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Screenshot Captor / Re: Cropping objects on canvas
« on: September 24, 2021, 10:15 PM »
Hi Mouser,

Yes, you understood correctly and yes, it was easy enough to crop with the extra steps but being able to do it right on the canvas would be a nice-to-have.

If you're interested in how I was using it, I started with a blank canvas and was kind of making a diagram to help me think about a problem and I added an image as a reference for a thought.  After I added the image I realized that it had garbage on the edges that I didn't want.

So, it's more than just a screenshot captor to me.


Screenshot Captor / Cropping objects on canvas
« on: September 24, 2021, 10:21 AM »
I have a canvas with multiple objects on it with one being a small image that was pasted in.  I would like to crop this image object in-place.

Is that possible?

Thank you.

Liner is pretty cool and seems to be working well.  Thank you.

There are several services that allow one to save an article for later reading but these seem to lack a feature that I would like.

I sometimes cannot finish a long article at one computer and upon going to another computer I have forgotten my place. 

Is there any solution for this?  That is, a service or add-in that keeps or marks one's place in a long article across computers/browsers?

Thank you.

Yes, it looks like something external is interfering. I'll poke around.


I was given a new laptop.  It's Windows 7 and has latest patches.

I did an experiment with another screen capturing app and selecting "screen region" in that app also causes the active window to minimize.  So that is not specifically a Screen Captor issue.

So it may be that the text editing issue isn't either.  However, I can create/edit text without issue in this alternative software.

Screenshot Captor used to work flawlessly but lately having some issues.

1.  When using "Grab Selected Region" either by keyboard shortcut or right click tray icon, the window whose region I want to capture is minimized.

2.  After adding a text box and then going back to change the text the inside of the box, everything, including the text, goes black.  The color pickers show the correct colors and changing the colors do not revert from the black.  The only option is to delete the text box and start over and get it right the first time.

EDIT: Using version 4.16.1.

Thank you,

The solution was easy.

Evernote lets you set up a folder to monitor which will import anything you put there.

Keynote allowed me to export all my notes as rtf files into that folder.

Bada-bing-bada-boom and Bob's your uncle.

General Software Discussion / Moving notes from Keynote to Evernote
« on: December 06, 2013, 02:30 PM »
I've been using Keynote ( for over a decade but I am growing quite fond of Evernote.

I've collected a lot of stuff in Keynote over the years and have note been able to figure out a way to transfer my notes into Evernote.  I have lots and lots of subfolders with little snippets so copy/paste would take a very long time.

Anyone know how to do something like this?

EDIT: I may have figured out a way.  Keynote allows export to individual files and Evernote allows folder imports.  So I'll have to play around with it.

Developer's Corner / Re: How are these AutoHotkey script protected?
« on: December 05, 2013, 02:43 PM »
It looks as though some have discovered a way to prevent AutoIt from being decompiled.  (Although you are not allowed to talk about that on the AutoIt forum.)

Developer's Corner / Re: How are these AutoHotkey script protected?
« on: December 05, 2013, 08:05 AM »
not using countermeasures
Yes.  But that's pretty common knowledge and I don't think anyone is arguing against that fact.

Developer's Corner / Re: How are these AutoHotkey script protected?
« on: December 05, 2013, 05:53 AM »
I've not been able to decompile any scripts that I've compiled with this tool:


Developer's Corner / Re: How are these AutoHotkey script protected?
« on: December 04, 2013, 07:31 AM »
Copied from the Help file of the version of AHK that I have installed:
The Password and NoDecompile options do nothing to prevent decompilation.

Developer's Corner / Re: How are these AutoHotkey script protected?
« on: December 04, 2013, 07:29 AM »
I saw some mention that AHK_L can be decompiled with this:

I haven't tried it yet though.
That is what I use to decompile everything.  But it does not work on anything I compile with this:

You can read the details about my trying is here:

Developer's Corner / Re: How are these AutoHotkey script protected?
« on: December 03, 2013, 12:13 PM »
Compile_AHK II
Latest version at the end of the thread, explanation at the start.

OK, this is really interesting.  I'm not sure what's going on but I cannot decompile a script compiled with this tool.

I have disabled all compressors, mpress and UPX, but I still cannot decompile.  However, the bad news is that VirusTotal is still showing one false virus.

But this is farther than I've gotten before.  I'm going to start studying the threads and see if I can get this last issue settled and this will be golden.


Developer's Corner / Re: How are these AutoHotkey script protected?
« on: December 03, 2013, 06:53 AM »
I don't think they are actively protected/obfuscated.  Would be kind of silly given that the source code versions are also made available by skrommel.

Maybe, if IronAHK was just his normal compiler then he didn't do it with the intention of obfuscation but just out of routine/habit.

I think it might be that they have been run through something that gives them a custom icon?

Can you tell me more about this?  I'll give it a try.

Developer's Corner / Re: How are these AutoHotkey script protected?
« on: December 03, 2013, 06:49 AM »
...perhaps it's using IronAHK

Unfortunately you may be right.  I compiled the hello world example, tried to decompile it, and got the message:

<Could not find pattern: >
<File seems not to be a valid compiled AHK Script or it uses an unknown protection.>

I say unfortunately because that seems to be an abandoned project not updated since 2010-10-24 and it will not compile more complex recent scripts.

Developer's Corner / Re: How are these AutoHotkey script protected?
« on: December 02, 2013, 08:23 PM »
I don't think it is UPX and here is why:

1. I can decompile AHK scripts compressed with UPX but I can't decompile these.

2. PEiD says "Nothing found *" on UPX packed scripts.  Whereas on the Skrommel exe files PEiD says, Microsoft Visual C++ 7.0 [Overlay].

However, it is possible that UPX was used with some command line arguments that I am unaware of but I doubt.

Developer's Corner / How are these AutoHotkey script protected?
« on: December 02, 2013, 07:20 PM »

I've been researching how to protect my AHK script from decompiling.  I understand that any binary can be decompiled but I'm not talking about people looking at an exe file's assembly language. I'm talking about people taking my compiled AHK script dropping it in to a decompiler and seeing the entire script plain as day.  So I'd given up on script protection and even considered <gasp> leaving AutoHotkey </gasp>.

But then I came across this page

I know the source script is readily available, but out of curiosity, I took a compiled exe and dropped it in to the decompiler and decompiler replied...

<Could not find pattern: >
<File seems not to be a valid compiled AHK Script or it uses an unknown protection.>

So I dropped some of the exe files into PEiD and it says: Microsoft Visual C++ 7.0 [Overlay]

So what is that?  Are these complied AHK scripts or C++ programs?  And if they are AHK scripts are they protected by something?  If so what?


Find And Run Robot / Re: [Solved] Multiple parameters to URL?
« on: November 05, 2013, 05:48 AM »
(BTW does not work with these paramaters?)

That domain was just an example.

A more reliable regex for capturing separate words, independent from the number of spaces, would be:
^car (\w*)\s*(\w*)\s*:?\s*(\w*)
This way you can even have 0 or more spaces around the colon.

Good stuff!  Thanks!

Find And Run Robot / Re: [Solved] Multiple parameters to URL?
« on: November 04, 2013, 08:36 AM »
What did you put in regex?

^test (.*)\s?(.*)?:?(.*)?

Find And Run Robot / Re: [Solved] Multiple parameters to URL?
« on: November 04, 2013, 07:27 AM »
One other question.  When I use the Test place with capture groups the results box shows $$1= | $$2= | $$3=

Everything seems to go into $$1. What is the purpose of the other ones?


Find And Run Robot / Re: Multiple parameters to URL?
« on: November 04, 2013, 06:38 AM »
Sweet! Capture groups worked. And the testing place is great.


Find And Run Robot / Re: Multiple parameters to URL?
« on: November 03, 2013, 08:17 PM »
Using $$u1 was what I needed to make it work how I wanted.  Thanks for that.

However, once I tried that, I see now that what I really need is for this:

car ford fusion:2007

to be turned into this:

Is there a way to transform that FARR command into those parameters?

Find And Run Robot / [Solved] Multiple parameters to URL?
« on: November 03, 2013, 07:32 AM »
I'm having some trouble with this custom Alias.

In FARR I want to be able to type something like this:

car ford fusion:2007

And have the results go to something like, for example...

I just can't figure out how to do the multiple parameters.


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