Biggest problem I have with it is the unwieldy - at least for me - tagging system. When I store something, it'll have multiple tags. However, I'm unable to search on combined tags. That means that my tag input is increased significantly. Example would be
- Donation
- Coder
- Donation Coder
That 3rd tag should not be necessary, but it is, as far as I can tell. Should be able to search/limit, for instance, Donation + Coder without having created the Donation Coder tag.
Slightly off-topic, but maybe worth sharing:
That's why I find that the best way to manage tags in any DB (or anywhere, in fact) is to use
1- standard text fields
2- an OSwide (so to speak) system that's managed through a separate application -- a text expander/script application, like AHK.
I've been using AHK to manage my tags for years now, and I use these tags everywhere : from PDFs comments to filenames, to InfoQube's fields (as many here know, IQ is what I've chosen to manage most of my data for years -- won't develop on that.). After 8 years using this system, I know it works well...
when using standard text fields, search operations like "Donation + Coder" are easy. If the tag system is well thought out, it's also easy to make mass modification to specific tags (using search and replace tools)