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General Software Discussion / Re: save everything I type
« Last post by patteo on October 16, 2008, 08:29 AM »
Copyurl+ which is a Firefox that enables you to easily select text from a webpage together with the URL.

Hmmm...  won't install on Firefox 2, says it's only for 1.5...

You need to apply the Nightly Tester Compatibility fix.
Nightly Tester Tools :: Firefox Add-ons
"Long Description

This extension adds a few extras useful to those that regularly test nightly builds of Firefox, Thunderbird, Sunbird and Toolkit Seamonkey (Suiterunner).

The following is a brief list of the extension's features, for the full set of features please visit the extension home page.

* Extension compatibility fixing
* Titlebar customisation
* Build ID retrieval
* Screenshots
* Breakpad information
* Restoring tabs from previous session
* Leak log analysis"

Once you install this Add-on Nightly Tester I mean, you will find that when you check on the "incompatible Add-Ons, there will be an "option" somewhere. I think if I remember correctly, when you go to your listing of Add-Ons, right click on the "offending Add-on" and you should see an option to "Fix" it.

By the way, I'm using Firefox 3.03
General Software Discussion / Re: save everything I type
« Last post by patteo on October 16, 2008, 04:50 AM »
Smart Type Assistant


Did you use Smart Typing Assistant to copy what you posted in the other thread?   :)

Ugh - URL blocked by company nannybot - will have to check when I get home...

No, I use Copyurl+ which is a Firefox that enables you to easily select text from a webpage together with the URL.

I think Smart Typing Assistant would probably be classified as a keylogger. Although I cannot say whether it is a benign one. Who knows really ? Maybe that is why it is blocked.

I would think all software of this nature has a keylogger component in it.
General Software Discussion / Re: save everything I type
« Last post by patteo on October 16, 2008, 03:57 AM »
Smart Type Assistant - typing automation, time-saving utility. Download Keyboard macros software
"Smart Type Assistant offers you Smart Diary – a useful feature for automatically saving what you type. It will help you to recall what you wrote some time ago, and to restore important documents after Windows crashes. It automatically stores everything you type in the strongly encrypted file, which can be protected with a password. It can help you to organize your archives."
General Software Discussion / Re: Someone MUST make a new PowerMarks program.
« Last post by patteo on October 14, 2008, 12:00 PM »
Superboyac, I'm am also a long time user of Powermarks and ever since switching to Firefox 3, I have been looking for a way to overcome what we long time users of Powermarks are facing.

I've look long and hard and I thought I had found a solution with combination of TagSifter and HandyTag

"Firefox 3 lets you tag your bookmarks, but it doesn't give you a great way to browse your bookmarks by their tags. TagSifter tries to. Select a group of tags in the sidebar or menu, and TagSifter shows you all the related tags and bookmarks. Or search your bookmarks with set operators, like "tag1 - (tag2 + !tag3)". Comes with a tool to help tag your existing bookmarks as you move to Firefox 3."

Search Add-ons :: Firefox Add-ons
"HandyTag simply providing a complete set of most relevant keywords in the bookmark's edition panel. These keywords are retrieved from many different sources."

BUT, I keep thinking that a lot of the convenience I was experiencing with Powermarks was still missing.

Besides, I have not figured out how to backup all these Tags I'm entering into Firefox.

But guess what, I think I have hit upon a solution - with just a couple of small steps missing.

This is what I'm doing :

You will need to have a few things to accomplish this.

1. Powermarks
2. Firefox 3
3. Turnon Global HotKeys - enable you to hit the hot key to bring Powermarks to the foreground
Make sure you assign an unused key combination to     "Add Bookmark from Clipboard" such as Alt+Shift+P

Chapter 8 - Powermarks User Guide
"    8.1.7 Hotkeys

    Switch to Powermarks
        Display the Powermarks window
    Add Bookmark to Browser
        Add the current browser URL to the Powermarks bookmark list and allow for editing.
    Fast Add Bookmark from Browser
        Adds the URL currently in the Browser to the Powermarks bookmark list.
    Add Bookmark from Clipboard
        Searches the clipboard for a URL and adds it the Powermarks bookmark list. Powermarks will attempt to contact the site and retrieve the name, keywords and description of the new bookmark. "

4. Chapter 8 - Powermarks User Guide
"8.1.12 Browsers"

If you look at your actual Option Screen in your Powermarks program, you will see an additional line item - Firefox which is not shown in the online Powermarks User Guide.

Make sure you tell Powermarks where to find Firefox 3.

Your are almost all set for a test run now.

5. Using Firefox, do you usual surfing on the web.

Let's say you are at


And you want this url plus whatever keywords to be captured in Powermarks.

(Note: Do make sure Powermarks is loaded and it could also be minimized in the backgroud)

a. Press Crtl+L - this highlights the URL bar in Firefox 3 (Note that Alt+D also works in same way)
b. Press Crtl+C - this places https://addons.mozil...handytag&cat=all into the clipboard.
c. Press Shift+Alt+P - this executes "Add Bookmark from Clipboard" which you configured in Step 3 above such as Alt+Shift+P

Step 5c tells Powermarks to store retrieve https://addons.mozil...handytag&cat=all into the database together with the associated keywords.
And all this time, Powermarks remain in the background until you invoke it with say Crtl+Alt+P Hotkey you assigned (See 8.1.7 Hotkeys  in Chapter 8 - Powermarks User Guide)

Presto - you are done - back in business with Powermarks. Clicking on a url in Powermarks would launch the url in a new tab (if you set the options correctly) in Firefox (if it had been set as the default browser.)

Now of course Steps 5.a, 5.b and 5.c can all be combined as a single command if someone can write a Autohotkey script and compile it into and exe and attach it to a Button on Firefox - This part I have not figured out as yet - but it certainly can be done. Once the script has been written and compiled, it could possibly be launched by
"Launch External Windows Applications Directly From Firefox

But take note that "Launch External Windows Applications Directly From Firefox" does not seem to operate properly with Firefox 3. [See How to add a Button (to execute a AutoHotkey script or an exe) to Firefox 3 -
"I would like to execute a particular command from within Firefox 3.
This could be calling a AutoHotkey script or the same script compiled into a DoThis.exe"]

Perhaps someone with Greasemonkey script (if that is the thing to use) could figure this out.

Take note that "Alt+Ins Add URL from clipboard" does not quite work - It would have completed the picture for people like us.
Chapter 10 - Powermarks User Guide
"Alt+Ins    Add URL from clipboard"

Do tell me what do you think - no more worries that Firefox 4, 5, or 6 would break it !!!

Yes no doubt it is not as convenient right now, but it works !!!

Anyone would like to craft a Autohotkey script for us poor Powermarkers and figure out how to use "Launch External Windows Applications Directly From Firefox"

I mentioned a while back that the ""Launch External Windows Applications Directly From Firefox" does not seem to operate properly with Firefox 3."

Well, I just discovered that the Firefox Add-On extension IE Tab has an option that allows you to launch an External Application.

It works when you Crtl+Click the IE Tab BUTTON.

This could be used to launch a compiled Autohotkey script such as the one written by Twinkler.

So this could be THE solution for the clickable button solution that I was looking for.

When I can find sometime to work this out, I'll post again.

But of course whoever wants to beat me to this is most welcomed.

I suspect there may be other Add-ons that has a hidden option to launch an external program that we are not aware of.

That it happened to be part of the IE Tab Add-on is just a conincidence.

General Software Discussion / Data Extractor - Anyone found this useful
« Last post by patteo on October 11, 2008, 06:00 AM »
There's a 50% offer today on
Data Extractor
Extract any data, emails and URLs from files and the web
The Data Extractor allows website screen scraping to simply extract email addresses or URLs, or extract your own information using advanced techniques.

Just wondering if anyone has used this software before previously and found it effective and useful as advertised.

Or is there anything else that is much better ?

Yes it is very possible to do so.

Just export the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\TypedURLs and copy it over to the other computer and import it.

If you don't feel comfortable editing the registry in that way then I can make a quick program for you to do so. :)
-hollowlife1987 (October 08, 2008, 10:03 AM)

Cool - Thanks

Should be no problem exporting to a .reg

I guess just copy the file over to the new computer, click it and accept that it will place the reg key in and that should be it. Right ?

Does anyone know of a quick and effective way to transfer the history of Internet Explorer to another computer.

This is so that when you type in the url bar, you will be able to see your recent visits.

Nirsoft has a IE history view. But it only list the items but has no facility to transfer.

IEHistoryView v1.37 - View Visited Web Sites of Internet Explorer
Copyright (c) 2003 - 2007 Nir Sofer
It does sound fishy, Phil.. The first person that posted didn't come back after giving that advice.
Honestly, this'd be a good reason for me to decide for another product.

Perhaps it may be spam. But as for being a good reason to decide for another product, I think I won't do that.

The reason is that I tried the Giveawayoftheday "EASEUS Partition Manager Professional Edition 2.0 just today because I'm setting up a new laptop and it worked pretty well for me.

EASEUS Partition Manager is comprehensive hard disk partition software, which not only provides with convenient user-interface simplifying your tasks but also enables you to configure and manage partitions of hard drive."

Unfortunately, I cannot say I had the same result with the venerable Partition Magic which had served me well previously.

Anyway, the Easues Patrition Manager Home edition (which is free) and the Pro version has only a few differences pertaining to ability to work on 64bit and on commercial environments.

So I say if you are having some problems with other Partition Managers, then try the free Easues Partition Manager Home edition. Of course you may just want to test on on a non critical harddisk.

Anyway, I cannot say I have a vast amount of experience with Easues Partition Manager. But so far so good - and you cannot really argue with "Free and it works".
Does anyone know of a program to switch power profile based on which program is active in windows.

For example, if I'm running a graphics program like Corel Draw in the currently active windows, I may want to Switch to full power.

But if I'm just reading a long text file in Notepad, I may want to switch to a much lower power profile.

Toshiba has a Toshiba Power Saver Properties that does this.

It allows the Profile to switch automatically.

What I'm looking for is a generic software that is not tied to a particular brand of laptop.

Alternatively, I'm looking for something similar that will work for an IBM (Lenovo) Thinkpad
After a lot of fiddling around a lot, I discovered the problem is that you have to get into the Bios setting to set the compatibility mode. I forget the name of the particular field. Once that is done, the T61 recognized the Windows XP Pro disc and the installation went along fine except you have to go around hunting for the drivers.
That's assuming the BIOS has any worthwhile settings. I am a bit frustrated that my notepad has a BIOS with virtually nothing user definable.
Carol, when you access the Bios, get into Config (in the T61 it was the first item). And somewhere in that Sub menu, I find Serial ATA (SATA)

When I selected it, it says SATA Controller Mode Option [AHCI]

Change AHCI to Compatibility.

After that change, you should find that the SATA Controller should be able to find the SATA harddisk when you boot from the Windows XP Pro setup disk.

In any case, this is quite logical since Windows XP Pro probably did not recognize SATA since SATA was not available then. Not sure if Windows XP Pro SP3 takes care of that.

But in any case, if my memory did not fail me, that was how I solved the problem of the Windows SP Pro SP2 setup disk not recognizing the SATA hard disk initially.
FWIW, I did the same thing (bought a new notebook with Vista pre-installed with the intention of installing XP Pro). That was a month and a half ago and I haven't bothered with the downgrade. Unless you're in dire need of software that won't run under Vista, why downgrade? I ask somewhat rhetorically as I was on the same path myself... The answer that I now would give is: "Why indeed?" I have my perfectly functional XP Pro notebook at my disposal for the software that falls into that category.

I really, really like Vista... the magic ingredient seems to be RAM and Graphics card. I've got 3GB RAM and 512MB dedicated video memory. It's very, very quick and stable.

For me, it's the logical thing to do after my earlier experience with Vista. Not that it is bad, it is just the incompatibility of certain utilities that I use daily.

The other is that I hate to along the find that I need another software that does not work with Vista.

The other reason is I believe that many of us have gotten used to Windows XP Pro for some years now and it works well enough and will last me quite a few more years till Windows 7 appears. So why go through the "trouble" of using Vista.

So in a nutshell, I'm willing to go through the trouble of downgrading to Windows XP Pro, even if I have to "pay" to do this to avoid what I think is the "higher price" to pay for incompatibilities, time etc.
I wouldn't consider installing XP over Vista. It is possible the other way round because Vista 'knows' how to deal with upgrading XP but XP is not even aware of the existence of Vista. Chances are you will end up with a mishmash system that causes problems down the line.

You are right Carol.

You may find it says "can't find a hard disc installed'. Lots of new SATA hard discs are not supported by the XP installer and are simply not recognised.

I had this problem earlier this year when I had to help someone downgrade a T61 Thinkpad this year.

After a lot of fiddling around a lot, I discovered the problem is that you have to get into the Bios setting to set the compatibility mode. I forget the name of the particular field. Once that is done, the T61 recognized the Windows XP Pro disc and the installation went along fine except you have to go around hunting for the drivers.

So it's wise before you part with you cash when buying the laptop to have them state clearly on the invoice that the unit is downgradeable to XP if that is what you want.

Besides, I suspect many mother boards would have this compatibility mode; the problem is that the guys in the shop don't tell you.
Thanks Carol

I just stumbled onto another possible solution : But the order button goes to an error message. I'll just have to wait till Monday to call their local office and see how many arms and legs the Backup Di$c co$t.

"2007 Microsoft Office Suite Backup Media
Congratulations-you've acquired one of the 2007 Microsoft Office suites or programs with your new computer. Your new software includes a Medialess License Kit for a Microsoft Office suite or program, which means:

   1. You are eligible for OEM pricing and products
   2. The computer manufacturer preinstalled and configured the Microsoft Office suite or program for the license you acquired.
   3. You are eligible for program installation discs. Shipping and handling costs may apply.

Because your computer manufacturer or reseller has preinstalled a 2007 Microsoft Office suite or program, you do not need the installation discs unless you have to reinstall the suite or program. You can order backup installation discs on this site. If you are running Windows Vista Business, Windows Vista Enterprise or Windows Vista Ultimate, you can create your own backup discs using the Complete PC Backup feature found in those editions. (Instructions are below.) "

I have not activated it as yet in Vista because I did not intend to use Vista at all. Besides, if the MSO files are not on the harddisk, activating it in Vista and then installing Windows XP does not help unless I can safely install Windows XP Pro safely over Windows Vista Basic.

I had a quick look for the MSO files but they don't appear to be in the harddisk. I would probably have to set the Vista to show hidden files and have another look.

Has anyone tried installing Windows XP Pro over Windows Vista Basic successfully.
I just bought a Lenovo T61 Thinkpad (they were having one of those crazy sales) that came with Windows Vista Home Edition with the intention of downgrading it to Windows XP Professional.

But I just runned into a problem.

The unit came with a Microsoft Office Small Business 2007 but it was pre-installed as a trial version (without an installation disk (but with a Product Key in a shrinkwrap package - without the CD and they tell you that the key WILL NOT activate volume license or other boxed copies of 2007 Microsoft Office)

So the intention is that you just activate Microsoft Office 2007 and you are done.

Of course, they think that only clowns like me want to downgrade to Windows XP Pro.

So the problem is that while working out how to get this done properly, I just realized that if I use another clean harddisk from scratch, I will be able to install Windows XP Pro, but I will end up having to sacrifice the pre-installed Microsoft Office 2007 since there is no installation disc.

Is there a way to uninstall Windows Vista Home and install Windows XP Professional so it becomes like a clean install of Windows XP Pro but with the Microsoft Office 2007 intact.

Or maybe the Microsoft Office 2007 installation files residing in a hidden folder somewhere in the harddisk.

Anyone has any ideas ?

kind of lame that I would have to sleep with the sound of my laptop humming and spinning all night just to hear the alarm go off on time...
a better program would somehow boot my computer at a given time and wake me up with that, hell even load my email and facebook ;)

I cannot agree more with that from the standpoint of contributing to Global warming besides burning a hole in your pocket unless you need to computer to be running in any case while you sleep.

A Desktop computer that is running all the time easily takes up a couple of hundred watts of electricity and more if you leave the monitor on. A laptop that is running easily takes up about 50 watts or more. And not forgetting that heat generated by your computer makes your air-conditioning unit works harder (during summer that is)

Instead I rely on my Windows Mobile Phone and pTravelAlarm

Burr Oak Software
"pTravelAlarm for Windows Mobile

Great little program
This alarm clock is a great little program. It does everything I need it to do."

You can set up to 10 individual alarms and each alarm can be configured individually as to which day it will trigger. Each alarm can be configured as to how loud it should be. And the set up is extremely simple.

You are even provided with a Today Screen plug in to show you at a glance which is the next active alarm.

It is even smart enough to sound even if you have silenced the Windows Mobile device.

Even when the phone is in standby, it will wake up and wake me up.

It also has big Snooze and Stop buttons spaced well apart so you don't accidentally mistake in your sleepy state.

And it doesn't even make the world warmer since my phone is on standby in any case.

And all this for US$9.99
General Software Discussion / Re: Someone MUST make a new PowerMarks program.
« Last post by patteo on September 13, 2008, 04:04 AM »
Try emailing Kaylon at [email protected]

You may want to refer the author to this thread.

Who knows, he may see the value of his product.

I think perhaps it is really a marketing issue.

I wouldn't think it's a technology issue for them to support Powermarks on Firefox since the key elements of extracting a URL from the clipboard are already built into the product.

It doesn't look that difficult to build a Firefox buttons to activate and save the url from the clipboard if one knows how and with all the IT experts that can be found at, surely someone can build a tool to add a Firefox button that we can link to a AutoHotkey script that will

1. Copy URL
2. Tell Powermarks (in the background) to retrieve the URL and it's associated keywords.
General Software Discussion / Re: Someone MUST make a new PowerMarks program.
« Last post by patteo on September 11, 2008, 11:16 PM »
You might want to spend a little time with miTaggedMarks. It's the closest thing to Powermarks. Michael has put a lot of thought and work into the program, and his tag handling is actually more sophisticated than that of Powermarks. It's too bad he hasn't implemented something like Powermarks's status checking of the bookmarks.

I did look at this sometime ago. But somehow it could not match the simplicity and power of Powermarks as Superboyac put it so aptly "Very simple, very fast, very easy to use" - what more could one ask.

I think Powermarks is one of those programs in my opinion that I would place alongside Fineprint.

Mini-Review of Fineprint (Virtual Printer) -
"What Fineprint Does"

Powermarks is a one trick pony and really very good at what it does.

Perhaps those software authors which want to write a bookmarking software could do well not to detract from its simplicity.  And I quote from Superboyac again because I feel likewise :"I'm the most idiotically simple bookmark user in the world, that's why I loved Powermarks.  All I would do is click to open it, then click the bookmark.  On the rare occasion where i had to search for a bookmark, i would do it lighting fast with the search feature.  I never used any structure, categories, or anything."

However, I may take another look at miTaggedMarks.

But now that I have got Powermarks "working" again with Firefox, I have much less incentive to do that.

I mean, I hate to have to go through another Oh Oh !, this new program I'm highly dependent on
no longer works with Firefox 6. Now how do I migrate my Bookmarks to whatever because development has stopped ! These were the same concerns as alluded to by Twinkler earlier in this thread.

I underwent this agony more than once when I went from Polaris Packrat, then to Netmanage Ecco (which incidentally dropped development when Microsoft Outlook appeared) over the years.

With the method I'm using, so long as it works with Windows 7 etc I won't have to worry the next development of Firefox will kill it.
General Software Discussion / Re: Someone MUST make a new PowerMarks program.
« Last post by patteo on September 10, 2008, 09:15 AM »
Superboyac, I'm am also a long time user of Powermarks and ever since switching to Firefox 3, I have been looking for a way to overcome what we long time users of Powermarks are facing.

I've look long and hard and I thought I had found a solution with combination of TagSifter and HandyTag

"Firefox 3 lets you tag your bookmarks, but it doesn't give you a great way to browse your bookmarks by their tags. TagSifter tries to. Select a group of tags in the sidebar or menu, and TagSifter shows you all the related tags and bookmarks. Or search your bookmarks with set operators, like "tag1 - (tag2 + !tag3)". Comes with a tool to help tag your existing bookmarks as you move to Firefox 3."

Search Add-ons :: Firefox Add-ons
"HandyTag simply providing a complete set of most relevant keywords in the bookmark's edition panel. These keywords are retrieved from many different sources."

BUT, I keep thinking that a lot of the convenience I was experiencing with Powermarks was still missing.

Besides, I have not figured out how to backup all these Tags I'm entering into Firefox.

But guess what, I think I have hit upon a solution - with just a couple of small steps missing.

This is what I'm doing :

You will need to have a few things to accomplish this.

1. Powermarks
2. Firefox 3
3. Turnon Global HotKeys - enable you to hit the hot key to bring Powermarks to the foreground
Make sure you assign an unused key combination to     "Add Bookmark from Clipboard" such as Alt+Shift+P

Chapter 8 - Powermarks User Guide
"    8.1.7 Hotkeys

    Switch to Powermarks
        Display the Powermarks window
    Add Bookmark to Browser
        Add the current browser URL to the Powermarks bookmark list and allow for editing.
    Fast Add Bookmark from Browser
        Adds the URL currently in the Browser to the Powermarks bookmark list.
    Add Bookmark from Clipboard
        Searches the clipboard for a URL and adds it the Powermarks bookmark list. Powermarks will attempt to contact the site and retrieve the name, keywords and description of the new bookmark. "

4. Chapter 8 - Powermarks User Guide
"8.1.12 Browsers"

If you look at your actual Option Screen in your Powermarks program, you will see an additional line item - Firefox which is not shown in the online Powermarks User Guide.

Make sure you tell Powermarks where to find Firefox 3.

Your are almost all set for a test run now.

5. Using Firefox, do you usual surfing on the web.

Let's say you are at


And you want this url plus whatever keywords to be captured in Powermarks.

(Note: Do make sure Powermarks is loaded and it could also be minimized in the backgroud)

a. Press Crtl+L - this highlights the URL bar in Firefox 3 (Note that Alt+D also works in same way)
b. Press Crtl+C - this places https://addons.mozil...handytag&cat=all into the clipboard.
c. Press Shift+Alt+P - this executes "Add Bookmark from Clipboard" which you configured in Step 3 above such as Alt+Shift+P

Step 5c tells Powermarks to store retrieve https://addons.mozil...handytag&cat=all into the database together with the associated keywords.
And all this time, Powermarks remain in the background until you invoke it with say Crtl+Alt+P Hotkey you assigned (See 8.1.7 Hotkeys  in Chapter 8 - Powermarks User Guide)

Presto - you are done - back in business with Powermarks. Clicking on a url in Powermarks would launch the url in a new tab (if you set the options correctly) in Firefox (if it had been set as the default browser.)

Now of course Steps 5.a, 5.b and 5.c can all be combined as a single command if someone can write a Autohotkey script and compile it into and exe and attach it to a Button on Firefox - This part I have not figured out as yet - but it certainly can be done. Once the script has been written and compiled, it could possibly be launched by
"Launch External Windows Applications Directly From Firefox

But take note that "Launch External Windows Applications Directly From Firefox" does not seem to operate properly with Firefox 3. [See How to add a Button (to execute a AutoHotkey script or an exe) to Firefox 3 -
"I would like to execute a particular command from within Firefox 3.
This could be calling a AutoHotkey script or the same script compiled into a DoThis.exe"]

Perhaps someone with Greasemonkey script (if that is the thing to use) could figure this out.

Take note that "Alt+Ins Add URL from clipboard" does not quite work - It would have completed the picture for people like us.
Chapter 10 - Powermarks User Guide
"Alt+Ins    Add URL from clipboard"

Do tell me what do you think - no more worries that Firefox 4, 5, or 6 would break it !!!

Yes no doubt it is not as convenient right now, but it works !!!

Anyone would like to craft a Autohotkey script for us poor Powermarkers and figure out how to use "Launch External Windows Applications Directly From Firefox"
"Now just select the "New Button…" option from the context menu that appears by right clicking the button that you added to the toolbar. Strangely the button appears invisible after the first time you add it to the Firefox toolbar, but it is there and will allow you to create new application buttons and when you add new buttons they will not have any problem with visibility. "

After dragging the "Application" Button to the toolbar, indeed the buttons appears invisible. But I could right click and create a New Application button - but unfortunately, unlike what was stated above, the New Button remains invisible even after I assigned a program to it and clicking it has no effect at all.

Besides some of the comments on the website indicates others are having problems with it on Firefox 3.0.1

"I really like this extension, however it doesn’t seem to work in FF 3.0.1. It is quite frustrating.

Any word on a fix would be appreciated.

Comment by Stacey on August 19, 2008 @ 12:15 am"
Thanks for info Sri. (See Update below: It's now working !!!)

I installed the Add-On on Firefox 3.0.1

The install went fine - ie there were no issues of compatibility that surface.

Although I have Nightly Tester Tools already installed, it did not ask if I wanted to overwrite compatibility for External Application Button during the installation process.

In fact External Application Buttons Mod showed up as an installed Add-On and I could access the Option for the External Application Button Add-On when I went to the Firefox Add-On page.

My only problem is I don't see the "Applications" button when I right click on the Firefox Toolbar and click customize.

I can see the other Icons such as StumbleUpon, IETab, Scarpbook from my other add-ons that I can drag to the Toolbar.

But "Applications" button as showned circled in the attached picture is nowhere to be seen on Mine FireFox 3.0.1 Customize Toolbar screen compared to the attached picture below.

The picture is from :

The site says :

"After installation simply open the customize toolbar dialog and drag & drop the "Applications" button on the desired toolbar."

I wonder if perhaps there may be a conflict with another Add-on like maybe Custom Buttons 2 which I have also installed but not using.

Or maybe, I need to find a way to apply Nightly Tester Tools to it to "force compatibility"

Any suggestions. Thanks

After a couple of Firefox 3 restarts, "Application" appeared.

I don't know why it was missing previously.

Thanks once again.
I would like to execute a particular command from within Firefox 3.

This could be calling a AutoHotkey script or the same script compiled into a DoThis.exe

Preferably this should be by way of clicking an Icon on one of the Firefox 3 toolbars.

Do anyone know of a way to accomplish this ?

Actually, once you get used to Calligrapher, you will wonder how you live without it.

I have been using the various versions of Calligrapher now for many years and as you use it, the recognition gets better and better. Yes, it still makes mistakes. But it is much faster than typing.

So I regularly take written notes with it while listening to a lecture or sermon. I don't see how anyone can take notes efficiently or quickly enough with the native Keyboard or the myriad of pick and peck keyboard, even if predictive type.

And since I'm able to synchronize with the laptop, I can search access my notes that I take on the Windows Mobile device.

And for words I use regularly, I use Calligrapher shortcuts which you can easily add and call up on the fly as you "scribble". It even recognizes my "chicken feet" scribbles. Quite amazing really.

It's not perfect, but what is.

Calligrapher is really a souped up Pro version of Transcriber handwriting recognition software that comes with each Windows Mobile device. Transcriber is really a lite version licensed by Microsoft for Windows Mobile.
In a nutshell - Phatnotes is a souped up version of a notes taking application.

Phatpad is more of a sketching, doodling type application.

So if you take notes then consider Phatnotes and if you draw, or sketch or doodle, then try Phatpad.

By the way, I think Pocket Informant, the very capable PIM for Windows Mobile has a lite version of Phatnotes incorporated in it.

Hope that helps.
For Windows Mobile Users - This is a great deal
PhatWare has a great promotion running now through September 15th.  If you buy their award winning PhatNotes application for Windows Mobile Standard, Professional or Windows Tablet PC, you will get the latest version of CalliGrapher FREE!  That's a $40 savings!


I own both software and I find them both excellent.

Phatnotes is a much better note taking software compared with Pocket Word - rather useful if take a lot of notes regularly.

Calligrapher is also great for handwriting once you get used to it and it has a built in macro language too.

With the macro language, I have been able to automate various routine tasks.

There are also other deals on
Living Room / Re: The Great Firewall Hunt ... frustrating ...
« Last post by patteo on July 24, 2008, 03:00 AM »
I use an older version of Zone Alarm Pro (v4.5) because all I want is a great firewall. I don't need features that are covered by my antivirus. When they started adding all that crap to it, I stopped upgrading.

The pro version has an advantage over the free version in that I can import/export settings and add bad IP's to a block list.

Pro version also has some pretty good ad/popup blocking for IE that was important on my other pc when I was using a very light homemade browser as my main browser.

It blocks what it should and doesn't block what it shouldn' works. What more do I need?

My new pc came with Norton pre-installed. What a nightmare! Every time I tried to use IRC, it would end up blocking the servers after the standard scan they do....even after telling Norton not to do that. I think I got rid of it after a max of 2 weeks of frustration.

In order to make more money, they added more crap to Zone Alarm. They didn't improve the firewall itself. That remained the same. What you get when you upgrade is stuff they have convinced you that you need, even though you probably already have it covered in other software, and maybe the other software is doing a better job of it. It's a sort of manufactured paranoia in order to boost profits.

When you have an already perfect product and there really isn't a way to improve on it, the only way you are going to get your customers to upgrade is to add new features.

How do you 'improve' the best firewall? By making it a combo firewall/antivirus....

But is that really an improvement if it's not the best antivirus?

No. You end up having to disable all the new antivirus stuff and running a good antivirus any way. Not disabling all that new stuff will make it conflict with any antivirus you decide to run.

So it would be pretty stupid for me to pay for features I am going to disable.

If you plan on relying solely on Zone Alarm as both your firewall and antivirus, then the upgrade or purchase of the latest version is worth it. But I don't have enough confidence in their product to trust it as my antivirus. I will let AVG handle that part of my security.

As far as Zone Alarm's firewall goes though, I love it.

I just took a look at my ZoneAlarm Pro licence and discovered that Heh Heh, it expired almost 4 years ago (meaning I can use it but cannot get the latest version or neither can I get access to help when a pop-up appears) . I'm still on ZoneAlarm 5.1

And despite the various never to be repeated offers to upgrade now and get our partner XYZ world's best-do-what-ever-it-is software also for free for a low upgrade fee.

I'm not sure if it's foolishness or stupidity or it would never happen to me attitude that made me stay off the upgrade train.

I keep reading about all these drive by websites attacks and what have you. So it makes me wonder.

I of course have the AVG 7.5, Windows Defender updated. Scan periodically. I set the Windows Update to automatic, although I have not installed SP3 as yet.

I haven't had anyone steal my identity as far as I can tell. LOL. I hope I won't regret saying this.

Wow, what version is ZoneAlarm Pro at now.

Just wondering what version should it get to before I get Alarmed enough to jump back on the upgrade train.

Anyway, the reason I'm writing this post was that after reading Gizmo's website about Firewall, I decided to check out Commodo's Firewall 3.0 - I dumped it not because it's bad, but it was intimidating with the number of pop-ups that I had to deal (probably will reduce as I use it more) with and it also blocked Activesync - I could not accept that.

I was wondering if there are many more out in donationcoder who have resisted the ZoneAlarm Pro upgrade train and continued with an "outdated" version for an extended period of time and still more than survived to surf another day.

Maybe if I feel the need to check out the ZoneAlarm upgrade train again, I may opt to check out Sunbelt instead and possibly just stick with the Free Sunbelt Personal Firewall which may by itself already be better than my good old trusty ZoneAlarm Pro 5.1, simply because Sunbelt has it's own upgrade train as well.
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