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Living Room / Re: More good web comics you've discovered
« Last post by Cloq on February 11, 2016, 05:47 PM »
General Software Discussion / Help: Utility to force set monitor/LCD refresh rate
« Last post by Cloq on February 06, 2016, 09:35 PM »
Does anyone know of a utility to force a refresh rate? I would like my lcd monitor to stay at 60Hz and not not flip back to 59.9Hz.

All this started when I upgraded to a newer nvidia video card (and drivers because the old drivers wouldn't recognize the newer video card).

Basically whenever I am watching a video or playing a game, my monitor flickers briefly and displays 60.0Hz. Soon as I stop playing the video or game, it flickers briefly and displays 59.9Hz.

Discovered that whenever something uses the video card for anything other than displaying the desktop/browsing, the refresh change flicker happens. Really annoying. >:(

I have set the refresh rate to 60 under advanced settings of the display drivers but still flips back and forth based on the gpu usage.

Any ideas?
Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: AdGuard: the better Ad Muncher?
« Last post by Cloq on June 10, 2015, 09:12 PM »
I have asked for a feature request for adguard (support forum), hopefully it will get accepted. :D

Currently it seems adguard supports ssl filtering for all ssl (minus the exclusion whitelist), this seems to be too all encompassing from a security stand point.

Please provide a way (for advanced users/settings) to allow ssl filtering *only* on user blacklist and not on all (as is currently) ssl sites. This method gives a greater degree of control over what ssl sites get filtered.
Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: AdGuard: the better Ad Muncher?
« Last post by Cloq on June 10, 2015, 08:32 PM »
Think I will wait till adguard gives you a way to whitelist sites from ssl filtering.

Release notes from their current version states they are working on that:

Coming Soon:
Fully disable SSL interception for the websites using “Extended Validation” certificates. This type of certificates is mostly used by financial companies, banks, etc.

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: AdGuard: the better Ad Muncher?
« Last post by Cloq on June 10, 2015, 07:54 PM »

Thanks for link. Not sure how I feel about trusting an "unknown" company to be a man-in-the-middle for ssl... seems a bit risky(?)

Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: AdGuard: the better Ad Muncher?
« Last post by Cloq on June 10, 2015, 03:04 PM »
The Man-In-The-Middle 'attack' sure sounds scary, but it is really the only way one can intercept and manipulate HTTPS traffic in order to filter ads from HTTPS traffic. Realistically, though, how much of an 'attack' is it when *you* are the man who is in the middle? However, you can disable the feature for web sites individually or turn the feature off altogether. This is merely an optional feature for those who want to retaliate towards malevolent entitities who think it's funny embedding their advertisements in encrypted web traffic.

Explain please...  :tellme: is it generating local machine certificate (based on your machine) or are you trusting an Adguard (company) certificate?
Mini-Reviews by Members / Re: AdGuard: the better Ad Muncher?
« Last post by Cloq on January 09, 2015, 09:35 AM »
Hm.. wonder if AdGuard respects your privacy.

Would be nice if someone knowledgeable would do a packet sniffing/inspection to see if your information (web habits/email/ssl data etc.) is sent back to Adguard or not.
General Software Discussion / Re: 4 (Maybe more) Absolute top go-to programs
« Last post by Cloq on April 30, 2014, 02:30 PM »
Total Command
Ad Muncher
K-Lite Codec Pack (mega)
Office (2003)

Must have basics on any personal machines.

nm - read it wrong..  started to add others. ;D
Living Room / Does this exist - future low airfare alert?
« Last post by Cloq on April 30, 2014, 12:30 PM »
With airfare prices increasing yearly (or monthly depending on fuel speculation etc.) I was wonder if if a future date low airfare alert email or app exists out there.

Basically looking for something that will check a future travel date and time, on a daily/weekly/monthly basis as prices seem to fluctuate rapidly. 

My local airport use to offer something similar but a few years back they quit doing that.  :(
General Software Discussion / Re: Firefox 29 - soooooo similar to Chrome
« Last post by Cloq on April 30, 2014, 12:18 PM »
As skwire mentions, Firefox 29 - Classic Theme Restorer is a must. Unless you like chrome like interface..

Took me awhile to set everything back (interface) to pre-FF 29 (update various plugins and settings).
General Software Discussion / Re: Malwarebytes v2.0 - Gripe
« Last post by Cloq on April 29, 2014, 12:24 PM »
And which finger used is up to you. ;)

Hah! Reading my mind...!  :P
General Software Discussion / Re: Malwarebytes v2.0 - Gripe
« Last post by Cloq on April 29, 2014, 11:26 AM »
Finger friendly... can't speak for everyone but I am pretty sure that most people aren't going to be touching their (desktop) screens or laptop screens, especially in enterprise/business environment (since Megabytes does cater to that market as well).

UI is still huge and on a typical laptop 1366x768.. sure would be nice to have a "classic" mode/theme or whatever they call it now.
General Software Discussion / Re: The Best Security Suites (2013/2014)
« Last post by Cloq on April 22, 2014, 09:51 PM »
Would say Eset ESS but it does require I would recommend a relatively modern cpu.

Any flavor/generation of i3/i5/i7 or even core 2 duo will work fine.

Wouldn't recommend anything lower than core 2 duo though because it will initially chug starting up with windows, but once started it's fine.

ESS v6 and v7 have been pretty zippy and stable.
General Software Discussion / Re: The Best Security Suites (2013/2014)
« Last post by Cloq on April 22, 2014, 09:26 PM »
AVG!? - Heh surely you jest!?

No thanks. Long story short, they recommended white listing windows folder and signing all apps so that their heuristics wouldn't tag/kill/quarantine false positives.

The kicker.. their heuristics db/engine would "forget" that files xyz were safe and on later updates would tag/kill/quarantine files that were submitted to their engineers (they assured wouldn't get tagged by future updates). 5 Years of that BS was enough (stuck on contract).

AVG - Consumer version and enterprise version.
General Software Discussion / Malwarebytes v2.0 - Gripe
« Last post by Cloq on April 22, 2014, 09:03 PM »
Can anyone explain what's up with the HUGE and in your face clutter type interface in v2.0? Reminds me of spamware/adware clutter interface. Gah!

I can't be the only one that likes a simple clean and efficient layout. That and I miss seeing how much data is being transferred when you click update.. can't stand everything being hidden now. Did I mention that you can't just back up the registry settings?

wonder if it has something to do with fitting in with windows 8.x.x huge everything fashion...

k.. done ranting for the moment.  ;D


Support was a bit delayed but they were able to provide a way to back up settings and such, copy and save somewhere safe.

Location: c:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\

Living Room / HTTPS and PRISM Confusion
« Last post by Cloq on November 24, 2013, 09:36 AM »
Not sure how using HTTPS on every connection provides any security from NSA when the PRISM program pretty much allows direct access to servers.

I can see how it would help from casual hacking/snooping but if the offenders have direct access to the servers doesn't really matter if the connection is secure or not, right? wrong? :tellme:

Living Room / Re: Must...stop...playing...that addictive game!
« Last post by Cloq on July 11, 2013, 03:17 PM »
I beat this one 4 times so far...     :-[

Gah.... they keep on dropping!
General Software Discussion / Re: Firefox Bookmarks and Settings Sync?
« Last post by Cloq on May 13, 2013, 08:53 PM »
Thanks for the heads up, I vaguely remember reading that awhile back but was miffed that Firefox was forcing you to choose it's service only and not provide another external secure source method (https, webdav, sftp, etc.) to a location of your choosing.

Just miss not being able to sync my own data to my own device (pogoplug, or my own web server). :(

I hope the external sync devs will someday start making compatible extensions again.
General Software Discussion / Firefox Bookmarks and Settings Sync?
« Last post by Cloq on May 13, 2013, 01:23 PM »
What happened to all the extensions (firefox) that would allow you to sync your bookmarks and settings to your own server?

It seems there are plenty of extensions that are happy to *host* and sync to their servers but are pretty vague on privacy.

Makes me wonder if  I am beating a dead horse especially after doing a few google searches.. grumble gumbrle..
Living Room / The 21 worst tech habits [PCWORLD]
« Last post by Cloq on April 23, 2013, 08:01 AM »
The 21 worst tech habits ...

My Favorite:

10. One account, multiple users

S4_23_2013 , 8_42_42 AM_thumb002.png
Living Room / Re: Emperor's New Clothes Kickstarter
« Last post by Cloq on March 10, 2013, 05:41 PM »
umm.. WTF!?

Now where did I put my box for the Charity for One [Me]...
Living Room / Re: "Half of our users block ads. Now what?"
« Last post by Cloq on March 10, 2013, 02:29 PM »
My sentiments about "ads":

Quote from reddit user:
I'm not him but I'll be happy to list why its f*cked up..1.- A VERY large portion of the viruses out there end up through infected ads, block ads? Virus infections drop off the map. 2.- Destructoid does NOT sere the ads, like everybody else that pass it off to third parties. See #1 as to why that is a problem, it lets you pass the buck and you end up giving your users infections. 3.- The advertisers have gone from simple txt and jpgs to shitting out ads that take over the sound and maxes out the volume, its like inviting someone into your home and on the second or third visit they scream in your face..would you invite them back? 4.- They have taken ad revenues to the extreme, an article that would be 3 paragraphs is now shit all over a dozen pages...why should I care about you when you are trying to milk me for more revenue while making things worse for me?

I'll be happy to unblock a site if they ask nicely...IF they ONLY use txt ads, no risky Flash or Java ads, NO taking over my speakers, NO blasting commercials..they do that? I have NO problem with unblocking. The problem is all these sites are frankly lazy bastards that just want to make money without having to do the work so they just sell their ad space to any company that offers them cash without giving a f*ck if its ads are rude, if they assault our senses, hell they don't even seem to give a f*ck if they end up serving malware to their users, just as long as they get paid. Well I have to clean up their messes so f*ck them, I install adblock as SOP to ALL PCs that come through my door.
General Software Discussion / Re: upgrade to SSD
« Last post by Cloq on March 05, 2013, 04:51 PM »
From experience, windows loves a fresh install.

New computer/laptop?

If new then you might be better off doing a fresh install (check bios to set HD to AHCI) and install Win7.

Not sure if there is a painless way aside from creating an image and hope it will work properly (when restored back). I think Win7 has a built in image creation tool.
hm.. good thing I have license to use thinapp.. hello thinapp office2013!  ;D
General Software Discussion / Re: Firefox CPU usage
« Last post by Cloq on December 21, 2012, 12:38 PM »
Interesting.. I recently had a similar problem, in my case the issue turned out to be that my "prefs.js" file in my firefox profile folder, had ballooned to 250+ MB. My assumption is that somehow it was corrupted. I restored a backed copy of it (150KB) and now Firefox is zippy again, no high cpu/mem usage.
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