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Living Room / Re: Agnitum Outpost 4 .... dumped
« on: March 28, 2007, 06:14 AM »
And for antivirus, I can recommend a 12-month free solution (it just costs an e-mail address or so) :
See this:
You can try their CA Internet Security Suite 2007 for free
(a) for 90 days if you have XP, and,
(b) for 1 year if you have Vista

You cannot download a trial version of CA AntiVirus for free
It costs USD 20 . But that's fine by me :)

This is what they have to say:
CA Anti-Virus 2007
Protect 1 to 3 PC's
• Detects 100% of Viruses** 
• Real-Time Protection 
• Automatic Email Scanning 

**Certified by Virus Bulletin.

The banner on top also says: "98% of the Fortune 500 trust CA. You can too"
If that's true, this should go into the Found Deals section, if it's not already there.

But it's not very clear to me whether or not they have LiveUpdate-like without which really the product has no meaning. That's a given, I guess.

Views, opinions, experiences?


Site/Forum Features / Feature request for DCPostNotifierLite
« on: March 28, 2007, 01:51 AM »
For some time now, I've been noticing that there is one hell of a lot of good information stored in the forum posts over the past two years. But it only comes out in the open when somebody searches for a particular feature and clicks on a search result and finds an entire thread where the idea is well-discussed already. That's a pretty poor way of accessing such good information I suppose :-\

So, a few new features come to mind (feasibility not investigated) :

1. DCPostNotifierLite should have a menu item which says "Keep showing me random old posts over past year, past two years, entire history, this quarter last year, first/second/third quarter last year" etc.
Or an elaborate screen for all those options.

2. Tagging of thread/posts

3. Interlinking ThreadM.PostN with ThreadP.PostQ in an indexing operation, and then a small floating tooltip comes up when a '*' button is pressed showing the list of links that are "similar" or "related" to this post. Much like Google's "Similar pages"

If it is not too much work, do look into it.


serious topics...mainstream media...sounds great!  :D

Keep it under control? Now why would you want to do that?

I believe in the stupidity of crowds. The whole point is for them to be stupid...on your site instead of some place else, like they are already doing...and for them to enjoy it...and you to make money off it.  :P
ROFL. hahahahahahahaha!

I use a simple one: deskillusion
Basic, no-frills, but very stable and fast.

I discussed it with a few others in 2 chatrooms. They found the idea funny, but did almost take me seriously. If you want all the details of what I am talking about, refer to the logs of those 2 conversations here:
Cool. Actually pretty cool. But for the one big possibility of it spilling out to serious topics and mainstream media getting involved, it's an excellent idea! So, if you can somehow keep the content under control, you're through.
BTW, ppl see .... humor + smart observations, crowdsourced (http://en.wikipedia....owdsourcing#Overview).

Other such things that come to mind are
a spoofing site: SpoofIt,
a humorous futuristic site:,
a sarcastic take on political or social happenings which could be and
plain good humor at ......

On closer thought, these could be search engines specific to those fields - and that's certainly doable by one person with good knowledge of GData API or similar API from Y/M/Ask/A9.
This last thing is really practical, or probably it's already out there. (I didn't look)

Just don't forget to thank me if you make a million...and give me a link to the site so I can see what became of my insane thought.  :D
Since I added a few lines, remember me as well ;) , especially so if G/Y/M acquire you! :D

Phew! Thanks a million, justice! I was getting more and more worried that this entire thread was rapidly receding from public memory with a classification like "God knows what he writes... It seems to be something - whatever..... "
So, thanks a million! ( that's 2 million so far)
Following are my extensions of your ideas. ( NOTE: "you" = reader, and "you" != "justice")
Document management system for the end user: tracks duplicates, copies, moves of user documents + versioned backup.
SFFS Pro in the other thread (https://www.donation...pic=7714.0;topicseen) seems to be doing something similar to this already.
Linking in with contact management facilities so you can see who/where there are copies of which versions of your documents.
Is the explorer context menu a good place? Also, who ever said that there should only be a context *menu* when you right-click? Why can't there be a context run dialog or a context voice message or a context listview pop-up? And y'know what, these may or may not be easily doable in Windows Explorer per se, but they sure are easy (peanuts, in fact) in a web based explorer - things like webdesktop, eyeos, xcerion, lots more. If and when Google releases their much awaited next-gen internet-booting LiveUSB GoogOS, they'll have *web search* and *web services* included in the "explorer right-click". Greasemonkey may be doing this already If it's difficult to visualize such a dynamic UI, I'd refer you to the demo video for Scrybe. It's not yet released and they haven't replied to my application for a beta testing account for over three weeks now(which probably means that the number of beta testers is sufficient), but it seems they're releasing it soon. Let's see.
Seeing as all documents not attended to eventually get lost.
IMO, for large volume text entries (= lots of words/phrases/links/addresses) the craigslist UI is best, as also is the delicious "tag-cloud" UI. That should really make its way into the plethora of explorers on windows like XYPlorer, Magellan Explorer, etc.
The explorer or shell should also "ruminate" .... er .... like indexing done by desktop search programs, but tag based rumination and maybe occasionally asking the user intelligent questions like
"I'm about to tag the whole bunch of mp3s you got from Napster with *DRM* and *illegal* ( ;) ), should I continue? Yes/No/Cancel" ....
so that's one more thing that desktop taggers can do - Tag2find is the only one I know.

(running out of steam... er.... stuff .... especially in the stomach ;) )
More later,

PS: everyone else: this thread isn't my exclusive property..... trespassing welcome! ..... unless it's very boring......

License(!!): Ideas released in "public domain" <-- which means when someone makes money by adding these features or making these programs, I'm saying that even my fourth generation descendant who will rule this planet in 2200 will have no legal claim to the money made from use of this idea.

Living Room / cheap domain name with private registration
« on: March 27, 2007, 02:14 AM »
Hi all,

I'm looking for a domain name service which satisfies the following:

1. domain (1 year) + *private registration*, totally under USD 15 - I know there is 1and1 but they allow only US/Canada/UK

2. should have *nothing* to do with GoDaddy <-- this is far trickier than you think, for eg:
 a "chain-whois" search (an intelligent manual operation, not a technical term) reveals this: -> -> ( -> -> -> (
(chain of resellers, basically)

I have nothing against any of these professionally. They are pretty good hosts, AFAIK.

3. service should be good as much as to reply within a 3-4 days via email.

Actually, #3 can be relaxed a bit :)

Yes, I know ESR's "How to ask questions the smart way", but after searching online for about 6 days and spending about 20 USD exclusively on excess bandwidth bills (I'm Asian, remember), I've realized that asking other knowledgeable people is the smarter way.
Especially when I've been forced to visit an opthalmologist for eye drops and get a spectacles-upgrade totalling about 20-30 USD more on all of that exclusively due to excessive web host searching!!

In addition, I plan to make available a few *bland*, *imageless* and easy-on-the-eyes user CSSes to use within Opera (Firefox later) which people with dial-up or limited broadband connections can use. I've attached a screenshot of a *bland* one which is not yet out of beta. It's more like "yuck!" or "ugly!" but my eyes aren't complaining :) :)

oh yes! "accessibility"!! :) :)

I also invite others with similar constraints to do the same if you can. It's very simple really. More later.

After seeing the chain-of-resellers concept, you may be shaken out of your ignorance.
DON'T go investigate *your* host. Ignorance *IS* bliss.
Actually it doesn't matter really. But don't tell me that I didn't tell you!

Developer's Corner / Re: Some ideas for programs and websites
« on: March 26, 2007, 02:27 PM »
Some possible AJAXy upgrades for all forum software:

This is a brainstormed list, not evaluated for practical necessity or ease of implementation.

1. tick some posts and put them into a place of my choice for later reading - like into my bookmarks

2. make a web port of a popular opensource PIM GUI as a module of a forum program - also taking care that everybody's work can be synchronized  - eg. copy Keynote or WikidPad GUI to SimpleMachines

3. some kind of VOIP setup - could be even Gizmo or SKype conferencing!

4. tagging of posts - see communityserver @ the sharpdevelop web site - it has a tree view on the left and selected posts appear on the right much like wikidpad or treepad or Keynote on the desktop.
also, adding "notes" or "comments" to posts so that they stick around or float around here and there.

5. bookmarks should show in categories and categories should show up as rectangular blocks - see
In fact a lot of things should show in a rectangular blocks fashion.
If you think carefully, that calls for a browser plugin which can make in to blocks *any* page - maybe with a little tweaking with some intermediate script language or so.

6. Also, making available a tiddlywiki page and filling it up from a simple xml file which can be hand edited as well if need be.

More later,

See this thread: https://www.donation...dex.php?topic=3689.0
It gives a lot of good ideas and opinions.

Developer's Corner / Re: Some ideas for programs and websites
« on: March 26, 2007, 02:13 PM »
Hi all,
This is a list of ideas I had given to an acquaintance who runs a web2.0 consulting startup (the site tells everyone how to make their site successful in the present web2.0 scenario). He also sells a fairly good CMS of his own written in PHP and MySQL. Unfortunately he did not feel like implementing any of these at that time, so I'm putting them up here so that if any of you folks own a CMS or are planning to start a hip new web2.0 site, maybe these things could help. He did mention that a couple of ideas were pretty good, but they were not implementable right now.

I'm putting down both sides here:

He felt that #1 , #2 and #4 were irrelevant or impractical (which I thoroughly disagree with, naturally :) ), #3 was OK and #5 was good.

Somehow, he just didn't get the idea of "mashup" and so, he said #6 was irrelevant.

I think, if done properly, and that's not soooo big an IF, all six can produce tangible benefits, if nothing else, sufficient hits to recover hosting fees.


Here they are:

Idea #1
Free QuickSearch for Mozilla Firefox plugins.

People are turning to Firefox on a large scale due to all the negative publicity received by Internet Explorer 7 and Vista. They now want an *easy* way of finding plugins, themes and extensions. See my page at

Idea #2
You could offer a free site analytics engine for any site, based on custom code written using the GData / Alexa / Urchin etc.

So, you could offer the service free to track and display information about subscribers' websites, maybe
plotting a few graphs of traffic, requests, specific pages etc.

Idea #3
Using one of the several Apache/BSD/MIT licensed Javascript / AJAX frameworks, make a few really hip
modules for your CMS - like Online Workflow graphs for your CMS to be used as a Collaborative editing tool.
See Zoho Virtual Office and MS Office Live - I'm not hinting that you take up something as ambitious as a
complete online collaboration tool, but just a module for simple folks to remember and manage workflows or process flows or even idea flows.

If you already have a CMS, moving all the data from PHPNuke, PostNuke, PHP-BB to your CMS are really important applications as they remove the entry barrier of the loss of existing data your potential customers may face -

The rationale: Everyone first starts out with a free forum or CMS software, then finds the bugs and patches too complicated and then wants to move to a supported version. Then, finding that moving to another CMS means losing a lot of data, they get a freelancer to do the job.

If you put a module into your CMS, you've opened entry points for several users of PHPNuke, PHP-BB etc. to convert to your CMS.

Idea #4
A small Firefox plugin and a small Internet Explorer Add-on to send a user's current URL to your server (or a nice domain name like or ) and then make some or all of it available to be shared or automatically posted to multiple social bookmarking sites.
There can be a nice trail graph than you could generate using GD, or a simple set of breadcrumbs text links for those on low-speed or dial-up connections

Idea #5
Porting the MySQL backend of your CMS to PostgreSQL, Oracle.

Idea #6
I've been going around a lot of sites concerning VOIP integration, SMS integration and EPABX-on-PC ( eg.
Asterisk), for my latest local project. I can confidently state that if your CMS gets an SMS/MMS/VOIP interface, it should stand out as a unique selling point for your CMS. This market is new and hot. Not many around here (India) are into this. There is Skype/Gizmo for traditional VOIP and there is Truphone for MOIP.

IMO, this will give your CMS a huge marketing advantage over others.


Note Taking Software / Re: Enter TiddlyWiki
« on: March 26, 2007, 05:24 AM »
the blank tiddlywiki file with the structure in place is attached, so in case you don't realize it at first sight, this could help.

1. Find this text: "You'll also need to enter your username for signing your edits"
2. Enter your desired username (anything) there.
3. Click on SiteTitle
4. Move the mouse to the highlight word SiteTitle.
5. The floating menu pops up with "close", "close others", "edit", "permalink", etc. Click edit.
6. Replace the words MyTiddlyWiki with whatever you want the title of the page to be.
7. Click done
8. Similarly for Site Subtitle, MainMenu
7. For a new entry or tiddler, click "new tiddler" on the menu at the right-top side of the page
8. Rest should be easy
9. Don't forget to save the page by clicking on "save changes"

General Software Discussion / Re: how to tag files in win XP
« on: March 25, 2007, 12:55 AM »
if you are willing to install a program, this post is what you want:


I've personally corresponded with the author of Tag2Find - it is in beta and he's sending out invitations to beta testers. It looks really good to me. YMMV.


i think we have so many child board already that it would be best not to add more.
time for a DC wiki?

Developer's Corner / Re: Some ideas for programs and websites
« on: March 24, 2007, 03:27 PM »
In this age of mashups, we must also turn to a few not-so-obvious mashups which have tremendous potential for revenue, if you are willing to spend time first analysing the feasibility of the particular mashup, and next, implementing it if it's good.

See, we need file format convertors for almost everything.
More so if we think of linux and mono as the future

take images for instance:
png, bmp, gif, tiff, (not to mention the sub-varieties)

So we make a cartesian product of all known formats, fill in the blanks and then enjoy the fun:
Please go ahead and modify this table. [ed: is there a wiki-like page? eg see]

getting the idea?

lots of potential applications.


90 <-- Greasemonkey needs some time and learning, but once you're done, it transforms you into a Jedi knight wielding the Firefox light sabre. Awesome.

Developer's Corner / Re: Desktop Forum Reader
« on: March 17, 2007, 02:17 AM »
What if there is some kind of a server side plugin that allows a newsreader to connect?
Sounds to me like a feature request for a plugin for all popular forum software out there :)

Or, as you said, something along the lines of Flock or LiveWriter or the Mozilla Amazon Browser - this last one (MAB) does exactly that with product listings - which are pretty much as dynamic as dynamic can get - it's a desktop program since it is a mozilla extension with an XUL-based GUI of its own.

Someone good at making Firefox extensions can see the source of MAB and build this extension for PHPBB, PunBB, SMF, IPB. Those IMO, are the popular (90%) forum applications.

Still one step ahead, a generic scriptable XML-based (easiest to "script") forum reader on the lines on WinHTTrack script.

I don't have the time or skill (XUL/xpi) else I would have thought seriously of writing this kind of thing. I'm thoroughly convinced of the usefullness of the idea.

Meanwhile as a simple workaround for bandwidth-handling, use Opera browser. It is sleek, fast, completely configurable as far as downloading images / Javascript / Flash goes. And it caches practically *everything*. So much that I've often been shown a page that's a couple of days old because I configured it to "never check latest version" of the pages. Consequently, I used to wonder what happened to the activity of the site. Till I realised that I had to press F5 :) :) :)


Developer's Corner / Re: Some ideas for programs and websites
« on: March 13, 2007, 05:49 AM »
Hi all,
a few sources where you could go, to quickly make good programs and sell them as well:

IMO, porting is a good source of work and possibly revenue. Porting from one code platform to another.
That the idea has immense value is proven by projects like:
  • Nant - from Java Ant
  • MsBuild - inspired by both Nant and Ant
  • ActivePerl - Perl for Windows
  • ScintillaNET - original Scintilla source code editing control ported to .Net
  • Mono - developed to run on both on Windows and Linux - it's Microsoft/Novell's shot at Java
  • Phalanger - PHP that compiles on .Net - yes you heard me right - the stated aim of the Project was to ensure that the tool one-click converted PHP source into running IL assemblies - to the extent that "at least one popular PHP opensource project should get correctly converted to .Net and can be run with ASP.Net". And, I tried it, it works!
  • Bambalam - convert PHP code into command line windows executables
  • Java2cpp - grab your Java source code and run a single build operation (one dos command) and your Java source code gets converted into C++ code - it has some limitations, but for most Java sources it should be OK. YMMV.
  • ScriptSharp - write code in C# and it compiles to make cross-browser Javascript source code which you can then include those in your web sites
  • Visual Webgui - similar to ScriptSharp, but the maker is a large organisation unlike Scriptsharp, which is a one-man effort, but he's a big man - M$ product manager or something
  • Quercus - PHP source compiles to Java bytecode - so if you are not happy learning Java and you want its stability, this is for you.
    NOTE: Mashups like these could present problems while debugging. I've yet to try out these myself. But I think if their makers have put so much effort into these things, they've likely got a set of tools for all the issues that such cross-compilation can produce.
  • IKVM.Net - allows Java to run on .Net. I've been reading all sorts of ads from apparently big companies like Grasshopper for example, saying that interop is the future - one server running multiple interacting platforms - for example, your awesome J2EE app that you coded last year will run on JBoss, your supercool ASP.Net Web app will run on IIS and these two will run on the same server machine, but using some kind of bridge technology (like Grasshopper) they will interact as well. So, there's great scope for porting as such. Enter Linux-migration (due to M$'s Vista blunders) and you will have more demand for porting.
    (OK, I know I'm sounding like those hyped-up marketing-types 8) 8) (which I'm farthest from, btw :) :) ) but these things could actually help someone looking for ideas to make new programs.
  • Then of course, there are virtual machines - M$ Virtual PC, VMWare, Parallels, and Linux related emulators like Qemu, Bochs, and Wine (winehq)
  • Now, go a little further and add Mozilla-based XUL to the whole picture and you get a superb bowlful of technology spaghetti. See "Mozilla Amazon Browser".
  • Still not dizzy? Then, take this: MozzIE - "It is a free plugin for Internet Explorer which adds the capability to display XHTML, CSS 2.1, XForms, SVG and MathML to the user"
  • When you've finished cursing or admiring me, or, suspecting my sanity, go to NanoHttp Server (web server written in PHP) and PriadoBlender (does the same as Bambalam above)

We still haven't come to Javascript/AJAX frameworks and cool web2.0 apps.
And flash seems to be about to make a smashing return in the form of Apollo and Flex.
There is also FlashDevelop which is *very* good, IMO.

So much for now. As usual, more to come.

(Legal Note: It's essential that you respect the licenses of programs you intend to port. After all, it just attribution. Most of the above (not all) come with permissive MIT/X11/Apache/BSD/PHP licenses, which allow you to use them in your commercial applications without being bound by the GPL code revealing complusion, but subject to correct attribution. Respecting that is important and it differentiates a citizen ( or netizen, in this case) from a thief. Imagine the months of work the original programmer put in and then made it liberally licensed.)

Official Announcements / Re: Amazing Conversation on your site
« on: March 12, 2007, 05:39 AM »
firstly, a correction: I meant XSS / Cross Site Scripting although Phishing does come into play.

I seriously doubt the forums he is posting on are spam sites. The only thing you find when you do a google search for his username is every forum on the web, including this one.
I do know what his game is though. Some of his posts have changed. The bot posts the first message, like it did here on our forum...then goes back later and edits that post to add the viagra spam content like it has done here:  

http://forum.vertex4...viewtopic.php?p=1632 (this is a game developer's site)
and here:
http://www.bollywood...howthread.php?t=6059  (this is in a religion section on a movie related site)
Ok, so basically its the regular medical drugs spam thing.

The wikipedia pages for XSS and phishing are a relevant must-read.

Google safe-search is only related to adult content. With it turned on, you are less likely to get adult related sites in your results. It has nothing to do with any real safety. It's supposed to keep your searching 'family safe' and/or 'work safe' ...not 'security safe'.

Which just raises a side-issue - AFAIK, browsers have anti-phishing alerts built-in or as extensions. Do you think it a good idea if search engines were to put a small icon beside the URL/title in the results page? A red icon would mean suspicious., Google, Yahoo Search don't have this thing yet, although it would be pretty simple for them to add that info and pretty useful as well.

Opinions / ideas / criticisms welcome.

Finally, what is annoying me is this: The bot/spammer has succeeded in getting so many of us to look for his identity by googling and clicking. So he actually is not doing any script injection or redirection. He's doing mind injection, if you can call it that. He's playing on your curiosity and it's roughly working.

Can you foresee any exploits?


Official Announcements / Re: Amazing Conversation on your site
« on: March 12, 2007, 04:27 AM »
Hi all,
googling his user name

Are you all sure that clicking on google search results cannot take you to spam sites?

Phishing is all about getting you to visit a site in one window when the other window has some financial transaction going on. This looks like it.

The word donation probably made the bot come here as the spammer might have filled up a list of words to check for and then sign up and make this post.

AFAIK, If your Google safe-search is OFF, it's possible that you get rogue sites.
And in this window, you have a *donation*coder site open.
Possible phishing.

Don't google for the username. Enough people have googled, luckily without trouble.
Instead this thread has enough information for the curious.
There should be some simple way of reporting this (and such) to places that list spam bots.


Developer's Corner / Re: Some ideas for programs and websites
« on: March 06, 2007, 10:33 AM »
Hi all,
web2.0 throws up so many new ideas at such a furious pace, it's simply amazing.

this list:
of The Top 100 Alternative Search Engines is imposing to say the least.

(WARNING: I suggest not to get into the habit/addiction of admiring web2.0 sites/startups - it:
1. messes up your work schedule, at the very least ;)
2. shoots up your bills
3. does a world of good to your neighbourhood grocer or wherever you buy your biscuits/cookies/coffee from, and,
4. does a world of bad for your eyes, face and fingers (of course, the remedy for that is "Workrave" at  -
I now use Ctrl+Ins, Shift+Del, Shift+Ins for ctrl+c, ctrl+x, ctrl+v respectively, as it is less harsh on the fingers. )

That should be a comprehensive list of web2.0 programs-to-do. Mind you, this list is only search engines! IMO, if you are serious about emulating/improving any of those ideas/sites, the ethical and least-effort way is to cooperate and co-author, not compete.



DonationCoder Projects / Re: Tighter integration?
« on: March 05, 2007, 02:33 PM »
these are strictly *my* preferences,
1) a treeview pane like in windows explorer on the left
2) a no-images view to remove the possible clunky/heavy loading? I would call the present look very "buttony" - to some its the best (everyone on the web seems to dig the XP-style buttons and toolbars ), to people like me, its awkward - I prefer the look of or geeklog @

Simple machines has a couple minimalist themes here:

(screenshot: http://www.remorse.g...index.php?topic=19.0 )

Also a wiki-like theme:

and there's also a theme switcher (!!) at :


hi all,
have you seen Quizlet? It's awesome!  see the best of it at:

BTW, guess what, the "company" is a father and son, the father being the manager and all else, the son is just *17* years old, the only coder.

            Just seventeen!

it's a treat! enjoy!

 - 2stepsback

General Software Discussion / Re: Vista: Download Disaster?
« on: March 03, 2007, 11:45 AM »
one and all,

do see this if you have not already:

in addition however, see this as well:

in images:


PS: if you want my advice, wait at least six months before purchasing vista, and *DONT* upgrade. Buy a new Vista.
You cannot downgrade back to XP. >:( >:( :mad: :mad:

PPS: At least get your XP backed up **FULLY** - disk image or better. Else, you have biiiig trouble.

General Software Discussion / Re: Any app to auto-replace Notepad ??
« on: February 28, 2007, 07:20 PM »
Notepad++ has some kind of shim so that, while not physically replacing notepad, N++ will be invoked for (most) uses.
I second that. the latest version of Notepad++ (4.02 IIRC) is really HUGE improvement over previous versions - on the one hand it can be used as a simple notepad replacement.
But on the other, if you change certain Preferences/Settings, it should become an obvious choice for your default programming editor for markup and scripting languages. HTML, XML, CSS, PHP. Apart from those, it supports practically every programming language (at least 3 you have never heard of :) ) and is FAST and has some *exceptional* text manipulation plugins that help you reformat your text (upto 10s of MBs) in *one single command/click*.
The latest version has an explorer sidebar, favorites, hex editor and function list.
The Text FX Viz plugins are mighty impressive - of course, everything is free GPL. If you just want a notepad replacement and you *dislike* feature-packed software, I suggest editor2, amazing stability and several smart, quick features.
Really worth trying out.
Both have instructions on how to replace Notepad as the default system editor.


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