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General Software Discussion / Re: Software to AVOID!
« Last post by Centauri27 on July 30, 2007, 03:22 PM »
I use this moderately effective driver update program called Driver Genius Professional. It's a commercial app that was in the version 6.x range when I bought it. I received a couple of program updates which installed and ran normally. Then they decided to get greedy (and stupid)--they slipped in a newer "pay again" version 7 as an update. I downloaded and installed it only to find my product just reverted to trialware!

Man did this tick me off! To have a paid-for product suddenly go trial, with no warning or opportunity to install in parallel, that's unethical and sleazy. So I promptly yanked the new version off and reinstalled the older version (which I kept a copy of luckily, as the vendor had thoughtfully removed from their web site).
Find And Run Robot / Re: License Key is Invalid
« Last post by Centauri27 on March 22, 2006, 11:47 AM »
Oh--and one more thing: I tried your manual registration method by creating the *.dat file in the FARR folder. The results are somewhat uneven: when you run the FARR tray helper afterwards, it still shows the generic "enter a license key" text--no sign that it recognized the license key. But when I run the standalone app, the Help | About shows my full registration info.

Just thought you'd like to know.

Thanks again for creating such a wonderfully useful app. I can't imagine using Windows without it!

Find And Run Robot / Re: License Key is Invalid
« Last post by Centauri27 on March 21, 2006, 11:48 PM »
Hey Mouser--

I'm having the exact same problem: first time I've seen it happen when installing a new FARR. "Failed to save license key information; check to see if you have permission to write to the application directory." it says. I have full write access to my hard drive!

While I'm at it, may I request that you put some more "smarts" into the installation process? I tried to install FARR v1.09.04 while a previous version was still running. Normally, most installers would detect this and automatically close down the current TSR. But FARR just gave this cryptic "cannot delete file" message. Took me a couple of tries before I realized I had to manually close down the old FARR tray app first!

Even stranger: when the first installation failed, I thought I had to manually uninstall the old version first. But when I went to the Add/Remove Control Panel applet, the entry for FARR was gone! So the aborted install seemed to remove the entry first.

Hope this helps.

ProcessTamer / Here's a stubborn program
« Last post by Centauri27 on October 31, 2005, 04:37 PM »
Mouser, you were asking about stubborn programs... I've noticed that SystemSuite 6 does not get tamed even when it hogs most of the CPU. Unfortunately, this a commercial app that doesn't have any free previews (I think), so you'll have to buy it if you don't already have it.
ProcessTamer / Process Tamer affecting Internet connection?
« Last post by Centauri27 on October 31, 2005, 04:13 PM »
The following are just seat-of-the-pants observations right now...

I've been using PT for a while and I've noticed that when an app is tamed/untamed while it's downloading a large file,  the download speed appears to fluctuate up and down quite a bit. I use Net Meter and I can see  the download speed and consistency. A solid red band indicates a smooth download, while spiky lines shows d/l speeds going up and down. It's this latter that I usually see when P/T kicks in.

I know it's only circumstantial evidence so far. I have since disabled P/T and I haven't noticed any "spiky" downloads yet.

Has anyone else observed similar behaviour?

Mouser, can the process of jacking up/down an app's priority cause connection speeds to vary?

Many thanks.
Find And Run Robot / Re: A tip - if you want to use digits in searches..
« Last post by Centauri27 on September 23, 2005, 05:39 PM »
I find that F&R does such a good job in identifying what I want, that my target app is almost always the first or second item in the list. I then simply move my finger to the Down Arrow, press once or twice, back to Enter and my app is launched!

I find select an app this way to be quicker and more instinctive than looking down to find an F-key, or some other keystroke combination. But if my target app is located further down the list, I agree that pressing a number key is faster.

As a compromise solution, maybe use a combination of both? Say you've disabled the "digit key launches" feature so that you can search using numbers. How about pressing the Down Arrow key (or any arrow key for that matter) re-enables the digit key launch? That ought to be pretty fast and instinctive.

Find And Run Robot / Re: Location path broken in 1.07.12
« Last post by Centauri27 on September 23, 2005, 04:54 PM »
Hey--always glad to lend a helping hand!

I always get a warm and fuzzy feeling when I help find a bug.  ;)  It's a good thing I was still poking around trying those different location path options when I decided to install the newer version.

Find And Run Robot / Location path broken in 1.07.12
« Last post by Centauri27 on September 23, 2005, 02:04 PM »
I just installed F&R Robot 1.07.12 over my 1.06 version. Everything seems to work, except my "Location" display seems to be stuck on "Full path"...selecting any of the other options does not work! (Yeah, I'm the one who has been harping about the path displays...and just when I found one I liked! ;) )

I did not uninstall my previous version first--should I have?

Find And Run Robot / Re: Suggestion for Find & Run Robot
« Last post by Centauri27 on September 23, 2005, 01:20 PM »
I just checked and in my F&R Robot, the default is currently "relative to search". That gives a very helpful Location display for the program shortcuts, but it's not helpful for the other folders I added. I actually find that "two levels back" works best overall, better than "one level back".
Find And Run Robot / Re: Suggestion for Find & Run Robot
« Last post by Centauri27 on September 22, 2005, 06:56 PM »
Aha! That'll do the trick.

May I suggest perhaps changing the default from 'None' to 'One level back'? Because right now, 'None' results in '\' showing as the location, and this is misleading because it implies that the item is at the root of the drive (which is usually not the case).

Thanks for the quick reply!

Find And Run Robot / Suggestion for Find & Run Robot
« Last post by Centauri27 on September 22, 2005, 06:36 PM »
Find & Run Robot is easily the slickest, most useful little app I've downloaded in a long time. It works almost exactly how I want it to. But it has one irritating point: when I add additional directories to the list of folders to be searched, the search results box simply shows "\" under the Location column for stuff found in my additional directories.

For example, I keep my web downloads in a "C:\Downloads" folder. I add that folder to F&R Robot for its searches. When I do a search that includes hits from "C:\Downloads", the search results box shows "\" as the location. Can you fix it so that is shows "\Downloads" instead? That would be much more useful!

ProcessTamer / Re: Access violation in Process Tamer
« Last post by Centauri27 on September 22, 2005, 06:28 PM »
Mouser, I'm glad my Mickey Mouse comparison gave you a brain spark!  :)  Those brooms were the first thing that popped into my head as I saw furiously replicating messages pop up....and like Mickey, I was madly trying to eradicate them as fast as I could, until I thought up a better idea to kill the process instead.

At least the errors didn't render my system unstable. But I haven't re-enabled Process Tamer yet either.

I'm new to your community and to your forums. I bounced around from the regular boards to the members-only one; I couldn't immediately see the different boards for each specific product. I'll look for your answers in the Process Tamer board, as soon as I find it....

ProcessTamer / Access violation in Process Tamer
« Last post by Centauri27 on September 22, 2005, 04:58 PM »
I've been running Process Tamer for a couple of weeks and everything seemed to work normally. Then suddenly today all hell broke loose--I got the message:

Access violation at address 0045E9C8 in module 'ProcessTamerConfigurator.exe'. Read of address 74617285

Windows spit out one of these messages every half second---I was clicking 'OK' like mad to close them--but more would reappear like the deranged brooms in that Mickey Mouse cartoon (Fantasia?). Eventually I was able to bring up Task Manager and kill off the Process Tamer process. All the messages then disappeared and I was able to continue working normally, without having to reboot.

I had a variety of apps running at the time--too many to list--Outlook, Framemaker, etc. But I always have those apps running anyway. One slight clue might be that I had Microsoft Antispyware running a scan at the time and I had Process Tamer open so that I could see the CPU usage. Otherwise, my h/w is pretty standard: P4 3GHz, 1GB RAM, WinXP Pro, SP2.

Any ideas?

Carl Lum
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