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Messages - pstein [ switch to compact view ]

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N.A.N.Y. 2019 / Re: NANY 2019 Release: SCURLed
« on: January 21, 2022, 11:34 PM »
How do I scan a whole partition for all *.url files and add them to list?

How can I verify/check the validity of all listed *.url files?

Unfortunately the good old program AMDeadlink is outdated since it uses InternetExplorer engine as underlying browser.

Can you add *.url verification feature to SCURLed?

Thank you

N.A.N.Y. 2019 / Re: NANY 2019 Release: SCURLed
« on: January 07, 2019, 04:10 AM »
I miss two functions in SCURLed:

1.) SCURLed should have a function to open the base directory of InternetExplorer Favorites resp. Firefox/Chrome Bookmarks and read them all automatically (full dir tree).

2.) SCURLed should have function to find all .LNK files starting from a base directory (e.g. partition D:\) and load them automatically.

Can these features be added in the next release?

Thank you

Maybe I am blind, but as far as I can see the program does NOT list key combinations with "print/PrtSc" e.g. ALT+PrtSc

Am I right?

Is there a workaround?

Is there a (newer) program which offers this information?


Hello skwire:
Yes, it seems to be the same issue as for v2.2. BUT:

Enabling "Run as Administrator" is NOT a solution!
Yes, of cause, I enabled it for both programs but it didn't help.
I even disabled UAC completely - it didn't help.
Moreover: Assume missing the Administrator rights would be the culprit: Then it should not work with v2.1 either!
But everything works fine for v2.1. On the same machine for the same SigCheck GUI installation (but different sigcheck.exe)

At least I would expect some warning in SigCheck GUI like "Please run as Adminstrator" or "Warning: Run without Administrator rights".
But silently suppress some information is not smart.

To give you an impression on how it looks like here I uploaded a snapshot:

I would appreciate if you could fix the error.
Thank you

SigCheck GUI does not work with new sigcheck.exe v2.3!

After having downloaded the newest sigcheck.exe v2.3 from MS I copied it to the SigCheck GUI installation folder and started the GUI.

Then I scanned all currently running processes and found lots of processes with a blue question mark icon at the beginning of the line and empty columns.

It seems to me that SigCheck GUI v1.1.0 is incompatible with the sigcheck.exe v2.3 syntax

Could you fix this in a new version?

Thank you

.....except the blue icon lines which appear with v2.2 but not with v2.1

However, you're free to download the new 2.2 version yourself and copy it into your SigcheckGUI folder. 

Thats exactly what I did: But GUI v1.1 works only with SigCheck v2.1 and not v2.2

So something important must be changed. You should be able to find out what

Ok, with your new version v1.1 it works BUT

On page http://skwire.dcmemb...fp/?page=sigcheckgui
still only v1.0.9 is available and
on page


Sigcheck (cmdline version from sysinternals) v2.2 is already available!

Your package contains only v2.1

Maybe there are problemes with a changed API.

Can you check your GUI with the newest v2.2


I am using 64 bit Win 7 pro.

I am using GUI version 1.0.9 and SigCheck v2.2. Are there an newer versions?
VirusChecks are performed for all but the blue items.

There is no comment absolutely noting in the line except the process name.

Have a look at the following snapshot:

SigcheckGUI Problem.png

So again: Why do I get no further information?

I started newest SigCheck GUI for all running processes and found some with a blue question mark.
Among them some important prcoesses like lsass.exe, csrss.exe and spoolsv.exe

What does a blue question mark mean?

They are not checked in Virustotal. Why not?

I cannot open the file location: Why not?

How can I verify otherwise that they are the correct/correctly signed original binaries from Microsoft?


Screenshot Captor / How to cature the Quick Capture Bar?
« on: March 01, 2014, 04:31 AM »
How do I capture the Quick Capture Bar?

I disabled in Preferences

Base Capturing->Capture options->Hide Screenshot Capture window

but it didn't help

How else can I capture the Quick Capture Bar?

Screenshot Captor / Re: How to auto-save just captured pciture?
« on: March 01, 2014, 04:23 AM »
Ok. Thank you.

But could this option be included in Preferences dialog as well?

Screenshot Captor / Re: How to auto-save just captured pciture?
« on: February 27, 2014, 03:41 AM »
Ok, thank you.

And how can I re-enable this editor window later again?

Wouldn't it be better to offer this option in Preferences dialogs?

Screenshot Captor / Allow only one instance without warning popup?
« on: February 24, 2014, 03:26 AM »
When SC is running (in Systray) and I doubleclick on the ScreenshotCaptor.exe then a warning pops up
informing me that SC is already running.

I don't want a popup.

SC should in these cases silently use the currently running SC instance (just as I would have clicked on the Systray icon)

How can I tell SC to behave like this?

Even worse: After clicking OK button on the warning popup (and clsoing the editor window) I cannot access right click context menu of the first SC icon in Systray.

This seems to be a bug.

If I click on the SC Systray icon then SC shows  the editor window.

I want SC to show the preferences dialog instead.

Can I tell SC to do this?


Screenshot Captor / Disable notification sends to SC tray icon?
« on: February 24, 2014, 02:44 AM »
I setup my TaskBar (under 64bit Win 7) so that it hides automatically after 2-3 seconds.

Now when I capture e.g. an active window with SC then SC sends an internal windows notification message to its TrayIcon.
This in turn causes the TaskBar to automatically re-appear.

I don't want a re-show.

Is there an option to turn off internal SC notification messages?

Greenshot capture tool e.g. offers such an option

As I found out SC seems to be unable to capture its own dialog tab
"Hotkeys and Shortcuts" by pressing ALT+Print.

Yes, ALT+Print are assigned to capture active window.

All other dialog sections are capturable this way.

Is this a bug?

Screenshot Captor / How to auto-save just captured pciture?
« on: February 22, 2014, 04:14 AM »
How do I tell SC to automatically save the just captured Snapshot?

Currently always a popup appears asking me what to do.


Skwire Empire / Re: Release: sStockQuote
« on: December 05, 2013, 03:48 AM »
2.) I miss a couple of columns:
- number of shares
- buy date
- win/loss amount since previous day close
- win/loss since buy date
- buy price
- position amount (=current price * number of shares)

sStockQuote gets its data using the method found here:

As I mentioned previously in the thread, I'm no stock expert by any stretch so, if you can, please correlate the data parts you want with the codes in that table and let me know.

Well, currently sStockQuote is just something like a Ticker+Price tool.

Why not extending it to a full (or at least advanced) portfolio management tool?

The values I listed above cannot be retrieved from Yahoo but must be entered by the user.
Example: When the user bought 1000 Amazon shares then he enters this value in a new dialog window.

Together with the last price information sStockQuote gets from Yahoo he can get an overview about the absolut change in money units.


Skwire Empire / Re: Release: sStockQuote
« on: December 04, 2013, 01:14 AM »
I just found the sStockQuote tool and I like it.
However I miss some important features:

1.) I prefer not to have two tabs "Stocks" and "Stocks (extended)" but only one tab where I can select the columns (by checks in a drop down menu" or by checkboxes in a settings dialog.

2.) I miss a couple of columns:
- number of shares
- buy date
- win/loss amount since previous day close
- win/loss since buy date
- buy price
- position amount (=current price * number of shares)

Could you add these features and columns in the next release?

Thank you

This is very interesting. I just tried it out a couple of times.

But it always ends with a message like

timeit.exe -a -i -d "D:\test\sophos antirootkit\sarcli.exe"
CreateProcess( ' D:\test\sophos antirootkit\sarcli.exe"') failed (2)

When I omit some flags the error remains.
Only if I run the command alone then it works

So could you give me some more information.
I did not found any further samples and tutorials in Google on how to use timeit.exe

Thank you

No. It does NOT report how long (read: how many minutes) the program run until it fell asleep

I want to measure sometimes the real runtime of a program for a certain task (which can be hours).
Think of an video encoding program or a huge source compilation or a defragmentation
of a whole partition or a duplicate search through all partitons of x GB.

All these programs run for hours. What I want to do now is to start the program in the evening
and let it run during the night.
When the actual work ends the total time which was necessary for this
task should be logged.
In order to compare different settings  or multiple programs I would like to know the time
which was needed by the prorgam.
Keep in mind that the progam is still running but with a CPU usage
of 0 or close to 0.

I would appreciate a utility function which monitor the CPU usage and the hard disc accesses.
When I ends for lets say more than 1 minutes it should be assumed that the program had finished its work.

Is it possible to include such a function in ProcessTamer?

Or does someone know a program which offers such a feature ?

Thank you

Mouser's Zone / NoClose identified as Virus/trojan ?
« on: September 27, 2007, 03:49 AM »
When I upload your NoClose program to the multi-online-virusscanner webpage

you can see that the program is identified by many virusscanners as virus/Trojan.

Why ? Does it contain a virus ?

i could add options to hide this stuff if people wanted.

Yes, please

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