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Messages - jazper [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Re: DonationCoder powered by logo's
« on: January 06, 2008, 10:50 PM »
Unfortunately, my graphic skillset is that of an elementary kid, otherwise I'd help create some new ones.

Living Room / Re: DonationCoder powered by logo's
« on: January 06, 2008, 10:34 PM »
Geez, I looked all over for that page!

Thank you!

Living Room / DonationCoder powered by logo's
« on: January 06, 2008, 10:06 PM »
There use to be a bunch of these on this site with different sizes , does anyone know if they are still on dc somewhere?

<img src="">


EDIT: removed attachment

Bah..i didn't see that you tried Virtual should give it a try again...its the best out there

Well, definately IE6 doesn't belong on that list. If FireFox or Opera got the exposure IE does, I'm pretty sure you would see alot more flaws in them, and IE6 wouldn't be on that list.  I thought IE6 was/is a fine browser, and now with IE7...seems to be even better. I do currently use FF, but mainly for the tabbed browsing. I'm looking forward to IE7 once released.  As for Real player, i've just never been a big fan of them, so I can't really comment on them. I've only used Real Player when I've absolutely needed to.

Interesting list here...

At PC World, we spend most of our time talking about products that make your life easier or your work more productive. But it's the lousy ones that linger in our memory long after their shrinkwrap has shriveled, and that make tech editors cry out, "What have I done to deserve this?"

Still, even the worst products deserve recognition (or deprecation). So as we put together our list of World Class winners for 2006, we decided also to spotlight the 25 worst tech products that have been released since PC World began publishing nearly a quarter-century ago.,aid,125772,00.asp

I'm not very big on FireFox extensions, in fact I only have 3 installed...

Web Developer 1.0.2 ( which was already said)
User Agent Switcher 0.6.8

But this is my favorite
View Source Chart 2.2


Jazper's Software / Re: ShoutCast Concierge v1.0.0.5 BETA
« on: April 10, 2006, 08:02 PM »
Unfortunately, I'm a Delphi coder. I do have C++ experience but BCB experience. But the downside is that I have components(VCL) that are commercial. I'll look into maybe changing some things around and converting to C++ Builder.


[EDIT: after reading your post again, not sure this is what you are looking for ]

This is done by yours truely :)


General Software Discussion / Guitar Software
« on: April 04, 2006, 02:27 AM »
So, I am a complete noob when it comes to a guitar, or any instrument for that matter, however a year or even two i bought an electric guitar. It sits in the corner barely ever been picked up! Well, I'm up for learning how to play it...does ANYONE have a suggestion on good software that will help me learn? You have to understand I'm pretty tone deaf here, but I want to learn. I'm tired of it sitting in its case doing nothing!!


Jazper's Software / Re: ShoutCast Concierge v1.0.0.5 BETA
« on: April 04, 2006, 02:12 AM »
brotherS, trust me this has not been forgotten! I have been on a very large project with work for the last several months that has finally ended for me. I'm right now in the middle of an app conversion from VB to Delphi for work. Once I get this done, I have full intentions of picking this back up!  I'm sorry it has taken so long.

Developer's Corner / Introducing Open AIM
« on: March 06, 2006, 10:53 PM »
Looks really neat, haven't had alot of time to muck around with it.

 Open AIM


Living Room / Re: Windows Live Messenger Beta Invites
« on: January 19, 2006, 11:07 AM »
I sent each of you a PM, i'm going to lock this topic now.


Living Room / Windows Live Messenger Beta Invites
« on: January 11, 2006, 07:40 PM »
I have 3 Invites I'm willing to give away...just reply to this thread. The first 3 replies will receive one.


Slightly off topic, but somewhat related.  You have to admit that this is a good thing for microsoft and mozilla, oh and the end-user :)

IE7 to use same RSS Icon as FF

{ Sorry accidentally hit modify instead of quote - this is the only edit honest ;) Carol}

I will say this, I (am?) was a huge FireFox fan. I still really am.  However after beta testing IE7(yes, it's look and appearances mimic FF) I can see myself shifting back to IE7.  The one thing, that I really kept an eye out for is Memory!  If anyone on this forum disagree's with me, then  you haven't paid attention to the amount of RAM that FF sucks up.  FireFox is absolutely horrible at memory management.  I'm tired of looking at my processes to see that FF is consuming well in excess of 125mb of ram.  IE7 thus far has NOT had this problem. And because of this, and other more minor features, I will definately switch to IE7.  IE7 has the same features as FF, imo.  I will say, that IE7 security is a concern(because of past history) however, I'm willing to take that chance. I see MS, making advances in security, finally, so I'm coming to terms with it.


Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: URL List to Favorites
« on: December 17, 2005, 10:00 AM »
uQueue is a nice little program my friend wrote, its very handy. Although, I don't think you can actually bookmark to the browsers from it. I'll ask him if maybe that can be an enhancement.


Most likely WM_DEVICECHANGE would be of assistance in this situation....


Jazper's Software / Re: ShoutCast Concierge v1.0.0.5 BETA
« on: November 25, 2005, 11:31 AM »
Well, now that Turkey Day is over here in the US, I'll start working on these issues/suggestions/additions. Once again, BrotherS great ideas!  I'll try to have something by Sunday!


   Here is a link to my donation info, again only donate if you want to.


Jazper's Software / ShoutCast Concierge v1.0.0.5 BETA
« on: November 21, 2005, 03:34 PM »
Here is the latest


FIXED: Now resizable, and size will persist - make the "Load Servers" window resiszable or at least bigger, it now shows only 4.5 streams at once.
FIXED: Now deleting anything where Pos() of "http://" is above 1 or = 0- in the "Load Servers" window, hide the "#EXTINF" lines
FIXED: Added Mutex to prevent 2nd instance - running the .exe again while cause to load a second copy :-/
FIXED: Added Mutex to prevent 2nd instance - if you could, make it check if it's exe is already running when it's started: if it's...
FIXED: Changed form style to sizeable, enabled maximizi buttonĀ  - let the user change the size
ADDED: Save form state/size(persistant) on close

To Do
- add the "enable" checkmarks
- add something like skrommel's *great* "watch for song titles or artist names" idea (see above)
- let the user change what kind of info that window should show
- I would prefer a much smaller window, where I could have just the info most important to me visible,
- allow the user to give the streams 'nick names', so that one knows *which* stream is "NA" (see #3 in screenshot)
- allowing 'nick names' would also help to prevend problems with extremely long stream names (see #4 in screenshot)

ShoutCast Concierge v1.0.0.5 BETA


Found Deals and Discounts / Black Friday 2005 Deals
« on: November 21, 2005, 12:55 AM »
For those of you looking forward to Black Friday(day after thanksgiving in the US)

I've been fortunate enough to come across this link(actually my wife passed it on to me :) )

Black Friday 2005 Deals


If you feel I've fulfilled your request, you may want to change the post icon to a smiley :) and the topic to DONE - <original topic>

  Although donations personally are greatly appreciated, please put any donation that you were willing to give towards the November Fundraiser



ADDED: -dst switch, will compensate the output time for DST
   if -date is DST and currentdate is not, then +1 output
   else if -date is not DST and currentdate is DST then -1 output

FIXED: All cmd line switches are detected regardless of case(e.g. -date or -DATE)

Latest version HERE

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