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Hmm, I tried to understand what you script actually does (and failed :( )

Should I really be able to just Ctrl and + to enlarge the fonts/view? I tried to customize it to my IE version/language (third menu --> seventh entry there has the 5 size options), but failed again :(
Couldn't get it to work, I got an
" Down" is not a valid key name within a hotkey label.
error  :(

Also, what do you think about putting info like

;Changes the displayed font size in Internet Explorer by pressing Ctrl+ and Ctrl-
;Skrommel @2005

at the beginning and end of your scripts? Would be better if users copy it in their biiig AutoHotkey.ini :)

Hi Skrommel :)

Did you write the original code?

You are right about the AutoHotkey forum but I love the coding snack section of this site! I bet if there would be more pages like that AutoHotkey would get more attention... many seem to confuse it with an alternative to C++ and hate it :(

Hi :)

In Firefox it's possible to just use Ctrl and + to increase or Ctrl and - to decrease the font size. Since I can't always use Firefox instead of IE I would like to have the same Firefox comfort in IE (at least for size changes). I think it would be possible with AutoHotkey since it's possible using the mouse or the menu already - but just not with one or two keys :-/

Looking forward to answers!
Right, that IS faster, nice! :up:

Let's see if Skrommel has anything to add :)
CarolHaynes: thanks! :)

It works perfectly, but is there a way to speed it up? I can't more around windows as fast as before, there's a noticeable delay when hitting a hotkey often (to move it to the other side of the screen) and sometimes the script 'swallows' one of the key presses then...
Screenshot Captor / Re: bug in v2.00.09: does not remember window size/position
« Last post by brotherS on September 20, 2005, 10:02 AM »
I got the same bug in v2.00.10  :(

Do I need to do a clean installation? Where does your program hide its settings?
Finished Programs / DONE: move around windows with keys + extra feature
« Last post by brotherS on September 20, 2005, 08:26 AM »

I don't remember where exactly I found this great script, maybe it's even skrommel's code :)

It works perfectly, I just miss ONE feature. The script should not only move the window but the mouse cursor with it, to prevent that the window would move away from beneath the cursor.

Thanks in advance! :up:

;move active window around with Windows+l/r/up/down
; move active window xx pixels right
   wingetpos x, y,,, A   ; get coordinates of the active window
   x += 30           ; add this distance to the x coordinate
   winmove, A,,%x%, %y%  ; make the active window use the new coordinates
   return              ; finish

; move active window xx pixels left
   wingetpos x, y,,, A
   x -= 30
   winmove, A,,%x%, %y%

; move active window xx pixels up
   wingetpos x, y,,, A
   y -= 30
   winmove, A,,%x%, %y%

; move active window xx pixels down
   wingetpos x, y,,, A
   y += 30
   winmove, A,,%x%, %y%

since the day I virtually completely stopped listening to mp3 files and started to listen to live streams only I'm searching for a tool like this! Reason why: I'm listening to about 7 streams - and while most of them DO have a schedule it happens that a live show is delayed or canceled or another show comes up unexpected - so I have to stop listening to the stream I'm listening to, only to check what the other streams are playing... This is what Shoutcast Overview (just a suggestion for a name that would give good Google results) should do and look like:

  • a tiny window with no menues on the desktop
  • the window would show the shoutcast titles for a number of chosen streams
  • in the window, there would be an on/off switch for every visible entry
  • right-clicking the window or the tray icon will give you a menu for options/quit/etc.
  • there should be an option to turn off the taskbar 'icon' (so that you'll only have the tray icon)
  • in the options you would set the interval of the title updates, like: a) wait X seconds before checking next stream and b) wait Y seconds before start with the first active stream again
  • the options should allow to import single (not all!) entries from a Winamp playlist (ASCII)
  • in the options, there would be a show/not-show switch to change the visibility of the entries in the desktop window

You see that I gave it quite a thought already :) Would be really, really great if someone would code it! :up:

If there should be any questions about how to code the shoutcast part of the tool, I bet there are folks willing to help available in the Winamp forum.

Also, since there are millions of shoutcast and Winamp users, this could also mean quite some attention for if you list the tool in places like and tell some popular freeware/shareware news sites about it.

Thoughts and feedback please! :)
:) I've uploaded a single run version of Ghoster.
You should use AHK to always easily paste the URL of where you upload stuff in your posts, so that newbies can faster find it :)

The other problem I need more info on. What's the name of the tool you use?
It's not really a tool, but a not-that-well-known feature. With tools like TuneUp Utilities or X-Setup Pro you can set it. This is how to do it in X-Setup Pro:
  • start X-Setup Pro and click "Classic"
  • go to Hardware > Mouse > X-Mouse
  • enable "Activate window when mouse passes it"
  • enable "Bring active window to foreground if X-Mouse activates it"
  • Apply Changes
  • maybe you need to restart
Screenshot Captor / v2.00.09 suggestions
« Last post by brotherS on September 16, 2005, 07:57 AM »

some new ideas :)

- auto-clear preview window
I find it a bit confusing that the last image captured will still be shown in the right part of your program even if you have deleted or moved it to another location

- make Preferences window stick in the foreground or open as a new window that you'll see with Alt-TAB
since I use the "mouse cursor over a window will focus that without clicking" option of Windows you should either a) move the mouse cursor over the "OK" button when opening the preferences b) make that window stick to the foreground or c) open as a new instance (I'd vote for a)

- ESC should close Preferences window
the title says it all :)


I got the latest Ghoster.ahk from https://www.donation...m/Software/Skrommel/ and put the lines you suggested in my AHK script (just replaced the .exe entries with .ahk).

The hotkey starts your script as it should, but when I hit it again to stop it a window pops up:
"An older instance of this script is already running. Replace it with this instance?" :(

Another problem I have: your script sometimes conflicts with the "windows get focus and are moved to foreground by moving the mouse cursor over them (no need to click them" feature of Windows that I use: after using your script the (not dimmed) window I used it with will then always stay in the foreground, even if other windows get focus by moving the cursor on them. I have to close and open the window to fix it, minimizing does no thelp... :o

Could you fix that too please?
:) I've just uploaded a new version that quits the one running before starting another.
I'm afraid I was a bit unclear in my last post :( I thought there might be a 'toggle' option, so that I could use *one* start menu entry for starting the script - and stopping it again later.

If by start and exit you mean reload, add the following line to the end of the script, to have it reload when pressing Ctrl-Shift-o:

hmm... is it also possible to start your script with that hotkey from inside my own AutoHotkey script that runs here 24/7?
Hey Skrommel, you are great! :)

CPU load still jumps to 100% when the script is activated, but is very low when it's just running.   :up:

One feature request for version 1.1: could you please add something to the code that would exit the script when the script is started again while it's still running?

And how would I define a hotkey like Ctrl-Shift-o to start and exit the script?

Screenshot Captor / v2.00.09 bug - strange problem, I can't fix it
« Last post by brotherS on September 13, 2005, 10:49 AM »

me again :) I just used the "Move To/Configure MoveTo Folder List" menu entry for the first - and when I tried to capture something right after that I got this strange problem (see attachment). Screenshot Captor won't even let me close it, I had to kill it with the Task Manager. Also, reinstalling the program did not help. I got the capture sound but there is nothing saved when the error window pops up.

And just now I noticed another minor problem: when you hit Alt (in the GUI), the 'menu row' will NOT be activated. Since that is standard for Windows (based programs) I'd like you to allow that too.

Screenshot Captor / Re: v2.00.09 - suggestion for "On Capture" option
« Last post by brotherS on September 13, 2005, 04:21 AM »
great! :)
ProcessTamer / feature request: kill process if...
« Last post by brotherS on September 13, 2005, 02:14 AM »

I like the idea of Process Tamer but can't use it for the problem I have: one program that I run 24/7 sometimes acts up and then uses almost ~100% CPU. It won't react *anymore* so Process Tamer isn't able to reduce it's CPU load :(

This is why I would like a "kill process when CPU usage is more than (X) % for more than (Y) minutes" option. Maybe even with an additional "(XX) minutes after killing process (YY), start up .exe (ZZ)" option?
Screenshot Captor / v2.00.09 - suggestion for "On Capture" option
« Last post by brotherS on September 13, 2005, 02:09 AM »

please enhance the On Capture --> On Capture option a bit: instead of or in addition to "Stay Minimized" I'd like an "don't return to Screenshot Captor" option. It should not jump back to the Screenshot Captor window even if that's not minimized when using the hotkeys to capture stuff.
Wow, I'm once again surprised what's possible with AutoHotkey!  :up:

Too bad that script slows down my PC a lot, causing CPU usage to jump from ~10% to 50% and more :( P-IV 2.4 GHz with Windows 2000 here, 1 GB RAM
Screenshot Captor / Re: bug in v2.00.09: does not remember window size/position
« Last post by brotherS on September 12, 2005, 03:24 PM »
I like because you can rate and review programs there and also can read the feedback from others. Thanks to that I discovered GREAT programs like - and you'll get an email when one of the programs you added to your list is updated (new beta or official release).

You are right, I like interaction too. Right now I'm helping 4 coders to beta-test their freeware and suggesting new features - expect more posts to come :)
Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: suggestions: what I would love in Clipboard Help+Spell
« Last post by brotherS on September 12, 2005, 01:09 PM »
Thanks for the warm welcome!

Well, add some of what ClipX (see above) does and how it does it and you'll have a great program! :)
I'm more than willing to replace ClipX if your program does the same thing plus spell checking etc. :)
Screenshot Captor / Re: bug in v2.00.09: does not remember window size/position
« Last post by brotherS on September 12, 2005, 01:05 PM »
Thanks, I love software where the bugs are fixed fast :)
And I like - that's where I discovered your great program!
Clipboard Help+Spell / suggestions: what I would love in Clipboard Help+Spell
« Last post by brotherS on September 12, 2005, 08:24 AM »

in this post I will compare Clipboard Help+Spell to ClipX - a great, tiny, free clipboard manager, which code isn't  updated anymore :-( Have a look here: http://www.addict3d....loadfile&ID=3088

- less RAM usage: ClipX does only use 500kb RAM, Clipboard Help+Spell did use 15 MB when I tested it

- ease of use: please test ClipX and let it inspire you :) What I especially like is the way it allows me to pop up the list of recent clipboard entries with a hotkey - where I can simply hit "s" to search for a string - and that I can set an additional hotkey that opens that list but but auto-selects the second but last entry.

- tray icon menu: this should contain an "options/preferences" entry

- a new name? To be honest, Clipboard Help+Spell isn't that good to remember, maybe you'll want a new name as it evolves?
Screenshot Captor / bug reports
« Last post by brotherS on September 12, 2005, 08:08 AM »

first of all: thank you for this great program, I really love it!
The latest version does not save the windows size and position on exit - I start Screenshot Captor, maximize, close it, start it again - and it has the wrong (default) window size and position... :(

I'd be happy if you could fix that!  :up:
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