Finished Programs / Re: DONE: Random (real random) file from folder and subfolders
« on: March 05, 2015, 05:05 PM »Dude, thank you to the developer of this little program. It was exactly what I was looking for...I just registered to say I was looking for a program like this to do something similar. I'm surprised that there is no demand for this purpose. My only real problem now is... unfortunately I have uncompressed all of my, let's say, games -for the sake of the above argument- to separate folders. Which means that I was looking for a program that picks random FOLDERS instead of files and my guess is that "pickme" cannot be used for folders as it is? Shame.
And to answer the question as to WHAT on earth this could be used for: I have a ton of emulator files for various gaming consoles (Sega, Nintendo, Playstation, etc) all in one folder with various subfolders for each corresponding system and the HUGE selection can be a bit overwhelming when just wanting to select a random game out of the lot.
So, I use the extensions "gb;n64;nes;bin;gg;sfc;smc" to randomly select a game from all consoles... or I can even narrow it down to a specific console.
Thank you for this. This is extremely useful.-celerygeneral99 (January 14, 2013, 11:00 PM)
Nevertheless, I registered just to say thanks for this. I am not aware of similar programs (but if there are, please feel free to indicate them).
EDIT: As a workaround since I can't pick folders, I tried "exe;swf;msi;unity3d" in the file associations. I set a source directory of 1103 subfolders. The program keeps crashing with an error "5". I tried setting another folder to search (its parent directory) and got an error "6" (overflow), after it attempted to ignore the settings and instead scanned all of my drives!