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Messages - MilesAhead [ switch to compact view ]

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Non-Windows Software / Re: Android: (Wired) File Transfers from PC
« on: February 28, 2017, 10:13 AM »
I have cables with USB/microusb connectors.  For music files it is easy since when I plug in my phone or tablet, Explorer shows the device as an MP3 Player.  I can just drag and drop whole folder trees in.

For other files such as eBooks I have been using Google Drive with the Total Commander Drive Plugin as suggested by Shades.  I tried the Lan plugin but it does not seem able to find my computer's name on the WiFi network.

Also I downloaded x-plore file manager in case it comes in handy later.

One tip slightly off topic, for a few bucks you can get a cable a few inches long with a female USB connector and a male miniUsb.  When I have to type in a lot of stuff on my phone and get fed up with fat finger frustration I plug in my USB mouse using the adapter and click on the onscreen keys.  It is way faster since it is pretty much impossible to miss a key with the mouse pointer.  :)

One of these days perhaps I'll try a Bluetooth mouse.  But this is good enough for emergencies.  :)

Living Room / Re: Intercepted Email?
« on: February 27, 2017, 02:42 PM »
Ok, the first part where they try to get you to click a bogus link is generally referred to as phishing.  I would search for an in depth article how to combat phishing.  Most searches will get you a list of 5 or 10 obvious things like "don't click a link to your bank that is in an email" etc..  On a quick search I haven't found a more comprehensive guide but there must be one out there.

On the second part not getting payment confirmations.  That sounds more devious.  If that also does not go away by changing your email server I don't know what to suggest.  The trouble with TCP/IP is the basic design is a broadcast network and nodes are expected to pick out the packets sent to them.  So everybody can read the packet headers.  If someone is targeting you by filtering huge volumes of packets to catch everything going to you or from you on the backbone then I don't know what you can do.  Somebody who makes a living in online security would be a better source of information than I.

Edit:  A common technique that could be used against you in this case is known as a Man In The Middle Attack

Another possibility is that someone has physically tapped into the network someplace between you and the first junction/relay/server whatever and is sniffing the packets and filtering out what he doesn't want you to get.  In such a case if there were multiple ISPs using that physical network switching to another provider does not cut out the packet sniffer since it is someone physically tapping into the hardware.  If you are not under investigation by the FBI or the IRS then you may have to alert some law enforcement that has jurisdiction over internet fraud in your area that you think there is some type of interception scheme operating.  You may find out other people have already reported it once you find out which law enforcement agency to contact. ( However I would suggest you do not communicate with the cops via email.  If there is a man in the middle the emails the police read might be much nastier than what you actually sent.  Better to only communicate in person or over the phone in real time. )   :Thmbsup:

Living Room / Re: Recommend some music videos to me!
« on: February 27, 2017, 02:26 PM »
Joe Locke

Living Room / Re: Intercepted Email?
« on: February 27, 2017, 10:51 AM »
If you email is intercepted without regard to password, isp etc. my question is, how do you know this is happening?  And where do you think the interception point is?  I don't quite understand what you are asking.

Living Room / Re: quick poll, please vote! (2 questions only)
« on: February 25, 2017, 09:02 AM »
Hmm, it would seem to me the answer to both would be you want to know in advance of both positive and negative events.  In the first case, you cannot keep the negative event from happening, but you may be able to use the foreknowledge to your advantage.  Example, some big company is going to crash leaving a zillion people out of work.  You position yourself to sell the stock short at the optimum time.  I am no Wall Street aficionado but you get the idea.

In the second case if you could change things then obviously you would want to know in advance so that you may optimize your future.

But in reality I think Yogi Berra had it right.  "The future ain't what it used to be."

Thanks, MilesAhead, for this info.  For some reason, I don't think I received any message from Macrium about this, even though I have a licensed copy of version 5.  I was interested to see that in order to upgrade to version 7, I first have to upgrade to version 6 (at a 50% upgrade discount).  Then, when version 7 is released, it will be free to people who upgraded within a certain timespan to version 6.  Once version 7 is released, there will be no upgrade discount from version 5 to version 7!  I had been thinking that I'd just wait until 7 is released, since it will be so soon, but that apparently would be a foolish move, financially. 

I did not realize that cutoff was in effect.  I guess it's one way to get people out of the habit of waiting for the imminent release of the new version as most people are prone to do.  They gave me version 6 server for the regular upgrade price of v4 "standard" or "home" to v5.  Well, they asked if I wanted to do that with the proviso it would be marked not for resale and the upgrade chain would then be broken.  I was curious what server was like so I went for it.  Also I was unaware that the Rapid Data Restore was included in the other versions.  For some reason I thought it was only in the Server editions.

In any case I have no need to upgrade until I get another PC.  As it is the incremental backups and restores on my Laptop only take a few minutes each.  But if I changed to a system where I needed to back up large then I would probably want to check out the NTFS monitoring feature new in v7.

Thanks for making me aware of the upgrade cutoff.   :Thmbsup:

(but I only use IE for an internal work-site that uses ActiveX stuff, phew)

Just out of curiosity I notice MS has decided not to support ActiveX in Edge.  I wonder if MaxThon does or will continue to support ActiveX?  I used it back in v 2.0 when unsigned AddOns were still allowed.  So I am not aware of the current state of MaxThon browser vis a vis ActiveX Controls, BHOs etc..

Edit: A quick search found a fix in the MaxThon 4.x changelog for "automatically switching to Retro Mode" when encountering ActiveX.  So evidently it is grandfathered in.  :)

General Software Discussion / Macrium Reflect v7 release on Feb. 27th
« on: February 21, 2017, 09:19 AM »
I didn't notice this until I got an email from Macrium.  Evidently v7 release is due Feb. 27, 2017:


I was under the impression that the rapid restore was only in the server editions.  But consulting the feature comparison chart it seems to be available in all but the free version.  The term they use is Rapid Data Restore.  Here is an editions comparison chart:


Developer's Corner / Re: Roaming among the Dinosaurs
« on: February 16, 2017, 07:21 AM »
You might find something useful in the source code from this project:

Edit:  Also this page may be helpful

For DLL writing generally and examples what to do in the various required handlers you should be able to find something relevant in one of these C++ forums:

^ I'm grateful for all suggestions -- but was a bit brutal in my rejection there

Not at all.  I thought you were being patient with someone not conversant with that particular branch of software.  No worries mate, as the Aussies say.   :Thmbsup:

After a quick search I did not see any editor that associates comments with files and sync scrolls or whatnot.  But I did see in Vim you can sync scroll split screen with a file in each window.  If you come up with some way of opening both files in split mode via the command line perhaps you can come up with a scheme to derive the comment filename from the source filename and semi automate it.

This page gives an intro to sync scroll commands using Vim:
thanks Miles:
I'd probably look at a page layout programme before I'd go that route --
in a layout programme you can get the text to flow from page 1 to 3 to 5 and use the pages between for commentary.
Or simply going the manual page-break route in a regular word processor would be more manageable.

My usage of word processing and/or office/publishing software is nearly zero(if not below zero) so I just thought I'd take a shot at a lucky search.  It seems I was way off target this time.   :-[

What you described sounds useful though.  I am surprised there isn't an editor with that feature.

After a quick search I did not see any editor that associates comments with files and sync scrolls or whatnot.  But I did see in Vim you can sync scroll split screen with a file in each window.  If you come up with some way of opening both files in split mode via the command line perhaps you can come up with a scheme to derive the comment filename from the source filename and semi automate it.

This page gives an intro to sync scroll commands using Vim:

Talking about Taskbar: Maybe someone knows a solution for my problem of some pinned icons duplicating themselves when I click on them to start the program, and some do not duplicate themselves, but stay in place.

I would like it so that they will all stay in place, when I start the respective software to save space on my taskbar.

How do I do that?

This is of Windows 7 vintage.  But it may shed some light on the issue:

Non-Windows Software / Re: Android book reader (thinking Moon+)
« on: February 14, 2017, 07:01 AM »
^^  Thanks for the suggestion.  :)

Non-Windows Software / Re: Android book reader (thinking Moon+)
« on: February 13, 2017, 09:43 AM »
@xtabber thanks for the info.  I see what you mean about not syncing the library.  But I do have it so that it will sync the last reading position at any rate.  It seems like the tablet will be OK for reading.  Phone would be last resort.  But I had room on the 32 GB micro sd card so I figured I might as wall put all the books on.  :)

Living Room / Re: Prevent screen lock
« on: February 11, 2017, 08:11 AM »
What software are you using to access the remote machine?  Perhaps it has a "keep alive" function built in.  Otherwise you may be able to use something that sends a mouse movement and/or clicks some empty spot on the remote desktop.  I haven't used remote desktop type software but I am sure this issue comes up.  There is likely a simple solution.

Is there an online forum for the software you are using?  If so somebody there likely posted an elegant method if there is not a built-in command.

General Software Discussion / Quotidian Folders
« on: February 10, 2017, 09:52 AM »
Quotidian Folders Fixed a bug where changes to Open On Click setting where not saved to ini file if the program was closed due to shutdown or logoff.

See first post for download link.

General Software Discussion / Quotidian Folders
« on: February 10, 2017, 08:41 AM »
Quotidian Folders  I updated the link in first post to my new page.  I also updated the links in the program so that "visit hotkey page" and "donate" commands in the tray menu will go to the correct web page.

Note that similar to other Explorer Folder utilities I have done, the folder option "show full path in title bar" should be enabled.  It simply copies to the clipboard to get the folder path.  Shell objects such as Computer, Recycle Bin etc. are not supported.  Although once the Mouse Menu is open, clicking the Open Button with nothing selected opens Computer.

The idea of this utility is to make folders that are a pain to get to such as deeply nested folders, more accessible.  If the Tray Menu option Open On Click is enabled Control Right Click on folders will open them immediately as well as adding them to the Mouse Menu.  Control Right Click an empty spot on Desktop to open the Mouse Menu near the mouse cursor.

As you add folders to the menu you may want to delete those no longer of interest to keep the list short.

I haven't done any PHP.  So I am just taking a shot in the dark.  But my idea would be after the line where you check it is one of the desired graphics formats, then use a ternary operator to test just for .jpg and if so, preload the $line variable with a br.

if($extension=='jpg' || $extension =='png' || $extension == 'gif' || $extension == 'bmp')
     $line = ($extension=='.jpg') ? "<br>" : ""
     yadda yadda

Then later instead of assigning to $line, append to it, so that the br will lead if it is already in the $line variable.  I am just guessing that will insert the br properly in the anchor tag.  But that's all it is, a guess.  :)

General Software Discussion / ReRun
« on: February 09, 2017, 10:15 AM »

Yet another attempt to get rid of the subscript format error on startup.  See first post for download link and details.  Hopefully the 3rd time is a charm.  :)

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: Windows Deal dead in the water?
« on: February 09, 2017, 08:10 AM »
GiveAway of the Day

If that is what you mean.

I do most of the ones listed on Giveaway Radar.  It seems Topmost Giveaway is just a mirror for Windows Deal.  They both have nothing new for weeks.  I thought someone might have switched to some new sites.  I got the links to Giveaway Radar and the others from DC in the first place.  :)

Found Deals and Discounts / Windows Deal dead in the water?
« on: February 09, 2017, 06:54 AM »
The page still works.  But for weeks now it seems there is the same single give-away.  Windows Deal seems to be dead in the water.  Anyone have an alternative?

They might as well just turn on your web cam and get a look at you to see if you are "their kind of person" before they allow you to log on.

Dude, don't say shit like that ... Somebody'll want to try it... (eek!) :D

It is probably out there already.  But not on sites I would frequent.  Like "Billionaires' Club" or something.  ;)

I have experienced sites in the past where no matter how many attempts I made, I could not get past the Captcha.  Usually in this case there is no way to communicate with the administrator since you cannot post or PM.  You are frozen out unless the system just happens to run on a Linux derivative and emailing to root on the domain just happens to work.  I think that is pretty rare these days.

In effect the lockout will be totally arbitrary.  What are you going to do?  Sit there for hours making different mouse gestures before you click the check box?  The whole concept is absurd.

They might as well just turn on your web cam and get a look at you to see if you are "their kind of person" before they allow you to log on.

They should just have an "I am a robot" checkbox and make the robots check it.  :)

The evolution seems to be heading away from some deterministic test, like if you keep changing the blurry text or the audio you will nearly always eventually get one that can be read or heard correctly, to a non-deterministic test which amounts to "I did not like how you moved your mouse."  End of story.  There is no way to "prove" you moved the mouse in a human way since what that is cannot be divulged.

Basically it amounts to "we don't want you to be able to sign in."
We seem to be moving to a world of bouncers who decide by whim who to let inside the club,store, dmv, forum, web site etc..

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