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Messages - nudone [ switch to compact view ]

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Living Room / Re: Typing Speed Competition!
« on: August 07, 2012, 06:28 AM »
P.s. How fast does Cody type?

That depends. Cody can type extremely fast just using his beak - but as a result is likely to suffer a brain hemorrhage and also destroy the keyboard in the process.

Using his feet (claws) or wings only leads to frustration. So, he doesn't really type - which might explain the lack of posts from him on this forum.

Living Room / Re: Typing Speed Competition!
« on: August 07, 2012, 03:47 AM »
I was going to make a fake one and try and be funny but I think my real results are amusing enough. I thought I wasn't bad a typing but it seems I must spend most of my time correcting all the mistakes I make.


Yes, very,very good show for the reasons you've said. Watched them all whilst they were on (UK ITV). I don't bother with 99% of the magic shows, it's all very hackneyed isn't it - even the new wave of magicians are pretty awful. Penn and Teller, on the other hand, are always excellent - and their shows (except for the rubbish "Tell a Lie").

I think there was a bit of controversy after one of the winners turned out to be lying about his winning trick, i.e. Penn and Teller guessed correctly. I might be wrong, though, it was a few months ago.

I've bookmarked your ubuntu server setup, justice. Had it there a while. I'm tempted to go through all your steps with the intention of then setting something up on Linode, as that seems like a good way of getting to grips with hosting beyond the comforts of cPanel. It's just having the time to spare.

I think you are spot on with Silverstripe. I'm not too hot with php so I can't start thinking in terms of modifying a cms in that way. Wish I could but time doesn't allow that either. Having said that I must waste days trying to force a set of plugins to do what a client needs, so I'm talking rubbish really.

As for AMPPS, I see what you mean, 40, but it's still actually more long winded to use amps than it is wamps, in my case, at least. I did go through all of the config panels and menus with ampps and they aren't as convenient as the wamp system tray and a couple of desktop shortcuts, well, again, not for me. Anything that reduces the number of times I have to click tends to win for me, and that's wamp. I've got a system that I can fault find with, moving to amps might mean I'll miss something... maybe. I tend to swap the virtual servers around a lot, changing the domains and databases so quickly editing a text file is all I need - I wasn't sure if ampps would follow what I was doing so didn't give it much thought after that.

Just thought I'd quickly mention another thing about wamp. You can use different versions of php, apache and mysql with it, all accessible via the system tray. I've not seen this available elsewhere. I admit you probably would never need it but I've a few sites that I have to keep swapping versions around, this is all done with just a few clicks with wamp.

Well, I did exaggerate (of course). I'd use Joomla again if it seemed right - I don't have many other experienced options to choose from if I'm honest.

phpNuke sounds interesting. I'd give it a go but you've, cleverly, managed to put me off already. WordPress isn't going away so we all may as well just learn how to navigate the bad bits - using it makes my life easier without a doubt regardless of the hurdles involved.

On another note: I've just installed the latest beta for CMS Made Simple - they've finally gone and updated the backend interface. Looks better, not sure how much, just definitely better. I'm going to mess about that for a bit - though, recent client expecations (as I mentioned) means I'll probably never use CMS Made Simple ever again.

I agree. Wordpress tends to be the way to go, even if it doesn't really seem right. I do actually do this for a living and don't have the time to learn new frameworks (or even existing ones). Clients have heard of "WordPress" and like the idea of having their website built around it; which is often amusing when they realise the plugins required for thier website to function, how they really wanted, is beyond what they care to learn how to use.

WordPress just needs a few little built-in CMS style additions and I'd never even think about using anything else (the available plugins are fine, it's just a worrying when there are so many updates and possible conflicts, though, that doesn't seem much of a problem so far).

As for Joomla, had to spend a lot of time with it and the Fabrik database module. Probably, the most stressful experience I've ever had (overal several months). Truth is, someone else should have taken over and created a custom system from scratch - but the client didn't have anywhere near the budget for that - and I couldn't say no at the time. So, to avoid panic attacks and depression, I don't want to touch Joomla ever again.

Okay, quick update. I don't think I'll be going much futher with Silverstripe. I really do like the look of the admin backend but I don't see enough features readily accessible now that I've had a closer look. CMS Made Simple's backend interface is one of the ugliest things I've seen but it does give me a better set of functions/options to play with. Wordpress (with CMS plugins installed) is kinda ugly too - they could learn a lot from the Silverstripe layout.

I do note that Silverstripe might be more of a specialist system; the "Dataoject Relationship Management" I saw in the tutorial isn't something I've encountered before. I can see that being of great benefit to some people - though, I guess there might be other CMSs and plugins available out there that might be even better.

I like the look of AMPPS, well, I like the convenience it offers when setting things up - but I also don't like it for the same reason. Without the time I've spent messing about with X/Wamp/p I'd not know where to look when needing to see what is really going on underneath AMPPS easy configuration system. I tend to set up "clones" of live sites on my local machine so knowing where things really are helps - also, not a big thing perhaps, but WAMP's system tray icon displays different colours per server state - which is very helpful when you are constantly turning things on/off.

In this quick test I've just done, AMPPS didn't have the latest version of Silverstripe - as justice mentioned above.

I've now got Silverstripe running perfectly well now within Wamp - the previous cock-up was because I'd not entered an admin login email address during installation - so I couldn't figure out how to login, duh!

So, I'm working my way through the basic tutorial now.

@nudone - make things easy for yourself. Just download a copy of AMPPS to use as your development environment. You can install Silverstripe (and about 270 other web apps) from inside AMPPS. AMPPS has them all scripted. It's click, answer a few questions, and go for most of the webapps in its catalog.

It's all free too.

Check out the two demo videos here.

Cool tool!  8)

Thanks for the advice, 40. I think you've recommended AMPPS before - and I've also said I'll use it. Since then I must have forgotten as I'm currently using WAMP (was using XAMPP but found WAMP a bit more versatile with the "plugins" it has).

I'll probably stick with WAMP because that's where everything is on my system - I am going to give AMPPS a go now on a another machine.

Okay, just going through the Silverstripe tutorial on how to create a site - not quite what I was expecting. Looks like there's plenty to learn before you even get a basic site set up. I'll have to see if it's simple to follow - haven't got time to spend days figuring stuff out.

Right, I'm going to shut-up for a bit as I've obviously missed a step during installation. I can't access the backend when logging in - which made me think I'd got to create everything from scratch before being able to do the most basic of tasks.

I'll come back when I've got something intelligent to say.

I had a quick look at Silverstripe a few months ago but I was already familiar with CMS Made Simple, so didn't give it much of my time. I find CMSMS easier and "simple"er to work with when compared with Joomla. But I also find WordPress just "nicer" to use overall because of the stuff you can make it do, though, I do think it is very lacking as a proper CMS (regardless of how many people try to convince themselves that it is, or can be with the right plugins).

Looking at the Silverstripe 3 backend, I'm quite impressed. It looks clean and easy to find your way around. So, I'm going to give it a try and forget about CMS Made Simple for a while.

CMS Made Simple uses the Smarty php tag system to do a lot of work, which I'm no master of but have found it preferable to trying to make things work with Joomla (which I can find my way around if there's no other option). I wonder how Silverstripe compares in this area; I mean, is it easy to customise - is it nicer than Joomla let's say, is it better than using WordPress with loads of plugins?

As mouser said, anything you learn, justice, and want to share will be very useful to hear.

Living Room / Re: I, Pet Goat II - A very cool 3D short film
« on: July 20, 2012, 09:42 AM »
Marvellous. More interesting than Pixar et al. Hope to see more from HeliOfant:

I hope you find a solution. I'm just chipping in to say I wouldn't bet on it. My system crashes when I save Office docs (that's any version of Office). It will also crash when saving a file using Dreamweaver. Happens about 50% of the time, can't find any pattern to it. Don't wish to reinstall the entire system just to see if something like that would fix it.

Don't let this hijack your thread. I'm just offering some negative support.

Good point, tomos.

Personally, I'm waiting for another year or two. In the article they mention they are working on a blu-ray disc, and even a dual layer blu-ray disc, which they hope to be available within the next year (or two). They are so sure of this they aren't bothering with a dual layer DVD disc version.

So, hopefully, you'll be able to have 50 gig (blu-ray) discs in the not too distant future. At which point I'm sure the hardware will be more available and the disc quite common (especially as they are expecting other manufacturers to come onboard).

Living Room / new DVD "M-Disc" perfect for archive material
« on: July 19, 2012, 04:53 AM »
An article over on the PC Pro website:


The M-Disc shares the same size, shape and 4.7GB capacity of a DVD, and indeed can be read by any standard DVD drive, yet Millenniata says this special disc “cannot be overwritten, erased, or corrupted by natural processes”. As the website says, it’s “the first ever permanent file backup disc that lasts forever”.

Read more: M-Disc: the DVD that “lasts forever” | PC Pro blog

As a side rant: I absolutely hate the Mac OS approach to having one main menubar at the top of the screen that changes depending on the child window you choose, and the basic approach to having desktop windows that simply vanish into thin air until you can figure out where they went.  God help us if people start to copy the way apple does things..

I Agree 1,000,000%. Amazing how lack of functionality and inconvenience is considered a masterpiece of design.

I wonder how much time is wasted each day for people doing "serious" work on a Mac - simply because they have to use such a terrible interface (not including the time lost whilst they gaze in wonder at all the pretty icons and brushed metal they are probably mesmerized by).

Anyway, sorry to hear your Apple development project lived up to all your worst expectations. Maybe you should try Android?

Have you seen Leap? It's insane. Get ready to forget about pathetic touchscreens and tablets - they are rubbish and already obsolete.

Check the video out: http://www.technolog...ogy-since-the-smart/

Okay, maybe not quite Minority Report because we still need the holographic screens - but Leap's sensitivity is already more advanced.


Important information (also on for anyone in the UK using encryption, or NOT even using encryption:

In summary, if you're in the UK and have "random" noise files on your system (which could be an encrypted volume or a genuine file containing random data) you could receive a minimum of 2 years prison sentence - simply because you can't provide the (nonexistent) key to decrypt the random data file.

Welcome to the UK, where we are all guilty until proven innocent. Nice.

Living Room / Re: 50 Shades of Gray
« on: July 14, 2012, 08:34 AM »
Turns out you live like 1 hour from me lol
-Stephen66515 (July 14, 2012, 08:30 AM)

Guess that means we'll have to have a UK DC get together one day.  :D

Living Room / Re: 50 Shades of Gray
« on: July 14, 2012, 08:19 AM »
Ah, right, Sorry, Paul. I should have known to not jump in there.

"Mummy Porn" sounds right.

The only interesting thing I've seen about it is that without the eBook readers we probably would never have heard of it.

Perhaps this page may help: How to Compare Two Excel Spreadsheets & Highlight What Is Missing

That looks like an even better Excel feature than the one I messed about with. Will bookmark that.  :up:

Living Room / Re: 50 Shades of Gray
« on: July 14, 2012, 08:02 AM »
Gray is great because unlike white it's not so bright for your monitor and unlike black, it's not some hipster reverse psychology pretending to be much clearer and friendlier to the eyes while making every letter seem bold.

I think Paul has been fortunate enough to miss the Fifty Shades of Grey phenomenon: http://en.wikipedia....Fifty_Shades_of_Grey

I've not read it, but have read plenty of reviews for it (which are probably more entertaining that the books). My general impression is that it's a good read - for people that never read novels; so have nothing better to compare it with.

Process Tamer has definitely helped me in the past (on a slower machine). I think I used it during video encoding. Anyway, it worked, definitely no placebo involved - it's quite obvious when an old, single core, system isn't very responsive.

I've used Beyond Compare 3 to compare spreadsheets before. Available here (not sure what the free/trial version does):

I appreciate this wouldn't be a solution without the spreadsheets being modified first, as I think Beyond Compare would still need the layout of the columns to be relatively similar.

Having said that. I've also used Excel's own features to compare two columns and colour the discrepancies. I can't remember what you have to do though. It was a method I found in Google so it must be a common problem/solution.

Again, not a one click solution, you'd have to copy and paste the columns around that you need to compare.

W7fc was a good suggestion. If it had the pretty icons it would be perfect.

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