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Messages - Mamoun [ switch to compact view ]

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Well unfortunately I can't running Switcher 2 on Seven because I use the theme "Windows Classic" so Aero is disabled :/
Same problem, I always wonder why the heck it needs Aero to support windows thumbnails. I can get my old laptop to make coffee using a linux distro but I can't have a simple thing like windows thumbnails in windows.

Yes, I was really surprised when Internet access stopped here in Egypt, I couldn't believe it was possible for the government to do such a completely idiotic thing. Apparently they thought that would prevent the protesters from contacting each other so they would quit or something (the protests started from a mere facebook group). This and also the cellular services blockage only made the protesters even more stubborn with their demands.

I really can't describe the week when all these communication services were blocked, but it was terrifying how you can't call anyone using a mobile phone or chat with friends to know whether they were okay or not.

I know I should be testing Bootsnooze right now and comment on it first but I'm posting this from a computer in the university, so it's obviously not allowed and my laptop at home has some battery problems. Anyway...

To be honest even with ad blocking off I usually ignore Google ads, having said that, I found Gmail's 1 line ads found on top of the emails list to be really the best kind of ads I have seen; they are very simple, not annoying at all and (giving that it matches some of the content of the emails, which are tech related) they can be sometimes interesting. Perhaps If we can have some kind of 1 line ad between, let's say every 2 posts in a topic, these ads can also display RSS feed headlines occasionally that the member have chosen in his profile, or even members-posted computer tips, it would be really nice way to have ads here without ruining the forum layout.

Many users use the hibernate feature instead of shutting down so they can start the computer faster next time, there a downside for this though: the computer will hardly ever get restarted, so it can't perform the usual startup checks and other stuff that keeps the OS healthy.
If others took the other rote and decided to shutdown the computer completely, the next start will be slower than a hibernate of course, but at least the OS will have a chance to reload, free memory..etc

So why not have both? When a user wants to shutdown his computer, the little program will kicks in: performing a restart instead, which will then be accompanied with a hibernate after the computer completely boots so the next boot will be 5 seconds away!

That's all, hopefully others will find this idea useful and it will not be me only. :P

Living Room / Re: 32X32 icons in start menu
« on: August 16, 2009, 07:10 PM »
Sorry for bringing this topic out of the dead but I have just noticed it now.

What I mean is having large 32x32 icons in the all programs menu of the start menu, when the all programs menu is categorized into groups (folders), a larger set of icons would make it a bit more easier to choose the group quickly, it's kinda like Ubuntu's (Gnome) programs menu.

If you don't like to receive these server updates, you can disable them from Maxthon setup center > Advanced > Show Message Notification Window.

IMO, they hardly show (once in a half a year or so) and they are for really big events (or season's greetings), so I think you can safely keep them on.

Quoted from Maxthon's forum, currently the toolbars below are officially supported:

The above toolbars will automatically show in the setup center when available, other IE toolbars might work too, but you will have to apply a hack to show all other detected toolbar which are not officially supported:
1. Open your config file {maxthon folder}\{your account}\config\config.ini
2. Find "settings" section, add this line "LoadAllIEPlugin=1"
3. Start/Restart Maxthon. IE plugins not listed will show in "Maxthon Setup Center" => "Plugins" => "IE extensions".

Then you can try enabling and testing it.


Living Room / 32X32 icons in start menu
« on: October 26, 2007, 08:01 AM »
My start menu is really messy, so I thought grouping programs by type in other menus would be very nice and easy to access, the only problem is that the original categories right after clicking all programs would have be very small with 16X16 icons, do I make any sense? :P, the question is: is there a hack that I can do to make them 32X32 icons? I have seen it in a screenshot so I think it's do-able.

Living Room / Re: Start pages, revisited
« on: August 09, 2007, 05:00 PM »
I like start pages, they have gone a long way since the beginning for sure, but I feel the same as freznel, they slows down your browser, so I would rather have them on demand.

My choice from the above list would be netvibes.

EDIT: ooops, sorry for the bump.

General Software Discussion / Re: custom submenu on the start menu
« on: August 09, 2007, 04:57 PM »
It would be nice If there was such a tool.

I'm really happy with Kmplayer, although sometimes it hangs or behaves in an odd way, it plays almost all the file types that I can think of and it has a small footprint, not to mention all the bells and whistles it has too. :)

General Software Discussion / Re: Maxthon 2 Released
« on: August 09, 2007, 04:53 PM »
I'm confident that these issues will be resolved over time and comtent to bide my time.
Fingers crossed. :)
Thanks for your feedback BTW. :)

General Software Discussion / Re: Top 3 programs you use
« on: August 09, 2007, 03:41 PM »
1) Maxthon/Opera
2) Windows live mail & messenger
3) Notepad++

Darn, I have many more than only 3

General Software Discussion / Re: Maxthon 2 Released
« on: August 09, 2007, 03:17 PM »
thanks for being here, Mamoun.

i have tried to arrange the toolbar and buttons around in maxthon 2 and i really can't get the same layout i'm happy with when using the older version of maxthon.

here's a screen shot of what i use.


it might seem trivial but this is what i'm used to and i find the position of the 'go' and 'back' button to be just how i want them, i.e. in the center of the toolbar.

i tried to set the maxthon 2 toolbar and menus the same but i couldn't do it. i will try again just to be sure.
I have done the customizations for you, download the attachment then extract it to your Maxthon folder / Your e-mail account in case you are using a personal account, or the folder shared account in case of a shared account (Duh! :P) / config /

Replace the UI.xml while Maxthon is closed.

Of course some buttons or menu items are not available, But it's only an example to how to change the interface the way you like, I'm not trying to convince you to try it, just showing something you might have missed.

Yup, I'm with Curt on this one. Another biggie for me is that a number of IE plugins that I like and use under 1.6.1 aren't supported under M2 and/or aren't as nice to use under M2 (Roboform, for example. Netsnippets is on that I simply cannot get to work. Period.). These are deal breakers for me, for now. M2 is installed but I am not using it, still defaulting to M 1.6.1   :-*
Yeah, IE plugins don't work (at least until now), but roboform's lower toolbar works, only the native support is not available, Use the system tray icon of roboform to attach it to Maxthon's windows...

General Software Discussion / Re: Maxthon 2 Released
« on: August 09, 2007, 01:05 PM »
Hi all, I'm a moderator from Maxthon's forum, and a big fan of Donations coder and have installed a LOT of your handy applications, I only didn't have the chance to post until now.

Although I really recommend using the forum for your problem and/or question, I would be really glad to answer any question you have, I'm not here to advertise it BTW.  :)

i'll stick with maxthon 1.6.1

lets me use and arrange all the toolbars and buttons that i want. loads in faster than opera and firefox and just seems to have things worked out better. no doubt i could find plugins for firefox that would provide the same functionality (and more) but why bother when it will still load in slower - plus i'll have to spend all that time looking and testing the plugins. (load times are important to me because i do a lot of opening and closing; maybe that's a bad habit.)

okay, my web pages are rendered crap because of the ie engine - but not very often. perhaps i'll give maxthon 2 a try again but the beta didn't do it for me - simply depends on how much i can customise the layout...
Actually M2 is milles away fromm M1 in terms of customizabl-ity (If that was even a word :P), M2 uses a framework similar to Office 2003's interface, You can basically drag anything to anywhere, make new buttons from menus, customizing their look...etc

Also toolbars can be dragged to all directions, also they dock to any side of the screen.

Although I agree on the memory usage, Pretty high comparing to M1, But keep in mind that M1 took almost 4 years (may be even more) to become what it is now, while M2 is pretty young.

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