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Living Room / Re: xkcd - why we should fear the cloud
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on June 06, 2011, 02:31 PM »
There's planned downtime every night when we turn on the Roomba and it runs over the cord.

I read that and didn't stop laughing for what felt like eternity. Thankfully I'm the only one home so no one came in to give me funny looks :D
Living Room / Re: xkcd - why we should fear the cloud
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on June 06, 2011, 05:32 AM »

A lot of caching, oh lord...
Living Room / Re: Apple - not quite grasping the concept of privacy.
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on June 06, 2011, 04:44 AM »
Late to the party, but concerning Android...

Am I incorrect in believing that this "functionality" can be disabled via Home -> Menu -> Settings -> Location & security -> Unchecking "Use wireless networks" and "Use GPS satellites"? I realize that you can't use *anything* location-based at that point and that cripples lots of applications, but does that not completely negate this issue as far as Android goes..? :huh:

General Software Discussion / Re: Dropbox....without dropbox?
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on June 06, 2011, 02:46 AM »
I'm using it in its Network Drive "mode" (whatever it is called), but it has a PC-to-PC sync that would work as a Dropbox substitution if you want offline functionality as well. The options are presented to you during the initial linkup of PC to disk.
General Software Discussion / Re: Dropbox....without dropbox?
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on June 06, 2011, 01:17 AM »
I actually just jumped ship from Dropbox to Jungle Disk a week or so ago, because I wanted the security of encrypting files/"disks" with my own encryption key. That, and I'm getting twice the space for just $3 a month.

This looks like it would be nice for a home server kind of setup, or with some disk space with a hosting provider and being able to have it setup just how you like it. I'm looking to drop Syncplicity as well, this could do the trick. Might have to give it a whirl.
DC Gamer Club / Re: Minecraft - An Incredible Indie Game
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on May 23, 2011, 06:27 PM »
+1 for TNT :up:

Watching MC Universe now!
They will/should sync up with LastPass. Sometimes it takes a while but it kind of defeats the point of Lastpass if they don't.

Done, amazingly simple. Thanks :D

Definitely bookmarking this thread in case I need to refresh my memory on these little shortcuts and tricks :Thmbsup:
My risk assessment was based on the words "all my main passwords", combined with "to see how it works". The risk is in the fact that you want to see how it works, but you are using your main passwords, that can open quite important information... These terms don't combine well in safety-land, IMHO.

Ah, yes, I'm not overly concerned though. *grabs tin foil hat*

If you were using KeePass all this time to store your passwords, migrating them from Firefox to Opera is a piece of cake. As long as you use the Auto-Type feature, that is, which, judging by your comments, you don't seem to. You would not need to migrate anything even, since the app is cross-browser and cross-platform (not as much as LastPass, though).

Also, LastPass can read at least one of the two KeePass database formats and import the passwords without going through so much hassle :)

Just a thought, but can I export my FF passwords into LastPass, and then they will sync up with Opera? Or would I have to use the desktop application to do that?

InstantFundas, thanks for that list - I've used a couple of those before, but new ones, especially like loading the next page and one-click image downloading, are going to be handy to know! :)
and am going to move all my main passwords over when I get home to see how it works
-wreckedcarzz (March 01, 2011, 04:55 PM)

Is that as risky as it sounds :huh:

It's not risky at all - all I'm doing it opening up KeePass, right clicking each password, copying it, and pasting it into LastPass.
I've looked into AdMuncher before, but paying to remove adverts seems kind of counter-intuitive. I mean, the ads are there for the site to not charge you money, so you pay a different company to remove them? Why not just get a premium membership at the site (when available)? :huh:

I've also signed up for LastPass and am going to move all my main passwords over when I get home to see how it works.
Adblock Plus
I've used RMB ads blocking few times only because I preferred to edit its urlfilter.ini file. Maybe this can work for you? :)

HTTPS Everywhere
It may be possible with UserJS?

I just need my passwords! Anyone have any insight? :'(
Was using Opera for years and I can only say that its passwords management always sucked. No import, no export, just pray :(

-fenixproductions (March 01, 2011, 06:59 AM)

I was unaware of the right click blocking, which is nice; I am already using Tamil's "Optimized Filter" ini file, as well as the counter blocking, but the right click option will let me get the stray ones that make it through :)

I am unfamiliar with UserJS, I've been seeing it mentioned a lot, I'll have to read up and tinker a bit it seems to understand.

Longer article for urlfilter.ini:

Sadly Opera 11 is unstable to me so I'm not sure if I would suggest such extensions as this:


My main problem is that I cannot find anything to bring my Firefox passwords into Opera

This is one reason why I use LastPass but assuming you really don't want to re-type it all in one go, you could type it as you need it. The big difference about Opera's Wand and Firefox/Chrome's default password manager is the Wand is not really a password manager.

It's a type -> it saves -> then you no longer need to type your password or even know which places you have a password for mechanic and so things like typing it all in isn't as useful as you may think in practice.

HTTPS everywhere


Was using Opera for years and I can only say that its passwords management always sucked. No import, no export, just pray

Export is copy pasting it from the Applications Data directory if I'm not mistaken.

Exporting out of browsers though is a manual type and re-type.

I'm using that same urlfilter.ini right now, but it doesn't catch everything (but the right-click blocking options should fix that).
I'm also looking into the NoAds extension now, as well as the Redirect to HTTPS; will give 'em a go and see how it works out. The worst that can happen is a crash :P

I haven't had the same experience as Paul Keith regarding the stability of Opera 11.
Even though I'll say it's unstable, I don't think it is more so that any other version :P

I've been using opera 11 as my main browser ever since it came out in alpha version and honestly I think it's pretty good. Also, I've been using NoAds for a while and had no problem other than occasionally it blocking some scripts it shouldn't. (when this happens, go to the bottom right corner of the page, and click the button so that it'll stop blocking scripts)

Opera wand really has always been very closed, but maybe lastpass will work for you. (Disclaimer: I've never tried it)

I haven't had any problems with it yet; themes, addons, Unite, even the built-in Mail client works well. Hopefully things stay that way :up:
I'll give the Lastpass extension a shot, too. I'll still have to at least open my current password manager and copy/paste to LP, but that's better than doing it one character at a time.

Thanks all :)
General Software Discussion / Trying to switch to Opera: Need help, tips
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on February 28, 2011, 08:35 PM »
Hey all, been a while since I've posted anything, but I am stuck and need assistance, so I've turned to you, DC! :P

I've been a big fan of Firefox for a long time, especially the addons and extendability of it. I tried out Chrome (which, avoiding a long story, was a letdown), and am awaiting IE9 to go gold. In the meantime, I have FF4 beta and decided to give Opera 11 a whirl (I use Opera Mobile on my phone, and like the simple interface a lot, and the speed is much faster than the standard Android browser). However, I've come to a few snags in the process; I went around in the settings and changed the options to my liking (some awkward/unusual defaults threw me off, like Control+Tab going in last-used order, not tab-bar order, etc). I am using the content blocking as an attempt to keep advertisements at bay (I'm missing Adblock Plus, but the list I have isn't half bad - anyone got anything better, though?), and Unite is a nice little addition, although I haven't played with it much yet.

My main problem is that I cannot find anything to bring my Firefox passwords into Opera :tellme:. And seeing as I used a password generator (the app name escapes me atm) and have 25 character alpha-numeric-symbol passwords for the majority of sites (about 50 or so different sites), I would really like to avoid having to re-type each and every one into Opera. Reading from Google hits, it seems the two have inoperable password encryption/storage methods, but I'm really hoping for a simple fix for this. I'm dealing with the lack of Adblock Plus, BarTab, Betterprivacy and HTTPS Everywhere, I just need my passwords! Anyone have any insight? :'(

Oh, and any other miscellaneous suggestions that you have, go ahead and throw em at me. Even without the usual addons, I'm liking Opera lots, and if there are ways to get more cool functionality out of it, I'd really like to know!

this free program process tamer I thought was good?? until I came here, just to jump threw hoops, is just waste of bloody time!

Please explain how this is a waste of time to get high-quality software for absolutely FREE (you don't have to donate):

1) login to the forum
2) go to they Software Keys page, here (also accessible via Downloads, left side of the page, right next to the big padlock)
3) copy the key for the application you downloaded (find app, highlight text, right click highlighted text, Copy)
4) right click the application's icon in your taskbar notification area, next to the clock
5) click Enter License Key (or something to that effect)
6) click Paste From Clipboard
7) click OK

If you had gone out and purchased a commercial app for say, $29.99, you would do the EXACT SAME PROCESS but instead of having to do steps 1 & 2, you would get an email with your key, effectively making those steps theoretically...

1) open email application or login to webmail
2) locate email with key, and key within email message

So please, elaborate on how taking, at most, 2 minutes of time, is any more inconvenient than a similar commercial application. Mouser (the DC administrator and coder of Process Tamer, along with most apps found on the Downloads page) works hard to make this process as simple as possible, even keeping his applications free with optional donation, and you surely won't find anything comparable, from a nice and friendly developer, whom actually cares about feedback and end-user experience, anywhere else.

I do apologize about the rant, but this simple post annoyed me enough to type all this out on my cell phone. It angers me that people expect so much for nothing, and then when they get stuck, don't ask for help and simply try to take something they didn't understand or want to put effort into and make it someone elses fault. Ask for help, that's what we on the forum are here for! Please don't go off because you didn't understand something and did not seek assistance.
Living Room / Re: How I’d Hack Your Weak Passwords
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on December 14, 2010, 07:18 AM »
Oh the Irony! My LifeHacker (Gawker) account was just compromised, and the login details were used to get into my (old) Gmail account and send spam to everyone in my contact list.
:( can you recover them? Recovery questions and whatnot? Or get a new password via the 'forgot your password?' system?
DC Gamer Club / Re: Minecraft - An Incredible Indie Game
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on November 06, 2010, 03:46 PM »
Protip: Never, ever, EVER attack the zombie pig-men in the Nether.

Unless you like assisted suicide ... or tricking friends into doing it and watching them freak out and panic as they try every method available to survive... only to fail :P
General Software Discussion / Re: Google Chrome: Time for a Second Chance?
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on October 12, 2010, 07:21 PM »
I've actually dove back in again for another go at Chrome, full in, and haven't launched Firefox in about 3 weeks except to grab some Saved Passwords that didn't migrate (?) over to Chrome. It has all but my rarely used FF addons, and I'm thinking about sticking with it. It does freeze a lot on my netbook (whereas Firefox runs great on it :huh:), and you can't rid of individual downloads right from the Downloads Bar, and Chrome still uses twice as much memory as Firefox, with less addons and less tabs open (none with "active content"). If there was a BarTab extension for Chrome, tab loading wouldn't be so painful. I've had the whole app freeze on launches because I had > 10 tabs open.

BarTab, more control over downloads right-from-the-bar, and less memory usage, and I'll jump ship to Chrome for good.

Last second edit: I don't mean for this post to sound like a bash at Chrome. I rather like it in comparison to sluggish Firefox, minus the freeze-ups.
Post New Requests Here / IDEA: All Steam Games Auto-Validator
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on October 10, 2010, 08:12 PM »
Hey all DCers, it's been a while since I've posted here (still lurking and keeping up though) :-[ but I come with a request.

I have been Googling around for a solution to this problem, and cannot seem to find one, so I turn to you, DC, to see if you can remedy my issue. I have 50+ games in my Steam collection, most of which are Steam-purchased games. What I am trying to do is have a script/app/etc that will, upon execution (with or without user interaction, preferably without), go through all my games listed in Steam and "Validate Integrity of Game Cache" for them.

I want this because sometimes after computer crashes/bluescreens/phases of the moon/the like, I find that game files become corrupt, and I would like to have this run via Task Scheduler every weekend during the night with other maintenance. However, this would be quite tricky to do, seeing as some games are custom installed, so they cannot be validated, so some system would have to be incorporated to be able to tell Steam games from non-Steam games, and skip accordingly. I have absolutely no clue how to do this :P

Summary of what the app/script needs to do:
  • (Preferably) No user interaction
  • (Preferably) Be portable/no installer or reg entries
  • Must be able to go through entire games list (scrolling involved if doing via Steam Library GUI)
  • Must be able to differentiate between Steam and non-Steam games, as well as the difference between Games and Categories (see screenshots)
  • (Optional/extra) Generate a messagebox (or similar) report of games that failed to validate and were re-downloaded

I may be able to provide DC Credits for whoever wants to take this on. It definitely wont be a simple task, as far as my knowledge goes anyways. Maybe someone knows a simple way to do it, but I sure don't.



Left 4 Dead window with VALIDATE INTEGRITY OF GAME CACHE button visible (and scrollable Steam game list)
example left4dead2.jpg

Chime 'validation in progress' window
chime validating.jpg

The Sims 3 (non-Steam) non-validatable (is that a word?) game
nonvalidating theSims3.jpg
DC Gamer Club / Re: Steam, and the gift of game...
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on July 04, 2010, 05:47 PM »
talrasha, check your PM inbox (top of the forum) :Thmbsup:
General Review Discussion / Re: Opinions on remote PC control software
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on June 03, 2010, 03:11 AM »
Does someone know if there are any improvements for the TeamViewer for Windows 7 OS?

I keep TV up to date on all my computers, but other than visual changes I haven't noticed any real reasons to update (voice/video chat is now integrated, but that is the only major change I have noticed).
Living Room / Re: How I’d Hack Your Weak Passwords
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on April 10, 2010, 01:35 PM »
I use Keepass to handle my password generation, i suggest all of you do the same because it's pretty handy.

:up: same here, works great
Living Room / Re: I hate Valentine's Day!
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on February 09, 2010, 10:19 PM »
What a sweet story.
I am from California & also had Christmas Eve dinner via video chat with my long distance boyfriend & his mother in France.
They even put the laptop at my place setting!  :-*
We opened gifts together & everything. Pretty cool!

:) Cool!
Living Room / Re: I hate Valentine's Day!
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on February 09, 2010, 05:59 PM »
I don't mind the day much, the advertising and pushing of all the stuff is a bit annoying at times, but not too bad. For the guys that otherwise never do anything to show affection, IMO it is a good 'holiday', but a waste for the rest. What is annoying is when the Christmas ads come on before Halloween...

I guess I'm a lucky geek, met someone online (yes, an online, long-distance relationship... don't judge me :P) and it's working out great with the exception of gifts (our parents don't know). For my birthday he got me a copy of Lumines with the Advanced Pack, and a month later we spent all of Christmas Eve and the majority of Christmas together (via Skype), and now for his birthday (the 10th) and Valentines I bought him a barking Valentines 'Be Mine' stuffed doggie with a plush-sized bouquet of roses to go with it :)

It has its positive and negative aspects, but is still a good time to show the people who you care about, how much you do :-*
Living Room / Re: Alternative Uses for Netbooks: Good, Bad, Random or Odd
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on February 02, 2010, 06:55 PM »
You ass, you're doing the LOUD part WRONG!

If I absolutely wanted to, I could order the Logitech Z5500 off Newegg and hook that up, or get my sister's amp and my dad's speakers and blast my window out. But that might be a bit obvious. :P
Living Room / Alternative Uses for Netbooks: Good, Bad, Random or Odd
« Last post by wreckedcarzz on February 02, 2010, 06:33 PM »
Okay, I get that some things should not be said on the internet. But this was just too simple yet ingenious for me to pass up, and I'm curious what other cool things people use their netbooks for.

What I did today (am doing) is a bit on the mischievous side you might say (who would have thought, a teenager causing mischief?? :o ;D). It runs along my typical lines of tech fun. :P To any and all parents out there: next time you think 'Parental Controls', know that if your kids are tech-savvy (or have friends that are) that phrase means the opposite of what you have come to know.
OpenDNS is amazing for when I'm angry at my parents. Love that degree of control. Just sayin'. Ehem.

Anyways, through 17-year-old genius (or just plain boredom, not sure yet) I have found a relatively simple yet very handy trick to be able to play my music as loud as I want while not being caught. Also useful to scare your spouse, friends, freak people out, etc. Many uses. :P

Needed supplies:
  • Netbook with decent wireless card and webcam (I have an ASUS Eee PC 1005HA-P)
  • Good router or wireless signal wherever you want to watch
  • Skype
  • Teamviewer (or other remote control app of your choice, LogMeIn is good, as well as CrossLoop)
  • A bit of time

  • In my case, I already had TeamViewer and Skype installed and running. From within Skype you go to Tools > Options...
  • Click Video Settings on the left
  • Click 'Take A Snapshot'
  • When the snapshot window appears, close all other Skype windows
  • Position netbook at desired location, pointing at your target
  • Return to primary computer and logon to the netbook remotely (for me this was just a TeamViewer connection, I had an account and simply double clicked the machine, but it will vary based on the program you use and everything - everyone here is smart enough to get this part working, or get help from someone :up:)
  • Close anything you want on the netbook, and likewise launch whatever you want. But the Skype window must stay visible (foremost preferred, due to low resolution - I set TeamViewer to only show the Skype window) for you to watch.
  • Do not move the mouse or type anything else on the netbook at this time. If you have an Eee PC, or a netbook that can turn off the display, return to the netbook (physically) and do this now. You don't want your target to see the machine on.
  • Set the remote control window to stay always on top. There are many tools online that can do this, I used Always On Top Maker. First Google result.
  • Sit and wait. Once your target comes into view (or earshot, if your remote control app supports this (ex: LogMeIn Pro)), execute your plan. Control the netbook and play a sound, video, or even call it on Skype - whatever you want to do.
  • Enjoy a good laugh (or whatever, depending on what you did) - lock the machine remotely if necessary (additional laughs?)
(Obviously, this can be reversed and you can use the primary machine with a webcam, and use the netbook in a different location)

My scenario:
My parents HATE it when I play loud music, and thus I cannot do so when they are home (sister doesn't care, she loves Linkin Park :P). I cannot make the speakers and sound card go loud enough ever (I blew out my 7.1 system last February). So following the steps above roughly, here is what I did while home alone today...

  • Got the Take A Snapshot video window going
  • Setup my Eee in the garage, atop a saw table my dad has, pointing out at the garage door (the metal one that lifts, not the house entrance one)
  • Connected to it on TeamViewer and had it only show the Skype window
  • Had Always On Top Maker make TeamViewer stay on top of all my windows
  • Watching, waiting for my mom to get home. The garage door takes about 8 seconds to lift open, and it takes a good 8-12 seconds for her to pull in and park.

Last second edit:
She pulled in right before I hit Post :P

Images for the curious:
creenshot - 2_2_2010 , 4_38_08 PM_ver001.jpg
Screenshot - 2_2_2010 , 5_15_42 PM_ver001.jpg
Screenshot - 2_2_2010 , 5_15_45 PM_ver001.jpg
Screenshot - 2_2_2010 , 5_15_50 PM.jpg
Screenshot - 2_2_2010 , 5_15_52 PM.jpg
Screenshot - 2_2_2010 , 5_15_54 PM.jpg
Screenshot - 2_2_2010 , 5_16_00 PM.jpg
Screenshot - 2_2_2010 , 5_16_05 PM.jpg
Screenshot - 2_2_2010 , 5_16_11 PM.jpg

Yes, it would probably be a lot easier with a simple Payware-button and $49.95 for each of mouser's programs...  :-\

At that price it would still be well worth it, though
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