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Having moved to 64-bit Win 7, DialogMove doesn't work for me any more!  :(

What else do we know that will  move the pointer to the button, or the button to the pointer?

I'm on 64 bit and still use DialgoMove (can't live without it). UAC is completely disabled on my machine though.

Well, I was a little sceptical, but I've just come back from a little flight around my village. All you need is a couple of king-size duvet covers and lots of determination. It's a revolution.

Would have been a little more believable if it took more effort to get off the ground. :-)

(Edit: Sorry, I'm a dick for not playing along. It's a decent enough hoax after all.)

(As expected) Stardock have created Start8 to bring a bit of sanity back to Windows 8.


It looks way too big, to me, as a menu to be of genuine help. I don't see the need for all the white space and the position of the scrollng menu bit (too far to the right). I suppose it's a start (no pun intended) for the start button menu clones.

Living Room / Re: Basejumping+
« on: March 08, 2012, 11:16 AM »
I was watching that and wondering if he knew he was going to be only a few feet off the ground on, at least, two occasions... which, at the end of the video he says "I came extremely close on that one".

So, by his own, extremely, extreme definitions, that was an EXTREME jump.

(I remember seeing a documentary about him, Jeb Corliss, a few years back. He wasn't flying anywhere near so low to the ground in those videos.)

Brilliant! As the world turns to sh*t, I thought I'd have my PC and internet to console myself with over the oncoming decades. Looks like I won't be able to bury my head in the (silicon) sand and pretend the world outside isn't my problem.

Think I'll start learning to play the piano or take up painting water colours. The net and all these electronic gizmos can go to the recycling when the time comes.

Boy, do I hate the future!

I wondered about 8 and multi-screens. I won't be wasting anymore time thinking about 8 and whether to give it a test run. It sounds like an insult to the user. Maybe I'll like it on a tablet machine in a few years from now. My main machine will stay Win 7 until I find I'm unable to use it because everyone has stopped writing software that will run on it - and I find that all my current software is inadequate.

You're probably right.

Perhaps Windows 7 will become like another XP; people/businesses will stick with what they know and like. Just like you could (sometimes) "downgrade" to XP when buying a new setup, perhaps we can hope to "downgrade" to Win7. Wishful thinking I know.

If we are stuck with Win 8 and all the metro incarnations that follow, perhaps the best we can hope for is all the GUI utils (like from Stardock) that will be available to put a bit of sanity back into the interface.

I wouldn't be too surprised if someone does a Metro App that resembles the Win XP/7 Theme. (I've no idea what you can do with Metro apps.)

How I learned to stop worrying and love the bomb/windows...

millenium = rubbish.
xp = good.
vista = rubbish.
seven = good.
eight = rubbish (will be)
nine = good.

(We all know the above.)

That's the pattern Microsoft work to. I'm looking forward to Win 9, I think it will be pretty good with all the mistakes ironed out from Win 8.

I can also tell the difference between 128 and 192 kbps, a very obvious difference in the high end I'd say. Though, clearly, depends on what you are listening to and how well your ears are working.

Just been browsing through the store. I think my mind has been blown. We can now upload/sell/buy 3D printed objects??? We are living in the future. Official.

It didn't take long to wonder about creating a 3D cody... they've even got something similar already...

nice # 4000 nudone :)
Heheh. Lovely.


Heheheh, sounds very plausible to me.

Ok...time to haul out the heavy artillery...

If you make us a new Cody, Alexis and I will bake you cookies! :Thmbsup:



Nothing yet. I'm waiting to know which image it should be.

The choices are:

a) Mayan calendar - the round thing.

b) Mayan stone carving - the thing with the acid chicken at the top.

Heheheh. I like the rhino.

I may have got carried away with my Apple-hate (is there any ever a reason not to hate Apple though).

It now looks like the simulators that come with Apple's Xcode do simulate what they are meant to, at least, more than I thought.

The problem I was experiencing with the simulator was because I was comparing an iPad 1 Safari against the Xcode 4 simulator of an iPad.

It appears that the latest Xcode version is simulating the iPad 2 - which also means that the iPad 1 Safari appears to behave differently to the iPad 2 Safari.

Or, it could be that the differences are between the OS 4 and 5 running on an iPad.

So, in some ways I was completely wrong and jumping the gun to blame Apple's slack development tools. Now it seems the real problem is that I will have to test things on an iPad 1 and an iPad 2 to try and spot any bugs.

Or I could just give up.

(I can't wait until iPad 3 arrives. No doubt that will render things differently in Safari too.)

My first thought is that it's way beyond CSS.

More of a javascript thing perhaps?

Perhaps I should start a video show. Is there a gap in the market for a show about reviewing technical gadgets that don't work or stop working after about 5 days. I could fill a whole season quite easily.

End of season spectacular would be just me (in a straight-jacket, in padded cell) attempting to hold a conversation with the new iPhone Siri.


You'll have to forgive me for going back on my word.

Now that Ath has stated that there are known issues with multiple graphics card setups that means I could get the MIMO to work quite happily with a single card.

I think I should try the MIMO with my Wacom Cintiq before I decide that I cannot use it at all. Using it with that system is probably the best use for it.

Sorry to get anyone's hopes up for a free touchscreen. I hope you understand that I need to get the dammed thing working for myself before I do anything else with it - it will cheer me up to have it working with the Cintiq if nothing else.

Interesting. And not surprising. Though, I have two Nvidia cards - no doubt with the same issues as ATI.

I'm not too upset. I went into this (as I've said before) with the view that touchscreens may not work very well. Without WinButtons I'd still have to say that touchscreens are 100% totally and utterly useless - perhaps the MIMO manufactures share this view about their own products otherwise they might fix the inherent issues they have.

4wd and Ath, you will have to decide who should have the Touchscreen. I imagine the postage to Australia from the UK will be in the 30 to 40 pounds area. Is this something you'd be happy to pay, 4wd?

Oh, I'm sure it will work fine. I just don't think it will work reliably with multi gfx card and monitor setups - it was working fine for the past week until I installed ShareMouse. This seems to have sent the display part of my system beyond repair.

I'd restore a backup (before ShareMouse was installed) of my system to prove the point - except that Paragon won't work and recover my backups.

You may think I'm being defeatist, but when I look around the web with people having similar problems with bluescreens and similar hardware, the guaranteed solution appears to be to throw the whole lot in the dustbin and just buy all new hardware. Something I shall contemplate doing sometime next year - of course, none of that is guaranteed to work either.

I think the sane thing to do is just accept sometimes things are just incompatible. Or just aren't worth trying to fix as it will take too much messing about. All I need is for the computer to help me do my job each day. Nothing more than that. I could probably do all my work on an old 386 running Windows 95 - so, providing this computer does a little more than that, I'm doing well.

It could be the cable. I haven't tried another and I'm not going to either. Good suggestion but I'm not trying anything else now. The whole touchscreen idea is dead to me.

In fact, if anyone wishes to pay for the postage, they can have the MIMO. Let me know.

MIMO doesn't work after reinstalling the DisplayLink driver. It's getting worse if anything; flashing screens of solid colour and other rubbish. Swapping the USB ports just creates different problems.

Also, whilst typing out this post (well, the original version of this post) my machine bluescreened.

I'm going to have to just forget about all this for a while. I'm wasting way too much time on it all. It was fun for a while but, really, the most satisfaction I'd get out of all this hardware right now is by destroying it with a suitable solid heavy object - a steamroller would be perfect.

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