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Messages - jmj [ switch to compact view ]

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FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: Locate32 Plugin for FARR by Okke
« on: December 27, 2007, 11:33 AM »
But I guess that would require locate to be updated, as /? doesn't mention unicode.

Locate uses Unicode (at least to write console) if databases use Unicode  (you can check this in the settings dialog of locate32.exe).

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: Locate32 Plugin for FARR by Okke
« on: November 27, 2007, 04:51 AM »
Locate.exe in 7.11040 and in 7.11250 are broken. The latest version which seems to work is in 7.9220, you can extract locate.exe from there. Actually three should not be any changed in locate.exe and updtdb32.exe between 7.9220 and 7.11250 (but somehow those newer files are again broken, argh!).

But remember that the new site is still underconstruction and occasianally may not work at all (one such sitution is soon when we install some new components).

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: Use locate32 with Farr
« on: July 05, 2007, 06:04 AM »
No jmj it doesn't unfortunately. That would require a plugin request it here. Would love to see that done though.

Ok. Mouser has asked me about the database structure in Locate (I'm the author of Locate). So maybe that plugin is available someday.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: Use locate32 with Farr
« on: July 05, 2007, 04:03 AM »
Farr window

edit: to include the Farr window.

I haven't use farr, but does that means that farr uses locate to search files and shows results in its own window? If that's so, it's quite impressive.

devmgmt.msc works also in Vista. You can also find Device Manager from the following places:
Control Panel (Classic View) -> System -> Device Manager (on Left)
Control Panel (Control Panel Home view) -> System and Maintenance -> Device Manager
Administrative Tools -> Computer Manager -> Device Manager (on Left)

I have also got a couple of DonationCredits from members here which is laudable.

RC3 is out:

There is one feature I have been wanting for a long time, but have never taken the time to speak up about it.  It would be quite helpful if the main search window (Name & Location) had a 4th dialog box below "Look In:"  Essentially what it would do is, whatever you type into that box is like a live filter of any search results that have been returned to you.  So it, wouldn't take up any processing power or run in the background, but as you type characters into that box it filters down the search results that were returned to you.  That way if i knew I was looking for a text file, but not sure which exactly, and had a bunch a different combinations to search, I could just search .txt, then, saving myself alot of searches and leaving every possible file I'm looking for (.txt) in front of me, I could continuously try different typed combinations to narrow down my results (and they narrow as i type in that box), just without having to execute more searches.

If  "display result as you type" feature, isn't this just a second way to do same?

Real time monitoring and "display result as you type" have been in the program's todo list for a long time. Both will be implemented so that those can be turned on and off.

btw. RC2 is out:

I haven't consideres which license to use, but BSD would be good.

RC1 ( is now released, it's here: (64 bit:

Lately I have had too little time to work with Locate (that probably will be the case in future too) and  therefore the program's todo list is just grown all the time. So I am asking if someone here would be keen on doing something for the program. At least, there are couple of things which would be quite easy to implement as "external modules", for instance, features related to Explorer (shell extensions):
- a toolbar for Locate in Task bar
- better context menu commands that, for example, makes easier to create databases for cataloquing CD-ROMs
- an extension to Explorer which makes possible to see searches as a part of filesystem (e.g, folders like Extensions.{692F0339-CBAA-47e6-B5B5-3B84DB604E87})
- integration in the File/Open dialogs

The full todo list can be found from the readme.txt file which is included in the installation package.

I can provide more information if some one is interested. I'll also publish the source code when the final 3.0 version is relased, so after that other things are also possible (I can also send the source code right now if someone wants it).

If someone is interested, there is small fix for 6.9030:

However I am not referring to updating Locate's indexes by using scans.

Instead, I am referring to the settings which are under UPDATE RESULTS.  I can either:
(a)  disable updating (file info from database)
(b)  enable updating (info corresponds files) 

If I choose (b) then I can select from:

(i) do not track file system changes
(ii) track file system changes
(iii) track file system changes (old method).


It is these settings which confuse me.  I have no idea what they are trying to do or how they do it!

Maybe I'll try to explain this.

If you have set "Enable updating (info corresponds files)" option, then after a search, Locate will read file information (file size, dates, ...) again from file system (not from database). If "disable updating (file info from database)" is set, then Locate does not do that and shown file size, modification date, etc... are from database. Then shown information may be wrong if you files have changed after databases are updated. The purpose of these options is following: if you have file in the result list contained in drive which is currently offline, then if this you have enabled updating, this file will be seen as deleted file and you can't see any information from filesize, modification date, etc.

And here is an exmple how "track file system changes" option works:
Select one file in the result list and choose "Open containing folder" from File menu/context menu so that Explorer window will appear. Select same file in Explorer and try, for example, rename file. If tracking is enabled, at the same time when you have renamed file, Locate will change the state of that file to "Deleted file" in the result list. And if you change file somehow, locate will show new file size and modication time in the result list immediately.


Post New Requests Here / Re: Run application on low CPU level?
« on: August 27, 2006, 11:38 PM »
edit: I misunderstood question, sorry.

Make own database for each external drive and choose "Stop if root unavailable". Then locate should stop updating if drive is missing and leave that database untouched.

Well, I could also introduce myself:

Hello every one. I am the author of Locate32. If you have some problems with program, feel free to contact me (you can also tell about it here, I'll try to watch this thread). Feature requiests are also welcome. However, lately it is quite hard to find enough time to work with locate and therefore bigger features may take time (possibly years), unless it a small and easy-to-implement things).

How do you do that? I have v. 3.06.6060 but cannot see it in the options...

There is "Activate the first found item after search is completed" option (under Results/Result list) in Advanced settings tab.

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