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Messages - RedPillow [ switch to compact view ]

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but the problem is, that where should i put javascript-fuction ondblclick in this code:

      <div style="position: absolute; left: 30px; top: 100px; width: 24px; height: 24px; z-index: 76; cursor: move;" id="Icon"><img height="35" width="35" src="Icon/user_black.png" name="Ico1"/></div>

General Software Discussion / Problems with HTML & Javascript.
« on: July 09, 2009, 02:39 PM »
So, I have tried to use this ondblclick-function on this string:

Code: HTML [Select]
  1. <div style="position: absolute; left: 30px; top: 100px; width: 24px; height: 24px; z-index: 76; cursor: move;" id="Icon"><img height="35" width="35" src="Icon/user_black.png" name="Ico1"/></div>

I need to add javascript ondblclick-function to that string, and the doubleclick must open a window to another html-site on my pc.
The reason I need to put that function there is, because of this:
Code: Javascript [Select]
  1. <script type="text/javascript">
  3.                 SET_DHTML("Ico1", "Ico2", "Ico3", "Ico4", "Ico5", "Ico6");
  5.         </script>

that set_dhtml - thing says where it puts one of my scripts i have in one folder (the script allows visitor of the site to move and resize pictures).
And currently, there reads "Ico1", and that Ico1 is located on that Div-string.

So, where should i stuff that ondblclick-function, and what is the code to open another html-site located on same folder?

Living Room / Re: MnKz - WebBrowser
« on: June 02, 2009, 02:23 AM »
Well, i was surfing on the net [not literally] and found some kind of program or something named BeEF Framework.

Could someone explain, how to use this and what to do with this?
I think its supposed to be something related to my browser, and i tried to google it and got only some answers related to XSS.



I was wondering, how to make a easy bot in vb 2008 express?

It should be easily hooked to some event in firefox-browser (event in some site)
And it should send message to every msn window open (text should be easily modified)

Living Room / Re: MnKz - WebBrowser
« on: May 29, 2009, 06:32 AM »
Also, i started to play this funny browser-based game named Slavehack.
The idea of the game is to get "slaves" to send spam or spread warez.
Money is the big thing in this game and you always need it, if you go to this link AND REGISTER, i will get support points by referring you in to the game and by getting support points, i get prizes and money by exchanging or winning with my points.
So please, visit AND REGISTER here and you`ll help me a lot!

Link: Slavehack - Referral link

Living Room / Re: MnKz - WebBrowser
« on: May 28, 2009, 02:42 PM »
Hello, im still working with new browser..

I just wanted to get some people to try my files `n` guides so here is the link to my mediafire home-folder:


I hope you visit there an load some stuff, rate and comment too!
And if you want, feel free to spread the link to your friends.
I must get more downloaders and visitors inorder to get some more hosting space for my new stuff.

Living Room / Re: MnKz - WebBrowser
« on: May 17, 2009, 05:48 AM »
Haven`t added you yet,but i need some help.

I want to make a options-tab to my web-browser, right next to that "File" part.

I Know how to make the tab itself, but i dont know how to set the options in the tab.

I want to add these options:

Java on/off
Cookies on/off

And there is still some other things i would like to make.


Is it possible to make my browser to support for example google-searchbar?
If it is, how?


How to make my browser show and save a "Last pages visited"  and cookies. And button to delete them too.


How does this programs "memory" work, liek if i want to save cookies, where my program saves them? to PC, inside the program??

Living Room / Re: MnKz - WebBrowser
« on: May 17, 2009, 01:28 AM »
Ok, ill add you in MSN as soon as i stop playing cortex command  :-*


Living Room / Re: MnKz - WebBrowser
« on: May 17, 2009, 01:09 AM »
Don`t be so humble mouser, although you have made lots of things!

Ebout the questions 4 and  5:

4.About the API, what people usually do with it? i mean, that if you can do anything with API, its not always the easiest way?
And about dangerous things, can you like burn the whole PC with them, or did you meandangerous in virtual way?

5.But there is like thousands of functions and stuff, how do people know which function they must use in certain part of code?
For example, do i write "Browser.Backward" or "Browser.Gotolastpageivisited".


If i know right, programs made in visual basic is not so secure, my programs suck though, but how to increase hteir security for crackers and stuff, for example if i want to make program which needs a password to use, people can easilly hex it and see it?

(Im interested in computer security  ;D)

Thanks for comments!

ahh, ofcourse!

My favourites were totally:

Raptor The 2D flighting game!!!!
Lemmings The 2D Puzzle game!!!!

Living Room / Re: MnKz - WebBrowser
« on: May 16, 2009, 11:56 AM »
By the way, i got some questions.. please answer:

1.What is the idea if these donations and stuff?
2.What is the "best" non-waiting site to upload/download files?
3.What is the best version of visual basic?
4.What API and API-calls are? how they work and where i need em?
5.I needed lots of help-sites to get all the functions like "Browser.Forward"...Where i can see/how do people know these functions?
6.What "Dim" means?

That`s all...for now... ;D

Living Room / MnKz - WebBrowser
« on: May 16, 2009, 11:47 AM »
This is my first program made with Visual Basic Express.

Its just a light WebBrowser which includes:

All the ordinaryy buttons like Forward, Backward, Refresh, Go, Stop. Has Button named "Time" which show you time and date.

I hope you understand that this is my first Visual Basic program, and i still don`t get it 100%   ;)
But, I`ll learn soon!

Get the browser here: WebBrowser - Download (

Also, check my site (Currently hosting it from my own PC so its not 24/7 open): *My site*

WebBrowser SH.bmp

-Comment, and send me some info about how to make a "Options" - Thing to my WebBrowser With VBE.

So, i wanted to make this topic to send in some links and also advertise my sites `n` videos too.
I really appreciate comments and other stuff.
So, lets get to the post itself.

Youtube-links [most likely to my own videos.]: |-Little BIG Planet-related video   |-Call of duty 5 - WaW, Nazi zombie - mode video and guide.  |-Little introducion of one team/clan. |-Ps3 invite for everyone who has one.   |-Nice little hint which shows how to edit website on run.  |-Funny invite/commercial to the "three million shopping spree"

Youtube-director`s-links: |-My channel ofcourse, remember to comment!    |-Awesome creator, the name of this account is taken from hes cat ;)         |-My friend, he has short but quite good videos.


More info:

So, if some of you has Playstation 3, add me (You`ll find PSN from below).

Games i play are:

-Little BIG Planet
-Unreal Tournament 3
-Call of duty 5 - WaW
-007 - Quantum of solace
-Grand theft auto IV
-Fallout 3
-And some crap-games like...Beowulf...

So, visit my channel and stuff, here is packed-up info also:

Youtube: Jonsku9393.
PSN: Blackzone2008.
Age: 16.
Country: Finland.
Mic: Yes.
Keyboard: Yes.
Capture card: No.
Mouse: Yes.
Plattforms: Playstation 3, Playstation 2, Playstation 1, PC, PSP, DS.
Clan(s): pRo+   MnKz   -[TA]-   Progamers  || I think there is some others too, but i can`t remember em now.

Got questions? Mail me:[email protected]

Watch my vids,comment,thanks.


hmmm... very good guestion.

It all started back in 2007 when i was "fully learned" about coding and stuff, so i decided to make a team of mine.
Team which helps people and does almost whatever they ask and where they need help, free.
And why I or We do this is just for pure experience and joy to help other people with their problems, and maybe sometimes make a offical, big company which is related to all stuff like this :)

So... that was the story in its littlest form, hope it helped and... umm... if you got more guestions, please ask me more  :Thmbsup:

So... i am jsut advertising the blog i made, it is very small at now and i would like some people to comment and get more visitors. :tellme:

Here is the link BLOG.

Don`t worry, it doesn`t contain any viruses and stuff, only some text and voting things.
If you are unsure, you can check out "" to be sure. :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:

My blog is related to my team and what we do... it is also like a suggestion and help blog. 8)

So, Have a visit  :-[

DC Gamer Club / Help me with this toribash game please.
« on: November 11, 2008, 05:58 AM »
I play this game named toribash. It is multiplayer online fighting game where you can fully customise your player and arenas.
This game became "pay if you want" game for a while ago, and needs now real money to buy more body textures and other cool thingys.
There reason i need help is that i don`t really like paying with real money so there is another option to send this link to differend sites and forums. Every time someone visits this link i get 100 "toricredits" to buy textures and other misc items.
So i hope you trust me and help me with this thing :-[  :) :Thmbsup:

So here`s the link (click the picture):



Thanks for helping - Jonzku :)

If you think there is lots of zelda.. the editor wanted to make a clip of different zeldas.

Example super mario
Super mario bros.
Paper mario.
Mario vs. Luigi :)

DC Gamer Club / This man knows what is he talking about! (CHECK IT OUT!)
« on: September 19, 2008, 11:52 AM »
Oh my god!! 8) 8)

I was in youtube and this video came up!! ;D ;D

Best videogames ever.

You have to watch it!  :Thmbsup: :Thmbsup:

if you don`t trust hyper link just scroll over it and look at the bottom of ur browser to see full link  ;) :Thmbsup:

and... ummm WATCH IT :O:O :Thmbsup:

That was so awesome and he is TOTALLY RIGHT!!
 ;D :) 8) ;) :D :tellme: :o :huh: :-[ :down: :Thmbsup: :-\ :-* :P

DC Gamer Club / Re: Help me with this game please
« on: September 13, 2008, 04:49 AM »
Thanks for support  ;D

Now i should get some more help  :Thmbsup:

Thanks for trust  :-[

DC Gamer Club / Re: Help me with this game please
« on: September 13, 2008, 01:20 AM »
Isn`t that the zombie game of somekind?? :huh:

I played it too year ago ;D

General Software Discussion / Re: Send some info of your PC!
« on: September 12, 2008, 04:04 PM »
Nice looking pc:s...

BUT what in earth u do with 6 pc!?!? :tellme: :tellme: :huh: :huh:

Not bad but sound kinda nerd  ;D ;D

DC Gamer Club / Re: Help me with this game please
« on: September 12, 2008, 03:15 PM »
Hmm.. what should i do to get more ppl to my link?? :huh:



THANK YOU :Thmbsup:

DC Gamer Club / Re: Help me with this game please
« on: September 12, 2008, 01:49 PM »
KK. thank you  :Thmbsup:

DC Gamer Club / Re: Help me with this game please
« on: September 12, 2008, 01:28 PM »
Ok i edited it.. i hope people helps me and umm... hope you like my description ;D

DC Gamer Club / Re: Help me with this game please
« on: September 12, 2008, 09:43 AM »
Oh and when/if you have visited and helped me please reply :Thmbsup:

DC Gamer Club / Help me with this game please
« on: September 12, 2008, 08:43 AM »
Ok. i need some money and items in this game "bitefight" ;D

So... all you need to do is visit this link: BITEFIGHT
Please visit here too: BITEFIGHT-2

Thank you very much i really need your help  :Thmbsup:

*edit* Ok so i am gonna tell about htis game a little :)

It is a online browser based game where you choose are you werewolf or vampire.
When you have created account you must send link like that above to bite different people and same time tell everyone else about the game
and when you bite someone you get money and meat which you can sell to get better items and potions and all.

So thats why i am asking people to help me with that game by going that link above  :Thmbsup:

 :up:**I swear that that link WILL NOT lead you to any kind of virussite.** :up:

i clicked on vampire werefolf link.. harmless enough -- didn't beg me to register or make me click on things.. seems like harmless fun.-mouser
;D ;D

Thank you for your time and if you decided to create your own account please put jonzku777 as your referrer :)

Bye  ;D

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