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Messages - Cavalcader [ switch to compact view ]

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Post New Requests Here / Re: DONE: Rescue orphans
« on: October 04, 2006, 01:06 PM »
Kewl! Yeah, I'm kind of a visual person myself -- it's real clumsy to put something like that situation above into words. :)

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Rescue orphans
« on: October 03, 2006, 09:32 PM »
Please be advised that there seems to be a bug when a sub-subdirectory within a subdirectory has files but the main dir only has the subdir. On my system it copies all the files to a single filename (no extension) in the root, and then deletes them. What you end up with is a file named after the subdir by itself in that dir, with the contents being whatever the last file copied was.

I know that's complicated -- here's a better way to put it.

Dir A
  File A1
  File A2
  Dir B
    < no files here >
    Dir C
      File C1
      File C2
      File C3
All the "Dir C" files get copied to dir (folder) "A" with the name "Dir B", and then they're deleted from Dir C. The "Dir B" file in "A" then only consists of one of the files that were in "C". In my testing, it happened to be the last one alphabetically, but that may vary.

Dir A
  File A1
  File A2

  File (named "Dir C", no extension)
  Dir B
    < no files here >
    Dir C
      < no files here >

I've been in touch with jgpaiva, and he asked me to post here. So far, he can't reproduce the sequence of events.

Is anybody else using this script/program? Please reply. If not, I won't worry about keeping current info here. All this formatting's a pain. ;)

Well, I must admit that I think I won the best prize of the lot.  :D
It did look like a good package -- but after thinking awhile I realized that for me it was in the "nice to have" category rather than the "something I'd use regularly" category. 8)

[ Invalid Attachment ]
BTW, allen, I just noticed your "banner" doesn't fit all the text. The way it is now will really make some people scratch their heads. :P

I suggest to add a link to the corresponding announcement post in the forum (this one) when sending the mail to each winner
Definitely a good idea. I didn't discover this topic until the company sent the reg code with a link to here! Heh.
Many thanks! It'll be awesome to have the software's help in getting me organized. :D

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Rescue orphans
« on: September 27, 2006, 12:03 AM »
By the way, I hope some other folks are trying out the program (or the script). jgpaiva's done an excellent job with it

Silly mistake of mine, how embarassing... LOL
Yeah! You're not allowed to be human -- what in the world were you thinking? ;D

Looks nice so far -- did a search on thesaurus.  :D  It matches the offline version, but there's some unusual synonyms for that particular word!
Entry ID: 26661 (Please DO NOT MODIFY this Tracking ID)

Root: thesaurus


    * armory
    * arsenal
    * biographical dictionary
    * cache
    * chemical dictionary
    * desk dictionary
    * dialect dictionary
    * dictionary of quotations
    * electronics dictionary
    * foreign-language dictionary
    * gazetteer
    * general dictionary
    * geological dictionary
    * rhyming dictionary
    * science dictionary
    * unabridged dictionary
Also, I'm guessing there'll be a color code for the results that just hasn't been posted yet?

hehe, I really shouldn't have you digg into your system32 folder and drag that file out, already 3,000 files out there, not fun!
Ehh, not a problem. :)  Just type the first few letters of the DLL and there it is. Besides, it's only about 2100, unless you count subdirs, in which case it's over 7k. Heh!

Fixed in v1.0.22 Beta.
Thanks! That should eliminate a bunch of yells for help.  ;D

Actually there is a top-secreeet one - SHIFT + ENTER
Have been shamelessly keeping this to myself coz the online documentation is not completed yet.
Ah hah! How rude. :P  Works great, thanks!

I couldn't manage to get it work well with Moby this way but -
Check out the latest Beta and tell me if you think Moby offers more than that.
That looks like a good solution -- I checked to make sure it doesn't close any WW windows it didn't open, and it does pay attention to that as well. Great job! :Thmbsup:

No, it's current -- WW 4.5a, but it's been upgraded over the years, so (good catch!) it is in system32 (XP Pro SP2). Betcha other folks will get snagged on that one too. I went ahead and moved mine -- thanks for the tip!

BTW, it's really cool that you pass WW the current/active word -- please do consider assigning a hotkey to the WW menu item. :)  It's very classy too that it offers to take you to download the latest version if it doesn't find it installed.

Oh, here's a thought: please think about a way to see if WW is already running (right now it just opens a new instance). Not a huge problem, but I tried it just to see. 8)  Here're some details:

Info & sample code
Programmers: Using WordWeb from your programs

You can either use the command line, send a message to the system tray icon (which will show WordWeb as though the use had clicked on it on the system tray), or you can call the WordWeb DLL that is installed to the Windows or Windows System folder.

If your software is widely distributed and you add support for WordWeb, please e-mail [email protected]. to be added to a mailing list so you can be informed of new versions and test compatibility before public release.

Command Line (requires WordWeb version 2.2 or higher)

You can use the Windows RUNDLL32 program to invoke WordWeb thus:

  Rundll32  WWEB32.DLL,ShowRunDLL word_to_lookup

Running the above from the command shell would show WordWeb with the word “word_to_lookup” selected. This can be empty, and also a multi-part phrase.

Show from the system tray (requires WordWeb version 2.2 or higher)
[note: must already be running in the notification area  - cc]

Send the wm_WordWebShowAtom message to the tray window, which is called “WordWeb Tray Icon”. WParam should be a global atom containing the word to look up. LParam should be the handle to the main window of the calling program if you want to enable word replacement, otherwise zero. WordWeb will delete the atom, do not delete it from your code.

If the Copy/Replace button is clicked, and LParam<>0, the LParam window is sent the wm_WordWebShowAtom message (with LParam being the atom containing the replacement word). WordWeb will delete the atom, do not delete it from your code.

Both WParam and LParam can be zero. Here is some sample code:

H:=FindWindow(‘WordWeb Tray Icon’,’WordWeb Tray Icon’);
If H<>0 then

 SetForegroundWindow(H); // So WordWeb can activate
 wm_WordWebShowAtom :=RegisterWindowMessage('WordWebShowAtom');

end else {... WordWeb not found}

You then also need to write a message handler for the Self.Handle window to process the wm_WordWebShowAtom message and replace the lookup word with ReplaceWord obtained from GlobalGetAtomName(WParam, ReplaceWord, 255). This should return quickly as the message is sent, not posted.

Using the DLL

Here’s what the Borland Pascal/Delphi declarations for the DLL function call look like in case you choose this method to show WordWeb (always produces a new window, even if one is already showing). This is also available in WordWeb version 1.6x.

function ShowModalWordWeb(InP,OutP:PChar; CloseOnCopy:Boolean; AParent:Integer): Boolean; stdcall;

Shows WordWeb modally - i.e. it shows the window but waits for the window to close before returning. InP functions the same as P in ShowWordWeb. OutP points to a buffer to contain any selected word (the buffer should be 255 bytes long). CloseOnCopy determines whether the function returns with the selected word when the user presses the copy button. If this is true, pressing Copy closes the window, OutP contains the selected word and the function returns true. If WordWeb is closed by pressing Close the function returns false.

I would toss in a vote for a columnar list, maybe 2-3 across or something to conserve space or see more at once. (That might be tricky to set up for different font sizes or faces, though.) I think it's the ragged nature of the synonym rows that makes it a little tough to read -- it's just kinda dense.

Is there any way to "tell" the program where WordWeb is? It's saying it can't find it installed here, but it's in a very straightforward "c:\program files\wordweb" dir.  :mrgreen:

BTW, thanks for the mention up top!

Mobysaurus / Re: Mobysaurus Thesaurus v1.0 Released
« on: September 17, 2006, 02:25 PM »
What a witty idea, Cavalcader!  I didn't even think of it b4 and I'm now in love with this feature.
Thank you sir! Sounds like you've added some great ideas as well. One thought about the clipboard capture, though: I've already got a program that monitors the clips (ArsClip 2.8.7) and they might clash. Also, as one that uses the clipboard a lot, I would strongly recommend making the monitoring optional. Still, since Mobysaurus Thesaurus will only be running here when it's in direct use (for the most part) it might be a handy option.

Living Room / Re: Soople - Google Searches Made Handy
« on: September 15, 2006, 04:32 PM »

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Rescue orphans
« on: September 14, 2006, 12:09 PM »
Thank you, kind sir!  :D :up:

looks fun!  i'll check it out and post.

Borland C++ Builder Contest / Re: Marky's Virtual Keyboard Tool
« on: September 13, 2006, 03:09 PM »
Looks like a good add-on for security programs, too -- like when you have to type a password into a firewall or something. It'd foil keyloggers and even snooper programs that only take occasional snapshots of the screen. This would work best if the keyboard can be called up with a hotkey or something but stay dormant otherwise.

btw one of the things at the top of my todo list for screenshot captor is improved frames for things like torn edge effects, etc.

as for non-rectangular regions, im still working on that.
Both excellent news. Thanks, man!   :Thmbsup:

I had to show you one more. You remember the "torn paper" mask you include with Captor? I copied it to the Frames dir and used both at the same time after a drop-shadow with (I think) pretty cool results.  8)

More derivation.PNG

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Rescue orphans
« on: September 12, 2006, 03:01 PM »
JG, first I gotta say...

Here's something we talked about earlier:
Dir A
  Dir B
    Dir C
    File C
File C gets moved properly to Dir B...
Dir A
  Dir B
  File C
    Dir C
...but then since Dir C is empty, file C should end up in Dir A. Does that add a lot of complexity?
That's since been addressed by the second checkbox in the GUI, I think -- but having it checked or unchecked doesn't seem to affect this scenario:

Dir A
    File A1
    File A2
    Dir B
        File B1
        Dir C
          File C1
          File C2
          File C3
        Dir D
          File D1
          File D2
          File D3
C & D are in B, and all are in A. What I'm running into is that B1 is moved to A regardless of the setting of the second checkbox. (Does that make sense? Let me know if I've explained it clearly.)

Regardless of such a trivial issue, like I said in a private note, you've done a first-rate job!

Definitely! I've already got IrfanView set up in the Tools menu, and I'm still gonna add GIMP and maybe MS Paint. 8)
(Whoops, never mind on Paint, I forgot I've already got IrfanView set up to spawn Paint as the external editor.)

BTW, did you ever figure out a way to grab non-rect windows?

Sounds good to me! It's the Microsoft "digital media pro" keyboard if that helps any -- it uses the Intellitype driver(s), and probably makes use of the HID Input service in XP.

I really love Captor's creative features -- here's an example of that highlight selection used to better effect.

Shoreline drive:

Shoreline drive.png

Shoreline derived:

The shoreline derived.png

Got a bug report: Captor seems to capture all "multimedia keyboard" buttons as if they're PrtScn keystrokes.

Also, have you considered a way to do a drop-shadow inside an image? For example, I wanted to highlight an area to look like this:
Inset desired.png


Inset tried.png

As you can see, the highlighting rectangle/circle affects the contrast of the image. Sometimes that's a good effect, but if the contrast of the highlight could be adjustable (and maybe the size of the drop-shadow) that seems like it'd do the trick.

Here's a feature suggestion that would make a huge difference in cranking out fancy results: it'd be awesome to have a way to chain effects. I dunno if a whole scripting language would be necessary -- maybe just a panel where you'd have the effect list on the left and buttons to copy left to right for an "event" list (alongside buttons to move the events up or down in the sequence). Is that too elaborate?

Here's an example. Say I capture a rectangular area of the desktop:

1. Original.png

Then add a drop-shadow:
2. Drop shadow.png

Use the option to blur/grey/dim the outside of a rectangular selection on the capture:

3. Blur, grey, dim outside.png

And finally, drop-shadow again:
4. Drop shadow again.png

If this were a stand-alone effect, you could call the effect ''plaque'' since it kinda looks like one of those formal plaques you sometimes see as achievement awards or dedications. Here's another example using the object from the first item:

5. Another version.png

DC Website Help and Extras / Re: cant see image attachment if login
« on: September 11, 2006, 10:50 PM »
So as not to waste a good topic (or clutter with a new one): it looks like email notices of private messages have gotten munged lately. The special characters (ampersand, question mark, equals sign) are not getting through properly. If I click on the notice link, I get a complaint from the site, like this:
The requested URL /forum/index.php=3Faction=3Dpm;sa=3Dsend;f=3Dinbox;pmsg=3DXXXX;quote;u=3DXXXXX was not found on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
(Where I inserted the capital "X" are places where it had user-specific info.) That ErrorDocument I can't help with :P but the URL is supposed to be:

Any ideas on what's up?

The solution might be to have the preview respond to ESC for discard and ENTER for keep (or whatever). Maybe it does that already, haven't tried it yet.

Nice! Great concept -- will have to try it out. :)

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