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Living Room / Problem with merging folders
« Last post by questorfla on May 31, 2013, 04:34 PM »
This is more like a nuisance and could be that I just don't know the right way to do this.   I have several backup drives that contain folders with hundreds of files in each.  Most are identical as they are just dated backups done 3 months apart. 

With the huge increase in drive size I have been asked to put all the contents together onto a single drive. Copying folder A on a backup drive into the folder A on the Main drive.  Normally, I get the message that the file already exists do I want to overwrite or skip.  Since the files are identical I could just say overwrite and let it run.  But it takes a LOT longer to do that than to say skip.  Then when done delete the folder, files and all from the backup drive But there are many copies of these backups so I have to do this until all the folders are only on the one main drive, then make a single backup.

I was wondering if there is a command line switch that would say IF the file already exists on the target drive then delete it from the one you are copying from saving me having to go back and delete all these folders and files. 

Something that would >copy from A to B and if the file is already on B then delete it from A. 

Thanks .. I will probably feel foolish when someone tells me that is a normal  command line switch
Sorry:  I tried to explain it as best I could.  I feel like the three blind men trying to describe an elephant with each touching a different part.
I really don't know any better way than what I have said.  And I have gotten a lot of help here.  The answer will undoubtedly be some kind of selectable directory listing program.  One of the ones I was given as one of the first replies does work after a fashion, I have to edit the output manually but  it does work.

Thanks to everyone for their input.  I may try the Karen's Directory List next.  It looks promising.  All the things I learn just from trying make the search well worth the effort.
Post New Requests Here / Re: Script to autoload xml profiles
« Last post by questorfla on April 30, 2013, 01:44 PM »
Sorry, just saw your reply.
My job here takes me from editing html on their websites to programming the database on the PPH file server, to editing photos in CS4, to writing scripts to fix things that probably don't need fixing.

When this issue popped up, it was just in sheer desperation since they now want to change the Wi-Fi passwords on different Access points on a regular basis (not a bad idea, security wise considering employee turnover) and in some cases having to do it remotely ( Yes, this  is on the off chance that one of the out-of-Towner's shows up and cannot get into the Wi-Fi)  But if I can do it once on one system, export all four Wi-Fi profiles to XMLS files combine them with a loader in a batch file and load them all with one click .. THAT would save a lot of time.  
I never could figure out why MS wrote that export setup the way they did and then tried to hide the fact it was there at all (tiny blue text easy to miss).  When I found out it took 1 flash-drive per XML...

I should have know the "old ways"  would be the answer.  I never even considered it.   Now I can email out the weekly update as a zipped script to all the users.  
(They don't have a "real" network. Just a workgroup with 3 or 4 servers in it. I cant enforce domain controls on anyone)

Many thanks
Sorry for the double post, I found you there to get here.  Plan on giving it a try tonight.  Wonder if it still performs the same on Windows 8.

PS:  I did find another way but it was Extreme to say the least.  I found a utility made for Servers to deploy over a network that I had to reconfigure to work standalone.  I did it one time, it worked, but  would never want to have to do it weekly due to a changed password.  I believe it was using the MS CMAK tool.  It even lets me pre-map the network drive connections (needed if doing it to a new system)
I would have thought Skwire's "net use" would be the solution.  But if a manual double click on multiple drives works for what you need, you could record a script using ghost mouse to do exactly that on every boot.  Just a thought
Post New Requests Here / Re: Remember where I got the Download
« Last post by questorfla on April 30, 2013, 12:35 PM »
Yes, both of those are things I do now, but sometimes when on a desperate search for something specific, I cast a wide net when I have time to look, and then later try each utility I found to see if it would solve the problem.  Often this leads to unexpected finds that are totally off topic but still pique my interest enough to download them too.
Maybe two days later I have time to sort through it all and go back to the sites they came from to get a better idea of what each does and even research the file when possible before installing it to test.

A "Download Log" of what came from where might come in handy even years later.  It is definitely something I would keep for as long as possible for reference.

Many of these even come from right here :)  So.. I know my way back.  But some are not even published widely in US and finding them again means following that same exact path to figure out where I was when I found it.

A program to capture and save the internet address you are on when you click download would give you an easy way back to where the file came from.  I appreciate your ideas.  Those are the same ways I do it now and it may be all there is.
dir /s /on /b /a:d > list.txt

This one is close, about as close as I have come.
the output though is "too complete" as I only need one line for each folder or better stated
I need one line showing the first occurrence of the file index.php, then skipping to the next subdirectory and listing the same thing there.

I convert these to web-links by reversing the "\" to "/" and replacing the c:\"path"\subdirectory\index.php with "http://www."/subdirectory/index.php in notepad.

I had tried a program someone suggested here and thought it was working but it turned out not to be quite what I needed.
The "dir" command with the listed switches almost did it, but it lists every subdirectory under the main one.

It would almost be easiest to just list all directories and going just 1 level deep.  Example Order: A, Aa, Ac, Ad, Ae,   B, Ba, Bb, Bc, Bd  D, Da,Db,Dc  etc.  Some may have  10 projects, some only 1. 
If I copuld even get this list I could still replace the front end of each and even add the necessary text "index.php" to the end.

This  is to create a clickable list of links that open webpages created by different people all stored on one main website.  Only the site owner can enter at the top level.  The others each have their own named folder containing all their projects.  Each project can be entered directly via the  "www.path/index.php". 

Several program I tried did TOO much, some not enough or had no easy way to save output as a text or preferably Word file (so the links would already be active)

Nothing fancy, just a quick list of clickable links and it seems I should be able to do it with the dir > command if I could just get the switches in the right order.  It is important that it not continue to list ALL the index.php files in each site as there are more than one.  The First one is the entry point.
the rest, I end up having to delete until it reaches the next subdirectory/first index.php file.  Etc.

Thanks for anyone knowing where to add the text to show only the first occurrence of that file.
OR  listing all the namedirs/subdirs but no further. 
Developer's Corner / Automated Conduit and Entrusted Toolbar Removal Needed
« Last post by questorfla on April 28, 2013, 05:06 PM »
This may not belong here, If not, could someone please move it to the right forum please.

A recent episode of dealing with Conduit and the Entrusted toolbar left me spending hours of time trying to tease out the key to the absolute removal of this "Thing".  I cannot believe that Conduit is still not considered Malware but apparently it gets a pass in some way.  Malwarebytes and all the usual "helpful tools" did their best and still could not find the last piece which left me with a "rundll" error  every time I used Right click.  even after I thought the "bug" itself had been removed.
By turning on the "show system files"  (I had already turned on show hidden files) I finally found the last piece hiding as "counter.dat" in the Temporary Internet Files folder.  Even then, I had to take ownership of it to get rid of it.   This after I had run every malware /virus remover I could find.  I was wondering if anyone else had run across this issue and/or anything similar and could offer a better way to search for and remove objects like that.  
Even Avira's Forum seemed to be "try this, if that doesn't work. try that" so I don't know if I was just lucky  or worse  if I just think I am rid of it.  The counter.dat file said it could not be deleted as "No one was the owner" which is why I had to take ownership to remove it.  And it only showed up after setting to see "system files".  

I wanted to add that after removal of this file, the system immediately began to function properly.  Before removal, you never knew what might happen.  I had already removed at least 20 different places where the entry for a "Search protector(?)" (I cannot for certain remember the last word after "search" But I kept notes and will edit this as soon as I can get to them) that appeared in the registry and in Windows 7 subfolders and multiple other places.  All of these had been create by this one piece of Malware that came from downloading a "Free" Scan to file" utility found on a Google Search.  I took several days of effort with a lot of "false" successes which is why I am not certain even now.  Most people seemed to be in favor of the "format and reload" routine with many even cleaning the MBR as well.  Considering the time factor, normally, so would I. 
It has been a week now so maybe I won the battle.  But it shouldn't be that hard for something that apparently isn't even considered a threat by the AV companies.  The fact it make Bing your Default Home page on every browser is also puzzling  If I ever see it again, I probably will also "format and reload" but the fact it used a system file with "no owner" I thought odd enough that maybe there would be a way to search for that.
(I should also add that the normal "net user administrator /active:yes" activation would say there was no such user.  So the elevated command prompt was all I had to work with)
Post New Requests Here / Remember where I got the Download
« Last post by questorfla on April 28, 2013, 04:49 PM »
I can do everything I need already but only by using several steps.  Anyone who likes to try out things just for the knowledge gained may have the same needs.
The windows download window only shows what you downloaded but not where you got it.  It would be nice to have a utility that would keep track of what came from where, when I got it, along with any other useful things like size and date downloaded most importantly provide a link back to that website the download came from.  Currently, this means keeping word-pad open making notes of what I downloaded along with a copy of the Http: link in the browser address-bar. 
I am sure someone out there probably has already done this as it would be a very useful tool.  I don't want to go for a full fledged download manager as I only need to know how to get back to where the program came from. 
As long as I am wishing, I might as well wish that the file could be sorted by name of download, date downloaded, and download location.
Thanks for any ideas on this.  If the program already exists, just a point in the right direction would be appreciated
Post New Requests Here / WIFI profile deployment
« Last post by questorfla on February 21, 2013, 04:49 PM »
Maybe I made my last request too complex but this is essentially all I need a way to do.  Deploy multiple wifi profiles from a single batch or script or ??  Whatever can do it.
There will probably never be more than 2 but always more tha 1.  I can export the XML's for the two profiles to usb, go to another sytem, import tham etc.  No problem.
But the people that will be doing this can't.  The best they can manage is one click with a reloaded profile
General Software Discussion / WIFI profile deployment
« Last post by questorfla on February 21, 2013, 04:46 PM »
I have read through several posts contaning nifty utilities to manage wifi profiles on ONE system  But none of them makes it easy to Deploy a profile to multiple users.
Surely there is something out there that would allow you to create a single file that when clicked would install 2 or more profiles at once in windows 7?
General Software Discussion / script to load xml profiles
« Last post by questorfla on February 21, 2013, 04:39 PM »
Anyone have any ideas about aq script to load two xml wifi profiles exported from windows 7 x64?  These have to be loaded into multiple laptops all the time and it would be nice to do one, export the xmls, and load all the others with a sript.
Post New Requests Here / Script to autoload xml profiles
« Last post by questorfla on February 20, 2013, 07:46 PM »
This probably is as simple as reconfiguring the standard code used by MS for the same thing but .. I hope maybe someone has already done it. 
You can easily export a Wi-Fi  profile to a USB including all necessary parts to import in new laptop so that Wi-Fi  profiles are preloaded.  But as far as I can tell, I  have to run it one for each profile.  Which is OK to create them. 
But to load them, I need to be able to do a one click, you're done for two profiles where I work.
Every time someone new comes in, I have to add both profiles. I had been doing them manually  until i found not necessary now.  Still, there are times when the MS way isn’t  good enough for the people I have to deal with.  Most can only handle a CLICK at best.  If they are out of town when they get a new system, I have to preload the profiles by remote.
It would be very nice if I could sent them a preloaded script to just "click" that had both profiles in it.  Additionally, this would let me change ALL the passwords for both profiles and simply send out an email with an "automatic profile loader" script.
Last part is maybe hardest.  Need to covert to exe once done so that they users cannot edit or even read what MS felt they needed to put in plaintext, the Wi-Fi  passwords  (???? why???)

Better yet, if the script could delete itself after it runs then I won't  have to worry about anyone I don't  know popping in on the Wi-Fi.

Any suggestions appreciated.  Getting the XML's is easy and I have found a number of other Free soft wares that do a lot more but this is the only single part of my life that is pure misery as I get chewed out for being "security proactive" if the people I send the XML's to (With instructions) still can't   load them.

Finished Programs / Re: SOLVED: Automatically create a site link list
« Last post by questorfla on February 20, 2013, 01:04 AM »
I am not sure which of all the nice people ( I think it was  app103)  provided this but I really appreciate it.  I do have one small problem with the output and i know it is totally due to the way I am using it.  I was hoping maybe the person who uses it could leave mea message.

Basically, I need the outut to provide live hyperlnks to open webpages on a server where we host aas many as 4o different entry points to a single domain.  Each entry point has its own index.html file inside a folder.  The directory strycture is consistent throughout, every site has exactly the same structure to get to the index.html.  
But when I ran the program, it ended up creating links that take me into the text of the folder rathe than opening the site with index.html.  I feel sure this is a "User error " ;).  on MY part.  Any advice appreiated.  Maybe i should be at a different level when i run it?
Under the main webroot which has an index.html just for looks.  there are 20 subfolders.  Each subfolder may have 3 to 6 folders in it.  Those folders are each sites with their own index.html.  

Thanks Much
This is a little more complicated than that (isn't it always) but it drives me crazy to be able to envision exatly what I need as well as the logic flow to make it work.  But NOT be able to put the parts together
I have even found mentions of various applets that could do what I need ... I THINK.

This is one of those things that would be better done to simply pay someone who is skilled at doing what I need done.  It is a single webpage with some special controls to allow viewing of single page pdf files, like pages in a book.  Flipping from one page to the next.  But of course,  it is not quite that simple.

I am hoping someone on the board is  ..."bored"...:)  and would like to get paid to help me solve my problem.

I can provide the exact logic-flow to make it work but as I said, My html skills are extremely limitted.
It will be used on a standard Apache website

Thanks and I hope to hear from someone.

Great bunchof people here :)

I don't think you need a coding snack for this so much as a PDF editor that can accomplish what you want.  Have you looked into any PDF editors out there?
Yep.  Acrobat Pro.  But the issue is my inability to understand the usage.  I can't seem to get the "clear" pdf's to stay clear.
OK, Many thanks to everyone on the helpful replies to my last request.  Especially that last one as it worked perfectly! (Skwire).

I have a situation where I need to do something with a pdf that I cannot find much information on other than the fact it exists.
Just like in CS5 and some other art programs, Adobe PDF's supposedly can be made with a background property of transparent.
I would like to be able to use this ability to stack multiple transparent overlays on top of on regular pdf that has normal black and white text.
Each of the overlays would need to be a separate file-name.pdf.  Each would need to allow only a single color for the text written on it.

The result would be an electronic version of an overlay book.  I need to keep it in pdf due to the (at least passable) security offered by pdf files.
I wish i knew of something better for security though.   I have talked to a place called lock-lizard but could not get any real feel for how much better
if any, their protection scheme might be.  So I guess a 2nd request would be for any kind of protection that can be placed on a document.  The intent is to prevent copying, printing, editing.  The usual stuff.  But it has to be put on a webpage so... not much I can do.
Finished Programs / Re: SOLVED: Automatically create a site link list
« Last post by questorfla on February 02, 2013, 08:45 PM »
 :Thmbsup:  YES!!

and Thanks to everyone.  I have to give HTML at least 3 thumbs up!  More if I had them  Thank You Skwire
Finished Programs / Re: SOLVED: Automatically create a site link list
« Last post by questorfla on December 08, 2012, 12:20 AM »
Yes, exactly!  The "sub sites" each have their own "door" to the main site; their own "Index.php". 
Being able to run a quick list of working hyperlinks whenever I need a current one would be very handy.  The "sub-sites" change.  Sometimes new ones, sometimes old ones gone.  One problem is the APACHE layout included a single main "sub-site" sub-directory called "\webroot\" that shows when I pull a "DIR" command.  It  can't be left in the hyperlink or it wont work. "\webroot\name\project\index.php" is the best I can get. Then delete the "/webroot" afterward.

I ran across the perfect script to do this somewhere years back but I have no idea what it was or where I found it :(
Finished Programs / Re: SOLVED: Automatically create a site link list
« Last post by questorfla on December 07, 2012, 09:32 PM »
Sorry, didn't think about that.  Windows 7 is the OS.  The batch I am trying seaches for the file index.php and if it exists creates a listing to it.  So I should be getting "".
I think i am not starting from the right point.  The main "" is already several levels down from c: so the file either has to be run from a command prompt or i have to give it the correct place to start in the GUI icon.
I don't do this enough to remember from one time to the next :(
Finished Programs / SOLVED: Automatically create a site link list
« Last post by questorfla on December 07, 2012, 09:10 PM »
This is probably too easy for most of you but I just can't seem to put the parts together right.

I need a simple script or batch file that will create a list of WEBSITE hyperlinks from the subfolders in a main directory.  The main directory is the main website but each person in the class has their own projects that can each be entered directly by going straight to their own index.php file

Example  Main directory would be
First level Subdirectories would be names  like "john", mary", "bill"  etc
Third level Subdirectories would be their sites.  The names could be anything.
maybe first_try, second_try, third_try

The end result would be a word document full of working weblinks:
then, then

Then on to the next person in the 2nd level and each of their projects and so on.

This is for a setup where the people (second subdir level) as well as each one's projects (third level subdir)
will change and each time it does I have to retype the whole list.  I used to have a program that did this to some extent but dont remember the name.  My efforts at doing it using variables in a batch file are not coming along too well and this month it would almost be faster to type them one at a time.
Currently that would total about 150 weblinks :(  SO..  I was hoping someone better than me might have a solution :)
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