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Messages - tomos [ switch to compact view ]

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^ hi 40hz!
I'm not fully clear here: when you say server, how is that connected to my amplifier? Or I guess would be better connected to the DAC --  via USB maybe? Or were you thinking WiFi, or ethernet...
As you can possibly see here, I have never used a computer to play music. Also, disclaimer! I have never had a proper network running. I did say above that I wanted to completely avoid the computer approach. Still not what I want but have been considering it lately because there's so few solutions for playing music locally.

Could you then use jellyfin as a remote control to play the music stored on the computer, via bluetooth?

Living Room / Re: Share your photos! Travel shots, photoblogs, etc.
« on: October 08, 2022, 12:13 PM »
Bit of a rough landing but at least the luggage survived:
[ Invalid Attachment ]
Hah!! you made it :-)

Living Room / Re: Share your photos! Travel shots, photoblogs, etc.
« on: September 25, 2022, 09:41 AM »
Awesome.  Are all those photos ones you took?

Yes, just on the phone.

still look great :up:

I used to produce albums for bluegrass, Christian and rock artists. Nowadays I produce for a weekly radio show. I don't think that makes me an expert but it does mean that I've dabbled with music in various formats for years.
Thanks Joe :up:
Point taken about FLAC.
I'm not rushing into this, so am reconsidering using a pc or a pi computer.

My CD player, and my DAC (afaik) allow connecting a USB thumbdrive, but then there's no user-friendly way to  actually play the contents. I find it hard to understand how expensive the solutions on offer are.

Anyways, will try the above option first -- connect an old phone to my DAC, and see how that goes. Software seems to be one of the big problems with streamers, but there's a good choice on phone or computer - so not a problem there. Cable arrived today...

Post New Requests Here / Re: Show brief message on screen
« on: September 20, 2022, 02:41 AM »
^ just search any engine for
convert PowerShell to exe

^  I've got the DAC already (was a bit like buying the cart before the horse). Just got to order the proper cable for it...

Connect phone to HiFi AUX input via 3.5mm - RCA cable.

Great idea :up:
Probably one step better would be via USB into the external DAC, to avoid using the phone's analogue converter. Will have to check the possible connections...

Thanks Deozaan and Shades. I'm interested in all solutions :up: and, as I say, curious.

I have been tempted by a small all in one but I'm going the more Hifi/seperates route because I already use a decent amp and decent enough speakers (all vintage but working well).

As I say, I'm not interested in streaming - I actually love the limitation of CDs and will play a new purchase until I know it inside-out (presuming it's good enough).

But wanting to move toward digital files stored locally.

This thread is *not* about streaming.
Most HiFi solutions for playing digital music involve streaming. That seems to be the norm these days, so other solutions aren't readily available or well publicised. I'm interested in the other solutions. Solutions that can be added to a DAC/amp combo have various names, and various capabilities. The companies never seem to straight up tell you what the product does -- it's like trying to solve a bleeding crime sometimes, trying to figure out what a HiFi product in this niche actually does ;-)
Hence the query below, and a summary of what I've figured out so far...

So, how do you play high quality digital music, CD quality (or higher) locally?
(I've completely ignored bluetooth below, as it seems to be more suited to mp3's.)

I have to admit I never use headphones (I get a sort of claustrophobia if I wear them more than a couple of minutes) so haven't listed any options involving headphones here:

#1 Most basic option seems to be computer with speakers.

#2 Then there's computer > DAC > speakers (better)

#3 Then there's a dedicated computer option -- often a Pi these days, with a "high hat" DAC for analog output, or a high hat to give a quality digital output. This solution appears to be very capable, with various quality software options. You need to be willing to mess around to get it right, and you pretty much need to leave it running constantly (I find both of these off-putting).

#4 Then there's a dedicated "Streamer" who's focus is normally streaming music from the internet, but usually includes capability to connect to your network (WiFi & possibly Ethernet). Sometimes called a Network Player.
#4.1 Connection options could include simply connecting a USB drive or an SD card (this is of particular interest to me, as I dont have a network as such, and after years of working at home I hate leaving computers running). Sometimes Streamers sound amazing, but they fall down on the software front.
#4.2 Software used by streamers usually works on a tablet or smartphone. Again, the focus is usually streaming, but music on the network is usually well supported as well. Simply connecting SD or USB dive seems to be rarely properly supported.

I'll put a few examples of streamers with Pros/Cons in a spoiler here:

some examples of streamers - with a european bias
What I've been looking at:

Argon Audio Solo
~€250 only available in the EU
Sound supposed to be very good
Only has WiFi (no ethernet, no USB AFAIK)

Pro-Ject Stream Box S2
€300 September 2022
Seems to be quite good soundwise
Option to connect USB drive
There's an ultra version of same for 666
Software? Indexing poor: shows files from external drive as long list
Amazon reviews not very positive

ifi Zen Stream
€400 September 2022
Sounds great
Lots of connection problems and software dissatisfaction -- seems to work fine for some and be a disaster for others

Primare NP5 Prisma Mk2 streamer
€500+ September 2022
Very good sound!
Hardware minimal (note: no DAC). USB in (so can add USB drive), but not out.
Software okay, apparently

Bluesound Node (2i or 2021?)
~€575  September 2022
Sound good / Hardware good (DAC okay, for best sound use better external DAC)
Software considered the best for ease of use and user-friendliness! But has to re-index external drive on restarting😞

I know this isn't a hifi forum, so not really looking for solutions here - but am generally curious!

So basically it appears to have no rhyme or reason.
The plot thickens ;D

Okay, File Explorer: select items, press return :huh:

  • if more than one file is selected, only one file opens
  • if a file and a folder are selected, the folder opens (file doesnt open)
  • if files and multiple folders are selected, the folders open (see my post about about allowing multiple instances of File Explorer) but the files do not open

In Directory Opus:
select any number of files and folders - each opens as expected (folders in seperate windows)

In general seems a difficult subject.
did you try what I suggested?

Only open one folder in the case of three shorcuts to folders.
What Am I doing wrong ?

You asked about opening files/programs, not opening folders.
I don't use File Explorer, but this may be covered in the Settings / Options. You possibly have it limited to always opening in the same window?
EDIT// which would only allow one folder to open

General Software Discussion / Re: Split a video in n equal parts.
« on: August 30, 2022, 06:10 AM »
For me is very difficult manage a command line program for this purpose. I will prefer a ui program with an easy learning curve.
A search for "ffmpeg gui windows" gets a few results.
I know you are always looking for recommendations from someone who has used them (which is fair enough), but if you haven't gotten any at this stage, you're probably not going to get any. You could try one or two of these GUIs and let us know how you get on. Give back to the community  :up: (you could even write a mini-review :-)

Living Room / Re: Any Twitch users here?
« on: August 28, 2022, 06:22 PM »
I only access it via the android app -- haven't had any trouble there (also only a very occasional user)

Is that with a mobile version of the site?
I just use the normal URL on my phone.
[Unread all] (or "since last visit") not available at top level, but under [go to]
Mark all as read then also available.


1080 X 2340 phone screen size -- the screenshot above is a crop of portrait screen.

Featured on the awesome VideoRevealed YouTube channel today:

Some people having trouble -- from the comments (in case you haven't seen):
"Cant use it: in my configuration, the text inside the TimeSampler windows is black on a black background... The same for all the extensions.
An idea?"

N.A.N.Y. 2010 / Re: NANY 2010 Final Release: Leap of Faith
« on: July 10, 2022, 11:36 AM »
The artwork I attached above is what the artist created based on my entry. :)
Looks great  :up:

N.A.N.Y. 2010 / Re: NANY 2010 Final Release: Leap of Faith
« on: July 10, 2022, 06:21 AM »
one of the prizes for the Gotm Jam is that an artist is commissioned to create an artwork based on the jam entry of their choice, and this month's artist, Mateus Nery, chose my entry.
Congratulations Deozaan!
Is the artwork you show done by the artist, or is that to come?
EDIT// it's looking very good either way (I just followed your link but it's not loading cause I on a phone, will look later :up:)

This one sound similar and could be modified if necessary:
I wrote a AHK script for myself once + integrated it in 2xplorer. So I just click a button and all archives in the folder get unpacked. Perhaps it's of use for you? It unpacks all archives in a folder in a subfolder (archive-name).

Installation: paste code in notepad, edit the second line pointing to winrar.exe, save as whatever.ahk, install authotkey (

Usage: Copy sourcefolder in clipboard and launch the script, or pass the sourcefolder as first parameter. An optional second parameter would be a targetfolder (where to place unpacked files).

It's pretty old though, I know AHK got a major update at some stage...

^ PNG is more suited to "graphics" -- flat colours, edges. Jpeg is not as good at that (better for photos)

I think this covers the options:

Hi Anand,
I have a phone with no notification led -- I'm not clear how an app would work if there's no led light. (EDIT// maybe the light is on the back? Have to confess here I've never had a phone with notification light...)

What are the expected and unexpected behaviours with an app?

Living Room / Re: Funny Animal Videos
« on: June 06, 2022, 04:03 PM »
Some light entertainment:
Walter Santi's cats meet a seesaw
watch out for the names of his cats at the end. I enjoyed them anyways. (I know at least some of his cats were strays -- the strays always seem to get quirky names in my experience.)

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