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Messages - Ordstrin [ switch to compact view ]

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I didn't even get to do my google search yet! That program looks awesome barney, I've just had a quick play with it and it does (with a tiny bit of customising) exactly what I need.
The steps I followed were:
1) Download, install & run the program (duh)
2) Add the 3 folders to a tag
3) Edit the tag, adding an "include" filter with the chosen file's name (including extension)
4) Switch the tag to "seamless" (click the button that is labeled "manual")
5) Add the program to the run-at-startup list (whichever one you use) and forget about it!

Thanks muchly, it does, like I said, exactly what was needed.


Basically what the title says. Something to synchronise files between more than two directories. Everywhere I've looked so far I've only been able to find things that support two directories.

The (my current) situation: 3 directories, 1 file in each directory (all I care to manually sync at the moment), only one file in use at a time (but an error checking prompt if there's more than 2 versions would make sense, even if it simply meant the user had to fix their own mess).
Although only one file should be updated at a time, all three files are used and updated independently (which means 3 batch files minimum or 2-4 sync tasks in a "regular" sync program, both very clumsy ways to do things).

I've spent quite a bit of time (approx two hours) looking through SourceForge and other sites before heading here. Yeah, I skipped google but it's nearly midnight and I'm tired.

I'm simply after a program that can synchronise files in more than two directories. I don't care how it does the synchronisation, how long it takes or if it's real time or has to be put into Windows Task Scheduler..
I've considered a set of batch files or using multiple sync tasks in a regular program but ultimately... I've ended up here. If someone else can benefit from my small problem then that'd be awesome.

Even if all I get is someone directing me to a commercial program that does this, I'd be interested.
Seeding post for future forum seaches, I'm sure this issue will come up for someone else eventually: Synchronise Synchonize Synchronisation Synchronization

Admittedly, I'll probably attempt an hour or two of google searching tomorrow when I get a free moment but for now I'm just not capable.

Gonna pass out now and check this a heap of hours later......


Post New Requests Here / Re: Idea: File Resizer
« on: August 24, 2009, 01:44 AM »
Ahh... the.... negative benefits of posting late at night.
A few clarification points before I go continue being preoccupied.
I'll edit the previous post with them too.

a) The other files in the directory shouldn't be touched.
b) It should work on all file types (including executables).
c) I'm currently running a Windows system.

I shall return later to read the previous comments (I did a skim read so far, which will have to do for now, kinda busy).


Post New Requests Here / Idea: File Resizer
« on: August 23, 2009, 10:08 AM »
This is, I'll admit, an odd request.

I'd like a program that can resize a file to 0 bytes without deleting it or touching the file name.
A batch mode would also be exceedingly welcome.

The basic procedure I currently use (when I need to) is:
1) Open notepad.exe
2) drag & drop the file onto notepad
3) Select all & delete
4) Save changes

I'd love a program that can do this for me automaticallly though.
Yes I know there are much more efficient ways of going about this but...

Time for bed now, my peculiarities demand sleep also.



A few more requirements to go with this odd request.

a) The other files in the directory shouldn't be touched.
b) It should work on all file types (including executables).
c) I'm currently running a Windows system.

Finished Programs / Re: Custom Pokemon making aide.
« on: April 26, 2009, 03:26 AM »
Unfortunately the best I can do right away is Ciro's Pokemon Maker (page seems to be down) over at PokeRealm.

I've uploaded a copy I got years ago, for you though. You can find it here. However from memory it doesn't do diamond/pearl.


Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Stand-alone Audio Visualiser
« on: April 14, 2009, 04:28 AM »
I suspect this isn't snack-sized (unless someone has old code sitting around to reuse) but I know not where else I could post such an idea.

Basically a Stand Alone program (not a plugin, addon, etc.) that takes the "mono out" (or whatever else audio signal) of the computer and makes pretty patterns.

Most media players have something like this, however websites like SeeqPod don't.


I was under the impression I'd posted this on DC somewhere already, I can't however find it.

In any case, today I finished rebuilding most of the program from the ground up, fixing bugs and doing some cosmetic changes.

Process Eliminator is something I whipped up after having an issue with a process that wouldn't stay dead; it closes a process and (optionally) renames its file.
It can also be used as a (very limited) batch File Renamer.

The current version (v1 RC2) of Process Eliminator can be found here.


Known Bug: Some processes cannot be both closed and renamed due to them using an 8.3 filename for their process, but not their file.

I made a GUI app to do this.. but it seems Skrommel beat me to posting...
"Better yet" I can't seem to upload it anywhere. I'll post it here once I manage to find a solution, for those who like GUIs.
It seems my problems are fixed... somehow...
Download it from here


Welcome to DC, Ethen.
(and welcome to RG too, even though you've been here longer than I.. )


xD thanks mouser (but uh.. what about the other new guy?)
(You don't sleep do you >.> )

I've been around computers for over 30 years.

About to launch an IT Service (mostly PC repairs) to the vast Outback area of Australia, on a “we come to you, wherever you are” basis.

In terms of scale, imagine an area covering all of the US states north & west of Memphis, mostly desert ranging up into wet tropics, sparsely populated. Or most of mainland Europe up to & including Poland & Bosnia. That’s our territory!

Here's the website.
-AussieRodney (March 04, 2009, 09:59 PM)

Welcome to DonationCoder.

The title pretty much says it all I think, except for "why".
I made this because the built-in preference editing program thingie (real technical terms there..) doesn't actually work for me; It freezes up and does nothing useful.

Screenshot here:
Virtual CloneDrive Settings Changer.jpg

Download _here_

Known Limitations:
- You must have installed Virtual CloneDrive to \Program Files\Elaborate Bytes\VirtualCloneDrive on any fixed hard disk. (which is the default location on C drive)

Finished Programs / Re: thread absent
« on: January 31, 2009, 01:05 AM »
Yet again, sound advice from a member of DC. I'll do just that I think.

Finished Programs / Screensaver Timeout Changer
« on: January 31, 2009, 12:24 AM »
Alright, at the suggestion of lanux.. here's the source.

Maybe this should be moved until the program is working?
50th edit lucky right? I hope...

#SingleInstance, Force

Gui, Add, Button, x6 y10 w100 h30 gChangeButton, Change
Gui, Add, Button, x136 y10 w100 h30 gSetToDefault, Default
Gui, Add, Button, x266 y10 w100 h30 gExitButton, Exit
Gui, Add, GroupBox, x6 y50 w360 h100 , Time to wait before starting screensaver.
Gui, Add, Radio, x26 y70 w50 h20 vRadioChosen gRadioChange, Hours
Gui, Add, Radio, x116 y70 w60 h20 Checked1 gRadioChange, Minutes
Gui, Add, Radio, x216 y70 w60 h20 gRadioChange, Seconds
Gui, Add, Edit, x46 y110 w20 h20 Limit2 +Number +Disabled -HScroll vHoursTime,
Gui, Add, Edit, x126 y110 w30 h20 Limit4 +Number -HScroll vMinutesTime,
Gui, Add, Edit, x226 y110 w40 h20 Limit5 +Number +Disabled -HScroll vSecondsTime,
Gui, Show, x257 y231 h162 w376, Screensaver Timeout Changer

Gui, Submit, NoHide

IfEqual, RadioChosen, 1
  IfNotEqual, HoursTime,
   RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel\Desktop, ScreenSaveTimeOut, %TimeVar1%
   MsgBox, Screensaver Timeout has been changed to: %HoursTime% Hours (%TimeInMinutes% Minutes) (%TimeVar1% Seconds)
   MsgBox, Error: You must enter a number.

IfEqual, RadioChosen, 2
  IfNotEqual, MinutesTime,
   RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel\Desktop, ScreenSaveTimeOut, %TimeVar1%
   MsgBox, Screensaver Timeout has been changed to: %MinutesTime% Minutes (%TimeVar1% Seconds)
   MsgBox, Error: You must enter a number.

IfEqual, RadioChosen, 3
  IfNotEqual, SecondsTime,

   RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel\Desktop, ScreenSaveTimeOut, %TimeVar1%
   MsgBox, Screensaver Timeout has been changed to: %TimeVar1% Seconds
   MsgBox, Error: You must enter a number.


Gui, Submit, NoHide

IfEqual, RadioChosen, 1
  GuiControl, Enable, HoursTime
  GuiControl, Disable, MinutesTime
  GuiControl, Disable, SecondsTime

IfEqual, RadioChosen, 2
  GuiControl, Disable, HoursTime
  GuiControl, Enable, MinutesTime
  GuiControl, Disable, SecondsTime

IfEqual, RadioChosen, 3
  GuiControl, Disable, HoursTime
  GuiControl, Disable, MinutesTime
  GuiControl, Enable, SecondsTime

RegWrite, REG_SZ, HKEY_CURRENT_USER, Control Panel\Desktop, ScreenSaveTimeOut, 600
MsgBox, Screensaver Timeout has been changed to Default: 10 Minutes (600 Seconds)



It modifies the correct registry setting, but that doesn't make any difference.

Finished Programs / Re: Custom Pokemon making aide.
« on: January 30, 2009, 07:24 AM »
Thanks for that Paul.
Now if only I had someone to convince me that making that follow-up program is an insane idea that should be forgotten immediately...... >.>
Oh well, I guess I'll just have to keep programming it. I did spend far too long on it already to just drop it anyway...

Finished Programs / Re: Custom Pokemon making aide.
« on: January 30, 2009, 06:36 AM »
You may certainly know, yes. (especially since you asked like that!)

I used to play pokemon, watch the tv series, I've got a heap of TCG stuff and I've seen some of the movies.

However all that was quite a long time ago (with the exception of Diamond & Pearl which I got out of the hopes that I'd have a good time-waster again).

So yes, I'm detatched from it, in the sense that I'm no longer really interested in Pokemon stuff. (apart for using it as material for a scraped-off-the-wall story on the rare occasion)

I had in the past (during one of the aforementioned stories) wanted to know what resistances a certain set of elements would give a pokemon, so I did a heap of research and worked it out.

More recently I had a 20 minute story stint in a pokemon world (while i was in bed with nothing better to do, taking a rest) which of course meant that ended up spending 40 minutes researching afterwards (and failing to pick the story up again).
After all that research I remembered how I'd once "made" custom pokemon, with multiple elements.

So (in conclusion, after much rambling) I made this program more or less just as something to do (choosing this program as my "something to do" was mostly due to the above rambling).

I'm now up to Pre-Alpha 3 of my follow-up program. :D screenshot is... erm.. Here:

Can anyone tell me how to make the above picture a thumbnail?

Thanks muchly Paul

Finished Programs / Re: Custom Pokemon making aide.
« on: January 30, 2009, 02:55 AM »
It is for whatever you like.
Basically it just gives you damage multipliers.
I should inclulde a screenshot I suppose... I'll edit the first post with one soon (ie. 10mins max).

Not that I've got any solutions for you... but Windows 7 beta seems to have exactly that, built in.
Of course, I can't confirm this since Windows 7 beta doesn't fully work with my 6 year old on-board sound hardware.

Finished Programs / Custom Pokemon making aide.
« on: January 30, 2009, 12:24 AM »
This isn't really your general run-of-the-mill application, I know. I thought I'd share it all the same.

Basically what this does is let you choose an element (or elements, up to 17 of them) for a pokemon.
After you choose your element(s) you click Create, it hums and harrs for a while then tells you what number to multiply (base) damage by depending on what element an attack is.

Pretty simple concept that took me a while to implement.

I may yet make a new program based on this that deals with more than just Pokemon (other RPGs and games use an element based battle system too).

Direct download can be found _here_


Misc. Details:
- There are no bugs I know of in this version, however it is a "beta" because this is the first time I've released it to the public.
- The program will be slow to start on the first run, due to it making a reference file.
- There is a logging option which creates a "log.txt" file in the program's directory.
- The log option sometimes will slow down the "creation" process, especially if you choose a lot of elements.
- The date format in the log is YearMonthDayHourMinutesSeconds. For example; 20090130172105 = 5:21pm (and 5 seconds) on the 30th of January 2009 (I simply didn't feel like making a nice looking date for an error catching log)

General Software Discussion / Re: Looking for random map generator.
« on: January 30, 2009, 12:12 AM »
Thank you for the offer, however I've decided to go with the other suggestion (using pre-made maps). I've also "commissioned" (read bullied into :P) my best friend to make maps for me if/when I get desperate.

(OOC: Wow I just got an email notification for something that looks for all the world like a phishing attack, with a spoofed address "belonging" to my email provider; I guess there is a first for everything after all.)

Developer's Corner / Coding web pages for different browsers.
« on: January 21, 2009, 03:45 AM »
I'm sure most web developers know that IE will display things one way, but nearly every other browser displays them the proper way.

I've just partially re-written my 3-page website into an IE friendly version, and wondered how everyone else deals with this situation.

I know one solution is to have multiple versions of the same page (which I've done.. one for IE and one for everything else), but what else is there you can do?


Curiously, Amaya, the W3C's own browser, does not display either version of my website correctly.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Right/left audio switch
« on: January 20, 2009, 08:55 PM »
That feature is (as far as I'm aware) usually called Reverse Stereo.

From a little searching, it seems that there's no native way to do this in Windows XP or Vista.

Your best bet is probably to go to the website of the Manufacturer of your Sound Card/Chip, and to look for different drivers and/or a utility that can give you extra control over your audio device.

Other than that the only option seems to be to get an extension cable and put the speakers back on the proper sides of the monitor.

It does sound like an interesting project, a system-wide audio filter.. but that's completely over my head and out of my league, not to mention the time it'd probably take to implement something like that.


Pre-post Edit:
This webpage here has a suggestion. What it seems to consist of, is 2 short extension cables and two stereo splitters.
Assuming you don't want to solder one up, you can do it with two 1/8th-inch-plug to twin-RCA-plug adapters, two RCA cable joiners (female sockets at both ends), and one 1/8th-inch cable joiner (female socket at both ends). Plug one adapter cable into the speaker output, attach an RCA joiner to each of its plugs, plug the RCA plugs of the other adapter cable into the joiners (with right going to left and left going to right; this is what swaps the sides), then attach the 1/8th inch joiner to the 1/8th inch plug on the end of the second adapter cable. Plug the headphones into the joiner.

All this isn't terribly elegant, but it's not too hideous or stunningly expensive, and it'll give you a few more metres of headphone cable, in case you need it.

Finished Programs / Alphanumeric Telephone Number Converter
« on: January 20, 2009, 04:44 AM »
Well, I presume this is the right spot to put this (Mouser said something about the Coding Snacks forum)...
If not could someone please correct me and maybe move it?

I've written a small program to convert Alphanumeric phone numbers (eg. "1300 DIAL HOME") into regular numeric ones (eg. "1300 3425 4663").

It is available _here_.

Hope it's of use to someone.

There is an Internet Explorer friendly version of the page _here_.

Hi all,

Yeah, I finally found my way here, despite being on the forums now for about a week.

I'm Australian born & bred, although my ethnic heritage is quite diverse.

I cut my teeth on Console C++ back in Year 7 at school (7th grade for those who need it called that), doing a general computing course.
I moved to a new school for Year 11 & Year 12, where I did all 3 available computing courses; Software Design & Development (SDD), Information Technology (IT), and Information Processes and Technology (IPT).
Doing SDD at my new school is where I first learnt just how frustrating programming can be. I started off with Java Applets (and found out the hard way that they're very different to Java Applications), then moved to Visual Basic 6. After using VB6 for a short time I moved to VB.NET, which I found much more fun than Java.
After school I just bummed around at home on the internet, mostly.
Three or four years ago I started playing with REBOL.
Two years ago I started doing a TAFE (Cert4 IT General) at my local TAFE.
Since last year I've also been playing around with AHK.

I've had experience as a programmer, tech support, teacher's aide, support teacher, forum admin (on several small forums) and many other various things.

I like to call myself a "dabbler", although many who know me would probably call me a Jack Of All Trades.

My many hobbies include Reading (books, preferably fantasy or sci-fi novels) and playing (video) Games.

I often prefer to take things at my own pace and as a consequence, I'm very hard to rush (and give better results when I'm allowed to take my time).

Well, that's just a little..


I found this script over at the (official) AHK forums.
Written by Kal_Torak.

It should do what you want, although it doesn't display the stats the way you asked for.
To view the typing speed stats using this script, type "mystats".

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