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Messages - bleh75 [ switch to compact view ]

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Hmm I've never heard of the Iron browser but it looks decent I'll give it a whirl thx  :Thmbsup:

Go and look at sites like to see which services can be disabled.

I love Black Viper's site. His advice has brought in quite a lot of money for me when I have to fix what his advice broke on clients' PCs.

Good site I remember that being one of the main links to speed up Vista  :Thmbsup: True your PC needs a few main things but Vista runs a lot of garbage the average user never touches :-[

General Software Discussion / Re: Comodo Dragon browser
« on: April 18, 2010, 07:05 AM »
I thought it might be a 64 bit problem :( Thx for the answers.

General Software Discussion / Comodo Dragon browser
« on: April 16, 2010, 12:58 AM »
Anyone else having problems installing this ? Is it worth figuring out.I have Vista 64 and it locks up on the 1st screen when I try to install it :tellme:

Backup Guide / Re: Well I'd like to have shared some ....
« on: April 16, 2010, 12:39 AM »
I really put it together for the computer illiterate.

I resemble that remark ;D

Heh cool  8) I hadn't watched it for a long time but then I saw the Tiger Woods episode LOL.

On a side note I can't believe the guys who made Jackass are still at it.Some of us just refuse to grow up  :D I caught it on MTV2 but they have some clips on YouTube its called Wildboyz.Just like the movies the skits are either funny,stupid, and or shocking  :huh:

You ever get the feeling that laws are for little people.. for corporations they are just suggestions.

No doubt I LOL when I read this http://www.wisegeek....e-antitrust-laws.htm
Sad :down: No definition roflz... I think corporations play by their own rules always have always will.With that kind of money to throw around nobody can stand up to them.

Have you guys used MyDefrag (formerly JKDefrag) ? I've used PuranDefrag but it took forever and my PC is pretty fast  :-[

General Software Discussion / Re: updating Firefox plugins sucks!
« on: March 29, 2010, 03:26 PM »
Ah maybe thats it I only use the ad-block my roomies uses like 450 mb with a bunch of extensions running and like 8 tabs open :down: Ouch...

Chrome runs at about 90 mb max.

I'm on a Vista 64 quad core with 8 gig of RAM.Somebody tried to explain it all to me me once.Is it correct that most programs only use 2 cores ?  :tellme:

General Software Discussion / Re: updating Firefox plugins sucks!
« on: March 28, 2010, 05:57 PM »
Nice  8) Ya it opened and closed so fast I wasn't sure.Sure enough all my memory usage went down thx.Good app.  :Thmbsup: What does the trimws.exe do btw thx .

Circle Dock / Re: 64-bit Version now available
« on: March 28, 2010, 05:48 PM »
Trip out I just tried the 64 bit the other night.I was very impressed on the memory usage it used like a 1,000k compared to Rocketdock's 5 t0 10,000 k .I liked the look of it a lot. It kept bugging out a bit and didn't want to save settings.I'll have to try it out again now that I know theres a help forum here  :)

I'm not really tech savvy but do you mean something like this :


I've never had had a bad download from them and they have right click menu extensions  if I worded that right.They have well sorted download pages for freeware and shareware.Not sure exactly what you want I just mess around on the PC  :-[

General Software Discussion / Re: updating Firefox plugins sucks!
« on: March 28, 2010, 05:31 PM »
I can't get TrimAll to work at all I stuck it in an empty folder and tried both .exe  :-[ Whats it supposed to do exactly there is no readme or anything ?

General Software Discussion / Re: How to repair BROWSEINFO lpbi ?
« on: March 28, 2010, 05:27 PM »
Hmm not sure but if you dont find a fix try  
I think they have a 32 bit forum also.They are very helpful there 8)

Living Room / Re: People are really (really, really) stupid
« on: March 28, 2010, 05:22 PM »
I am sad for the future of mankind.  :(

If you want to be sad, see the future of online chatting:

Click away people you don't want and get a a new chat partner in an instant. And you better be interesting yourself, else you'll be clicked away before you can say a word.  :huh:

HAHA :P I've pretty much quit any message board I was ever a regular at.People are rude,stupid, etc even on help threads lol.This board is mellow and helpful I like it  :Thmbsup:

Nice photos  :) remind me of my pops photos when he was in Europe when he was in the Air Force.

<< California born and raised blah :huh: Glad I moved to Oregon ;D I mainly just play PC games,listen to music, and exercise.My name is Bryan and I'm pretty boring lolz.I also type slooo  :P

Should this be a surprise? Given the amount of 'advertising' on the internet theses days (and the depths that some of these 'advertisers' will plumb) I would be very surprised if any possible method is not being exploited openly and covertly.

Add to that the large web-factions that have gotten 'religion' when it comes to browser wars, operating system, platform etc. then almost anything printed on a webpage should be taken with a pinch of salt!

Well said  :Thmbsup:

Living Room / Re: Need a new sound card( non Creative)
« on: March 28, 2010, 05:05 PM »
I was kind of bummed when I got my new PC with a Realtek card but I've actually been quite happy.It sounds like a pain but if you get one download the driver from sort by Date  :Thmbsup: It takes forever to dl from the Realtek site.

Agreed mouser good points  :Thmbsup: I got tired of the constant nagging with basically every firewall I've tried :huh: I'd like to find a decent one I'll have to read up on some i guess.

General Software Discussion / Re: updating Firefox plugins sucks!
« on: March 28, 2010, 12:55 PM »
Good stuff J-Mac  ;D I haven't used Firefox for awhile now. Last time I used it was using like 400,000 K lol :o Thats when I ditched it  ;D

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / Re: NANY 2009 Release: Trout (audio player)
« on: March 28, 2010, 04:05 AM »
Np  :) Sweet a 5 band would be perfect I'm not a big fan of big EQ's either.If they are more than 5 it seems like you have to mess with them a lot and you never really get a decent sound.I used Jaangle for awhile which is a 3 band I think.Decent player along with Foobar as my main music app. but I'm liking yours a lot :D

You have a lot of good features that so many players lack.Global keys are huge if you play PC games and I like the way it removes the track from the playlist after you play it  :Thmbsup: Thx for the quick reply.

Nice  thx :Thmbsup:
To grab a video / convert it to music I like
They have a bunch of other utube type converters also. works well 2 :)

Eóin l-
Their english seems dubious at best, never a good sign.

Heh agreed I really don't trust programs if they can't at least type in decent English.DesktopOK is about my only exception it restores your desktop icons perfectly without fail :Thmbsup:

General Software Discussion / Re: updating Firefox plugins sucks!
« on: March 27, 2010, 04:18 AM »
I've moved to Google Chrome and my old backup browser Opera.Firefox is as bloated as IE :tellme: Neither have plugins as good as Firefox but I hate bloatware :P

I like and a lot  :Thmbsup:

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