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^ hi 40hz!
I'm not fully clear here: when you say server, how is that connected to my amplifier? Or I guess would be better connected to the DAC --  via USB maybe? Or were you thinking WiFi, or ethernet...
As you can possibly see here, I have never used a computer to play music. Also, disclaimer! I have never had a proper network running. I did say above that I wanted to completely avoid the computer approach. Still not what I want but have been considering it lately because there's so few solutions for playing music locally.

Could you then use jellyfin as a remote control to play the music stored on the computer, via bluetooth?

Living Room / Re: Share your photos! Travel shots, photoblogs, etc.
« on: October 08, 2022, 12:13 PM »
Bit of a rough landing but at least the luggage survived:
[ Invalid Attachment ]
Hah!! you made it :-)

Living Room / Re: Share your photos! Travel shots, photoblogs, etc.
« on: September 25, 2022, 09:41 AM »
Awesome.  Are all those photos ones you took?

Yes, just on the phone.

still look great :up:

I used to produce albums for bluegrass, Christian and rock artists. Nowadays I produce for a weekly radio show. I don't think that makes me an expert but it does mean that I've dabbled with music in various formats for years.
Thanks Joe :up:
Point taken about FLAC.
I'm not rushing into this, so am reconsidering using a pc or a pi computer.

My CD player, and my DAC (afaik) allow connecting a USB thumbdrive, but then there's no user-friendly way to  actually play the contents. I find it hard to understand how expensive the solutions on offer are.

Anyways, will try the above option first -- connect an old phone to my DAC, and see how that goes. Software seems to be one of the big problems with streamers, but there's a good choice on phone or computer - so not a problem there. Cable arrived today...

Post New Requests Here / Re: Show brief message on screen
« on: September 20, 2022, 02:41 AM »
^ just search any engine for
convert PowerShell to exe

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