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Living Room / Thanks for the DC Credits - 3D Printer purchased
« on: April 20, 2018, 06:54 AM »
Thanks to all DCer's that have donated over the years - to the site and to me personally (with many coming from Mouser). Mouser finally made me cash out the credits I'd been storing (for several years) - and some new ones... the result, a lovely new 3D Printer (Anycubic i3 Mega - same as Mouser).

Had a slight bit of trouble with it on day one - printed for 10 minutes then stopped. Seems there was a lose wire to the bed so it wouldn't heat up. After a few photos and instructions from Anycubic support (asking me to test voltages and current) it suddenly started working again - hence the lose wire theory.

I've printed a Baby Cody - it isn't a penguin! (I've only got the black plastic at the moment.)

Now I've got the same printer as Mouser we might be able to improve on the Cody models with a few more experiments, i.e. smoother polygons and all that.

Other than the initial bed temperature problem the whole thing has been very easy to set up. Just a few screws to put the thing together - probably takes about 10 minutes. Levelling the bed - just a few minutes. And that's pretty much it - so you can be printing in well under an hour. Crazy really. And the price - crazy too. I almost bought a printer when you couldn't get one for less than $2000 - now they are close to $200 - I still find it amazing.

Anyway, thanks again to all that have supported DC - you have given the gift of a 3D printer to me - so "thank you very much!"



Living Room / Re: Thread on 3d Printing Cody Model
« on: March 29, 2018, 09:50 AM »
Mouser has told me to say "hello", so...

Hello, to all DC'ers old and new.

Hello. Indeed it is my birthday today but more importantly it is nearly the 17th of March, the date ten years ago I joined the site. (I was going to wait until Tuesday and then briefly say hello but Mouser has called me out.)

There's not a lot to say... I'm still here; just lurking. I probably check the forum five times a day. I don't do Facebook nor Twitter so this forum takes the place of all that (as it did before social media came along).

I'm busy with work, putting wordpress sites together (none of my own designs) or fixing other people's. I don't do any illustration, etc. I wouldn't have the time even if I had the inclination now. Maybe that will change one day (sorry Cody).

Anyway, it seems odd saying much else as I'm still here, everyday, just lurking behind that wall over there. I'll still be here in ten years as I'm sure DC and mouser and Cody will be. Until then, all the best to everyone on the forum.

General Software Discussion / Re: Keyboard shortcut of the day
« on: December 01, 2012, 04:05 AM »
If you want to start remapping I'd suggest using autohotkey to remap caps lock to ctrl. This opens up your entire keyboard without breaking standard shortcuts. E.g. my ctrl + z is caps + f8, my ctrl + s is caps + f9, etc. Far easier to reach when touch typing.

There are a few threads about remapping on the forum so I'll say no more.

General Software Discussion / Re: Keyboard shortcut of the day
« on: November 21, 2012, 03:56 AM »
Oh dear. I didn't know that. That's a good one.  :up:

Living Room / Re: I need your help...
« on: November 21, 2012, 03:32 AM »
Tuna and pepperoni taken care of (two favourites I'd hate to be without).

Living Room / Re: Only 16GB Free on 32GB Surface
« on: November 06, 2012, 05:55 AM »
How do Apple get away with a 400% mark-up on retail prices for memory and hard disks? Why don't they just buy them at Amazon, double the price and give the Apple 'consumer' a break!

Don't forget that is all part of the appeal. "I bought a new Mac at the weekend and it cost me $8000... yeah, I know, that makes it four times better than any PC I could find."

General Software Discussion / Re: Synergy Virtual KVM
« on: November 02, 2012, 09:32 AM »
(Right, I'll not send the zip - couldn't send it via personal message anyway.)

General Software Discussion / Re: Synergy Virtual KVM
« on: November 02, 2012, 09:19 AM »
I have it working with Mac and Windows; gave up the first few attempts then must have found a tutorial or something that made it clear what to do. I'll see if I can find it...


found the link, but it's on lifehacker and they appear to have completely destroyed their website?????? so the article isn't in their archives.

I saved the original article as an .mht file (I must have foreseen that lifehacker were going to kill it), along with a couple of screengrabs for each connection setup.

I'll send them in a zip via personal message, Renegade.

Living Room / Re: Remember to make full drive image backups
« on: October 15, 2012, 04:10 AM »
Just thought I'd mention a couple of issues I encountered that meant my "typical" backup routine didn't work anymore.

Problem 1)
Usually I'd use Paragon or Acronis, no real preference between them, but recently found that such things don't like backing up encrypted drives. Well, Acronis will backup an encrypted system drive but the problem is how do you then recover the backup without a lot of messing about, i.e. creating custom boot disks to deal with the encryption issue or some other convoluted procedure because you can't read the backup (maybe I haven't tried hard enough to find a suitable solution).

Because of this I've abandoned backup programs that make an image file and just use EaseUS Disk Copy to make an exact duplicate of the encrypted system drive to another drive. So, this creates a bootable encrypted system drive. I like this method as if a drive dies it will only take me about 1 minute to swap it for its duplicate. (I duplicate the drives about once a month.)

Problem 2)
I've happily used MirrorFolder for years to make duplicates of all my important data. Since moving to Windows 7 64 bit and an SSD system drive I started getting regular bluescreens when saving MS Office documents (regardless of Office version). After lots (weeks) of messing around trying to resolve this problem I finally found one single comment somewhere onilne that hinted that MirrorFolder could be the problem - and simply disabling MirrorFolder wasn't enough (which I'd already tried) - it had to be uninstalled (to remove the driver). It worked, MirrorFolder is gone and my system is now super stable.

As a replacement I'm using Allway Sync (pro version) to do all the data backup. I don't use it to do "realtime" duplicates but it seems to work perfectly well backing up after a few seconds of drive inactivity (there are lots of rules you can implement, of course).

As for revisioning, I realise I may have a problem with the encrypted system drive as I may be also duplicating problems from drive to drive. I've not got a good solution for this - using Acronis to make the occasional backup seems to be the answer; it would be acceptable as a last resort, though, I'd have all the issues of restoring the image.

All my important data is also revisioned (kind of) to two external drives. Rotating these so that one remains off site after the backup is done.

Living Room / Re: The Next "They Live" - "Branded"
« on: October 15, 2012, 01:43 AM »
Thanks for mentioning Branded. Wouldn't have heard about it otherwise. Will watch it this week.

(Sunglasses scene in They Live might just be the most profound few minutes I've seen in a movie. Well, nothing else springs to mind right at this moment.)

How about the scene towards the end when the character Ivy Walker climbs over the wall in M.N. Shyamalan's The Village:)
 (see attachment in previous post)

Heheh. Hmm, I'll admit I didn't guess the ending of that one. I do remember that I felt a bit cheated by it; the twist being so great it was almost insulting the audience... A Dallas Bobby Ewing Shower moment. (I suppose if I'd guessed the ending I'd have felt really smug and loved the film.)

Living Room / Re: The Next "They Live" - "Branded"
« on: October 14, 2012, 03:57 PM »
Thanks for mentioning Branded. Wouldn't have heard about it otherwise. Will watch it this week.

(Sunglasses scene in They Live might just be the most profound few minutes I've seen in a movie. Well, nothing else springs to mind right at this moment.)

I'm glad to see that you are still working on WinButtons, Ath. One day I'll start using it again - just need a compatible PC setup that works with the horrible touchscreens (that assume you are using a single monitor setup).

Living Room / Re: Major ISPs to implement "Six strike" rule
« on: October 10, 2012, 05:56 AM »
I'm using PrivateInternetAccess which seemed the best choice out of the comparison chart I looked at http://torrentfreak....ty-seriously-111007/

Reasons for choosing them: no records kept, pay anonymously via Bitcoins (a bit of a convoluted process but worth the trouble), low cost, seems reliable.

I use it with OpenVPN and VPNCheck Pro - programs are monitored and disabled/enabled depending on whether the VPN is really connected.

@Carol, I can test PrivateInternetAccess out with the geo restricted sites if you let me know what they are (their service provides several global locations to choose from).

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: ASAP Utilities for Excel
« on: October 05, 2012, 05:55 AM »
Thanks for the links, Ath. Looks like I don't need Office 64bit at all.

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: ASAP Utilities for Excel
« on: October 05, 2012, 05:03 AM »
One small issue - doesn't work with 64bit Excel.

Is there any reason to install 64bit Office (which I have done). Seems general opinion is that there's no point as this is the kind of problem that occurs, i.e. plugins tend to be 32bit only.

General Software Discussion / Re: Cool New Malware/Spyware ;)
« on: October 03, 2012, 08:21 AM »
Remind me not to take my smartphone* into my special combined S&M dungeon, top-secret classified documents store room and office (otherwise known as "the spare room").

Sounds like cool/evil technology all the same. How long before it's an everyday App and everyone starts spying on their "friends"?

I don't own a smartphone.

Developer's Corner / Re: DVD Burning
« on: September 29, 2012, 02:20 AM »
Something free I've used a few times to create DVD's (with menus, etc.) is DVDStyler:

I own Adobe's Encore but can't be bothered to look at it as DVDStyler just seems to work better and easier - although it looks a bit ugly.

Can't say what formats it is compatible with, I just drag and drop the source video (mp4, avi, whatever) and away it goes.

Only "problem" I've noticed comes from trying to convert source to something it shouldn't be, i.e. trying to change 23. frames to 29. and then the audio went out of sync (well, that's what I think the problem was - converting 23.976 to 25 worked perfectly instead as it simply speeds everything up rather than doing all the pulldown stuff).

I've just checked the source video mentioned above and the audio goes out of sync with the original too, though, not as much as on the related DVD. So, something odd about the file in general.

Living Room / Re: Acoustic Levitation
« on: September 18, 2012, 10:39 PM »
Looks genuine to me still and I've seen similar levitation stuff using magnets and very cold objects (which we've all probably seen too).

Living Room / Re: Shit Apple Fanatics Say
« on: September 13, 2012, 01:27 PM »
Oh dear.

Living Room / Re: Shit Apple Fanatics Say
« on: September 11, 2012, 04:32 AM »
I enjoyed that. We really need the full set doing: Sh*t Windows/Linux Users Say (and Android I suppose).

Not played any games for a few years now (when Portal 1 came out with the Orange box) but I'm excited about Black Mesa (first I've heard about it too).

Living Room / Re: DOTCOM saga - updates
« on: August 09, 2012, 12:14 PM »
I thought it was the UK. Guess we'll have to battle it out for gold, silver and bronze positions.

Living Room / Re: It's Official: Many DC'ers Are Psychopaths~! :P
« on: August 08, 2012, 03:25 AM »
Well, I refute all of it. I do have a Facebook account... and I am a psychopath!

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