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Ecaradec's Software / Putty plugin for Qatapult
« on: March 25, 2012, 01:43 PM »
The putty plugin add a new method to putty (an ssh client ). It add an extra connect verb to anything that match the putty.exe filename, list the availables configurations and directly connect to the selected one.


It's also a good demonstration plugin if you want to write plugins that add extra verbs to applications in Qatapult.

Ecaradec's Software / Uninstall plugin for Qatapult
« on: March 22, 2012, 06:31 PM »
Uninstall gives a quick access for uninstalling applications. It's a similar plugin to the one that exists on FARR.


It's also a demonstration plugin for the native dll call wrapper of Qatapult.

General Software Discussion / How did google think I'm sharing that ?
« on: February 21, 2012, 05:33 AM »
I've posted a link (was ) to my project Qatapult  on https://www.donation....msg278557#msg278557 and google seems to know it relates to me sharing something.


I suppose it might have something to do that it's my own domain, or may be it does a link between my analytics or google website account. I don't know. I can ignore it, but it won't change the fact that google knows that. I really dislike the fact that I don't know how they guess that I shared something.

Find And Run Robot / Qatapult a new launcher
« on: January 29, 2012, 07:39 AM »
I feel that a few people who like FARR might also like Qatapult. It's a keyboard launcher inspired by the Quicksilver launcher on the mac. I wrote it for NANY, but it's a long project and I'm still improving it. Here it is :


If you want to suggest feature and submit bugs report or just chat about it, it's here :

Ecaradec's Software / Qatapult
« on: January 13, 2012, 05:30 PM »
Application NameQatapult
Short DescriptionQatapult is keyboard application launcher focusing on the decomposition in objects and actions ala Quicksilver.
Supported OSesWindows 2000 -> 7
Setup Filehttp://emmanuelcarad...ult/bin/
Change list10.03.2012 (summary of changes happened onto the period )
- plugin system for creating custom sources (in javascript )
- plugin system for defining new commands to use in rules (in javascript )
- plugin system for skin (in javascript )
- better ranking
- fix crashing when no debugger was installed
- alfred-like skin by pigeonlips
- bookmark plugin by ewemoa
- catalogs (allow to not include every source by default )
- settings format change to xml
- basic plugin system for creating new rules
- a 'reload' rules command for quickly testing changes
- shift+enter now create newline in text
- provide multiple values inside rules
- a WINDOW source that list the currently active windows that can be queried for $x.title and $x.hwnd
- the text now don't display vertically anymore
- the completion don't automatically select the first subfolder
- you don't need to hit the down key twice to browse the results
- results are cleared when you hide the ui, so that it's always clean when you invoke qatapult
- fuzzy matching on some results like on the startmenu items : "moz firx" will match firefox. All characters must be in the name in the correct order to match. That allows to miss a char and still get the correct result.
I made some change progressively since the 15
- Fix some memory leak on images
- Hotkey configuration (you can now set you favorite hotkey in the settings )
- Text edition mode : you can now switch to edit mode by typing . and then use the arrows and delete keys.
- You can also paste text into the UI with ctrl+v
- There is now support for extra user commands : there is no UI, but you can check them in the ini file. I added two examples. You can use %p (path), %d (directory ) and %f (filename ) as inputs
- windows 2000/XP support (hopefully )
- status line
- The focus issues should now be gone. Qatapult hides itself when it's not the foreground window
- The download of gmail contact is now limited to only new contacts
- The contact sources now fetch and displays the profile pictures from the gmail directory (the download of theses is a bit long of course : if you enable this, please wait that the download complete before closing Qatapult otherwise, you'll only get half of your contact )
- I added a special source (type Clock ) that display an animated clock. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it but it's fun. If it gives you ideas, please share ;)
- You can add extra directories to index (they are currently limited to 3 level of recursion because indexing too large directories cause huge slow downs )
- The text is not typed anymore (it's displayed by underline the text on the icons ). I'm not sure if this behavior is very usable. Tell me what you think about it. However it definitly looks better.
- remove the verb indexing from the shell (it's too slow, doesn't always work and not nicely extendable )
- scale small icons (badly )
- unicode storage for startmenu items
- icons in the listview
- new controls tabs/shift+tab for pane navigation, right for completion (the rest is a bit more difficult to bind right now )
- extra icons (with reference to people who made them, I removed one GPL icon so I think that my source code was automatically GPL till previous version )
- memory leak fixing
- automatic opening of listbox after 1 second
- slower (not a very desirable feature :I will need to spend some time there, it's ok on my very new PC, not sure on others )
- fix a bug in the indexing of the verbs associated with the startmenu items
- you can now send email (you'll need to edit the settings.ini file to add your email, username, password and smtp server )
rem : I use blat to send email, it requires that you add the stunnel proxy server if you use a ssl smtp server like gmail ( )
- qsll can fetch your contact from gmail (see the little knob on the top right corner of the UI to give him the permission )
- items from the startmenu are now fetched from an index that make finding them faster
InstructionsHere is what you can do with the current version :

The invocation shortcut is shift+space

You can run an application by typing it's name

You can type windows path like that and browse the file system (tab works for completion )

You can type text either with a ' prefix which will give text a boost, or just continue to type until there is nothing left but text and it will be automatically known

You can use this text in 2 ways. Once you get a text hit the right arrow then the down arrow to get a list of what is available at this point. There is two operation you can send a mail to a contact (this doesn't work yet ) or you can search a website. Type 'search with' then hit the right arrow to select which website to search.

You can try actions on applications too, you can open, get the properties and other things detected from the context menu.

Hit 'return' at any point to run the current action.

If you want to quit, just type quit in the first pane.
Current commands- Type 'name of your software' to run it, or followed by properties, sendto, etc...
- 'Quit' to quit the application
- 'Clock' to display a animated clock (won't display the animated clock before vista )
- 'text' 'EmailTo' 'name of your contact'
- type '.' to switch to text mode when typing something

N.A.N.Y. 2012 / NANY 2012 Release : Qatapult
« on: November 18, 2011, 01:25 PM »
The new thread for discussing Qatapult is here now : https://www.donation...ex.php?topic=29595.0

NANY 2012 Entry Information

Application NameQatapult
Short DescriptionKeyboard launcher inspired by QuickSilver
Supported OSesWindows Vista or 7
Setup Filehttp://emmanuelcarad...ult/bin/
DescriptionQuickSilver is a keyboard launcher on Macs that has this super nice feature that allows to run commands on objects with completion on object and command and possibly extra arguments. It also has a very slick and customizable design UI. I've been looking at Quicksilver with envy for years hoping for someone to release it for Windows, but that day never came. So I'm making that day.
Change list08.01.2012
- The focus issues should now be gone. Qatapult hides itself when it's not the foreground window
- The download of gmail contact is now limited to only new contacts
- The contact sources now fetch and displays the profile pictures from the gmail directory (the download of theses is a bit long of course : if you enable this, please wait that the download complete before closing Qatapult otherwise, you'll only get half of your contact )
- I added a special source (type Clock ) that display an animated clock. I'm not sure what I'm going to do with it but it's fun. If it gives you ideas, please share ;)
- You can add extra directories to index (they are currently limited to 3 level of recursion because indexing too large directories cause huge slow downs )
- The text is not typed anymore (it's displayed by underline the text on the icons ). I'm not sure if this behavior is very usable. Tell me what you think about it. However it definitly looks better.
- remove the verb indexing from the shell (it's too slow, doesn't always work and not nicely extendable )
- scale small icons (badly )
- unicode storage for startmenu items
- icons in the listview
- new controls tabs/shift+tab for pane navigation, right for completion (the rest is a bit more difficult to bind right now )
- extra icons (with reference to people who made them, I removed one GPL icon so I think that my source code was automatically GPL till previous version )
- memory leak fixing
- automatic opening of listbox after 1 second
- slower (not a very desirable feature :I will need to spend some time there, it's ok on my very new PC, not sure on others )
- fix a bug in the indexing of the verbs associated with the startmenu items
- you can now send email (you'll need to edit the settings.ini file to add your email, username, password and smtp server )
rem : I use blat to send email, it requires that you add the stunnel proxy server if you use a ssl smtp server like gmail ( )
- qsll can fetch your contact from gmail (see the little knob on the top right corner of the UI to give him the permission )
- items from the startmenu are now fetched from an index that make finding them faster
InstructionsHere is what you can do with the current version :

The invocation shortcut is shift+space

You can run an application by typing it's name

You can type windows path like that and browse the file system (tab works for completion )

You can type text either with a ' prefix which will give text a boost, or just continue to type until there is nothing left but text and it will be automatically known

You can use this text in 2 ways. Once you get a text hit the right arrow then the down arrow to get a list of what is available at this point. There is two operation you can send a mail to a contact (this doesn't work yet ) or you can search a website. Type 'search with' then hit the right arrow to select which website to search.

You can try actions on applications too, you can open, get the properties and other things detected from the context menu.

Hit 'return' at any point to run the current action.

If you want to quit, just type quit in the first pane.
Current commands- Type 'name of your software' to run it, or followed by properties, sendto, etc...
- 'Quit' to quit the application
- 'Clock' to display a clock
- 'text' 'EmailTo' 'name of your contact'
- type '.' to switch to text mode when typing something

General Software Discussion / How to stop forum spam ?
« on: June 21, 2011, 04:39 AM »
I run a forum at work and we are constantly spammed, I've put a recaptcha, but still got a lot of annoying messages. DC is almost free of any spam, I've never seen one actually, so I was wondering how you guys handle it ? If you can't publicly explain the measures, I'll be happy to learn about that in PM if you have special tricks. I promise to use this for goods.

Developer's Corner / StartupGuild
« on: May 16, 2011, 06:59 AM »
I've fund an interesting group if you're into the startup thing, or just building product that you'd really like to sell :

It's called

It was launched by jason & justin from the techzing podcast (which is my favorite podcast ). It's a very nice group of people who try to build startups, you can share tips, ask for feedbacks. The group is really good and knowledgeable.

If some people are here on DC & on startupguild, may be they could signal them here too ;)

Screenshot - 5_16_2011 , 12_21_05 PM_thumb.png

I've completed a first beta version of fscript2. Too bad, I'm a build too late for NANY ;)

FScript2 is a new way to write plugins for FARR in javascript, vbscript, and possibly other active scripting languages. FScript did that but it had a number of shortcomings. In particular, it was difficult to maintain and especially to update. FScript2 should solve that.

What it does

FScript2 load all fscript plugins under one master DLL. Other than that FScript2 does the same thing that FScript does, but it does them so much more neatly ;) :

- This means that once FScript2 is installed, an fscript plugin can be as light as a single fscript.js.
- This should also make plugins much lighter in memory since there will be only one DLL that control all plugins.
- This also means that FScript2 will be updatable by DCUpdate so there won't be a need for plugins scripter to repackage their plugins with my latest DLL, which has caused a lot of issues as I fixed bugs progressively.

How to use it

FScript2 is compatible with FScript plugins. To allow an FScript2 plugin you must delete the fscript.dll from that plugin.

Copy FScript2 inside the plugin folder. FScript2 will try to detect plugins one folder under its installation folder : If you install it into 'plugins/Fscript2', it will scan every folder under the 'plugins' folder seeking for fscript.js files.

To enable thoses plugins to use FScript2, fscript.dll must be deleted inside each plugin. Folder that contains an fscript.dll file will be ignored.  This is a security and should help with the transition : If some plugin doesn't work with FScript2, restore its original dll, and everything will work again.

Launch FARR and it should load plugins as if they were natives FARR plugins.

Extra notes

FScript2 create proxy dll for each FScript2 plugins. They are very small 10k DLL, that forward all call to the DLL. Theses DLL are created inside the proxy folder inside the FScript2 folder. This means that, that folder must be writable, so that FScript2 enable plugins. If you have some warning telling you that some plugins can be copied, you might have to fix that.

Some FScript plugins doesn't seems to work, but I'm unsure if this came from the plugin or from Fscript2 as they do not seems to work correctly with Fscript either. I'll be very happy to have some report of what works and what doesn't. Retesting all fscript plugins with fscript2 is beyond what I can do, so testers are welcome.

Try it
Get FScript2 here.

Application NameFScript2
Short descriptionFScript2 that will be updatable and embeddable by default in FARR
NEW OFFICIAL THREAD:https://www.donation...ex.php?topic=25155.0

I've started working on a Fscript version that it will be updatable and embeddable by default in FARR. That version should also clean the mess of the multiples fscript dll stored everywhere.

My current idea about implementing it is to create a proxy dll for each plugin and to erase the current fscript.dll from current plugins. That way all the current plugins should be able to work under the new system without modification.

I'm not sure it qualify as a NANY pledge as it is more an extension of Fscript. I think that it would be helpful anyway. I'm also not sure, that I'll be done before the next year also. I hope to be done before the end of jan anyway because I'm going to have a little boy and I might be a little tired once he'll be there ;)

I might need some help from all of you when I'll be close to completion to test it with the various plugins.

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / NANI 2011 : Help ecaradec decide which app to code
« on: November 13, 2010, 09:28 AM »
I have two new ideas for NANY. I'm not sure they'll be ready for NANI, but I can try :

  • a RSSReader podcast downloader : I tag all my podcast with the tag podcast in rssreader, but there is no way to download them automatically all at once. I could also synchronize it with a usb key, or an mp3 player.
  • a browser extension that could remember all applications you download and install and reinstall them all at once silently (like but it could works with applications on any website ) - I'm not even sure that this is possible, but I can try.

I'm not sure which one is more useful, if one inspire you more than the other, let me know.

General Software Discussion / AllMyApps
« on: October 05, 2010, 10:12 AM »
I just discovered This is a application download website that has only silent installs. The best thing is that you can create a account, select all the applications you use and install them all at once unattended. This is super great if you need to reinstall a PC.  :-*

Living Room / Origin of DonationCoder
« on: May 30, 2010, 05:31 AM »
I searched in the forum if there was some history of the begining of DC. I would be very interested in learning about the early days, how the idea grew up, who was on board at the begining and how did it grow. Do we have some historian here ?

Developer's Corner / The shareware developer apprentice blog
« on: May 21, 2010, 03:19 PM »
I'm learning to sell software on Internet. Some days ago I announced SwiffOut here : https://www.donation...ex.php?topic=22649.0 . SwiffOut is a piece of software that aims at making flash games a great gaming experience.

I'm writing a blog that you can subscribe here : . I'm going to share how my experiments evolve. If you are interested into the shareware selling process, you may like it. So far it's not a huge success like what you'll see on hackernews front page, but it's still very early in the process. I still have a lot of work to do.

I rewrote most of the post since the project evolved :

SwiffOut my new pet project allows to play flash games fullscreen. It is better than others extensions because it adapt the resolution of the screen for a resolution that suit the flash best - this help keeping more cpu. It hide and stop all ads and avoid menus to popup when playing. It also works with ie, firefox and chrome. The aim is make browser game really look desktop game.

SwiffOut is free now : you can get it as

SwiffOut is a commercial project (sort of because I'm mostly loosing money right now ;). Two reasons there : I wanted to try payment systems, and use tools that I don't usually use like google analytics, servers configuration, webtools, draw graphisms. I will also build more support, faq, blog... After many price variations the price is now $5.

SwiffOut now has a free edition and an extended edition :
  • The free edition is usable on SwiffOut sister website (which I'm very proud of too, because it is very nice I think ) where you can play flash games fullscreen for free (swiffout is unlimited on this website, it will not display dialogs or anything ). SwiffOut Games is also a very special website because it is optimized to work with SwiffOut to make things a little bit easier.
  • The extended edition is $5 and allows you to play full screen on any website, so this open a LOT more games

I would definitly offer a free licence, if you have a blog and are willing to do a review (good or bad - bad reviews can be useful too ). I'll give you one extra licence for your readers too. You can write me a little blub with your blog name right now if you feel like it.

I you wan't to stay connected with what I do, and how the project evolve, SwiffOut has a blog that you can check for new versions and get some details about how the experiment goes here :

Screenshot - 5_6_2010 , 4_24_20 PM_thumb.png

I'm please to show my new little baby project. FFTab. FFTab connect FARR to Firefox to list the tabs and then switch them.

Installation steps :
1. first install mozrepl (you can use the direct xpi link - that would normally trigger the yellow firefox warning and install the firefox extension )
You can get more info at mozrepl at :
then under tools click on "start" and "activate on startup"

2. then you need to install CZBFSubScript (attached ) instead of the current czb fsubscript if you already have it. Don't worry it should be 100% compatible with the last version (I took the CSB pack - is it ok CZB ? ) and only the fscript.dll has changed.

3. finally install FFTab (attached ), restart farr, and type fftab to list and switch tabs (you need to have a firefox open )

Good luck with installation.

I'm sure a lot of thing can be done with mozrepl since everything that is doable for firefox with extension can be done through repl. I hope we have some mozilla hackers here because I would love to see plugins interacting with Firefox. Creating tabs, switching, create shortcuts, extract html fragments etc... many things should be doable.

FZip allow to zip a selection of files. A query take this form :

zip C:\folder1\;c:\folder2\ to c:\

I used a trick to enable completion at each sublevel of the query : you get completion at C:\folder1\, at C:\folder2\ and at c:\  You can autocomplete by typing CTRL-Enter (this replace tab currently ) as FARR doesn't notify plugins on tab key press. May be farr could allow plugins to handle the "tab" key ?
When you begin to type a filename c:\ farr does not seem to trigger the search (at the \ ) ? I'm not sure why but you can type c:/ instead to get results at the root level.

Every time you type ; you begin a new file selection in the file selection. When you are done with file selection type <space>to<space> then the name of the file you want to create. FZip will create a special entry for you to create the file.

You will need the latest fsubcript since I added some functions to the fscript.dll. You can get the latest function updated with all czb and ewemoa developpement at :

You can then get the plugin at :

Beyond the zip behavior this plugin is a experiment to see if FARR can use more natural language. Something like ubiquity but outside of the browser.

FSubScript enable to load multiple javascript plugins in FARR without adding the FScript.dll for each. It should make it easier to write script plugins, share code between them and build a great FARR :)

The latest versions of FSubScript are maintained and improved by CZB. You can get it from the CZB with many plugins.

Since nobody notice this it must be only on my pc.
When I use igo, the first time it work and all the other times it fail with the following dialog :
Find and Run Robot
The requested resource is in use.

FARR Plugins and Aliases / Javascript SDK Bugs
« on: April 25, 2008, 05:57 AM »
I open a thread that I would like to dedicate to bugs related to the javascript SDK plugin. If you have a bug that seem related to FScript, you can let a message here. It will help me to track and fix bugs faster.

Fscript is a plugin that allow to write FARR plugin in javascript natively (and in others languages if they are correctly set up ). The principle is to copy the fscript.dll in a plugin folder, to add a file named fscript.js in the same folder (or fscript.rb,, for others languages ).

Rem : If you are only interested in writing Javascript plugins you should consider using FSubScript plugin that does the same as FScript (actually FSubScript is itself a FScript plugin ) but can host many plugins simultaneously thus reducing the memory usage.
There is at least two version of FSubScript and the most up to date is CZB version available at : https://www.donation...ex.php?topic=17153.0

The FScript SDK is available at :
The last FScript.dll is downloadable at :
A somewhat incomplete documentation is available at :

Here is a basic javascript plugin :
Code: Javascript [Select]
  1. // plugin script :
  2. displayname="FScript";
  3. versionstring="1.0.0";
  4. releasedatestring="Jan 1st, 2008";
  5. author="Author";
  6. updateurl="";
  7. homepageurl="";
  8. shortdescription="FScript";
  9. longdescription="FScript";
  10. advconfigstring="FScript";
  11. readmestring="FScript";
  12. iconfilename="FScript.ico";
  14. aliasstr="fscript";
  15. regexstr="";
  16. regexfilterstr="";
  17. keywordstr="";
  18. scorestr="300";
  20. // type
  22. // Postprocessing
  24. // search state
  27. function onSearchBegin(querykey, explicit, queryraw, querynokeyword, modifier, triggermethod) {    
  28.         if(!explicit) {
  29.                 return;
  30.         }
  31.         FARR.setState(querykey,SEARCHING);
  32.         FARR.emitResult(querykey,"Hello", "Hello", iconfilename,UNKNOWN,IMMEDIATE_DISPLAY,1000);
  33.         FARR.setState(querykey,STOPPED);        
  34. }

The full documentation is available on the aliases and scripts plugins wiki :

- restore the compatibility with previous versions. onProcessTrigger is emulated when the version of FARR use onProcessTriggerV2.
- increase the getStrValue buffer to 1 Mo allow to read bigger string
1.18 [warning incompatible change]
- onProcessTriggerV2 has change to onProcessTrigger to allow FARR plugins to behave the same way on new and old FARR versions.
=> the incompatible change is of interest for plugins writers, just rename the function in the script to get precedent behavior.
- fix a crash with the KlipKeeper plugin in AllowProcessTriggerV2.
- fix a crash in AllowProcessTrigger
- add socket support (string only, this is suitable for doing telnet like things )
- increase the size of getStrValue that could be bigger than expected
- add support for onProcessTriggerV2
- add the getObject function to access WMI facilities
- enable interprocess communication with the plugins through WM_USER+1 messages
- add support to read the keyboard state
- add support to read the current query in the input box
- add groupname and args to emitResults function and triggerResults
- add help file
- add onDoShowReadMe callback
- return a correct value on onStrValue Callback
- add ability to read .INI file (for easing compatibility with ahk )
- add support for onGetStrValue callback
- allow to not close FARR on onProcessTrigger
- support for api evolutions of FARR
- support callback for onDoAdvConfig
- support for onSearchBeginV2 and onRegexSearchMatchV2 callbacks
- support for onIdleTime
- support for onReceiveKey
- fix an incompatibility when multiple fscript plugins where loaded at the same time
- support for timers
- support for xml generated options (deprecated )

I released the sources of FScript if you want to throw an eye at it. You can grab a copy of the latest sources at Adding function should not be very hard if you need them. Just look at other functions and add new ones. The scripts interface are exposed via COM so don't forget to edit the idl to add your functions too. You can ask questions too. I will certainly answer.

I wrote a short documentation on how to use the Javascript SDK. It is just a beautiful thing of litterature. It is packaged with a javascript plugin sample sample and appropriately named the_fingers_in_the_nose_guide_to_build_javascript_plugin_for_farr.txt
Start hacking at :

M. 8)

Sorry for asking that again mouser.

I may have miss something in the FARR behaviour or the plugin SDK.
I tried various plugins and I have the impression that FARR only update display when search is complete or when plugin tell they have Stopped. During the search FARR query results from the plugins progressively but it does not display them. Is it normal ?
With the internal file search if I type something like c:\\a.* files are found progressively and show up when found even if FARR is still searching. I can't find a way to get this behavior.
I made a javascript plugin that emit one result by second and I never see a result before the plugin set its state to Stopped.
I'm not really certain that this is not a bug in the JavascriptSDK, but the locate32 plugin seem to behave identically.

I'm not sure if there is a thread for plugin maker to ask questions :
I have the impression that calling ExecuteCallback_SearchStateChanged does not cause farr to update results if the plugin does not change state simultaneously. Does calling ExecuteCallback_SearchStateChanged is the right way to have farr to update its results list ?
On my delicious plugin, the results appear much faster when the current state is set to stop and ExecuteCallback_SearchStateChanged is called than when ExecuteCallback_SearchStateChanged only is called.

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