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Messages - kfitting [ switch to compact view ]

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Despite not liking the way MS is going with Office, the biggest reason I dont switch is lack of VBA support.  Since my work uses MS Office I have many hours invested in VBA... switching away from MS kills all that effort.  I understand VBA has "no future" (different takes on what this means looking around the web), but IT rules give no other options at work, and I'm not going to "start over" at home.

Living Room / Re: Great Messages in Software
« on: January 28, 2013, 08:31 AM »
I've seen a message box (popup) at work that said (paraphrased): "Java Lang Error: {error code stuff} This message should never be put on the stack."

Helicopters are urged to fly the landing pattern to the right, aircraft to the left so they deconflict in the pattern.  Sitting on the right makes viewing during a right turn easier.  You can also read this article (and the comments):

Not sure why aircraft have the pilot on the left (I've always wondered if it's because many people are right handed and so can utilize the main instrument panel better, as posted above).  Although this is another interesting idea:

In the latest rotor aircraft (a la V-22), the two "worlds" have merged with some interesting consequences.  It does seem that the internet is full of answers for this question!

kfitting, can you explain more.. i'm not sure what you are asking..

IF you are asking if SC can create still images of selected frames from a video file, then yes it can.

Basically, I'm just looking for a quick way to take pictures (on command, no scheduling) from my webcam.  I use it with ABBYY Screenshot reader to OCR from books.  Right now I fire up my webcam driver software and it's interface is clunky when all I want to do is take a quick picture.  I looked around for webcam software but most of that software is geared around people grabbing pics every x seconds or something like that.

Screenshot captor can import from scanners, could it "import" directly from a webcam? Could it show a screen of the webcam video input and control the "shutter" on the webcam, saving the resulting file in it's output directory?

 Now that I reread the intial post, however (later in the day!), I see this thread is about screencasting... not webcam related.  Sorry for the offtopic post, I should have started a new thread.

Somewhat related, somewhat not... is there a way to integrate this into screenshot captor to take stills?  Sort of like what you have for the scanner, I'd like to use screenshot captor to take snapshots (not automatic, not timed, etc... just when I press a button or hotkey). 

Regarding PDFXchange Viewer, I was playing last night... there are a bunch of tools in there.  I have not looked at other viewers much (since I already paid for this one!) but you can export all comments from a file as rtf, pdf, and txt.  Pretty neat.

Currently my biggest problem with comments is that they can only be put on the printed page... I suppose this makes sense: what good are comments that you cant see when you print the document?  But it makes it hard to put a lot of comments into very dense text.  You also cannot hide all comments on the page but keep them in the comment pane (I dont think).  But a very useful program.

Also note that v3 beta is in development, supposedly adding a lot of "editing functionality."  See

Edit: apparently what I'm looking for is called "sticky notes." I was using textboxes... sticky notes can be placed anywhere it appears (I cant test right now, but see it in screenshots).

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: ASAP Utilities for Excel
« on: October 05, 2012, 06:24 AM »
One big "problem" (depends on what you do, obviously) is that there is no windows common controls for 64-bit.  So if any vba addin uses listview or treeview they will not work on 64bit excel.  I use listviews a lot in VBA...

I paid for the software and am very happy with it.

One slight annoyance is that ctrl-scrollwheel does not zoom!  I get used to this in many other apps and am constantly surprised when this one does not.

But, like I said, I like the program and have no major problems with it.

Dont know if this is too much work, but at least for completeness, you could look at HTML Tidy:

Look along the right side for some apps that use it... there is one [slightly out of date] GUI as well.

Site/Forum Features / Re: Moving messages to another thread
« on: July 11, 2012, 05:34 AM »
Do a search on gri or grivitiniks on Google (or look at Gri's other posts here)... I wouldnt worry too much about understanding.

Yes.  Drag to select the desired equation(s) and click the edit menu.  These export options are available:

Copy Equation Image
Save Equation Image
Copy MathML code
Copy Latex Code

These are very handy.

Just wanted to bump this, as Math-o-Mir version 1.7 is now out... definitely worth a try.

If you use a spreadsheet, you may want to check out Sparklines for Excel (  If you use the Gantt chart, you can set up your own timeframes... would probably take a fair amount of creativity, but it may spark [!] some ideas anyway.

Living Room / Re: Spoons
« on: April 17, 2012, 07:44 AM »
Stephen66515:  as I understand it, it's a way to automate the sorting of silverware.  Industrial processes amaze me.  Coding/scripting is relatively easy automation since it's all on the computer, but with industrial automation you have to deal the "real world."  It's not quite as tidy...

After thinking about XLNotes a bit, I realized I've already made something similar to their text notes using VBA.  At work they are anal about controlling your pc so I cant install nifty notetaker apps.  So I got to thinking about it and decided to combine Excel and Word: click on a "task" (row in excel) and a word document opens corresponding to that task.  I modified my code slightly to use a more XLNote mechanism, you can download the file below.  

1. Open the excel file
2. Click on the cell that says it has a comment; a word document will be created on your desktop and opened
3. Type anything you want
4. Save the word document
5. Close the word document
6. Select a cell with no comments
7. Select the cell with a comment and word opens

To add a comment to a cell, add a comment and insert an advanced comment index using the string "{#}" where # is any number up to four digits.  (Note that regex is used so you can have multiple indexes per comment and you can type other text around the indexes.)

This is a rough concept!!!  XLnotes makes this smoother and I'm not trying to take away from the slickness of their program (and they have other types of notes!).  But if you are interested in customizing or playing around, here you are, feel free to modify the code, pass it around, etc.  

Some thoughts on the VBA implementation:
1. The code currently recognizes multiple comment indexes in a comment, but only opens the first one.  I would add a GUI to select one, or open them all.
2. I would use the windows API to try and resize the excel window and word.
3. Right now, the script only opens comments on "Sheet1"... not sure why I did this, but its easily modified by going into ThisWorkbook and modifying the "if" statement.
4. If you try to copy the code into a different workbook, make sure you set references in the VBE to MS Word and Miscrosoft VBScript Regular Expressions.
5. You can change the path that the word docs are stored in by editing the code... I would make this nicer in a "real" version.
6. Currently there is nothing telling what the "next" index number would be... I would change this in a "real" version too.
7. Right now the regex only recognizes indexes up to 4 digits, you can easily change this to your liking.
8. I dont plan on supporting this, but can answer questions about how it works.

Just installed it... looks very cool.  It basically combines word and excel.  I have no idea how files with XLNotes are shown when people do not have XLNotes installed.

You can make multiple notes (of any of the supported formats) per cell.  You can also export the notes to individual files... nice.

I wonder if it exposes a VBA api... then it would be even more powerful.

EDIT: note that it opens a nearly full word instance in it's advanced text note.  My customized ribbon shows and my vba code (including userforms) appears to run.
EDIT 02: also, make sure you leave the "note ID" that appears in the normal excel comment (formatted like this:  |1|2 if you have the first and second notes associated with the selected cell).

Living Room / Re: Are We Addicted to "NEW"?
« on: April 11, 2012, 05:46 AM »
I agree with Josh's assessment above.  Another related issue, however, is that a lack of updates shows that whenever the next windows comes out I could be screwed.  I understand this usually is not a huge issue, but you never know when (or how) a program will break on the newest OS.

Wether new features are added or not, I like to see bugs fixed (as Josh mentioned) and I like to know I'm set for the near future.  Seeing a lack of updates does not give me confidence for these two critical areas.

Also, somewhat related, I agree with the recent conversation on DC about import/export being absolutely necessary for most programs (within their genre).  This also is a huge factor in me even trying a program.

I look for consistent updates (or author activity) and import/export.  Without those... I usually dont even try a program, even if I think it looks impressive.

Edit: Forgot to add, while it sounds like I totally disagree with the OP assessment... I actually do think we are addicted to "new."  And I also agree with barney that we are encouraged by it.  One of the side effects of capitalism (through marketing).  The first 2-3 chapters of "The Harried Leisure Class" talks about how our sense of time has changed... I would like to try a "slower" time for a bit!

Web Research seems very interesting... how does it store the websites?  Local Website Archive stores the html so you dont need LWA to view the articles you've downloaded.  Does Web Research use a proprietary format?

Local Website Archive is only for archiving single pages at a time.  I asked the author to handle multiple pages a year or two ago and he responded that he has no plans for it.

HTTrack... I am potentially an incompetent user, but it takes me forever to setup my crawl depth correctly.  I dont find it intuitive at all.  Not saying it isn't powerful, it certainly is!  But I just have not taken the time I require to figure it out sufficiently.

Living Room / Re: Sansa Clip+ and Rockbox
« on: March 24, 2012, 06:37 AM »
Just wanted to make sure you guys are aware that if you hold down the center button (usually "enter") you get a kind of context menu.  I havent read all previous posts, but once I found out about the context menu (it took me a few days!), playlists (and much more) became easier.  For example adding one song to an existing (appending or inserting), an easy way to get to settings from the main menu, etc.

For starters go into the database and start seeing what the context menu gives on different levels.  Then go to the "now playing" screen and try it there.

EDIT: nevermind, I see Saratoga2 already pointed that out!!  

EDIT2: just for completeness (although I'm reasonably certain saratoga2 already is aware...   8) ), want to put links to rockbox discussion of Clip Zip another site I found to be excellent, anythingbutipod:,28709.0.html

Have you looked through the hugin tutorials?  Not sure if this is what you need or not, but this is one I used for stitching flat images.

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: HTML Mail Merge
« on: March 15, 2012, 08:10 AM »
Just noticed this thread... dont know how useful the information will be, but here are some articles about html output from excel.  Very related to formatting, but still might be interesting.

The late Shauna Kelly's site.  Not all about VBA, but tons of information:
MVPS Site (click on navigation tab to get VBA specific stuff)... lots of good stuff here:
Arranged a little weird, but lots of good tips on Word VBA here:
Another site... not sure of it's usefullness:

Some of this stuff (mostly about styles, but VBA comes up, plus maybe more that you'd find interesting) can be found in this topic:

Ouput to textfile is not real hard... there are a couple ways to do it.  You can read up on the Textstream object (I forget which reference you need to add to enable it) or you can use Open, Close statements:

Open "C:\textfile.txt" for Output as #1

Write #1, "This is line 1"
Write #1, "This is line 2"

Close #1

I wrote a class around the textstream object so have not used Open/Close in a long time.

Regarding styles, you can easily output properties.  Use the loop above, and into the IF statement you can add all sorts of things:

mySty.InUse      'This should be the same property as what is tested in the IF statement above... just a shorter way to get it.

The best way to check this out is to go into the VBA editor, copy and paste the code AndyM gave you and then type "mySty." so the property helper comes up... you can see all the properties to play with them (you can also hit F2 to go to the object browser).

Was looking for equation editors today and came across Math-O-Mir (  Pretty impressive little program, I will be using it a lot as a mathematical note-taker.

Even if you're not into equations, the input interface is pretty intriguing.  It takes a bit to get used to but it's pretty powerful, making good use of both mouse and keyboard.

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