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Messages - Renox [ switch to compact view ]

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General Software Discussion / Re: Switching to VoIP chat...
« on: August 15, 2006, 03:09 PM »
okay okay! lol it was an idea... gone bad! I was looking at the use of VoIP as something that could be used to explain things at real time if someone needed help or even to chat with a friend... I can see all of these points that you all have made and realize that VoIP might not and isn't the way to go... I personally love VoIP, because it gives me a great chance to communicate and keep my social skills polished... I love communicating and for me talking is alot easier than typing even though I can type very quick! Glad to see your guys' opinion though! I appreciate the reply's and feedback! cya!

Developer's Corner / Re: Help with P2P and VoIP BCB Programming...
« on: August 15, 2006, 03:03 PM »
I would love to see that small sample program! Very glad to see that you got the whole thing working... I am more of a hands on learner, so if you wrote me an app that sent files and voice stuff that would be excellent ... I can pick parts of the code apart and analyze whats going on, then try to re-write another small app till i get the hang of how it works... I have been looking for stuff like that on the web but have had no luck finding any so... I would be willing to donate some donationcredits to you if this is possible... Thankyou martyjn! I cant wait to see your gamechat and how far it has come! I have had no time to experiment with vortex at all recently and I am just now getting back to it so... I still have alot of work to do. Thnx buddy!

General Software Discussion / Switching to VoIP chat...
« on: August 14, 2006, 09:38 PM »
Mouser, have you thought of offering some sort of VoIP client for chatting... It would be very cool and I think alot of people would be able to learn alot more if that was available since talking is alot easier than typing... You could definately still keep the mIRC but offer something like Teamspeak or Ventrilo as well for those people who have good internet connections... I have used Teamspeak and Ventrilo both and they are wonderful VoIP programs... Just a thought for ya!

Developer's Corner / Re: Make (and play) your own Xbox game
« on: August 14, 2006, 07:49 AM »
Thats too cool... I can't wait to get my hands on that!

Developer's Corner / Re: Help with P2P and VoIP BCB Programming...
« on: August 14, 2006, 07:47 AM »
I can't seem to remember... I haven't found it yet... Is it possible that you could remind me?

Developer's Corner / Help with P2P and VoIP BCB Programming...
« on: August 13, 2006, 06:58 PM »
I am using Borland's C++ Builder 4.0 but I also have Borland 2006 as well... I would like to incorporate a simple P2P file sharing feature for a future program that I am creating (new version of vortex.) I have been looking into this option and have already received a few recommendations... Only problem is that I still haven't gotten anywhere... I am a hands on learner... Show me source code for something one time and if i understand it, I wont forget it for a long time... Is it possible that somebody could program an example for me to look at using BCB 4.0 or even Borland C++ Builder 2006... I would be more than happy and willing to tip the person a few DonationCredits if they can help me out with this... I prefer BCB 4.0, so if you can get a hold of that and script it in that, It would make me the happiest person alive... I also need this example thingy done for Voice over IP... so if you know how to do either one... Please re-post...

Site/Forum Features / mIRC Channel?
« on: July 14, 2006, 11:14 PM »
What was it again?

Borland C++ Builder Contest / Re: Vortex Chat - Client Version
« on: July 14, 2006, 04:22 PM »
Here are some things to look at:

I doubt this application would exist if there wasn't spyware...

This was caused because of AIM:

Here is some more....

Actually, as mouser would say, "Search Google."
you can type in, "AIM spyware" and find your answer...

My name is Carl (Renox on the forums). I am taking computer programming classes. I specialize in using Borland C++ Builder. It's been my favorite IDE for about a year now. I am new to the programming world but listening to and learning everything that I can to learn more about Visual C++. I created Vortex Chat, which is a web-eccentric application that uses both a server and a client socket to handle all of the outgoing/incoming messages. Check out the post for it in this "Borland C++ Builder Contest" section of the forums.

Borland C++ Builder Contest / Re: Vortex Chat - Client Version
« on: July 13, 2006, 11:25 PM »
I havent seen a chat program that messes with a web browser, installs spyware or viruses at all. What ones have you tried? I know gaim is perfectly safe, as is trillian, miranda, aim, msn, yahoo, icq and google talk. IRC (mIRC) is also a good chat protocol/series of networks.

Actually, AIM for one def. has spywhere included in the install. I am a computer technician during the summer and I know about this one because I, myself, have personally formatted an entire computer and then, reinstalled windows and put AIM on there... Wasn't long before I found things on the computer... Actually, about 5 min's. After installing and launching, I was able to view a few things that I didn't install. Hence, the fact that AIM and yahoo aren't really as safe as you think... Just because  everything looks fine doesn't necessarily mean that it is... I have found that out for sure! lol!

Borland C++ Builder Contest / Re: Vortex Chat - Client Version
« on: July 08, 2006, 04:29 PM »
not at all... the component WAS there but thats not why i put it in... I put it in for those people who dont want a million windows open.. Yes, windows media player does a great job... But it's a nice function to have a media player built into it.... Alot of people like to chat and listen to music at the same time... so, i thought it would be a cool idea and it doesnt hurt to have it in there...

Plus, the media player is easy to use! Makes it all the more better!

Borland C++ Builder Contest / Re: Vortex Chat - Client Version
« on: July 08, 2006, 09:47 AM »
Here is a pic of the server for Vortex.. The brain behind it all! lol!

Borland C++ Builder Contest / Vortex Chat - Client Version
« on: July 08, 2006, 09:42 AM »
My first official program ever! lol!:

Okey doke! So, with the contest coming up soon, (the day after my BDay to be exact), i figured i would post some screens about my program. It's called Vortex Chat... It uses a simple server/client socket for sending/receiving text data. It uses complex string manipulations to interperut commands from the server. It has a media player for those of you who like to chat while enjoying some music and a theme option for those of you who like to make the program look differently. It currently only has one skin at the moment... I am working on a Skin Pack tho... Been kind of busy with the core functions of the program. There is a "Who's Online?" list for those of you curious about ur friends online status... It has some dif settings that you can see in the pics below.

Practically speaking, It's purpose is to serve the community as a freeware chat program becuase when u search for freeware chat programs they generally end up having some kind of spy-ware, are hard to find, or even cost money in the end... I will be bundling the server with the client so that home offices or small businesses can set up their own private chat servers for inter-activities... It's simple to use and everyone compatible! You can sign on to the program with one click of a button! No registrations or anything like that... Let's say you have family members that you would like to chat with... Well, all you have to do, being the computer literate person, is configure one file, open the server up and click start... then, send it to a friend and they log right on! It's easy to use, i promise...

Drag-N-Drop file sharing! thats def. coming soon! Already working on it...
More Themes/skins

At the moment, I have a sort of 'Test Lobby' server up. which is basically for those of you who want to log on now and check this thing out... You can download it here:!

Here are some screens:

The intro/login screen!

Once, the server has verified that your username isn't already logged on... You can join!

The Media Player panel is open!

Settings Tab 1

Settings Tab 2

General Review Discussion / Re: Please review my Chat program...
« on: June 30, 2006, 10:31 PM »
I am also running it off of a server that I have programmed, so let me know if u get any errors...

General Review Discussion / Please review my Chat program...
« on: June 30, 2006, 10:28 PM »
Tell me what you guys think of this program... I am still working on it just need some feedback for how it looks and what it offers... I am using BCB4.0 to program it...

Download it, here:

Borland C++ Builder Contest / Chat programs...
« on: June 30, 2006, 09:54 PM »
If anyone is doing any kind of chat program, please post here with a screenshot... I am doing one as well but I will post a screen soon... Still working on it...

General Software Discussion / Re: Antique software
« on: June 29, 2006, 07:20 PM »
Read about your need for the low-end phone-book database... I have one that I made a little while ago, using Borland C++ Builder 4.0... If you would like a new one, it would give me something to do in the mean time... All you would have to do, is tell me what ya want (a scope)... I would be very happy to help out!

Developer's Corner / Re: VclSkin
« on: June 29, 2006, 07:17 PM »
kk... I downloaded the VCLSkin App. Only prob is that the CB6 Demo and project files aren't compatible with BDS2006... My luck... lol! I am not sure if there is going to be any skinning app's for this version of Borland's Developer Studio due to the fact that the BDS2006 App is relatively new itself... Which leads me to believe that If i wanna skin something for the time being, i am going to need to find an application that i can use for BCB4.0... Outdated? yes, i agree... but... I would be able to get a grip on how the skinning process is executed in its entirety... So, with further investigation, I tried looking for some of those BCB 4.0 skinners, but no luck finding one.. So, if you find one let me know...

and p.s.- Is there an assignment #3 for BCB/Delphi??

Developer's Corner / Re: VclSkin
« on: June 29, 2006, 07:06 PM »
I have tried alot, lol, and still cant get this thing working... I have the Borland C++ Builder 2006... When I try to open one of the the examples, i cant... there are errors out the wazoo... Leading me to believe that it doesn't quite work with bcb2006... not sure though... I am only 18 years old and just started my classes for college programming in the Computer Science field... so, if I sound stupid, dont laugh too hard! lol!

Developer's Corner / Re: VclSkin
« on: June 29, 2006, 06:28 PM »
Yes... I am a n00b when it comes to this... can't figure anything out in BCB 2006... Anyway you could make a small sample or something that I could look at??

Developer's Corner / VclSkin
« on: June 29, 2006, 05:55 PM »
Does anyone have like a little mini guide on how to apply skins using VclSkin... I just downloaded the straight-up zip file and need some help... Kind of new to BCB 2006...

Post New Requests Here / Help... Skinning for BCB 4.0x!
« on: June 26, 2006, 10:16 AM »
I have purchased both Borland C++ Builder 4.0 and the new 2006 one for my bday! I prefer using the 4.0 one right now b/c i have not completely picked up all the new stuff in 6.0 yet... Very familiar with 4.0 and needed some help skinning some app's... Is it possible that someone can either give me a sample app and a walkthrough or perhaps maybe write me a quick walkthrough explaining it??? This would greatly be appreciated... Thank you for your time!

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