (July 03, 2007, 10:10 AM)

This thread seems to be abandoned. Hope you read it yet, David. I'm looking around to get a new text editor (I've been a big XEmacs-user... maybe not that big since I admit that for some purposes it's better to have some more 'regular' editor). Even commercial editors can enter the scene and I evaluated Boxer (too), and it seems quite useful for me. However that UTF/Unicode support... Well, do you plan to add that?

I use Notepad++ too on Windows, but I would be lost without TextMate on OS X and I'd pay for it on Windows if it was available...

You may want to have a look:
Living Room / Re: Taking "digital" notes during a lecture
« Last post by kovi2 on December 24, 2007, 01:21 PM »
You may give a try to Mathematica ( where it's very easy to typeset any technical text (even nontechnical). Price is high, howere there are student-licences and depending on the university you are attending it's also possible to have access in frame of site licence.
There is an other nice package called WorkLife FrameWork ( for Mathematica where you can organize your work (and notes, too).

If you rather are a text-geek :) then you can simply type your text into LaTeX and then 'texify' into beautiful typeset documents.
If it is not that already...
I'm a big user of Mathematica. Notebook concept origins from that indeed (which is a very useful concept, I must add). I experienced with maxima in the past and I think if I hadn't been using Mathematica at the time maybe I would have started using that.
What I like in Mathematica is that there are load of useful information available online and printed (yes, that's true for lot of other systems, too) and can be used almost all areas of Mathematica (at least at those areas where I'm interested in).
Above I read that Mathematica lacks linear algebra, abstract algebra and number theory. I'm not certainly sure about it since I've already solved both lin.alg and abstract alg. problems. I will definitely have a look in Sage's documentation what features it offers (there can be some, though... but to establish a standalone software because it would be missing from Mathematica, I don't know). Even the most sophisticated algorithms can be implemented easily in Mathematica.
Disadvantage is that you may need some time to get accustomed to that not to use loops and other C-like structures because Mathematica encourages one to use functional approach where you can solve almost everything with several powerful operators (or functionals as one could call).
Graphical opportunities are great and symbolic calculations are incredible (not necessarily about symbolic integrations and the like, but the symbolic approach how you can formulate a specific problem).

Again, a big disadvantage is the price. For me, the only one. However, companies often buy it (in my very neighbourhood there was a company who bought it with an additional package and that spared 4 engineer-months for them at the first time).

And what I don't like in Mathematica is the big hype around Wolfram and Wolfram Research.  :-\ But their soft still is great :)

If Sage addresses the same paradigm as Mathematica then it could evolve into a gem.
General Software Discussion / Re: Top 3 programs you use
« Last post by kovi2 on August 11, 2007, 02:59 PM »
It's hard to pick up only 3, it is.

But after some consideration I finally would choose:
1. Wolfram Mathematica (5.2 and 6)
2. DOpus 9
3. WebSite-Wathcer

(all are legal before you ask  :) )

There would be some other tools I use on regular basis but these are the most important ones among those...
Thanks a lot for this link. I've been interested in typography a year ago or so and it's hard to find good material on the topic. It's a good intro.
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