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Coding Snacks / Re: Idea: Lightbox
« Last post by Coeluh on January 31, 2009, 12:03 PM »
What about the ones with dualscreen?
Post New Requests Here / REQ - Tiny taskbar clock for secondary screen
« Last post by Coeluh on January 31, 2009, 11:37 AM »
Hi there,

ive been using 2 screens for quite a long time. I have ultramon, which allows me to have a taskbar for the secondary monitor. Sometimes, i watch a movie fullscreen at the primary monitor. I still have a taskbar at the other one, but no clock. Couldn't there be a small 'always hover on top in the bottomright cornor' clock, with the same format of the style im using:  royale. It shouldnt be that hard is it?

Gr Me
Post New Requests Here / Re: REQ: Independent volume per application for XP
« Last post by Coeluh on January 31, 2009, 10:43 AM »
Not that I've got any solutions for you... but Windows 7 beta seems to have exactly that, built in.
Of course, I can't confirm this since Windows 7 beta doesn't fully work with my 6 year old on-board sound hardware.
Yeah but dude, i aint gonna switch to a OS beta just for that, im sticking with xp
Post New Requests Here / REQ: Independent volume per application for XP
« Last post by Coeluh on January 29, 2009, 02:05 PM »
I've been googling, but there is no such thing for windows xp. It should be like a replacement or sideapp for the normal volume control. There is a thing called indievolume, but 1. the layout sucks and 2. its not freeware. Im not paying for changing the volume, eh?
General Software Discussion / Re: The Monkeys Have Hit The Button
« Last post by Coeluh on January 27, 2009, 06:11 PM »
Woow this is awesome. Just cause i'm lazy i'm asking: Will all the old programs still work? Like Photoshop and Gomplayer and every other shit?
I would like an feature of the mac with the growing icons when you hover above them on the quicklaunch bar. Also the option to just have a flag instead of the word start next to it (im not going to use reshack, hate it)
Post New Requests Here / Re: Simple single exe to show/hide to taskbar
« Last post by Coeluh on January 24, 2009, 11:13 AM »
Whats the difference with the one i provided?

do you mean the difference between the exe you found and the one Skrommel coded?

I havent tried either but the obvious first difference is that you asked for help and someone custom-made a piece of software for you

Do not get me wrong. I really appreciate his work. I was just being curious that's all!
Post New Requests Here / Re: Simple single exe to show/hide to taskbar
« Last post by Coeluh on January 16, 2009, 07:53 AM »
:) Posted a compiled version of RunAndHide above.



Whats the difference with the one i provided?
Post New Requests Here / Re: Simple single exe to show/hide to taskbar
« Last post by Coeluh on January 14, 2009, 07:55 AM »
:) Posted a compiled version of RunAndHide above.

Coding Snacks / Re: REQUEST: Transparent or Frosted or Milk Glass Taskbar Tool ?
« Last post by Coeluh on January 09, 2009, 06:26 PM »
Hello - some Days again  ^^

A new Request: is there a way to make an Application for frosted or milkglass transparency (bottom) Taskbar,
(like ColorTaskbar https://www.donation...=205.msg7987#msg7987)
but only the background should transparent, not the fontcolors or thumbicons?

Style-Look-a-Like this ...

cheers - and happy new Years !  :)
For windows XP right?
Post New Requests Here / Re: Simple single exe to show/hide to taskbar
« Last post by Coeluh on January 09, 2009, 06:26 PM »
Well I didn't need this, but I tried it; it works and it works well. A zero-byte download (for AHK users) that is transparently safe as opposed to the exe Coeluh plumped for. Leave the file on your desktop and you don't even need to make a shortcut! Go ahead Coeluh, try it. The AutoHotkey download is extremely reusable and flexible; I guarantee you'll need it for another purpose sooner or later.
Well I like not to install AHK just for this, because this simple exe does the job. Thanks though.
Post New Requests Here / Re: Simple single exe to show/hide to taskbar
« Last post by Coeluh on January 06, 2009, 11:16 AM »
I've found something

Just this single exe hides it.
Post New Requests Here / Re: Simple single exe to show/hide to taskbar
« Last post by Coeluh on January 06, 2009, 02:13 AM »
:) How about this?


; Run to hide or show the taskbar
;Skrommel @ 2008

IfWinExist,ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
  WinHide,ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
  WinHide,Start ahk_class Button
  WinShow,ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd
  WinShow,Start ahk_class Button
what to do with it?
Post New Requests Here / Re: Simple single exe to show/hide to taskbar
« Last post by Coeluh on November 23, 2008, 10:35 AM »
Search for "pushtoshow" (a script by skrommel).
Now that is not what I'm looking for.
1. The thaskbar kets unlocked, don't like it.
2. Also the 'when mouse reaches bottom of the screen show op" function is not fine.
3. I would like to make a clickable shortcut, not a shortkey.
Post New Requests Here / Simple single exe to show/hide to taskbar
« Last post by Coeluh on November 23, 2008, 08:27 AM »
Hi there,

I would like to know wether this kinda app is around. It should hide when the single exe is executed, and restore the taskbar when executed again. I would not like to be it a tray thingy. Any help?
General Software Discussion / Re: Remapping F-keys (f1-f12) shortcuts
« Last post by Coeluh on October 12, 2008, 07:52 AM »
Ok, found it! Check this out :)
General Software Discussion / Re: Remapping F-keys (f1-f12) shortcuts
« Last post by Coeluh on October 12, 2008, 04:12 AM »
autohotkey all the way, except nice layout
Thanks for you input. I gave it a look, and yes, the layout sucked. I would like to have it a little more accessible. Can someone write one for me?
General Software Discussion / Remapping F-keys (f1-f12) shortcuts
« Last post by Coeluh on October 12, 2008, 03:52 AM »
Hi there,

I'm looking for a very simple program which can do the following:

- Set shortcuts on keys f1 to f12, overiding what it does in windows.
- Shortcuts to Programs and Folders
- Shortcut to volume up down and mute.
- Nice Layout
- Windows XP Systray Icon. Like the keyboard icon, from where you can run it.

How much will it cost btw to let someone make this app?
N.A.N.Y. Challenge 2007 / Re: WorkCoach - v0.8.0 - January 24, 2007
« Last post by Coeluh on February 01, 2008, 11:20 AM »
I was wondering or these 2 things could be aplied:

Keeping record, even after reboots, of the total time you worked on something and make it resetable.

This 2nd thing would be nice: G15 support. It is not very needed, but when it is not to hard, it would be great!

And maybe some tray icon changes on a task changes. Maybe the clock will turn green or something, some things you change. Like change the profile, and when its active, this should be shown:(clocks in diferent colors e.g.).
N.A.N.Y. Challenge 2007 / Re: WorkCoach - v0.8.0 - January 24, 2007
« Last post by Coeluh on January 29, 2008, 01:57 PM »
Thanks, its maybe about a year ago now, but this is just a great tool
Developer's Corner / Timer
« Last post by Coeluh on January 29, 2008, 12:46 PM »
Hi there,

i thougt i saw it once here, but it isnt there anymore: A programm where you can keep record of how long you are working on something. Thanks in advance,

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: All to systray
« Last post by Coeluh on July 21, 2007, 01:40 PM »
This is my idea,
just a tiny program that does this:

  • Make it possible for every window to minimize to the systray, so it wont be in the taskbar
  • When you right-click the systray icon of it, it shows a list of the closed programs, and when you click one, or double click the icon it comes back
  • It has to see the icon of the program, so it can be showed in the systray

How to minimize?

Few ideas:
When rightclicking in taskbar, add a minimize to systray (so you hook this shell).
Right clicking the minimize button.

Program: Traydevil, but this one is just with to many functions. I want just a simple app.

Start with windows function?

Do i have to donate to get this app done?
Where are the grid  files stored?
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