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Messages - myarmor [ switch to compact view ]

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General Software Discussion / Re: EditPad Pro 7 - released
« on: May 16, 2011, 05:00 PM »
It seems like the new version only has gotten better. It was superb before, and still is.

One thing I would've liked is to make it possible to define/save multiple keyboard layouts (just about
everything else in EPP 7 allows it, such as colors,text layouts, caret's, etc, and many of those are per filetype).

General Software Discussion / Re: Directory Opus 10
« on: May 03, 2011, 07:05 PM »
I upgraded to DO 10 almost immediately after it was released.. hey, its several years since a major version was released,
and the What's New list is rather extensive.

It finally has copy queues for one (apparently someone suggested it 4 years or so ago, i.e around when DO 9 was released or so).
In my case there was some issues to with changing the gui colors as I like it, and some revised toolbars, but nothing really major.
Now if the foldertabs could be silver on black it'd be back to normal.

Living Room / Re: What's Your Internet Speed/Reliability SATISFACTION?
« on: September 07, 2010, 01:08 AM »
I have a 12/2.5Mb cable and according to speedtests it delivers 12.3/2.7Mb (they have a bit of focus on actually delivering what you purchase,
hence they give it some extra uumph).

When downloading I tend to see about 1,65MB/s using Mass Downloader (not really sure about actual normal use upload).

Living Room / Re: Processors (CPU)?
« on: April 09, 2010, 04:50 PM »
The performance gain from higher model number CPUs in the same family is almos always "diminishing returns" the higher up you go. The 920 was and is definitely the "sweet spot". The 960 does not justify its price IMO, especially when you consider overclocking ability of the 920.

- Oshyan
I guess you're right about that. This was another reason I asked about the other series.. Opteron and Xeon doesn't seem do be much use as they seem targeted
at an entirely different group.
Except Opteron 2378 it seems all those I compared to cost _alot_ more than the 920 anyway (the list above is in reverse, last=highest performance).

Living Room / Re: Processors (CPU)?
« on: April 09, 2010, 03:24 PM »
Apparently I did something somewhat good when I bought this processor a year or so ago.

It isn't that I'm dissatisfied with it or something, but my earlier purchases tended
to be lowered on performancelist rather fast after purchase (i.e faster processors
in the same series).

Btw, is there so much gain in performance by going from 920 to 960 (not extreme) that it excuses the
doubling of price?

According to Everest 5.5 CPU Queen, only Opteron 2378 (8x), i7 Extreme 965 (4x), Xeon E5462 (8x),
Xeon 2431 (12x), and Xeon X5550 (8x) perform better than my 920..
But that list doesn't seem to contain the entire i7 series among others.

Living Room / Processors (CPU)?
« on: April 09, 2010, 05:27 AM »
Probably a silly question, but here goes..

Is it only other Core i7's which perform better than a i7 920 d0, or are there others which do as well (excluding xeon)?
I have the impression that i7, i5 and i3 is the high, mid and low performance versions. Correct?

I'm asking because of the rather big pricejump from i7 920 to the next in that line.

This sounds like the exact same policy as IDM Computer Solutions has for UltraEdit/UEStudio..
i.e, versionnumbers doesn't matter, but the time after purchase does (they have 1 year,2 years or unlimited upgrades).
The last version released within the purchased upgrade period continues to work after expiry of upgrade period.

When I think about it it is also similar to Stardock's Object Desktop subscription (only that covers a whole sleuth of applications).

As long as this was the terms when you purchased it I don't see how you could argue (if it is timebased they can call the next
version 72.0 and it doesn't matter for those with nonexpired upgrade period).
As you can see that licensing model is used by at least one well known company/product I guess most of you have heard of.

When Konvertor 4.0 () was released they changed the length of a license (including EXISTING) for customers at the same time.

When it was bought all UPGRADES was free (i.e including major versions), both the
front page and FAQ said so, although the faq was more direct.
Quote from the old faq: "Do I have to pay for the upgrades? No! All upgrades are free to registered users." Reference

The new faq says: "You will have to pay a small fee for main new versions (10 €). Bug fixes are free, sub versions (4.01, 4.02 -> 4.09) too." Reference

This applies to old customers too.. in other words, they did the same as selling a Windows 7 Ultimate and after some time it reverts to Windows 7 Starter. (I know the comparison isn't exactly spot on).
Well, the software wasn't too good, but it still doesn't seem right.

Living Room / Re: I hate Valentine's Day!
« on: February 14, 2010, 02:18 PM »
Just as commercial, but a different approach to Valentine day.. Valentine's day and White day in Japan

I've completely switched to W7 Professional x64 Retail after a 2 day trial.
For some strange reason just about everything worked out of the box (I had to install the proper drivers obviously) except Sacred 2 (securom is apparently to blame for many of the bugs encountered in it with W7).

Things that never worked properly with XP on my system (sleep/standby etc) works perfectly, and just about everything else does too.

Hopefully I won't encounter too much difficulties with it for some time. :)

Living Room / Re: What's required for Aero in Win7?
« on: October 23, 2009, 02:48 PM »
The advisor said the same for my Asus Radeon HD4890 1GB (EAH4890), so I guess the advisor is seriously mistaken..
It doesn't support DX11, but it supports DX10.1 at least.

I tested using the 9.9 drivers (the day before I updated them to 9.10).

General Software Discussion / Re: Do you touch-type or hunt-and-peck?
« on: September 21, 2009, 08:14 AM »
I'm with app103 in that I'm not a touch typist, nor am I  "hunt & peck".
My fingers sort of know where everything is (but if you ask, I'm not able to answer, strangely enough), but are limited to 1-3 fingers on both hands.

It goes rather fast though, at least when I'm at a keyboard I'm used to (currently Logitech G15 blue).
When changing keyboards it can take 2-3 days until I'm up to speed.

@Mwb1100, thank you for the info.. I upgraded, with second year included. $89.91 was the total price. at least some money saved on a rather good product.

Living Room / Re: What annoys you to no end?
« on: August 14, 2009, 06:32 PM »
@Josh, I have items which results in upto 8 hits after 6 keystrokes, the result is a total of 7 keystrokes + a mouseclick (or 1-7 additional keystrokes to get to the item in question). The search thingy doesn't seem to search only the menu. for XP the same takes a total of 2 mouseclicks and minimal movement (I use 100ms delay for the menus in xp)
So while it is more flexible (as you mentioned), it seems to require extra "work" to end with the same result.

In XP you could organize the start menu very efficiently (removing unneeded shortcuts, group them in different folders etc), but this is mostly pointless in
W7 as its behaviour doesn't allow for it to be of any real use.. i.e "submenus" takes ages to open, going up a level in the menu is another issue, etc.
I guess someone ends up recreating the XP startmenu for W7.

So far my issues with W7 is the startmenu and explorer, otherwise it seems rather good, although W64 has a long way to go to provide the same as W32.

About winrar/7-zip, I guess this might be different between 32 and 64bit as the security in W64 tends to be harsher in many ways. None of those asks (UAC) in W7 64.

Living Room / Re: What annoys you to no end?
« on: August 14, 2009, 04:49 PM »
Windows Vista and 7 start menu annoys me to no end.. oh, and the "Library" garbage.

The reason is simple, it takes ages to get to the right item compared to xp (a 3 level menu in xp equals 3-4 mouseclicks,
compared to 1 in xp).
The search thingy works, but it requires using of the keyboard, then the mouse.

I've tried using both vista and 7, and most of the reasons why I'm not about to upgrade is that
annoying start menu.
I really should be using 64bit of one of those, but currently programs for them are rather useless..
7-Zip (64bit version) and WinRar shell extensions cant extract anything into "Program files" or similar because no access
rights (and they don't ask).
7-Zip can't register its file extensions.
and so on.

Btw, why create lots of entries ABOVE the diskdrives in explorer etc??
Oh, and the annoying $RECYCLE.BIN folder on every drive (on a dual boot with xp you end up with $RECYCLE.BIN and RECYCLER).
In my mind they have no purpose and is always empty.

How would one hide them and "System Volume Information" everywhere,and still see all hidden files/folders.

41's not really a smaller brother, but rather a segmentation of the product lines into business versus consumer so rather than i5 is to i7 what Celeron was for Pentium, but it will be more like i5 is to i7 what Pentium is to Xeon.
I guess you do have a point..

Xeon seems to be more server related, which is a whole other segment, but i7 (high performance) would be mainly for desktop as would i5 (mainstream), so the celeron/pentium compare doesn't seem so far fetched.

It would be somewhat logical for i7 to have a smaller brother similar to celeron.

I like it alot really.. I only have a 920 d0, but it performs rather well even before overclocking.
 After, well... :)

I5 would be the smaller brother then? As in, it is for i7 what celeron was for pentium.

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: EVEREST Ultimate -30%
« on: June 22, 2009, 07:34 PM »
Sorry if this almost sounds like an advertisement, but it is really an answer to Superboyac (what does a normal user use it for).

One small, but important (to me) feature is that it offers several ways of displaying the sensor data such as temperatures, fan speeds, voltages etc.
It can display them in the Lcd screen, system tray, sidebar, through some other program interfacing with it,  and inside the program itself.

Monitoring temperatures can be important, especially if you overclock.

The alert triggers seems nice too.
You can set it to shut down the computer when a certain event happens (such as reaching a certain temperature) among other things.

For reference: I use beta 5.02.1771.

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: EVEREST Ultimate -30%
« on: June 22, 2009, 06:48 PM »
I'd recommend it too.

I have used it for about 2 years, and apart from a conflict with my old board for a month or so, there has been no problems. (it supports G15 etc lcd screens so I use it all the time).

It simply does what is says.

@tide, I don't use the gui at all, just TCC (you find it in the tcmd folder, it doesn't get a shortcut).. It is fast, no dual thingy etc.

I've considered upgrading, but I still don't see the need for it as I currently don't need the extra features.

Upgrade period?? You can upgrade from version 1-9 for half the full price.

They refer to it as OFP/OSS 2009 at the moment, but any license works regardless of version as long as it is released before or within your subscription (which with a lifetime license never ends).

Nothing beats having SP3 slipstreamed, followed by a run of Autopatcher for installing/updating multiple computers..

The gains of the latter is somewhat obvious even when you have only one though, as it only needs a single run/reboot in most cases..

Living Room / Re: What is Donation Coder?
« on: November 24, 2008, 11:39 PM »
@mouser, I would prefer the disable edit after some time.. But, not after 24 hours, instead something like 30 minutes.

It is a bit longer than the usual forums but not enough to gather too many posts following it before it is locked, thereby for the most part preventing the original from being too different from what the followers might have responded to.

24 hours is way too much.. At the same time, mod posting (all posts goes through mods) is a bad idea too, for the reasons mentioned earlier.

Living Room / Re: Rats! MS Auto Updates Got Me Again!
« on: October 21, 2008, 05:01 PM »
Autopatcher XP is the way I do my updates..
I've never had any issues with it, and in the newer versions the updater retrieves the files directly from MS anyway, making it faster to download and is as good as if not better than autoupdates.

Oh, and it's seems to always be a total of a single reboot afterwards, no matter how many updates you apply.

In addition to that I prefer to do it this way because I only need to download them once, not for every system and VM I use.

Living Room / Re: Rats! MS Auto Updates Got Me Again!
« on: October 18, 2008, 08:59 AM »
For some strange reason I've never had any issues with updates.
If I did it would still only take about 10 minutes to be up and running again due to ShadowProtect.

Other updates isn't so straightforward as MS's though. Nero for instance.
I just had to test it although I've asked for a refund for Nero 9.

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