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Messages - Gerome [ switch to compact view ]

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Hey brotherS!

Oh? Less than 5 MB here...

We were talking about the .NET framework required before executing this tool, not the sizeof the effective software.
BTW, 80 Mb .net runtimes + 5 Mb software to read RSS : still too much for me, there are tiniest appz that do the same job even lighter ^^

Makes you wonder why they program in C++ ... they obviously can't handle any sort of buffers in a secure way.
-Carol Haynes (March 23, 2006, 06:16 PM)

Hey, if there were no C/C++ developpers, I bet no windows, no Linux, no OS2, no MAcOS, no BeOS or whatever would have seen the day and we would still stuck to old amigas/amstrad/commodore and all those kinda old skool stuff, probably no internet connection also, probably not this message also... just my 2 cents...


With Quickbasic 4.5 or + (16 bits aka machines running < NT 4.0) basic files aka .bas can be converted to exe.

With VB you can make even better programs, but reliying onto runtimes aka extra DLL files to make those Executable (32 bits >= win95 up to Vista) running.

But you can also try another free 'basic' language where .bas are replaced by .fbs that can be compiled into standalone Executrable without any extra runtimes... :)


AlertBear ?
Oh... please no : it asked me to have .NET 1.1 installed... I don't want to install 80 Mb of runtimes for a simple Rss reader!


Carol, you need to make a distinction between "Visual C++" and ".net" - VC++, even the 2005 version, can still do unmanaged (native) as well as managed (.net) code.

I was under the impression (probably wrong) that applications in Windows 2k/XP work within allocated virtual memory and can't directly address the hardware memory. I thought if you tried to access memory outside the address range of the apps allocation you got Access Violation errors etc.? Don't all apps have to address Windows and other apps memory via the various Windows libraries/API etc.?? Or am I totally barking up the wrong tree and C++ will let you do what you like?
-Carol Haynes (March 21, 2006, 11:25 AM)

Surely you can't directly with C/C++ do sucha explosive actions.
Under a certain memory scale, you can't access to it via C/C++ and the Kernel prevents you from trying to peek/poke at it : it is normal :)
But if you are using PSDK and DDK, you can find LIBS that allows you to develop drivers that allows you to have a lower memory access ;)

Developer's Corner / Re: Thoughts about OOP programming
« on: March 21, 2006, 04:35 PM »

Since i'm a C, C++, VB, .NET, PLSQL and other development tools dev'er, i'm not very fond of OOP programming since it only depends on how you can see OOP...
According to me it's just 'a vue d'esprit' and i can affirm after more than 10 years of system development and other, that OOP has slowed down my projects more than non OOP ones...
I'm more efficient and faster developper with effective result at C rather than with C++ or alike...

Dear Carol,

Ahhhhhhh - a nostaligia rush has just swept over me .... peek-a-boo ? (I won't try the other version in case of misunderstanding ;))
-Carol Haynes (March 19, 2006, 05:10 AM)

There are 2 main reasons why we've put Peek and Poke to Fbsl :
- 1st reason is that Peek and Poke are part of the common 'basic' languages since a long
- 2nd reason is that we have found a way of extending it that any peek poke amateur will find more than a great interest :)

Developer's Corner / Re: Software accessibility for the disabled
« on: March 19, 2006, 01:26 PM »

Year ago, I've developped an MP3/WMA/OGG CD Ripper.
I was helped by tetraplegic people and blind people for the ergonomic part.
Then i was diffused into magazines and received a 5 star recommended software.
It was a nice venture :)

Developer's Corner / Re: FBSL - Multithreaded GUI Application
« on: March 18, 2006, 06:30 PM »

Again: it's possible in pre-dotnet VB code, although it's hacky :)

Hacky means and sounds unstable.
I prefer stable and 100% realiable materials and softwares ;)


I come from planet Mars and my shuttle is named Fbsl :)


Looks remarkably like what you used to have to do with a Sinclair ZX81 back in the early 70s ;)

Anyone else remember peeking and poking bytes in memory?
-Carol Haynes (March 18, 2006, 06:21 PM)

Peek and Poke exist in FBSL also, but they have been enhanced :)

Peek( [@ ]addr[+offset], [$%!#]numofbytes )

[@ ]addr[+offset] : address from where to retrieve value(s). @ and offset are extended options
[$%!#]numofbytes : you have to precise the very number of bytes to retrieve from the addr variable, and you have to precise the very type by prefixing the very offset by $, %, ! or #


Poke( [@ ]addr[+offset], [$%!#]val )

[@ ]addr[+offset] : variable [address] where to write value(s).
[$%!#]val : value(s) to write to at mandated address. You have to precise the very type by prefixing the very offset by $, %, ! or #

So ? :)

Developer's Corner / FBSL - Pocket URLs
« on: March 18, 2006, 05:02 PM »

Here's a little FBSL tool that allows you to have your favourite URLs near from your mouse...

The full script + an URL list can be found there :

The .FBS script can be compiled with the online studio compiler there :

Now you can edit/modify/add/save!

Enjoy ;)


Eek, that looks like how pascal did machine code before the inline assembler was added :P

The way Fbsl handles 'asm' is in fact a pure trick available via a system APi call, but it works from win95 up to 2003 and even latests M$ actual betas... :)

Developer's Corner / Re: FBSL - Multithreaded GUI Application
« on: March 18, 2006, 03:20 PM »

You *can* do multi-threading in VB, although it is a bit hacky. You can't access global variables without going through a lot of tricky hoops, and there's a bunch of language features you can't use from secondary threads. But it *is* possible :)

That's for v5 and v6 btw, dunno about - but I assume they've fixed threading issues there.

In VBnet it's possible becasue vbnet is no more VB, but the net platform supports multithreading and it works same way as we've done MT support into Fbsl.

Developer's Corner / Re: FBSL - Multithreaded GUI Application
« on: March 18, 2006, 08:12 AM »

Really nice effect actually. Could be used to create a nice screensaver.

Simply try to do the same sample using VB : impossible since VB is not capable of multithreading...

Developer's Corner / Re: FBSL - Bouncing balls
« on: March 18, 2006, 07:23 AM »
Hi Rick,

PS: Now I'm blind.
Yeah the green is pretty extreme ain't it? I got the script last night from the FBSL Forum and ran it while I was in the dark.  :o

Yeah :)
I love extreme samples like that one :)


FBSL and machine code are not incompatible... :)
You can use the FBSL online compiler to see the results :

#Option Explicit

'// The last one is 0 to null-terminate
Dim $CPUName    : Alloc( CPUName, 13 )

'// Set up machine code
Dim MachineCode = Data(&H55,&H8B,&HEC,&H57,&H52,&H51,&H53,&H8B,&H45,&H8,&HF,_

'// Calls the machine code
CallAbsolute( MachineCode, 0, @CPUName, @CPUName+8, @CPUName+4)
MsgBox(0, CpuName, "You CPU is...", 0)

Developer's Corner / FBSL - Bouncing balls
« on: March 18, 2006, 06:13 AM »

Wanna see bouncing balls ?
You can compile the following script there :

#Option Explicit
$DllDeclare user32("BeginPaint","EndPaint","GetSystemMetrics","SetWindowPos","GetDC","ReleaseDC",_
$DllDeclare gdi32("CreateSolidBrush","CreatePen","Ellipse")

Dim %width,%height,$RECT
Dim %hDCgame,%color_pen,%color_brush,%black_pen,%black_brush
Dim %i
Dim %x,%y
Dim %xball = ScNew(),%yball = ScNew()   ,%xspeed = ScNew(),%yspeed = ScNew()
FillString( xball, 40, 0 ): FillString( yball, 40, 0 ): FillString( xspeed, 40, 0 ): FillString( yspeed, 40, 0 )

Dim $PS
Dim %hDWDC,%hMemDC,%hBitmap,%hOldBitmap

Begin Const
   SM_CXSCREEN = 0 'X Size of screen
   SM_CYSCREEN = 1 'Y Size of Screen
   OEM_CHARSET = 255
End Const

Begin Const
   GAME_SPEED = 33 'speed of game (increase to go slower)
   PS_SOLID = 0
   SRCCOPY = &HCC0020
End Const

Sub Main()
   Begin Events
      Select Case CBMsg
         Case WM_TIMER
         Case WM_LBUTTONDOWN
         Case WM_ERASEBKGND
            ' Say we handled it
            Return 1
         Case WM_PAINT
      End Select
   End Events
End Sub

Sub Paint()
   hDCgame = GetDC(Me) 'get the DC
   ' Our hidden buffer to hide the drawing process
  hMemDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hdcgame)
  ' Create a bitmap for that offscreen buffer
  hBitmap = CreateCompatibleBitmap(hdcgame,width,height)
  hOldBitmap = SelectObject(hMemDC,hBitmap)
   'Erase the background
  black_brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0,255,0))
  'Draw the stuff onto the memdc backbuffer
  hDWDC=hMemDC : GameLoop()
  '..and when you are done, blit the final result onto the actual screen buffer
  SelectObject(hMemDC,hOldBitmap) 'select the old bitmap into hMemDC
End Sub

Sub GameLoop()
   For i = 0 To 36 Step 4
      ' save the x and y position of current ball
            x = GetMem(xball,i,4): y = GetMem(yball,i,4)
            ' then move them
            x = x + GetMem(xspeed,i,4)
            y = y + GetMem(yspeed,i,4)
            ' check if out of range on x axis
            If (x < 0 OR x > width - 32) Then
               ' if so bounce and push back
               SetMem( xspeed, - GetMem(xspeed,i,4), i )
                  x = x + GetMem(xspeed,i,4)
            End If
            ' check if out of range on y axis
            If (y < 0 OR y > HEIGHT - 32) Then
               ' if so bounce and push back
               SetMem( yspeed, - GetMem(yspeed,i,4), i )
                  y = y + GetMem(yspeed,i,4)
            End If
            ' after move redraw them in new position
            SelectObject(hDWDC, color_pen)
            SelectObject(hDWDC, color_brush)
            Ellipse(hDWDC, x, y, x + 32, y + 32)
            ' store the new x and y position
            SetMem( xball, x, i ) : SetMem( yball, y, i )
End Sub

Sub GameQuit()
   ReleaseDC(me, hDCgame)
End Sub

Sub GameInit()
   width  = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) + 15
   height = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)
   Resize( Me, 0, 0, width,height )
   color_pen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0,0,0))
   color_brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255,0,0))
   'black_pen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID, 1, RGB(0,0,0))
   black_brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0,0,0))
   'set initial position and speed of balls
   For i = 0 To 36 Step 4
      SetMem( xball, randint(0,width), i )
      SetMem( yball, randint(0,height), i )
      SetMem( xspeed, randint(5,30), i )
      SetMem( yspeed, randint(5,30), i )
End Sub


@Gerome I can't install gcc under windows, only through cygwin, and that's not worth the effort..

Install MinGW or alike : DevCPP does this for you excellently...


If you did it under linux, you can then compile it the same way under windows.
Simply compile with GCC and it'll work same way...

Yo !
Here's the modified version i mentioned.
It's algorithm is quite good, but ahk is a script language, so, it takes more time than C, for sure.
It took 1 minute 45 seconds to find repeated entries on a 9000 lines file, on my laptop centrino 2.0.
Still, it does solve your problem.
Doesn't alter the initial file, but the file created doesn't have the repeated entries.
It has a small bug: the progress bar doesn't correspond to the truth. In the end of the file, it's way faster than in the beggining. Just leaving the heads-up, in case you start thinking about giving up at the beggining.
It is supposed to be able to hadle 64mb of plain text, by the ahk references.

Hope it solves your problem.
(btw: the .ahk file needs autohotkey to run, and the exe file only accepts a file called "textfile.txt" as input, and only outputs to a file called "out.txt". Both are in the attached compressed file)

I've taken your script sources copied 2520 times onto themselves : it gave a 3,2 MB text file...
Tested your script under Win2k Sp4 256 Mb Ram without any other programm running and after 1 hour it has only found 50% of the duplicates...
There were only 168 840 lines... and took 35 Mb of RAM trying to aggregate...
Make your own conclusions man...

Developer's Corner / Re: FBSL - A simple Web browser
« on: March 16, 2006, 05:45 AM »

I'm not really sure what your looking for

Apologies, I should have been more clear.  Basically, I want to disable sounds in that example web browser above.  I did some research and came across the link I provided so I was curious to know if one could apply those flags to stop the downloading of sound files.  I can make the flags do what I want in VB but I'm not sure how to go about it in FBSL.

If you can do it in VB, you can absolutely do it in FBSL!
You just have to read the COM paragraph into the FBSL documentation before :)

Developer's Corner / FBSL - Multithreaded GUI Application
« on: March 15, 2006, 05:49 PM »

JFYI, here is a Multithreaded GUI Application that shows FBSL capacities at managing threads...
You can use the Online compiler to see the result onto your machine :)

' ==============================================
' Derived from: SpiralGraph 2.0 by Scott Frick
' ==============================================
#Option Explicit

#DllDeclare Kernel32("CreateSemaphore", "ReleaseSemaphore", "WaitForSingleObject")
#DllDeclare User32("InvalidateRect", "GetDC")
#DllDeclare Gdi32("SetPixelV")

Const mt = 10 'Max thread count
Const time2draw = 100 'Max time a thread draws its spiral
Const INFINITE = -1

Dim %tc = 1 'Initial thread count
Dim %hSpiral = CreateSemaphore(NULL, mt, mt, NULL) 'Create semaphore object used to control the amount of threads

Dim x: Alloc(x, 8 * mt) 'Equation variables, used for drawing spirals
Dim y: Alloc(y, 8 * mt)
Dim a: Alloc(a, 8 * mt)
Dim b: Alloc(b, 8 * mt)
Dim h: Alloc(h, 8 * mt)
Dim t: Alloc(t, 8 * mt)
Dim kol: Alloc(kol, 4 * mt)
Dim toggle: Alloc(toggle, 4 * mt)

Dim #speed = 0.51 'Initial speed setting

Dim %MainMenu = CreateMenu() 'That's not a true menu, just a quick help note
Dim %Max_X = 800, %Max_Y = 600 'Window size, used to calculate spiral size and placement
Dim %PauseSpiral = TRUE 'Pause flag

Fbsl_SetText(ME, "Multi Graph")
Resize(ME, 0, 0, 800, 600) 'Size the form
InsertMenu(MainMenu, 1, MF_STRING, 2, _
"*SPEED* = (+ or - or Mouse Wheel)     *ERASE* = (SpaceBar or Left Click)     *PAUSE* = (0 or Right Click)     *THREAD COUNT* = (1 to 9)")
SetMenu(ME, MainMenu)
SetTimer(ME, 1, 4000) 'Timer to change the spirals' settings every 4 secs
SetTimer(ME, 2, time2draw / tc) 'Timer to set the draw time for each thread
Fbsl_SetFormColor(ME, 0) 'Make the form black
ReleaseSemaphore(hSpiral, mt, NULL) 'Release semaphore to initilize
Randomize 'Make sure the spirals are different each time the app starts
ChangeSpiral(tc) 'Modify the variables giving the spirals a random look

' Main events loop
Begin Events
Dim %i
Select Case CBMSG
' Adjust the drawing speed
Select Case CBWPARAM
Case 7864320
' Wheel forward
Case - 7864320
' Wheel back
End Select
If CBWPARAM > 48 And CBWPARAM < 58 Then
' Choose the number of threads
InvalidateRect(ME, NULL, TRUE)
tc = CBWPARAM - 48
SetTimer(ME, 2, time2draw / tc)
Else If CBWPARAM = 48 Then
' 0 pauses the drawing process
PauseSpiral = Not PauseSpiral
Else If CBWPARAM = 32 Then
' Space bar clears the form
InvalidateRect(ME, NULL, TRUE)
Else If CBWPARAM = 107 Or CBWPARAM = 187 Then
' Plus key (white and gray)
Else If CBWPARAM = 109 Or CBWPARAM = 189 Then
' Minus key (white and gray)
End If: End If: End If: End If: End If
' Clear the form
InvalidateRect(ME, NULL, TRUE)
' Pause the drawing process
PauseSpiral = Not PauseSpiral
For i = 1 To tc
' Wait till semafore is released
WaitForSingleObject(hSpiral, INFINITE)
' Launch a new thread
Fbsl_ThreadResume(Fbsl_Thread(AddressOf CalcSpiral))
' Change or draw a spiral
If PauseSpiral Then
Select Case CBWPARAM
Case 1
' Timer #1
Case 2
' Timer #2
WaitForSingleObject(hSpiral, INFINITE)
Fbsl_ThreadResume(Fbsl_Thread(AddressOf CalcSpiral))
End Select
End If
' Adjust the variables
Max_X = LoWord(CBLPARAM)
Max_Y = HiWord(CBLPARAM)
' Clean up and terminate
KillTimer(ME, 1)
KillTimer(ME, 2)
End Select
End Events

' Increase the speed smoothly
Sub IncreaseSpeed()
If speed < 15 And speed > 5 Then
speed = speed + 0.5
SetTimer(ME, 1, 1000)
Else If speed <= 5 And speed > 1 Then
speed = speed + 0.1
SetTimer(ME, 1, 2000)
Else If speed <= 1 And speed > 0.5 Then
speed = speed + 0.05
SetTimer(ME, 1, 4000)
Else If speed <= 0.5 Then
speed = speed + 0.025
End If: End If: End If: End If
End Sub

' Decrease the speed smoothly
Sub DecreaseSpeed()
If speed > 2 Then
speed = speed - 0.5
Else If speed > 1 And speed <= 2 Then
speed = speed - 0.1
SetTimer(ME, 1, 3000)
Else If speed > 0.5 And speed <= 1 Then
speed = speed - 0.1
SetTimer(ME, 1, 4000)
Else If speed > 0.1 And speed <= 0.5 Then
speed = speed - 0.05
SetTimer(ME, 1, 8000)
End If: End If: End If: End If
End Sub
' Change the pattern and color
Sub ChangeSpiral(ndx)
Dim %k, %kval, %red, %green, %blue, #xval = Max_X / 400 + 0.2
Dim %LocalToggle = -1
For k = 0 To ndx - 1
kval = k << 3
red = Rnd() * 255
blue = Rnd() * 255
green = Rnd() * 255
SetMem(kol, Rgb(red, green, blue), kval >> 1)
SetMem(a, Rnd() * 65 + 3 * k, kval)
SetMem(b, Rnd() * 45 + 3 * k, kval)
SetMem(h, Rnd() * 35 + 3 * k, kval)
SetMem(a, GetMem(a, kval, #8) * xval, kval)
SetMem(b, GetMem(b, kval, #8) * xval, kval)
SetMem(h, GetMem(h, kval, #8) * xval, kval)
SetMem(t, Rnd() * 5 * k + 25, kval)
SetMem(toggle, LocalToggle, kval >> 1)
LocalToggle = -LocalToggle
End Sub

' Calculate and draw part of a spiral
Sub CalcSpiral()
Static  %counter = 1
Dim %i, %j, %hdc
Dim #aval, #bval, #hval, #tval, #sum, #div
If counter < tc - 1 Then
counter = 0
End If
j = counter << 3
aval = GetMem(a, j, #8)
bval = GetMem(b, j, #8)
hval = GetMem(h, j, #8)
sum = aval + bval
div = sum / bval
' 1 loop = 1 pixel
For i = 1 To 400
SetMem(t, GetMem(t, j, #8) + 0.01132 * speed, j)
tval = GetMem(t, j, #8)
If GetMem(toggle, j >> 1, 4) = 1 Then
SetMem(x, (sum * Cos(tval)) - (hval * (Cos(div * tval))) + (Max_X >> 1), j)
SetMem(x, (sum * Cos(tval)) + (hval * (Cos(div * tval))) + (Max_X >> 1), j)
End If
SetMem(y, (sum * Sin(tval)) - (hval * (Sin(div * tval))) + (Max_Y >> 1), j)
hdc = GetDC(ME)
SetPixelV(hdc, %GetMem(x, j, #8), %GetMem(y, j, #8), GetMem(kol, j >> 1, 4))
ReleaseDC(ME, hdc)
' Release semafore to allow a new thread in
ReleaseSemaphore(hSpiral, 1, NULL)
End Sub

I just bet my trousers that Ahk is not capable of this?... :)


I've found another NICER way to provide toolz for FARR!!!
My goal was simple and it works nicely!
Jgpaiva helped me for configuraing FARR, but the whole thing works...

So... what about not distributing compiled tools ?
The reply is YES, it is possible!
Just provide FBSL.exe into the FARR's script directory, and YOUR script tools and the whole is done at 99.9% !!!

The only thing left resides into this Zipped file that is a complete replacement of FbslCalc.exe!!
Just get it now and follow the mini help text file and then tell me if it workd correctly :)
I'm sure you'll enjoy it ;)
Here's the link to get the beast :


Hehe, thanks for your kind words :)
But, you just have to thank Fbsl in fact, it'll easily realize your ideas, just have to type them since all is possible in Fbsl ;)

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