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Non-Windows Software / FYI - IOS Scrabble Fans
« on: October 26, 2016, 01:04 PM »
FYI for Scrabble fans on IOS. It seems EA has officially dropped multiplayer support for their IOS version of scrabble.

Incredibly annoying. No rhyme or reason as to why. Found out about it from their forum.

Their answer to play multiplayer is.. use Facebook.  :down:

HMMM! Windows Update Change

Home users and desktops I see it as a big plus, but for Servers.. I am not sure.

Recently there were a couple security updates that broke several software services running on a business server. Vendor stated to roll back those two security fixes while they come up with a work around.

I am pretty sure the above is pretty common in large business environments.  Now with this single update change.. it's all or nothing.

Update - Modified title to correctly reflect the topic. thanks IainB :). Was a little too miffed at MS when I was typing this.

DC Member Programs and Projects / Wanted: Desktop RSS ticker/floater
« on: September 21, 2016, 07:31 PM »
It seems there really isn't any RSS reader out there similar to Klipfolio's layout.

Bit like a floating RSS ticker (vertical) that floats on the desktop. I loved the simplicity of how Klipfolio would allow you add an RSS feed and you just hover over the headline and would show you the details, or click on the the headline and it would open in your browser.

I have attached a screenshot of what I am talking about.

Unfortunately Klipfolio is very dated.. and it's showing it's age by not being able to do SSL RSS feeds. :(

I would be happy to donate towards any author that would be kind enough to consider this task.

Non-Windows Software / RANT: IOS Apps scrolling and email support
« on: April 08, 2016, 09:00 AM »
Probably applies to most touch based apps out there as well.

Lately it seems apps have gone full throttle with scrolling up the wazoo to show tidbits of information per scroll page. What's wrong with edge touch to go to the next page instead of having to waste time moving your hand/finger across the screen and then having to stop the scroll just so you don't miss that info. Classic example would be the *newly* updated The Weather Channel Max. The older version you could retrieve key info one touch away from the home screen, the new version.. good grief, you have to scroll to kingdom come to get the same info. The user reviews say it all.

I have emailed some of the app devs and the read between the line response is that people like the whole scrolling experience. Umm.. respectfully, I say BS!, just means you can put more ads.. tidbit of info.. more ads.. and when you scroll users are unable to determine how many pages of ads they have just seen. For paid apps, just means endless scrolling. Yay for improved user experience! *coughs* bullshit *coughs*

The other pet peeve, help support within an app, majority of them rely on you using IOS apple email app. Would it kill them to do a simple builtin send mail within the app itself. I am sure there are a lot of people that use other email apps and not just the default.

Ok with that.. happy touchy feeling scrolling day to you all!  :D

Does anyone know of a utility to force a refresh rate? I would like my lcd monitor to stay at 60Hz and not not flip back to 59.9Hz.

All this started when I upgraded to a newer nvidia video card (and drivers because the old drivers wouldn't recognize the newer video card).

Basically whenever I am watching a video or playing a game, my monitor flickers briefly and displays 60.0Hz. Soon as I stop playing the video or game, it flickers briefly and displays 59.9Hz.

Discovered that whenever something uses the video card for anything other than displaying the desktop/browsing, the refresh change flicker happens. Really annoying. >:(

I have set the refresh rate to 60 under advanced settings of the display drivers but still flips back and forth based on the gpu usage.

Any ideas?

Living Room / Does this exist - future low airfare alert?
« on: April 30, 2014, 12:30 PM »
With airfare prices increasing yearly (or monthly depending on fuel speculation etc.) I was wonder if if a future date low airfare alert email or app exists out there.

Basically looking for something that will check a future travel date and time, on a daily/weekly/monthly basis as prices seem to fluctuate rapidly. 

My local airport use to offer something similar but a few years back they quit doing that.  :(

General Software Discussion / Malwarebytes v2.0 - Gripe
« on: April 22, 2014, 09:03 PM »
Can anyone explain what's up with the HUGE and in your face clutter type interface in v2.0? Reminds me of spamware/adware clutter interface. Gah!

I can't be the only one that likes a simple clean and efficient layout. That and I miss seeing how much data is being transferred when you click update.. can't stand everything being hidden now. Did I mention that you can't just back up the registry settings?

wonder if it has something to do with fitting in with windows 8.x.x huge everything fashion...

k.. done ranting for the moment.  ;D


Support was a bit delayed but they were able to provide a way to back up settings and such, copy and save somewhere safe.

Location: c:\ProgramData\Malwarebytes\

Living Room / HTTPS and PRISM Confusion
« on: November 24, 2013, 09:36 AM »
Not sure how using HTTPS on every connection provides any security from NSA when the PRISM program pretty much allows direct access to servers.

I can see how it would help from casual hacking/snooping but if the offenders have direct access to the servers doesn't really matter if the connection is secure or not, right? wrong? :tellme:

What happened to all the extensions (firefox) that would allow you to sync your bookmarks and settings to your own server?

It seems there are plenty of extensions that are happy to *host* and sync to their servers but are pretty vague on privacy.

Makes me wonder if  I am beating a dead horse especially after doing a few google searches.. grumble gumbrle..

Living Room / The 21 worst tech habits [PCWORLD]
« on: April 23, 2013, 08:01 AM »
The 21 worst tech habits ...

My Favorite:

10. One account, multiple users

S4_23_2013 , 8_42_42 AM_thumb002.png

General Software Discussion / *Resolved* - Pirate Software Dilemma
« on: December 01, 2012, 10:03 PM »

Long story short, Foxit email support wasn't very helpful so I decided to call their tech support and explained my situation. Even though the software was obsolete, they were kind enough to provide another key for the obsolete software since I owned the software and the update was a minor revision (my assumption).

Kudos to Foxit! Wonder if it because 'tis the season to share and be nice (Santa is watching) or was Foxit actually caring for their customers? Whatever the reason, I am glad things worked out and I didn't have to obtain it from other means.

First off, I do own a license for an older version of the software and have the means to purchase an "upgrade". I wish I could stay with the version I have but it doesn't supports newer pdfs made by various free pdf printers.

The problem is that the company no longer offers the version I want. They want you to purchase the "latest" version which isn't to my liking (bloated and no longer portable). They "upgraded" the version to an "Advanced" edition and no longer offer the basic.

Only pirate sites offer the older version (but newer than the one I own) of the software that I need.

The software in question is Foxit PDF Editor. It's a nice simple portable editor that allows me to do basic functions edit/deleting/modifying pdf pages.

What to do? :'( :-\

General Software Discussion / Q: Nexus 7 and Ad Blocking
« on: November 20, 2012, 09:56 AM »

Ok, I have had my Nexus 7 for a couple days. It is currently rooted and installed Adaway (free and opensource).

Rooting it with WugFresh was relatively easy but time consuming since I was learning what it was doing and how.

Once rooted, I download Adaway from Google's store. Figuring it out was really easy. It auto downloads a couple lists from well known hosts file sites. What I found impressive was that I was able to use my custom list (uploaded it to the download folder via usb from my computer). A reboot later and ad sites were blocked, faster browsing and snappier web pages. :D

Using Straight Talk with it, seems to be working well. Still playing with it, one thing I noticed about the screen, it gets oily pretty quickly compared to an iPad.

Now I am off to find and play with widgets!

Having "borrowed" a Nexus 7 recently, I am considering purchasing one.

I am also considering jail breaking it so that I can upload/use a hosts file for global ad blocking and general browser "speed up" (not having to wait/download ads especially flash based).

If my thinking is correct, app that tries to call any of the listed ad sites, wouldn't just show blank space something similar. Basically save a little bandwidth and possibly faster page render.

Is it possible to update the hosts file without jail breaking?

I know a hosts file isn't an ideal method, but is there another option?

Thoughts and ideas would be appreciated.


General Software Discussion / School Regrets Swapping Laptops For iPads
« on: September 11, 2012, 04:48 PM »

Seriously.. ipad.. laptop.. I think one is better for consuming and the other is bit better at being productive and all purpose.

General Software Discussion / Ritlabs "support" gem
« on: August 21, 2012, 08:56 PM »
Ok.. found this gem on Ritlabs page:
... issues related to them are no longer examined by our technical support service.

I about spewed my drink all over my desk.  ;D

Granted that that text was in their archive page, but in reality, I am not sure if they ever "examined" support issues. I have been following the company's support jerk circle escapades (in a variety of formats) for years. I wonder if there is a language barrier or something similar?

Would it kill them to be polite and courteous or is it a cultural thing?

Disclaimer: Personally I have not had any *major* issues with the program and I have been using it since v2 (currently on v5.1). The couple times I have had to use their support for a few minor issues, was rather frustrating. No response was the norm and vaguely recall a rude one liner. Usually a major version fixes most of the issues.

Found Deals and Discounts / Storybundle
« on: August 21, 2012, 09:29 AM »
Thought I would give everyone a heads up.  :Thmbsup:

From site StoryBundle:

Welcome to StoryBundle! We're featuring our first bundle, the Big Bang Bundle, where you can get seven fantastic ebooks at one low pay-what-you-want price. Our books have no DRM. None. That means you can read them on just about all the devices you own, no matter who makes it. You can check out each book by clicking the cover to read a preview and selected reviews.

Living Room / Noisy PSU advice
« on: July 02, 2012, 09:00 PM »
Would appreciate any wisdom in this area.

Lately my PSU has been making growling/chatter/clinking noises when powering the machine. I have opened the computer sides (of the case) and didn't see anything stuck/broken (as best as I could see through the vents).

I am not sure if just blowing out dust is going to fix the chattering noises.. bb's in the fan gone awry?

The PSU is a Seasonic 750. Has anyone dealt with Seasonic's warranty department?

Seriously!? Since when did people stop using the start button?

Wonder if MS realizes that they probably just screwed the business community. I can already see the chaos.

Why Microsoft killed the Windows Start button

General Software Discussion / Google Drive Version Changes?
« on: June 18, 2012, 08:36 PM »
Is there list/site of fix/enhancements/changes for Google Drive?

I sure would like to know what's new and improved (or broke) with each version. I know Google is big on "silent" installs and updates, but when you are deploying for a business/school the admins and users need know if they should update or wait.

Personally I dislike a forced full 2-way sync especially since my upload is like a tenth of the speed of my download. I would much rather see placeholders/links and when I double-click on them it should initiate the download of the file. I know it does for folders, how about individual files? Perhaps we may see that in newer build... assuming you know about it.

I am hoping someone with better google-fu knows or has stumbled on google drive changes.

General Software Discussion / Fastpreview x32 and x64
« on: June 01, 2012, 09:00 PM »
Finally a decent replacement for picaview and it's free!  :-*

This is for those of us that like to quickly preview a picture by right-clicking


Living Room / Old Hard Drives
« on: March 25, 2012, 07:27 PM »
What to do with older HD's?

I am slowly building up a random collection of 74, 160, and 300 GB sata HD's. They are probably 3~7 years old.

I really don't feel comfortable in giving them to someone who will then use it and probably blame me when it fails.

Wish there was a place that would give you a small discount for recycling them.

Living Room / Walmart MP3 Store?
« on: August 10, 2011, 05:47 PM »
I didn't realize that there were any other online MP3 stores out there aside from Itunes and Amazon.. (j/k)

Now I find out that Walmart's MP3 store is closing!? Wallyworld MP3 closing...

General Software Discussion / EA has purchased PopCap
« on: July 12, 2011, 07:51 PM »
Bummer..  :(

One hand.. good for PopCap, on the other, EA has a history of messing up a good thing.

EA PopCap Purchase

Living Room / Softwaremedia
« on: May 12, 2011, 06:55 PM »
Has anyone bought any software from

It seems they have been around for quite some time and their prices are seem to good to be true (compared to traditional web stores).

Living Room / Help: Recommend flash drive(s) for small files
« on: February 28, 2011, 01:34 PM »
I am having a hard time finding flash drives that are small file(s) friendly (read fast write/delete).

The brands I have used: Corsair, Super Talent, Lifetime, Edge, PNY. Capacity range: 2GB - 16GB.

Relatively speaking, they all tanked when it came to dealing with small files (4KB and smaller).

Just recently, I spent a couple hours moving ~13K files (most) under 4KB size. Total amount: 5GB.  >:(

All my flash drives are really fast when it comes to dealing with big files (over a meg).
As a test I copied 5 files, each 1GB and that process only took a few minutes.

Recommendations? Anyone? :)

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