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Messages - worstje [ switch to compact view ]

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N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Teaser: DCDisplay
« on: October 13, 2010, 12:02 AM »
I'm a few months late, but I figured I'd mention there is already an opensource project called CDisplayEx. I've been using that for months. It hasn't been worked on in a while I think, but I am not sure what else one might wish to add.

Still, I look forward to seeing DCDisplay. :)

Yeah, that's what I did. Probably shouldn't have set it all the way down, but still, I 'only' lost 500MB out of 10GB, so happy me was happy. :)

Yeah, I know, but prior to checking, I did a surface check using HDTune already, and long story short, I knew there were only a blocks with issues, all of which were a bunch of files I put on there around the same period. (It was the kind of spot that is just out of reach of the 'end of drive' area, but far enough to the back you only start noticing it once your drive gets full enough.)

Had I needed to recover a lot of files, and had the time to keep my PC working its disk off to get my data, I'd have dualbooted, but I really didn't/don't have the time for all of that, and it worked well enough for my purposes.

Thanks for the tips though.

I happened to find out my system drive has bad sectors today, and as one might imagine I'm going on a mad backup spree. Some files got damaged sectors in them, and it really isn't fun to have to deal with that stuff.

After googling for a suitable rescue tool, Unstoppable Copier did an awesome job saving my stuff. It also lets you say that you want it to only try a little bit to copy certain files, which is great for me since the file that was borked was a huge 10GB file for me, and the damaged parts I can luckily restore through other means. Sadly, since it was my system drive with my pagefile on it, it had a habit of freezing up my entire PC while trying to fix broken sectors, but I think that is technically unavoidable.

I definitely recommend that program to people who need to save files from their damaged disk drives.

Developer's Corner / Re: Regex help, please?
« on: February 02, 2010, 10:05 PM »
I can't believe I missed that. I even re-read the text thrice to make sure it wasn't something stupid like that. (In my defense, I was really really tired at the time.)

Developer's Corner / Re: Regex help, please?
« on: February 02, 2010, 11:46 AM »
Hrm, I see nothing wrong with the regex but I never used .NET regexes so... Anyhow, try: The assigned group changed to ([a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z]*) and see if that helps any.

Oh that's sweet. I'll have a look at that. Thanks.

Mmm, more thanks to skwire for helping me out a few months ago when I had my CD covers all messed up ;)

My next problem is that I have an insane amount of anime. And especially the longer running ones are a pain now that I've reached the point where I feel archiving for future entertainment is a worthwhile endeavour. I recall some of the episodes were of a pretty hideous quality, and with 400+ episodes in just this one messed up series, going through them all manually would be a serious pain in the behind.

I was thinking a similar list like the other tool skwire made would be great for my needs. (skwire = awesome)

The particular requirements I had in mind are as follows:

- Many files are of the format [GROUP] Series 001 [CRCHERE].avi. Episode numbers always have atleast two digits, but if it is easier to write for a generic case, 3 digits can be assumed as well. The extension could be avi, could be mp4, could be mkv. There might be underscores rather than spaces seperating the seperate parts. There might be other stuff between the number and the CRC to signify resolution. Some might go '[Group] Series 013v2 [720p] [12CRC56].mkv' while another could be '[Group2]_Series_069_HD_[CRCGOESHERE]_v2.avi'.. but don't take that to mean the HD bit couldn't read '[1280x720]' instead. (... crap. Fansubbers need to have one global standard already.)
- Some files might not have a CRC. Others might have a language thrown in, or even codec information.
- Some of my files also lack the group completely. But if it is there, it is at the beginning.
- I would like the list to be sorted based on Episode Number by default, from 001 to MAX.
- I'd like to see the following columns: Filename, Episode Number, Resolution (eg 1280x720), Video Codec (divx, xvid, x264, ogg theora, QT?), Video Bitrate (or the general bitrate, I suppose.), Presence of Subtitles (see below), Fansubbing group (from filename).
- The Subtitles Presence column could have several 'results'. NONE would mean there are no subtitles in the file itself nor external ones. '[1]' would mean one subtitle stream in the file. '(1)' would mean one external subtitle file, usually the same filename except the extension changed to ASS or SRT. The number 2 would mean there's multiple subs (I've got some multilingual subs, yay for mkv). Sidenote on the NONE result: hardsubbed subtitles are of course undetectable, so I'm totally fine with that.

Apologies beforehand for my long and specific laundry list. ^^; I was really happy with that last tool as it saved me oodles of time, and I know from my own lifes experience that it is a good thing to give as much information beforehand. If anyone has any questions, please ask, and if the request is too difficult or too time consuming, please don't bother as I'd feel bad :)


Had I had that this weekend, I'd have easily saved myself an hour or maybe two. But yeah, that is what I had in mind. :D

I spent a whole weekend tagging and searching covers, and Covart Explorer was a great help. :D

One thing I think could make it a bit better still would be to have a list below the cover, where other image files are listed. In many cases, I found that I did have the covers in some shape or form, be it as a whole scanned booklet, special edition cover, promo stickers or whatever else they manage to add to an album. There'd be no need to expand on the cover searching algorithm - it'd just be a simpler way to quickly glance looks at those other files than opening the directory (thanks for the insight to add that under right click :)) and then by rightclicking the file, open with and anything but photoshop which likes my PNG and BMPs, but not my JPGs. (On that note.. Photoshop is awesome, but not as a viewer. I really need to make something else my doubleclick action, but I keep forgetting to do it..)

Anyhow yeah, that was a little derail. Thanks for a great app, it served its purpose well - I just hope I can manage to keep on top of my covers from here on forth or I'll end up coming back for more... :D

How about the middle road and scan for the image dimensions after you have scanned for all the files?

Edit: Ah, another request... Some albums are of the format Album\Disc 1, Album\Disc 2, with the cover art in Album. At some spots I think I might have Disk 1/Disk 2 spelling, or even CD. I guess spaces might vary too...

(I take it you can see why I want to go through my music and fix stuff :D)

Ah, it appears totally awesome now. Give me some chance to see how it works out in practice this weekend and we'll see if images are deceiving! :)

My comment about the name was not so much as to it being present as to the quotes surrounding it.

Special thanks to "worstje" on the DonationCoder forums for the original idea and to cranioscopical for the name.

I feel like I'm getting some sort of special treatment due to those silly "quotes". :D

Edit: Can you make it so the resolution column also has the resolution of the 'from tags' variety?

Haven't gotten around to too much stresstesting, but a first cursory glance over it all makes me think it catches the tagged files.

Could that image with the tag possibly have some splitter control to resize it, and perhaps have it put on the left side of the window rather than the right? My focus tends to be on the left column I noticed just now, and eyes drifting to the right side of the window is rather annoying. (Sure, I shouldn't need to look at the thing, but I am a visual person and like to see the covers are of okay quality to boot)

Btw, is there a reason it is "worstje" in the about box? It seems so silly. :)

It works very nicely minus the lacking embedded-covers feature. The icon at the side does not really bother me since I have two 24" screens, but you are the king of the hill - and I assume a toggle to hide it with wouldn't be too hard to add if it annoyed you. :)

I'll be awaiting the version with the embedded covers with all the lack of patience I can muster. ^^

Maybe it does. But I used it ages ago for about 3 weeks, then I decided I hated it because it doesn't live up to my level of OCD. Which admittedly is the case with a fair fair amount of programs which have all found the virtual dumpster since. Half of the programs store the album art they find anywhere but with your music too, which is partially to blame for my current lack of covers. :/

Of course, my dumping iTunes means I need to find a better program to manage my ipod with, which are also far and inbetween. Maybe that's going to be the next coding snack I request. *cackle*

Just gave the download a shot. Some things I think could still use improving:

1) Copying the name does not work.
2) Opening the directory doesn't work either and gives an error. I think you are reading the wrong column for the data (Resolution rather than the Path column) seeing how it complained about not finding 500x500.
3) It is listing some directories I'd rather not have it list. Some subdirectories have images only in them, or other extra information not part of the songs. For example, a fair part of my collection has Artist\Album directory structure, and the Artist has some extra stuff like playlists (m3u) or other stuff like it, causing it to be included in the listing while I'd consider it empty for the purpose of this little tool.

And after toying with it a bit, I think having some toggle to display the found covers in the listing would be nice after all. Consider it ego-stroking to get an impression on how far along I am to getting my collection properly 'covered' again. Aah, lame puns, how I love thee. :)

Thanks for your hard work on this.

The shorter variety is peachy. I really don't care much about the precise filename =)

The Guid differs for each image, it serves as some kind of identification code for the album in some database I think. And about 1/3rd to 1/2 of my collection has tags in the files I reckon - and I am not sure how much of that also has the files. But just listing the first thing encountered is allright by me =)

Sorry, short post since I'm in a hurry and at work but I felt I should post ASAP. =)

1. It looks awesome. I personally had small cover thumbnails in mind originally, but given the purpose of the tool it doesn't seem all that necessary.
2. Oh right, other image formats is a must. I've got a few PNGs and GIFs scattered throughout my collection as well. The order in which I mentioned them is totally fine.
3. Does it scan the tags of files for cover art yet? I only see folder.jpg entries in your list, hence my question.
4. Seeing your screenshots I figure it might be useful to be able to sort the list on different criteria too, such as the Cover type column. Does the stand headerclick functionality work?

I'll get around to testing it for myself in ~3 hours, but till then.. :D Thanks!

Edit: Oh, I just remembered... one program I have used for a while, I think it was WMP? supplied plenty of album art but in a different file format. {GUID}.jpg things I think they were.... ah no, AlbumArt_{5AC5A5E9-9CBD-4D75-B52B-F47B7E452D0A}_Small.jpg and _Large versions respectively. Can you check for those too? :)

Sounds just peachy to me. Approved!  :Thmbsup:

How about... AlbumCoverArtOverviewSuperApplication ? Or just Album Cover Art Overview... or Album Cover Art Completion Checker.... hrm... maybe (Lack of) Cover Art Listing ?

I think I like that last one. What is your preference?

Such a quick reply. Awesome, I can't wait.

Thanks for putting your job on the line for me, skwire! :-*

Topic says it all. I know it is somewhat possible with iTunes by going coverflow happy and looking for the grays, but I hate that program.

Ideally, I'd want a big list, sorted by album title. An album could be determined by the directory, as I use one directory per album. Please please PLEASE do not make different artists turn it into different albums, since that's what's making most programs I found throw up with 15 similar covers for different artists - directory criterium alone is all I need. It should look for the cover in a cover.jpg, folder.jpg, front.jpg as well as tags in the files if files doesn't work. Albums that end up without any cover art should light up red in the list. It would also be nice if it was possible to see how the program found the cover (from a file (filename), from tags, etc) and whether it is consistent. A way to get the directory the album is in (Copy to clipboard) would also be awesome.

Reason I'm looking for this is that I lost a crapload of my album art when iTunes messed up my computer, and I'm not letting it back on lest it destroy stuff again.. but I do want to go through my 500+ albums to restore covers where they might be missing.

P.S.: Used the Dina font for years, always been a lurker without account till now. Great website! ^^

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