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Messages - cyberdiva [ switch to compact view ]

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Wow!  Thanks VERY much to everyone for all these helpful suggestions. I decided to start with uninstalling HyperSnap and then re-installing it in the hope that perhaps that would bring back its control over CTRL-Shift-R. Right before I uninstalled it, I decided to try one more time to see whether by some miracle CTRL-Shift-R might function as a HyperSnap action.  Well, to my amazement, miracles apparently do happen. It worked!!  I was again able to capture whatever part of the screen I wished. I have no idea what caused it to be restored, but I'm thrilled. Needless to say, I'm saving all your responses, just in case it happens again and my supply of miracles has been used up.  Again, MANY THANKS!  :Thmbsup:

I'm hoping someone can help me with the following. A week ago, I upgraded my computer from Windows 7 Pro to Windows 10 Pro. All went well, and amazingly almost all my programs continued to work. That includes HyperSnap, a wonderful screen capture program that I've used for a zillion years or so. Today, when I started my computer, I saw a message on my screen that said that the following key combinations no longer work: CTRL-Shift-C, H, R, and X. The message also said "They may be in use in another program." The only one I'm concerned about is CTRL-Shift-R, which Hypersnap uses to capture part of a screen. I use it a lot, and I've used it several times since upgrading to Windows 10. But today it no longer works. When I use CTRL-Shift-R, nothing happens.

I'm wondering how best to deal with this. Can I re-set things so that HyperSnap controls CTRL-Shift-R? If so, how? Is there a way to find out which program currently has usurped that key combination? Though I'm very reluctant to switch to a different key combination after using the same one for many years, I'd like to know how to do that if I have to. Which is to say, how do I find out which key combinations AREN'T currently being used by anything on my computer? With so many possibilities, trial and error doesn't seem very practical. I've googled (or, rather, Duck Duck Goed) and have found lots of lists of Windows 10 shortcuts and one site that listed 12 programs that use CTRL-Shift-R, including HyperSnap. A few are programs I have on my computer (e.g, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Thunderbird, Firefox), but none of them were added in the last couple of days, and none of them interfered with HyperSnap's using that key combination when I used it up through yesterday.

I should add that I ran my daily security scan with Malwarebytes, and it came up clean.

I'd be most grateful for any suggestions/information you're able to offer.

Thanks very much, Steven, for the detailed information. I knew a small part of this, but not most of it. I'm a little unclear about a way around this. I always access LastPass through the browser. So even if I were to go to LastPass, copy my password, and paste or type it in, wouldn't my accessing LastPass through the browser (via the little red icon in the upper right corner) also be problematic?  I mean, I type my master password in order to access my vault in LastPass. Or is it just somehow the LastPass mechanism in 3.3.4 that makes me vulnerable? 


Yes, I think you're right that the last version of LastPass to work with  Pale Moon is 3.3.4. That's what I have on my computer, and it seems to work well. What sort of vulnerability does using it involve?

General Software Discussion / Re: the power of Linkman
« on: July 21, 2019, 11:21 AM »
Steven, thanks very much for the helpful info about updating Linkman on Pale Moon. Given what you say about the differences between your version and mine being very small, I think for the moment I'll leave mine as it is. But I have your message saved (yes, I know I can find it here, but....), and if/when eventually I find a compelling reason to update, I know I'll find that message helpful.  Again, many thanks!

General Software Discussion / Re: the power of Linkman
« on: July 20, 2019, 04:41 PM »
Hi Steven,
I'm not sure what exactly I said that you're replying to.  Was it my statement that as far as I knew, Linkman hadn't been updated in quite a while, but it works perfectly for me just as it is? I see you mention version 8.99. I've got Not sure what the differences are between mine and 8.99. After reading your current posting, I went over to the Linkman site. The page says that Linkman integrates with Chrome, Firefox, IE, and Opera, but it says nothing about Pale Moon. It used to be that that didn't matter, because Pale Moon could use Firefox extensions. But now that Firefox has changed the way it does extensions, that's no longer true. So I'm not sure how I would upgrade to 8.99 if I wanted to. As I say, though, I'm not sure it matters, since 8.98 does what I need.

And yes, happy to see your shout-out to Powermarks!  I too used it for years and loved it.  :up:

Steven, I'm so glad you mentioned Lazarus. I have used and loved that extension for years. It has saved me innumerable times when problems arose and I lost what I was typing on the web. I can't imagine being without it. Of course, that means I'm not using Firefox, but I bailed out several years ago and moved to Pale Moon, which I've been using happily since then. I'm also using Linkman. As far as I know, it hasn't been upgraded in quite a while, but that's fine with me. I love it just as it is. 

General Software Discussion / Re: WinPatrol appears dead
« on: May 19, 2019, 01:09 AM »
I don't use WAR or WinPrivacy, and I've never found the PLUS information that users provide helpful. However, like wraith, I still get the usual warnings/alerts from WinPatrol (e.g., when something wants to add itself to the startup menu) on my Windows 7 desktop computer.   

General Software Discussion / Re: Text Expander for Windows
« on: April 01, 2019, 10:34 PM »
I have used a program called Active Words for well over a decade, and I recommend it very highly.  I've used it to substitute words, paragraphs, and full documents. I've used it to automatically correct some of my frequent typos. I've used it to insert passwords, open files, launch programs, navigate to web sites, etc. etc. etc. All these are simple, straightforward procedures. Active Words also has a scripting language that considerably expands what you can have it do. 

Active Words is one of the very first programs I install on any computer. However, I should mention that I am using an old version.  For some reason that neither I nor their tech support could pinpoint, the current version didn't work well on my Windows 7 computer, so I've continued to use version 2.1. That version won't work on Windows 10, however, so if/when I eventually buy a new computer, I'll move to Active Words 3, which is available for an annual fee of $30.  In many cases, that annual fee would be a deal breaker for me, but I think Active Words is worth it.

Android Apps / Re: Problems getting started with Checklist DC
« on: December 27, 2018, 08:54 PM »
Thanks very much, RayDar, for this added information about rShopping List. What you've said makes me sure that if I find that Checklist DC doesn't met my needs, I'll give rShopping List a try. A responsive developer is a big plus in my book.  :Thmbsup:

Android Apps / Re: Problems getting started with Checklist DC
« on: December 26, 2018, 10:06 PM »
Thanks very much, rjbull, for your helpful follow-up about rShoppingList. It has a number of attractive features, but right now I feel it offers too many features that I don't need, such as comparing prices at different stores, or telling me how much I paid for an item the last time I bought it. Heck, I don't even want to have to put in the prices, not even with a bar scanner.  Having an entire page devoted to each item seems like overkill to me, at least in terms of what I want from my shopping list.  I'm looking for something quite simple, though perhaps with a few more features than mouser's Checklist DC currently has. I think I'm going to see whether I can make Checklist work for me. If it can't, I may give rShoppingList a try.

Android Apps / Re: Problems getting started with Checklist DC
« on: December 25, 2018, 12:11 AM »
NigelH suggested combining what I saw as two separate levels into one.  So instead of Label being, say, fruit, and then not having a way to indicate different fruit items (since the app currently has only two levels), Nigel combined Label and Item. So Label could be, say, fruit-apples, fruit-bananas, fruit-strawberries, etc. Thus, though it first seemed to me that a two-level Checklist wouldn't meet my needs, I'm now able to work around that limitation.

Android Apps / Re: Problems getting started with Checklist DC
« on: December 24, 2018, 05:21 PM »
Thanks very much, rjbull and IainB, for your suggestions. rShopping List - Grocery List looks interesting, but two of the four stores I'd probably include don't have easily identifiable aisles (at least, I've never found them easily identifiable or findable  :o ). And the ones that do, like Safeway, would require me to go to the store and make careful notes about what is found in each aisle. That may be more work than I want to do.

As for PriceCruncher, its main feature seems to be calculating prices in varying sizes. That's a useful feature for many people, but it's not really what I'm looking for.

I also don't need to be able to list all the stores that have the items I'm looking for. I have a good sense of when I want to go to the Safeway, when to Trader Joe's, etc. I don't need an app that will tell me in which store(s) I can find apples or butter or chicken breasts.  I pretty much know that already.  What I need is a list that I can use when I go to store X or Y to remind me of what items I want to buy. I'd like that list to be organized so that all the vegetables I want will be listed together, as will all the fruit, all the poultry, all the dairy products, etc. Actually, it's somewhat more complicated than this, since the Safeway I shop in is at times rather chaotic, but I can see how I might deal with that. I suspect that thanks to NigelH's suggestion, Mouser's Checklist DC may wind up being the app that will best meet my needs.  :up:

Living Room / Re: Google being jerks in order to dominate the internet
« on: December 24, 2018, 04:45 PM »
Many thanks, Deozaan, for answering my questions. I'm glad to know that the expiring emails feature is optional. It's not one I'd choose. As for the possibility of Proton not supporting Pale Moon, they list the browsers they support, and PM is not among them. Though it's based on Firefox, PM has become increasingly independent. Some current features of Firefox do not work on PM (e.g., the way FF now handles web extensions). I'm not unhappy about this, since some of the extensions I prize most highly no longer work on FF but do on PM. But it does mean that PM may no longer be seen as just another version of Firefox. I guess I could try Proton out and see. However, the 500 MB storage limit also gives me pause. I've got about 2.5 GB on my main Gmail account (with a limit of 15 GB). So I think if I decide to give Proton a try, it would be as an additional secondary account, not a replacement for Gmail. In any event, I very much appreciate knowing about it.

Android Apps / Re: Problems getting started with Checklist DC
« on: December 22, 2018, 07:43 PM »
Thanks very much, NigelH and Mouser, for your replies. I think NigelH may have provided a good solution to the problem I was having. I was trying to have a three-level arrangement.  The top level--the Category--would be the store (e.g., Safeway). The next level, which I suppose would have to be the Label--would be the kind of item I wanted, for example Produce. And under Produce would be individual items such as grapes, tomatoes, butternut squash, etc.  What I think NigelH has proposed combines levels two and three into a single level, the Label, which would combine a level-two designation AND a level three: produce-tomatoes, produce-butternut squash, etc. Actually, I think I like Nigel's replacing Produce with the more specific terms like "fruit" and "veggies".  And if I list my items in alphabetical order, at least I'd still have all the veggies listed together, all the fruits listed together, etc., even though the veggies wouldn't be listed near the fruits. 

Mouser, I don't think screen size was an issue here. I was able to see everything (indeed, my phone, an LG Stylo 4, is toward the larger end of the phone spectrum). My problem was partly terminology, but mostly I was trying to have a three-level arrangement, not realizing that Checklist was designed for just two levels. But NigelH's suggestion to have the Label combine two levels into one should give me what I need. My one concern is that, especially since the Label font is larger than the Category font, there may not be enough room to include, say, "veggies-butternut squash".  I wonder whether you could make possible a choice of font sizes?  Or, if not, at least make the Label font smaller than it currently is?

Again, many thanks to both of you!  :Thmbsup:

Living Room / Re: Google being jerks in order to dominate the internet
« on: December 22, 2018, 04:20 PM »
Thanks, Deozaan. I had heard of Proton Mail but had never looked into it. Seems promising, though it's not clear that they support my Pale Moon browser. And apparently the messages one sends and receives eventually expire. That gives me pause. But if/when I'm ready to move from Gmail, I suspect I'll give a serious look at Proton Mail.

Android Apps / Problems getting started with Checklist DC
« on: December 22, 2018, 02:44 PM »
Hi mouser. I decided to give Checklist DC a try on my Android phone. What I'd like to do is have a shopping list that includes several stores, such as Safeway, Trader Joe's, etc., or perhaps several lists, one for each store.  For each store, I'd like to have a list of things I want to buy. I'd like these things organized into sections, such as Produce, Dairy, Meat, etc. And then under each section, I'd list the things I want. Under produce, I might list tomatoes, butternut squash, grapes, etc.

I tried to set Checklist DC up to handle this, but I got nowhere. I couldn't figure out how to add anything. I could create a category, but that was about it. I had difficulty figuring out whether produce belonged under category or vice versa (esp. since label was in a larger font than category). At no point, could I figure out how to add, say, tomatoes as an item under Produce, which I want to have as a section under Safeway.  I'm beginning to suspect that the app simply isn't designed to do this sort of thing. Then again, even more likely it's my mind that isn't designed to follow instructions.:-[  I should note that I found the instructions confusing in at least two ways: they didn't make clear the relationship between label and category (and how those related to item), and they talked about sections, without making clear how sections related to labels or categories. 

I'd be most grateful for your help.

Living Room / Re: snipping tool with image editor
« on: December 22, 2018, 12:36 PM »
I've used a program called HyperSnap for many years. It snips, crops, resizes, alters colors, captures, does scrolls and regional scrolls, etc. etc. I'm not a sophisticated user, but I've found that I don't need to be to use it for my varied needs. I've tried other programs, including the more expensive SnagIt, but found I much preferred HyperSnap. I also tried mouser's Screenshot Capture, but although SC is a fine program, I didn't see any reason to switch and have to deal with a new learning curve.

HyperSnap isn't free. I don't remember what I paid for it umpteen years ago, but it currently sells for $39.95. It's now in version 8. I'm one version behind, because that version already does everything I want. (I may upgrade just to support the helpful developer.)

Here's a screenshot of one section of the program:


Living Room / Re: Google being jerks in order to dominate the internet
« on: December 22, 2018, 11:54 AM »
Deozaan, increasingly I've come to feel as you do. I now use Google Search only when I can't find what I'm looking for on my default, DuckDuckGo. Privacy concerns made me avoid Chrome from the start. PaleMoon is my default browser, with Firefox as a backup.  But I still do use Gmail. What have you found to be a satisfactory alternative?

20 example of change without regard for quality but only with regard to change and adding 'features' is the new gmail that was forced unto users last month. I am seeing issues like this and for something as basic as email, gmail no less, this is frankly crappy and ridiculous

My thoughts as well.  :Thmbsup:

Living Room / Re: I'm getting married, wish me luck!
« on: October 11, 2018, 04:58 PM »
Wow! Congratulations, Felicidades, Mazel Tov, and all that.

Best wishes for many happy, healthy, peaceful years together.  :Thmbsup:

Android Apps / Re: Updating my Android Apps
« on: August 15, 2018, 12:46 AM »
Mouser, in addition to Google's being annoyed that you're suggesting the possibility of donating (horror of horrors!), you may also be irritating them with the following statement: "This app is completely free of ads, purchases, bundled software, etc.  It collects no personal or anonymous information and sends no information to our servers." It's an implicit reproach to Google and its way of operating. Indeed, Google is coming under increasing attack for its violation of everyone's privacy.

If there's any justice in the world, you will eventually prevail. However, that's a big IF.  :(

I recently had a similar wish to have a desktop icon that I could click on to get quick access to Control Center 4. I tried a number of things that seem similar to what timmy2 described at the start, and like timmy2, I had no success. My husband then suggested simply going into the Start Menu's All Programs and clicking on Brother (our printer). This produced a list of items, one of which was Control Center 4. I then just dragged that item to the desktop, and voilĂ , I had a desktop icon.  When I click on it, it produces the box I want with icons for the 4 Scan options: Image, OCR, E-mail, and File.  I should add that the CC4 version is 4.2.461.1, and my computer runs Windows 7 Prof. 64-bit. CC4 is apparently in the Startup menu, but I have not given it permission to start at the computer's startup, and Win Patrol assures me that it is currently not running.

I hope this may prove helpful.

Great idea, mouser! I wish all software developers would do this.  :Thmbsup:

Thanks, mouser, for this useful suggestion. I tend not to be worried about losing what I have written, since on my computer I have an old but invaluable add-on called Lazarus. It will let me retrieve anything I have written while using my browser. That includes forum messages, Gmail messages, etc. But I don't have anything like that on my Android tablet or phone, so I very much appreciate your suggestion.  (I n fact, I have just copied to the clipboard everything I have just written above.)

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