Regarding future features: I was also thinking about multiple shots, but I just tried it, and it already will do multiple shots! I'm not sure if it matters, but I have an AutoHotkey script with a bunch of hotsrings that is always running in the background, so I assigned Alt+Shift+R to run RaptureReplica.exe. That is how I "call" RR. It appears that Windows will run multiple instances of the exe. Each shot will stay open until I right-click it. So that's cool.
I havent tought to use it like that but cool!
-Allow increase/decrease of opacity/transparency via mouse wheel up/down, when hovering over the shot.
Currently it is managed via Space-key and adjust the slider, I guess your wish is possible, so yes, I can do that :)
-Auto save the last X number of shots in some backupfolder. Auto-name them "Raptured-<date and time>" or something like that.
That would be problematic, I mean to save a file aint a problem at all but display them back in a usable way is a problem and when should at all a file generated, saved, load, displayed, deleted...
So right now I do not think about that this will be possible soon, but what would be possible could be some kind of diplayed list that show everything what you captured with options to delete them permanent or open them in your associated image viewer/editor app, is that something you like to have?
Looking cool, thank you for showing how smooth it work on a 2 display setup with independent scaling and my app works like it should :-*