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Messages - AndyM [ switch to compact view ]

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Speaking of toolbars, does anyone know where the sort order for the toolbars is kept?

My Quicklaunch menu always stays sorted to the order I created by dragging the items.

My two subfolders usually remember their sort order, but sometimes will forget and default to alphabetical sorting after a reboot (and subsequent reboots until they decide to begin "remembering" again).

My C:\ toolbar never stays sorted - I always have to manually re-order it after a reboot.  For a while it used to remember until after a Windows update earlier this year.

I haven't been able to find the sort order for these toolbars/menus in the registry, and they seem to sort independently of the sort order selected for the folder viewed in an explorer window.


maybe this should be a new thread?

But look at how much room "Desktop" and ">>" take up on the taskbar!
Ahhh...but it takes up less space than C: >>, D: >>, E: >>, etc, since it is all in one.

But then you need extra mouse gestures each time you navigate.

I have three toolbars, of which only one is a drive (C:).  The other two are folders so each needs it's own toolbar.

How Nod5 envisions the toolbars to be (see the images in the first post) is exactly how I'd like my toolbars to be!

you can push it small so just the title "Desktop" shows on the taskbar,
But look at how much room "Desktop" and ">>" take up on the taskbar!

Living Room / Re: How often do you reboot your primary workstation?
« on: November 24, 2007, 04:58 PM »
I selected "every couple of days" even though it is more like every 3-5 days.  Unless I'm having a problem, I only reboot just before doing an image backup, which I do twice/week.

I hibernate the machine (Dell desktop, XP Pro SP2) any time I'll be away from it for more than a few hours, never had a problem with hibernation or sleep mode.

Living Room / Re: To wide-screen or not to wide-screen
« on: November 19, 2007, 10:19 AM »
Under the "Monitor Settings" turn off the little checkbox that says "Hide modes this monitor cannot display".

Then play with the slider again.

Now it goes to 1920x1200 (until I re-checked the box for safety).

Cool, thanks!!!

Living Room / Re: To wide-screen or not to wide-screen
« on: November 19, 2007, 09:24 AM »
Open your display properties and go to Settings/Advanced.  See how far to the right the little "resolution" slider will go, but don't hit "OK" unless your existing monitor can take it.

It maxes out at 1600x1200, but I don't think that's indicative.  When I had my 18" monitor hooked up, the slider maxed out at at that monitor's max res (1280x1024?).  As soon as I hooked up the 20" monitor, the slider's new max became 1600x1200.  I was hoping that hooking up a 24" monitor would make the slider go to 1920x1200, but I'd have to buy the monitor to try that experiment.

Living Room / Re: To wide-screen or not to wide-screen
« on: November 19, 2007, 08:51 AM »
Just remember to bring a big videocard to the party.

So will the 4 year old video card that came with my Dell XP Pro machine (NVIDIA GeForce 4 MX 440 with AGP 8 X - Dell), which runs my current 20" monitor at 1600x1200 nicely, run a widescreen 24" monitor at 1920x1200?  Or will I have to buy a new video card?

I tried asking Samsung (I want to replace my 204B with a 245BW), but no answer.

for example, I could click on a link in my unfocused browser window, the focus would switch to that for a moment, and then it would quickly revert back to the previously focused window.
Someone (else) should be able to write something in autohotkey that, when running, would check every few seconds to see if "TheGame" is running and if so, return focus to it.  This would give you time to click someplace else and have focus automatically return to "TheGame".  The script could get more sophisticated (not hard coding "TheGame", user input to select the window to return to, automatically selecting the most recent window, include starting and stopping the game in the script, etc.)

Living Room / Re: When you make your 100'th Post
« on: September 10, 2007, 10:54 AM »
so now I have 102.

oh, 103  8)

Living Room / Re: When you make your 100'th Post
« on: September 10, 2007, 10:52 AM »

I forgot to mention that HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AllFilesystemObjects\Shell
also affects .lnk files, so these menu choices are also available on the right-click menu for shortcuts, where they are sometimes useless.  So it's not a perfect solution.


Actually, a nice solution is to put a shortcut to fileNanny.exe in the sendTo folder. It works with multiple files.

You can add right-click menu choices to all file objects in:


Add a subkey whose string becomes the menu selection text.  A subkey to
that key called "command" contains a string which is a command line.



where the string is:

Mo&ve to CF



where the string in "command" is:

"C:\wherever\Filenanny.exe" "%1"

will make a context menu selection called "Move to CF" (the "v" is
underlined and is a hotkey because of the preceding "&").  When you
select it, Filenanny.exe will run on the selected files.


You could also write a batch file to do what Filenanny.exe does, and
put that in the "command" string instead.  I have several in my
context menu to quickly make a sequential backup, clear archive bits,

Here are some useful batch parameters to expand %1-%9:

%~1 Expands %1 and removes any surrounding quotation marks ("").
%~f1 Expands %1 to a fully qualified path name.
%~d1 Expands %1 to a drive letter. 
%~p1 Expands %1 to a path.
%~n1 Expands %1 to a file name. 
%~x1 Expands %1 to a file extension.
%~s1 Expanded path contains short names only.
%~a1 Expands %1 to file attributes.
%~t1 Expands %1 to date and time of file.
%~z1 Expands %1 to size of file.

Examples of possible combinations of modifiers and
qualifiers to get compound results:

%~dp1 Expands %1 to a drive letter and path.
%~nx1 Expands %1 to a file name and extension.
%~dp$PATH:1 Searches the directories listed in the PATH environment
            variable for %1 and expands to the drive letter and path
            of the first one found.
%~ftza1 Expands %1 to a dir-like output line.

Don't forget %DATE%, whose format depends on your system settings.  I
use this in file archive naming.  By having my system date read
YYYY-MM-DD, file backups named
OriginalFilename.%DATE%.OrigninalExtension will automatically sort by


:-[ ... would someone please explain what the heck this smooth scrolling is? I really don't know!

I navigate by clicking the wheel and move the mouse a little (hmm..: what program gave me this feature?). I would like to show you a nice little screenshot but FastStone won't capture all of it, so here is half of it:

That's how my Logitech mouse works (same symbol also) - I can either hold down the scroll wheel and move the mouse a little, or click&release the scroll wheel and then move the mouse a little.

But Button 2 in Mouse Properties has to be set to "AutoScroll" for this feature to work on my mouse.  It's a handy feature.

Post New Requests Here / Re: idea: open folder context menu item
« on: July 16, 2007, 09:47 PM »
Also a one-line batch file will do it:

explorer /e,%~p1

Put the batch file anywhere, put a shortcut to to it in the SendTo
folder (have the shortcut Open Minimized and rename it for

Right click a file, use the Send To menu to click on your shortcut and
an explorer window will appear.

Best Text Editor / Re: Boxer Text Editor
« on: June 14, 2007, 12:04 PM »
I've been using Boxer since DOS and OS/2.  I can't speak highly enough of the software, the company, or the developer David Hamel.

General Software Discussion / Re: General Context Menu Editor?
« on: June 12, 2007, 01:42 AM »
Mmm is one.  I have the paid version, Mmm+, and I can't remember what the paid version does that the freeware version doesn't.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: need for a reminder app
« on: June 01, 2007, 09:21 AM »
I use two command files for rebooting and shutting down, each one ending with a shutdown command (shutdown -r -t 02 or shutdown -s -t 02).  It would be easy enough to make a command file to hibernate (rundll32.exe PowrProf.dll, SetSuspendState).  Don't know about logging off.

Then just keep your to-do list in a text file, and put a command in your shutdown/reboot/hibernate .cmd files to display the text file and pause the batch file.
Delete the text file (or archive it) as the last command before shutting down.

General Software Discussion / Re: Firefox released
« on: May 31, 2007, 09:47 PM »
had to edit two of the extensions to work with the new version..

Mr. Tech Local Install (extension) adds a choice to the extension manager's right click menu to override version incompatibility, making it unnecessary to edit old extensions.

What cthorpe said ...

Why couldn't you write a Macro Express macro to open a program that can save in RTF format, like Word, copy the text from your clipboard into a blank document, and then save it as an .rtf file?

How do you want to "retrieve" the .rtf file?  Are you viewing them in Word anyway?

I'm assuming your .rar file includes a tiny .ahk file and a larger .exe file, as this is often the case when people post their utilities here.

All I care about is the 1-2k .ahk file, so if it was available separately, I'd download it without a second thought.  With a slow dial-up (some of us are still stuck in the 20th century), I think twice about a 200k file.


Glad you posted this here.  It's a very handy tidy little utility.


Here is a way to do it with AHK. It uses the hotkey (WinKey + H). It also refreshes the window as well...

#SingleInstance Force
SetBatchLines, -1

Menu,Tray,Tip,ToggleHidden  ; ANDY ADDED THIS LINE

ID := WinExist("A")
WinGetClass,Class, ahk_id %ID%
WClasses := "CabinetWClass ExploreWClass"
IfInString, WClasses, %Class%
GoSub, Toggle_HiddenFiles_Display

SubKey  = Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced

RegRead, HiddenFiles_Status, % RootKey, % SubKey, Hidden
If HiddenFiles_Status = 2
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, % RootKey, % SubKey, Hidden, 1
RegWrite, REG_DWORD, % RootKey, % SubKey, Hidden, 2
PostMessage, 0x111, 28931,,, ahk_id %ID%

You can downlaod here


This is really handy, and toggles hidden/unhidden and refreshes the folder instantly.
The link is a stand-alone .exe file, but I just pasted the above code into ToggleHidden.ahk, and stuck a shortcut in my start-up folder.

aCkRiTe, you should name this and put it over in "Finished Programs" so more people would notice it!  (and send Donation Credits)

General Software Discussion / Re: Web Mail Recommendation?
« on: May 18, 2007, 08:24 AM »
One advantage of setting her up with one of the mainstream services like gmail is that she has friends who also use it.

The advice not to teach your spouse how to drive also applies to computers...

General Software Discussion / Re: Web Mail Recommendation?
« on: May 17, 2007, 08:59 PM »
Ok, gmail it is.

Thanks everyone for the advice, tips, and links! 


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