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Living Room / Re: 2009/May/31 - DC/IOSx02 - DC Meetup Berlin, Germany
« Last post by gjehle on April 27, 2009, 07:46 AM »
Just a quick reminder to all those not checking the forum on a regular basis.
Mark down the meeting date in your calendars! :D

See you in Berlin!  :drinksmiley:
Living Room / Re: Anti-Necrospamming
« Last post by gjehle on March 29, 2009, 01:33 PM »
1) i agree with justice, after a certain amount of time a thread is dead it could require a captcha to revive it
2) reviving threads could be limited to people who already contributed to DC, eg have more than 10 or 20 regular posts.
in the case where a spammer just signed up he wont be able to revive, and if they're spamming on new threads their accounts get deleted anyway.
Living Room / 2009/May/31 - DC/IOSx02 - DC Meetup Berlin, Germany
« Last post by gjehle on March 29, 2009, 09:25 AM »

hello fellow DCers,
today I have the distinct honor to announce:

DC/IOSx02 - Donationcoder Meetup / In Outer Space - the 2nd installment

location: c-base - space station below berlin
rungestrasse 20, 10179 berlin, germany
datetime: 2009/May/31 / 5pm / open end

when we met last time right after the annual chaos communication congress 25C3 early january this year it was a small yet awesome meetup.
so awesome in fact, we agreed to do it again!

as last time already the event will be held on board c-base, the space station buried below berlin.
c-base, conveniently located in berlin's city center, can be reached by subway via stops S+U jannowitzbruecke or U heinrich-heine-strasse.

we still don't believe in agendas, so this is an open discussion / hangout / boozing / lounge / nerd event.
if you're in the area (there happens to be a certain 'it security congress' at the same time) please drop by and join us for some bottles of club-mate and/or brewskies.

for questions of any kind please contact me or housetier.
if you're planning to attend, please let us know so we get a rough idea of what to expect.
okay, this might tie into the issues with UTF we had before and it's (afaik) not an issue with mircryption per se.
we already have a workaround for utf8 in the code for the xchat plugin.
it looks like someone is sending you UTF8 data while you don't expect it (using ISO charset).
to be honest, i don't see any simple way to fix this right now.
my tip: try using UTF8 and educate others to do the same
(...) (tested with xchat 2.8.6 on an ubuntu 8.10 32bit system).
The xchat version is a pre compiled package from the ubuntu (linux) backports (Version: 2.8.6-2ubuntu1).

gee, stupid me.
I should open my eyes a bit more ;-)
Hi Bamboo,

thanks for reporting this (also thanks for the mail you sent pointing me here).
This problem never occurred to me (I'm usually using UTF-8) but I'll look into it as soon as I find some spare time, hopefully next weekend, but no promises :x

Can you give me some background?
Are you on Windows or Linux and which version is it?
What version of XChat are you running?
Did you compile it yourself or are you running a binary version?
Mircryption / Re: Mircryption/XChat 0.4.0-alpha w/ DH1080 Key Exchange !
« Last post by gjehle on January 10, 2009, 11:52 AM »
thanks to dev00 ( there's now a windows build of the (latest) inofficial mircryption version.
this enables windows users to use the DH1080 keyexchange!
since I don't run windows, I haven't had a chance to test it yet myself.

There's a binary as well as source code with a working visual studio project available from
The binary version is dynamically linked against OpenSSL 0.8.9i from http://www.slproweb....ts/Win32OpenSSL.html which you'd have to install.
Official Announcements / Re: DC-IRLDD Champaign, IL - New Years
« Last post by gjehle on January 06, 2009, 04:15 AM »
looks like the NYE i spent at housetier's, tho less playing and more 'coding'.
Living Room / Re: Official DC meet-up in Berlin, Germany: January 3rd @ c-base
« Last post by gjehle on January 05, 2009, 03:51 AM »
Why was it so empty?

why weren't you there?! :D
we can't fill a space just by offering to provide it. it's up to each and every DC member to join us!
so, stop asking questions and come over for the next one!
Living Room / Re: Official DC meet-up in Berlin, Germany: January 3rd @ c-base
« Last post by gjehle on January 03, 2009, 04:06 PM »
wow that place looks cool!

that place IS cool :)
you only see a small part of it tho.
it spans 2 1/2 floors, has  a bar, electronics lab, soundproof sound/video stage, workshop etc
a proper hackerspace
Living Room / Re: Official DC meet-up in Berlin, Germany: January 3rd @ c-base
« Last post by gjehle on January 03, 2009, 02:25 PM »
The meeting is over!
Only one other guy was on board: urlwolf. Nevertheless we had a great 5 hours of talking about everything from coding, privacy and encryption, psychology, web services, and various other topics.

There will be definitely another meetup, probably in February.
housetier said he'll organize this and urlwolf is interested in coming again.
I won't make it but I'll join the next time I'll be in Berlin (probably end of May).

If there are any DCers near Stuttgart, now is the time to speak up!
I'm heading back home for Stuttgart tomorrow and if there's interest and people we can meet up at a bar, have a couple of drinks and just chat.

mouser asked for pictures and here they are!
As you can see, there's plenty of room on board the c-base space station for bigger meetups.

ltr: urlwolf, housetier, gjehle

Living Room / Re: Official DC meet-up in Berlin, Germany: January 3rd @ c-base
« Last post by gjehle on January 01, 2009, 07:04 PM »
Maybe I'll add that to my New Year's Resolution list: Take some classes so Ich kann mit Deutsch vertraut noch einmal erhalten.

(I hope that wasn't too incorrect! ;D)

please make it stop @_@
your confusing the hell out of me lol
I've been living here six years and still couldnt tell you should it be
Ich kann mit Deutsch vertraut noch einmal erhalten
Ich kann noch einmal mit Deutsch vertraut erhalten
Ich kann vertraut mit Deutsch noch einmal erhalten
or something different again :p (in other words I'm impressed)
Living Room / Re: Official DC meet-up in Berlin, Germany: January 3rd @ c-base
« Last post by gjehle on December 31, 2008, 01:23 PM »
post (in german language) about the meetup at c-base' weblog:
Living Room / Re: Official DC meet-up in Berlin, Germany: January 3rd @ c-base
« Last post by gjehle on December 28, 2008, 11:40 AM »
i'll take and post pictures for sure.
everyone, if you're in the area, or by chance currently visiting for 25c3 in Berlin anyway, just drop by c-base!
it'll be fun, there's beer!
Living Room / Re: Official DC meet-up in Berlin, Germany: January 3rd @ c-base
« Last post by gjehle on December 26, 2008, 08:24 PM »
i'll be there, hell, i'm already there :D
Living Room / Re: I can haz LOLMouser plz?
« Last post by gjehle on September 24, 2008, 03:15 AM »
Shouldn't that be "all your case are belong to us"? I get the quote, but it would be funnier...

i can second that haha
Mircryption / Re: mircryption-compatible script for irssi
« Last post by gjehle on August 17, 2008, 11:58 AM »
just a short follow up.
looks like, as i expected, there's already a module doing DH-keyexchange

Mircryption / Re: mircryption-compatible script for irssi
« Last post by gjehle on August 08, 2008, 04:50 AM »
nice one!

does it also support DH1080 key exchange?
if there's a perl module for that (i'm pretty sure there is one somewhere) that would be awesome.

afaik it's fairly easy to port irssi scripts to xchat,
that way we could possibly phase-out the current xchat plugin written in c++ in favor of a (somewhat / possibly) unified perl version

the (unofficial) c++ version that does DH1080 depends on openssl, which i'd love to change.
a perl script would also be easier to port to windows and mac, since no compilation would be needed.
this is actually one of the reasons the dh1080 is still unofficial, since i haven't managed to find the time to properly integrate and test it on the three major platforms.

what're your thoughts on that gothi[c]?
Living Room / Re: DC Forum Members -- Tell Us About Your Website
« Last post by gjehle on June 21, 2008, 04:40 AM »
follvalsch.dethe entry point to my pet projects. right now there's only one of them listed, but there's more to come. The name is a pun in itself, in english it would be something like 'wotallytrong'
voobar.follvalsch.demore or less random open source stuff by moi, you'll find the lasted unofficial Mircyption/XChat code there
unlimitedmileage.neta friend an I did a west-coast roadtrip and were planning on doing a travel-log, we ended up traveling more than writing about it, and haven't gotten the chance to revive the project yet due to time constraints on both ends
nerddeutsch.dethis was a birthday present I got this year from housetier, now nerdy is that?! (it's a pun on 'Norddeutsch' the accumulative term for all northern German dialects), right now it's housetier's battleground for testing a new kind of drupal setup, but soon this will grow into something bigger ;)

there's a couple of other sites in the pipeline, but there's nothing to talk about, yet ;)
General Software Discussion / Re: How much email do you keep…and why?
« Last post by gjehle on February 01, 2008, 02:03 PM »
i don't know about you, but if you work at a company where a lot of communication is done by mail
or in general, when you tell people stuff by mail or get told. no matter what.

you keep your mail.
all of it.

it's called 'cover your ass'.

on a side note, i even keep a lot of my spam to teach my filters
General Software Discussion / Re: post your 5 most used applications in 2007 here!
« Last post by gjehle on January 14, 2008, 04:49 AM »
OK let's see, I'd say it'll look something like this:

1. XChat2
2. Pidgin
3. KMail
4. Akregator
5. Firefox

Then again, most of my 'most used applications' are running all the time.
Accounting for this, it should look like this:

1. XChat2, Pidgin, KMail, Akregator, Firefox, Amarok
2. Bibble Pro
3. digiKam
4. Inkscape
5. Open Office
Living Room / Re: What kind of tagging system would be appropriate for DC?
« Last post by gjehle on January 12, 2008, 07:09 AM »
ok, enough is enough already

first of all, if you're a parent and let your kids browse the internet unsupervised, it's YOUR fault, and YOUR responsibility.

just counting words YOU think unsuitable for kids doesn't make your effort the least bit statistically relevant.
you have to count relative occurrences, of course the absolute count went up, no arguing about that,
but so went the total posts per month, norm your data!

also, putting in a linear fit into a growth pattern is kinda flawed to begin with.
do you want to imply you actually know what you're doing? well, you failed.

besides all that, you can make statistics look exactly what you want them to, just by carefully picking the question for the answer you want.
you did that.

you're hypothesis is: "DC needs regulating because there is significant danger to minors"
doing it properly:
you'd establish the null-hypothesis "there is no danger to minors on DC" and try to find statistically significant reason to refute the null-hypothesis, thus accepting the initial hypothesis.

your graph shows what you WANT it to show, with no significance at all.
same goes for you're initial argument wich has no foundation and is but a bold claim you came up with.

your values != every one's values
one thing people should learn is keeping their 'values' to them selfs, this is a international community of mostly adults.
what makes you think your standards apply to everyone.

there is a significant difference in 'getting involved with a community' and 'pushing your own views and values'.

cost / benefit
how many active minors are on DC anyways? numbers please, and percentages.
there is NO REASON AT ALL to make life complicated and less fun for 99.999% of all DCers just to 'protect' some minors (who's numbers we don't even know) from reading certain 'words'.
let alone that it's not DCs task to protect them from the oh-so-evil internet but their parents.
if you're afraid your kid might read something you deem inappropriate, YOU control it, who cares about your standards?

to put it bluntly: hell, i don't.

o m f g (yes, that's a 'fucking' in there.... oh the children! OMG!)

if you still disagree that it's not the parents task.
you might as well give your toddler a couple of loaded hand guns and blame the manufacturer if they get hurt.

Living Room / Ever wanted your OWN plane? Well.... HACK ONE!
« Last post by gjehle on January 05, 2008, 06:07 AM »
Boeing's new 787 Dreamliner passenger jet may have a serious security vulnerability in its onboard computer networks that could allow passengers to access the plane's control systems, according to the U.S. Federal Aviation Administration.

The computer network in the Dreamliner's passenger compartment, designed to give passengers in-flight internet access, is connected to the plane's control, navigation and communication systems, an FAA report reveals.

Photo: Robert Sorbo / Corbis (Wired)
Living Room / Happy Mod 365 Day Everyone!
« Last post by gjehle on December 31, 2007, 04:47 AM »



nerds unite

besides, nye is such a lame, old, everyone-knows-what-it-means thing :D
General Software Discussion / Re: How many of you use encryption?
« Last post by gjehle on December 21, 2007, 02:55 AM »
i use
Cryptoloop for encrypting everything from partitions to whole drives on the fly.
GNU Privacy Guard (basically PGP just free and open) for mail.
Mircryption for IRC chatting.
OTR for Pidgin to encrypt all my IMs for jabber, y!, icq, aim, msn, ... (official OTR website)

same answer, less words:
yes, i do use encryption ;)

on, all of it is free as in beer and freedom.
and most of it cross platform
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